Fatal Knockout (Knockout Series Book 1)

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Fatal Knockout (Knockout Series Book 1) Page 2

by Bailes, Julie

  “Madisyn?” Oh, and the ways he says my name… Seriously? Stop gaping and answer him! Pulling my mouth to, I clear my throat and croak, “Power kicks, yes.” I let him hold my hand and walk us over to the half bag. “Before we start, is it okay if I change the music? I can’t take Kanye singing about gold diggers seriously.” Giggling, I begin to sing, “But she ain’t messin’ with no broke, broke—” But he covers my mouth with his hand. “Don’t,” he shakes his head. I laugh and point across the gym to the dock and he removes his hand. As he walks away and I stretch my hamstrings, I bend my knees and bounce my butt. “Get down girl, go ahead get down,” I sing over my shoulder. His eyes on me, he bites his lip and gives me a sarcastic, apologetic look when he removes my iPod. “Sorry,” he mouths, replacing my iPod with his.

  I balance my feet and get into form when Foo Fighters “All My Life” fills the gym. After he sets his play list, Blaze walks back over and stands next to me. He gets himself into position and shows me a technique I’m already familiar with. In fact, I’m familiar with everything we’ve gone over today, but I don’t plan on telling him, not today anyway. Blaze is the first person since my parents’ deaths who hasn’t looked at me with pity. Being with him has helped me forget about the painful reality waiting to engulf me as soon as I step a foot out of these doors. I’m not ready to give him up, not yet.

  “When you bring your knee up to the bag, lower your foot all the way back down to the mat, step back, and reload. Give it a try,” he urges, positioning himself behind me. His front lined with my back, I lift my knee up and ram the bag just as he demonstrated. “Nice. Give me five more just like that one.” I do the kicks without effort and move on to the next. “Now, what I want you to do is reach out and give the bag a push. But, don’t kick it just yet,” he tells me. He walks around me and pulls my leg aside. “You want your left leg out to the side at a 45 degree angle.” I look down and catch his eyes trail the length of my bare leg. When he looks up and notices me noticing him, he drags his teeth over his upper lip, nods to the swaying, sand filled cylinder, and stands. “When you go to kick, keep your right hand up on your head and swing your kicking arm with your leg.”

  When he steps back and the bag stills, I reach out and give it a push. Unlike the other times, where I follow through and do exactly as he demonstrated, I decide to test his knowledge and skills. I go through the motions and give two, flawless kicks. Then, I decide to make a small adjustment, one only someone half as good as my daddy will catch. Giving the bag another push, I count one extra count before I raise my leg. He doesn’t speak up to stop me from kicking, so I do it again. “No more,” he grabs the bag and holds it still. “Your first couple of kicks were great, but the last two… not so much.” I rest my hands on my hips and cock my head. “No?” He scrunches his nose and shakes his head. “No. You see, the last two kicks you did weren’t on a downswing,” he explains.

  “Downswing?” I feign ignorance. “You’re joking, right? There’s no way you can be a black belt in Muay Thai and not know what a downswing is.” I shrug. “I don’t know. Let me see if this is what you’re talking about. Step back, please.” When he moves aside, I give the bag a shove and time its swing aloud. “Is that what you’re talkin’ about?” I ask, smiling. He raises one of his brows. “Are you playing me, Madisyn?” I sway from side-to-side and bat my lashes. “Umm… Maybe.” He narrows his eyes at me. “Okay,” I huff. I wasn’t playing you, per se… I was testing you.” He takes a step in my direction and looks me in the eye. “Testing me? How so?”

  “I did a one second extra count before I threw the third and fourth kick. I wanted to see if you’d notice,” I tell him. “And?” He shrugs and takes another step closer. “And, I’m not shocked that you caught it. However, I am surprised you let me do it twice before you said anything.” He crosses his arms over his chest and closes the space between us. Then, he slips his fingers under my chin and tilts my head back. Cocking his head slightly to one side, he looks fixedly into my eyes. “You played me.” His stare is intimidating, yet arousing. “Nn—No,” I stutter. Really, again? He lowers his forehead to mine.

