by Gini Koch
“Well, that’s convenient.”
“Yes, since we will be using that technology to reach the Z’porrah. I and the Cleophese wish to reassure you that they will not be harmed by anything they will need to do. Their armor is thin but far stronger than any metal. It can withstand the pressure at the bottom of the ocean, the coldness of space, and the dangers of battle.”
“In other words, these are people no one in their right mind should want to make mad. Or, as we call them, perfect.”
Rohini gazed at me for a long few moments. “You refer to everyone here as a person.”
“Well, you are. I mean, ‘people’ isn’t necessarily a designation for humans only. At least not as I see it.”
He nodded. “The Cleophese wish me to tell you that they are pleased to fight alongside one such as you, Commander Martini.”
“I’m honored. But honestly, don’t sell me too hard. I also refer to everyone as Giant Lizards, Major Doggies, Cat People, and Amazons. And those are my closest friends in the system.” All of whom grinned or laughed.
He laughed as well. “What do you call the rest of us?”
Figured someone would tell him if I didn’t. “Ah, you’re the Penguin People, the Cleophese are the Space Sea Monsters, and the Rapacians are Hawkpeople. The Lecanora clans are diverse and they resemble Earth species, so I kind of think of them as their Earth equivalents. Like Fancy is a ferret and King Benny is an otter and Zanell is a wolverine.”
King Benny had found his antlers somewhere, but he wasn’t wearing them right now. Wasn’t sure if that was good, bad, or indifferent, but figured I’d find out after we defeated the Z’porrah. Or after we were dead. But chose to focus on the positive.
“Why is this important?” the Alpha Five hostage, whose name I hadn’t bothered to get, asked. Decided that, hostage or no, I didn’t care for her or the Alpha Six dude. Figured I needed to learn their names so I’d know who was in charge of formulating the next rebellion. But, as with the antlers situation, something for later.
“I call Alpha Five and Alpha Six the Potential Traitor Worlds. If that helps.” Wondered why the nasty seemed to come from them. Then remembered they were essentially humanoid with single hearts. Humans—we remained the nastiest things out there. Good. Because we needed to be extremely nasty to the Z’porrah.
Rohini’s eyes twinkled. “Indeed it does. And it is important because Commander Martini speaks for Earth, and Earth has placed Beta Eight and Alpha Seven under its protection.”
“Oh, everyone calls us Naked Apes. By the way. That probably includes everyone on Alpha Four, too, though as a human I’d designate them as the Hottie Naked Apes. Just in case you’re keeping a record or something.”
Rohini laughed. “I am pleased for the Penguin People and the Space Sea Monsters to join with the Naked Apes of all hotness levels in protecting our worlds and solar systems. And we will be keeping a watchful eye on those people you have designated as not Naked Apes.”
The Alpha Five and Six representatives had the grace to look embarrassed, worried, and contrite. They also tossed in a little truculence and resentment in there. Definitely needed to have eyes kept on them and their planets.
“Excuse me, King Alexander,” a voice from what I assumed was one of the Alpha Four battle cruisers interrupted, “but we have an incoming message from sentries at the edges of the system.”
“Go ahead,” Alexander said.
“The Z’porrah fleet has been spotted. They’re almost to our solar system, sire.”
WE ALL LOOKED at each other. “The time for planning’s over. It’s showtime, kids. But, happily, our headliners have arrived just in time to put on a great show for their audience.”
“With no dress rehearsal,” Reader pointed out.
“Or, as we call it, James, routine. Time for everyone to scatter to their assigned positions.”
We were sacrificing four ships to Plan A—the PRF command ship and the three Rapacian vessels. So those were put on autopilot and left floating in space. Well, make that five ships, really, if we counted the already-destroyed Shantanu ship, which we did.
Part of the on-planet activities had involved the Shantanu on Beta Eight retrieving the wreckage with assistance from the strautruch, who had come out in force to help. These pieces had been dragged out of the planet’s atmosphere and were now floating nicely in Beta Eight’s solar space, near the PRF command ship.