  “No?” His lips, soft and enticing, brush mine and turn my heart into a rampant kick drum. Breathless, and lost in his gaze, I shake my head faintly. “Good,” he says breathily, lifting his hands to either side of my face. Silently, we stand with our eyes fused, piercing one another’s soul. The song ends, and he asks, “Do you want to know what I see when I look into your eyes?” My face confined by his brawny hands, I breathe out, “Yes.” I feel his tongue skim my lips as he wets his. Though I try my best not to, I moan. He chuckles and softly says, “When I look into your eyes, I see hope, vulnerability, ultimate and irrepressible passion. And call me crazy, but I see a future—my future.” My, God, we’re both insane. “You’ve just met me.”

  “Believe me, I’m aware. But, I don’t know… There’s something about you, Madisyn,” he drifts off and I take the opportunity to speak up. “Would you like to know what I see in you?” He swallows hard and nods his head. “When I stare into your eyes, Blaze, I see everything you see in me and more,” I say quietly. “Madisyn?” He draws in a sharp breath. “Blaze?” He closes his eyes and says, “I’m trying my best not to kiss you.” Without hesitation, I tell him, “Don’t.” His voice is moderately alarmed when he asks, “Don’t what?” I lift my gloved covered hand and place it atop of his, and I whisper, “Don’t try not to kiss me.”

  A new song, “Last Resort” by one of my favorite bands, Papa Roach, starts to play and Blaze reopens his eyes. Slipping one of his hands around to the back of my head, he pants, “I shouldn’t.” My breathing accelerates with each word he speaks. “You shouldn’t,” I hesitate. But, when the artist sings the chorus about losing his sight and losing his mind, Blaze bites his lip and tells me, “But, I am.” I nod and whisper against his lips, “Okay.” He presses his lips to mine and coaxes them open with his tongue. And even though I know I shouldn’t, I welcome him in. I should be ashamed of myself for making out with a guy I hardly know, but I’m not. I should tear my lips from his and stop this craziness here and now, but I won’t. This kiss is fierce, passionate, all consuming, and it sends a fiery sensation coursing through my veins. Blaze’s kiss breathes life, and in this moment, lost in his kiss, I am alive.



  November 2006

  I stand at the front of the church, watching my guys escort Maddie’s bridesmaids down the aisle. There are around fifty guests sitting in the pews, looking back and waiting for my bride-to-be to walk through the doors. I’ve only been standing here for ten minutes, but it feels like an hour. Though I know Maddie and I have a lifetime of memories to come, both good and some bad, today is the best day of my life. Today, my life truly begins.

  “You ready for this?” Dawson asks. “I’ve been ready since the days I laid eyes on her,” I tell him. “I know. Congratulations, brother. If anyone deserves a happily ever after, it’s definitely you.” He slaps me on the back. Suddenly, the doors in the back of the church swing open and everyone stands to look at her. My eyes travel up the aisle, and when my eyes meet hers, I lose my breath. I literally lose it. I can’t breathe, my heart is pounds against my chest, and my eyes burn. She’s wearing a strapless, long white gown. Her hair is curled and pinned up with navy colored baby’s breath flowers throughout it. Her cheeks are naturally blushed and her lips are a soft pink.

  The music begins to play and she links her arm with Papa’s, who’s standing in Trace’s place to give her away. She keeps her eyes locked with mine as she glides down the aisle to me, a radiant smile on her gorgeous face. Usually, I’m good at holding back my emotions. But today, watching my entire life make her way to me, I let my emotions show. I let these tears of radiance of love fall from my eyes, and I don’t try to stop them.

  Finally, she makes it to me and her papa places her hand in mine. Instantly, her touch is like radiant ammo, ricocheting throughout my body and setting m
y heart on fire. I know I’m not supposed to, but I pull her to me and I kiss her. “Baby, you’re breathtaking,” I whisper against her lips. She smiles and the pastor clears his throat. He asks her papa who’s giving her to me, and he hesitantly answers, “Her memaw and I do.” He kisses Maddie on the cheek and walks over to sit by his crying wife.

  Hand in hand, Maddie and I stand and gaze into one another’s eyes. The pastor speaks, but neither of us take in a word he says. At least, not until he touches our shoulders and asks us if we’re ready to exchange our vows. Declan hands me Maddie’s ring, and I slip it half way down her left ring finger. “Madisyn, my finding you wasn’t luck… it was God driven. I can’t promise you a fairytale, but I do promise to do everything I can to make all of your dreams come true. Today, I don’t give you my heart, because you claimed it more than a year ago. Today, my love, I give you my trust. I give you my life. Madisyn, my love for you is unconditional and sacrificial. There’s nothing in this world that I wouldn’t do for you.” With tears flowing down her cheeks, she smiles and lowers her head. I slip my fingers under her chin, lift her face up, and tell her, “Hey, gorgeous girl, I’m not finished.” I urge her lips to mine and give her a soft kiss. “Madisyn, I live to honor you. For better or for worst, baby, you are my future and my forever. Do you take me as yours?”

  Smiling and sniffling, she wipes her tears away and nods. “You know I do.” I slip the ring all the way down her finger and take in a deep breath. She takes my ring from her maid of honor and places it halfway onto my finger. “Blaze Evans Benson, I love you. You are my best friend, my stronghold, my protector, and my forever lover. As a commitment, I give you my heart. And while it may not be perfect, it fits perfectly with yours. I want you to be my first hellos in the morning and my kiss goodnight. People say fairytales don’t exist, and maybe they don’t. But you, Blaze, are my happily ever after. You are my true life knight. Baby, I vow to stand by your side throughout all the good and the bad. Your battles are my battles, and your sorrows are my sorrows. God made us for each other. Blaze Evans Benson, will you happily, and eagerly, take me as your forever?”

  Without a word, I take her finger and urge her to push the ring fully down my finger. Then, I take her face between my hands and crash my lips to her. This is my yes. This is my commitment to love her forever and for always. This is my promise to her that I am her forever and she is mine. This is us celebrating the best day of our lives. We aren’t Madisyn Maddin and Blaze Benson anymore. No. We’re Mr. and Mrs. Blaze Benson. We are one…



  February 2015

  My fingers enmeshed in the sheets, Blaze’s tantalizing and slow rhythm sets my core ablaze. Pushing into me deeply, he rotates his hips and a pleasurable moan escapes me. Releasing the sheets, I slip my hands up his massive, well-built arms until they reach his shoulders. His pace intensifies and I lift my head up from the mattress and bite onto his bottom lip. Tugging his lip free, he lowers his head to kiss along my neck. Kissing his way back up to my lips, he asks, “You ready, sweetheart?” Locking my eyes with his, I tighten my legs around his waist and heavily breathe, “I’m ready.” Blaze pulls his hips back and slams into me, deep and hard. My nails sink into his flesh and he releases a deep, guttural moan as we come undone together. Sexily smiling, he lies onto his back next to me. Rolling onto my side, I hike my leg over one of his and rest my head on his chest. Lightly combing his fingers through my hair, he softly says, “Happy anniversary, baby.” Lifting my head slightly, I let my lips hover above his pounding heart, and place a soft, lingering kiss onto his chest. With a smile on my face, I close my eyes and let the sound of his erratic heartbeat lull me to sleep…

  Warm, tender lips trail from my cheek down to my lips, kissing me gently. “You plan on sleeping the rest of the day away?” Cracking one eye open, I look at him and crinkle my nose. “You smell awful,” I groan, pulling the pillow from behind my head to cover my face. “Baby, either you get up on your own, or so help me… I’ll climb in there with you, drenched sweats and all.” Knowing my husband, and having no desire to smell his post training, toxic scent when I get into bed tonight, I toss the pillow aside and open my eyes. Of course, the first sight I see—eight, glistening and distinctive abdominal muscles—makes my mouth water. Lowering my eyes, I bite onto my eager tongue and keep myself from tracing the glistening v lines of my husband’s strong, defined Adonis belt. But why? This flawless, magnificently built man belongs to me.