The Cleophese were positioning themselves around the wreckage and the four intact ships while the rest of us used shuttles to get to other ships or, in the case of a few, down onto the planet. Some of the other ships were already in position—the ones that weren’t were waiting for passengers from the Ships About To Be Sacrificed.
Jeff and I were not going to be on the same ship because, as previously noted from the first day we’d met and every day thereafter, he was unable to lie. Serene, on the other hand, was heading down to the planet with Rohini because she was definitely the Troubadour For The Job in this case. Brian was going with her because they needed his skills, too.
The argument for which one of us Jamie was going to stay with had been won earlier. Needless to say, we both wanted to keep her within arm’s reach, if not right in said arms. Other than seeming extremely tired and a little clingy with Gower, Chuckie, and all the animals, Jamie seemed okay.
This didn’t matter at all to Jeff or me, of course. They’d taken our little girl and drugged her and we basically wanted to hunker down and hide her. Of course, events were not going to allow us to ever be regular parents, and this particular excursion was definitely Exhibit A.
That Lenore had drugged Jamie and Gower was certain. With what was the question that, so far, no one had had time to determine. Lakin and the other Rapacians had no idea, and neither did Usha. Since there were plenty of beings around who could tell if they were lying or not, we could believe them, not that it helped. I’d talk to ACE if I could reach him when Jamie was asleep, but right now wasn’t the right time, for a variety of reasons, Jamie being awake being the biggest.
However, because I had the largest role in the theater we were about to perpetrate, Jamie was going with her father, meaning all the animals were going with them, as were Tito and most of the Matriarchs. From what Boz had told me, the Matriarchs were doing their best to determine what drug had been used on Jamie and Gower, but they were more concerned with Chuckie, who was having migraines and mood swings. So Gower and Chuckie were on Team Imperial Cruiser.
Tim, Kevin, Abigail, the flyboys, Rahmi, and Rhee were spread out and with the Reptilian, Canus Majorian, and Feliniad command ships, in part to show solidarity and in other part to keep their eyes open in case a traitor on those ships had been missed somehow.
There was risk in this, of course, because if the Z’porrah didn’t withdraw, then they’d be doing their best to get here and take out Alexander’s ship. But we’d have a little time if that happened, and Jeff was faster and stronger than me, so again Jamie being with him was logical.
At any rate, it was time for us to say goodbye, in that sense. Hugged Jamie tightly. “You be good for Daddy and be sure all the animals behave. Mommy loves you so much.”
She hugged me back. “I will, Mommy, I promise. And I love you so much, too.”
Jeff took her from me then hugged me tightly with his free arm. “I don’t like the idea of Jamie and me being separated from you, baby. Again, I might add.”
Leaned up and kissed him. “We have jobs to do. This is yet another part of the three-tiered chess game where we have to allow our pieces to be on different boards. We’ll be separated, Jeff, but never separate.”
He grinned and kissed me. “Good.” Then he and those going with him to Alexander’s battle cruiser got onto their shuttle.
The Planetary Council Members were going to their respective ships, other than Queen Renata, who’
d come into the system on the battle cruiser but was also on Team Kitty, so she was with me.
Jeff and Christopher had found the Rapacian’s shuttle in the late and unlamented Trevik’s ship, and that was what my team was using. Able to lie or not—and with him it was definitely “not”—Christopher was with me, because we were going to be using his speed for scene changes, in that sense.
“So, Renata,” I asked while we loaded our team into our shuttle, “do you know who pulled us into this system and how?”
She nodded. “I did. We were under cease-fire to see if we could come to a compromise. I was on the Planet’s Rights Faction ship for this negotiation and realized they were about to double-cross everyone. I’d seen that they had an advanced teleportation system on board—it’s something Alpha Five has had for years, and they constantly work to make refinements. I used it to try to bring help.”
“Why did you bring Jamie? And Abigail?”
Renata shook her head. “I didn’t. I also didn’t bring Paul—though he had been a warrior when we first met, I am aware that he is now your people’s religious leader. I chose all the others who had been involved during the invasion attempt, plus my daughters. But I did not bring those three. I apologize for how the transfer worked—clearly I made an error. Plus there was quite a fight when I was caught.”
“Some hitting of the Stop and Go buttons?”
“Yes. Quite the melee, honestly. I’m thankful you all arrived safely.”
“Me too.” Considered this as we started off. Sure, Renata would have been using tech that she wasn’t totally familiar with, but clearly it was easy enough to use that she could select us individually and make the transfer happen. “So, does the transfer allow you to see the people being moved?”
“Yes. It’s quite advanced, similar technology to what we’re using to repel the enemy fleet. Alpha Four has had the technology to watch all of us, Earth included, for decades.”
“Yeah, knew that for sure. So . . . you found us how?”
“Simple Galactic Positioning. I had a good idea of where to look for you. You identify the area where the target is, magnify the image until you can see them clearly, select the target or targets, ‘catch’ them, and then activate the pull. Or the send. That’s doable also. Normally there are no issues, this technology has been available for many years, after all, it’s just that Alpha Five has been perfecting it to make farther distances more attainable.”
2.0 nudged me. “I don’t buy it.”
“Buy what?”
“That Renata did something wrong and somehow, despite a tech that works accurately and has been working for years, randomly grabbed not one, not two, but three people she didn’t intend to. Is it possible to target an individual regardless of where they are? By using their DNA signature or similar? Or to do a ‘group grab’ that would override individual selection?”
“I honestly don’t know.”
“I’ll bet there is, Ronnie, and I like where your head’s at. Something to follow up with later. Renata, we’d originally thought Jamie was taken because she is a legitimate heir to the Alpha Four throne.”
“But Jeff refused on behalf of himself and all his heirs. Therefore, she cannot ever accept.”
2.0 jerked. “She can’t in this government. However, if you stole a little girl, drugged her, brainwashed her, and then a few years later said, ‘she is the rightful heir,’ you could indeed put her right onto that throne.”
“Especially if you killed off all of the former rulers,” Usha added. “That plan makes sense.”
“And then you can claim that you were respecting the wishes of those who wanted to go back to the Imperial Monarchy, even though you’d have her brainwashed to do your bidding. Whatever that bidding might be.” Was seeing red at this point.
Christopher put his hand on my shoulder. “Kitty, I agree that what Ronaldo has come up with seems the most likely plan, now that we know more. But either the people who put that plan in place are already dead, or we’re about to do our best to get them the hell out of our part of the galaxy. You being ready to kill right now isn’t what we need.”
Took my now familiar deep breath, let it out slowly, and forced myself to bank the anger. “I suppose you’re right.”
“What benefit would be gained?” King Benny asked politely. “I’m sorry, Shealla, but I don’t understand. If the invaders are coming to take over, why would your daughter matter to them? Would we not all be dead or enslaved?”
2.0 and I looked at each other. “Yes,” he said slowly. “That makes sense. The plan sounds like LaRue, or Zenoca, take your pick. But taking your daughter doesn’t make sense.”
“Especially because LaRue is dead, and I don’t know if her clone on Earth actually knows anything about this system. My bet is that she doesn’t.”
“The Z’porrah wanted Jamie before,” Christopher said. “They wanted her for her power.”
2.0 scrunched up his face. “I’m trying to see if I remember anything about this. Give me a minute, but keep on talking.”
“Okay. The Z’porrah would still want Jamie for her power. But, King Benny’s right. If the Z’porrah take this solar system, then they would take Earth, because they’d have their might and the might of the Alpha Centauri system. They could get Jamie then, if they wanted her.”
“I wouldn’t want the Gods to be here if I was invading,” Fancy said. “You are why the plans have failed.”
This time it was Christopher and I who exchanged the meaningful look. “She’s right,” he said. “But that fits with Renata being the one who pulled us here. She wanted us, they didn’t.”
“Why does this matter now?” Zanell asked. “We are about to find out if our ruse works or fails. Shouldn’t you focus on that?”
Lakin cocked his head at me. “You wish to be sure that you defeat all the enemies, not just the obvious ones.”
“Wow, Lakin, welcome to Team Megalomaniac. Yes.”
2.0 sighed. “I get nothing other than that I’m supposed to hate all of you for things that happened to someone else. I don’t have anything specific about your daughter, Kitty. Nothing at all about her, really.”
“Because your clone was made before they made their first bid for her. You were made right before she was born, I think. Clarence, what do you think?”
The Clone looked surprised. “Me, Shealla? You want my opinion?”
“Yes, I do.”
Now he looked incredibly proud. And as if he was thinking very hard. “I guess the question is this—who would benefit the most from Jamie being brought to the system, right? And Paul and Abigail? Who benefitted from them coming?”
Opened my mouth to answer and slammed it shut. Because I knew the answer.
The person who’d benefitted by Abigail being here was Abigail. The person who’d benefitted by Gower being here was Jamie. And the person who’d benefitted, truly benefitted, from Jamie being here was Chuckie.
“WE’RE HERE,” Reader, who was flying our shuttle, said over the com. “Docking, so hold on in case it’s not my perfect three-point landing.”
Everyone looked at me. “You were going to say something, Shealla?” Fancy asked politely.
“Just was going to say that Clarence has a great point.” The Clone beamed at the praise. It was official—I liked The Clarence Clone about a million times more than the original. “I just don’t know who benefitted the most.”
“We did,” King Benny said simply. “All of us on Beta Eight, as you all call it. Perhaps the Daughter of the Gods made the choice to come herself.”
“Perhaps she did.” She might have, at that. But I had a better guess for who’d gotten involved. After all, Algar and ACE didn’t hold the patents on rule breaking. She’d brought her brother along to protect Jamie, because Gower was the ruse, the person our enemies thought was housing ACE. And
her sister had gained all her powers back and then some while on Beta Eight.
Wanted to get angry, but I couldn’t. Naomi was out there, doing her best to protect her family. Maybe she hadn’t realized Jamie and Gower would get drugged. Maybe she knew they would, but chose that as the lesser evil because she knew they could recover from the drug, but that Chuckie’s mind would never recover if it had broken.
But this meant that the bad guys outside of Earth hadn’t actually wanted our daughter here. None of them had added Jamie, Gower, and Abigail on as last minute additions to the group pull. Sure, they’d used Jamie when she appeared in their laps. Which she and Gower had. They were the only ones who’d made the original target—and Renata hadn’t actually grabbed them. Meaning Naomi and Algar might have come to an accord. Or else they’d enjoyed the serendipity of each of them helping the other achieve mutually beneficial goals.
Abigail being with the princesses also made sense, since the goal there was to give her all her powers back and all of Naomi’s powers, too. No one would question if she was kicking butt with our own Amazonian Butt Kickers and the oxygen-rich atmosphere was a great cover.
All of this made a hell of a lot more sense than someone in this system wanting Jamie here, let alone Gower and Abigail. With all of us off the planet—and instantly turned into hostages or killed by Lenore and her cronies—that left Jamie open for Cliff to snatch her. He didn’t know we’d figured out he was the Mastermind, after all. And that made the Earth portion of this chess game much more logical.
That Renata had been “allowed” to pull us here made sense. Perhaps the failure was that she’d managed to hit the On button more times our enemies had hit the Off button. After all, if the pull hadn’t reactivated when we were in the middle of nowhere in space, we’d all have been dead in seconds.
Maybe we were never supposed to have made it to any planet. Which would have solved every problem on all three chessboards and ensured a fast checkmate for all three parts of the overall plan.