  “We’ve been together for ten years, babe, and you’re just as affected by me now as you were back then… possibly more,” he chuckles, wearing a coquettish grin. Oh, I’m not the only one.Pushing myself up, I stand up in the middle of the bed and release the sheets covering my bare body. Traveling my hands up my sides, I slip them around to the back of my neck and lift my hair up. His eyes travel over every exposed curve. As I give my hips a sultry sway, I hear his sharp intake of breath. “Ten years, babe,and you’re still affected by me,” I tease, giving a flirtatious smile. With dark, passion-filled eyes, he presses one hand to the mattress and leans in towards me, circling my legs with his arm and tossing me over his shoulder.

  Without a word, he walks us into the bathroom and pulls open the frameless glass shower door. Reaching inside, he twists the knobs and lets the water run. Then, he slides me down his body and wraps his arms around my waist. “You,” he shakes his head. “Me,” I smile, lifting my hands up to the back of his head and running my fingers through his tousled, damp hair. Standing on the tips of my toes, I nip at his bottom lip. His voice thick with desire, he nods towards the billowing steam, and says, “Round two. Right now…”


  I hand my keys over to the valet and jog around to help Madisyn out from the car. She accepts my hand and extends her long, tanned legs from the car. When she’s standing, I circle my arms around her and lean down to whisper in her hear, “Baby, that dress is killin’ me. It’s money well spent, but it sure ain’t going to last long.” I pull my head back and look her over once more. She’s drop dead gorgeous in her short, black mini dress. It hangs just above mid-thigh and has asymmetrical draping with thin straps on one shoulder. I can explain this dress to a T, because it’s all I’ve seen for the last month. She’s been posting pictures of this damn dress all over my things for weeks; my workout equipment, sparing gear, my protein mix, and even on the rearview mirror in my car.

  She reaches her hand up and rubs along the thin line shaping my beard. “Thank you, baby.” Slipping her hand around to the back of my neck, she draws me down and captures my lips with hers. It isn’t long before we’re interrupted by the valet. “Excuse me, sir. May I?” Reluctantly, I break our kiss and nod. Then, I place my hand on the small of Maddie’s back and guide her into one of Nashville’s finest fondue restaurants, The Melting Pot. As soon as we enter, the hostess greets us with a bright smile. “How many?” But before we’re able to tell her our guests are already here, we hear Bentley calling us from across the room. “Uncle Blaze, we’re over here,” he waves us over. “That would be us,” Maddie giggles, walking ahead of me to Bentley and the rest of our gang.

  Maddie smiles and leans over the table to kiss the top of Bentley’s head. “Hey, handsome.” He flashes a toothy grin. “Hi, Aunt Maddie.” Dawson and Declan stand and Maddie hugs them both. Then, she turns her attention to Memaw and Papa, kissing each of them on the cheek before slipping inside the booth. As soon as she’s seated, Bentley reaches into his pocket and retrieves Maddie’s other gift. “Happy anniversary,” he blurts out, handing Maddie a long, rectangular box. Immediately, Keisha reaches out and places her hand atop of Bentley’s. “Bent, why don’t you wait and give Maddie her gift after she’s eaten her dinner?” Keisha looks at me, her eyes pleading for me to help her persuade Bentley to hold off a little while longer. Keisha, along with everyone sitting in this booth, knows Maddie will cry as soon as she sees the infinity, double diamond heart pendant.

  “Because, I want to
give it to her now,” Bentley whines. Looking back at Keisha, I shrug. She rolls her eyes and huffs, “Okay… Go on and give it to her.” He hands the box over to Maddie, and as soon as she cracks it open, she gasps, “Oh, Bentley… Bent, it’s—it’s gorgeous.” I place my hand on her knee and give it a gentle squeeze. Maddie looks to me, tears already glossing her gorgeous blues. I lean in to kiss her, but Bentley, being an impatient five year old, makes us laugh when he blurts out, “Well, don’t you want to know what it means?”

  “Bentley Arron Benson,” Keisha scolds. He lowers his head and shrugs. “I’ve been practicin’ all week, Momma,” he mumbles. Maddie winks at me and then reaches across the table to hold Bentley’s hand. He lifts his eyes to hers, and the two of them stare at one another as if no one else is in the room. “Tell me, Bent. What does this mean?” Bentley traces the pendant with his finger as he explains, “These two hearts are held together by the infintity symbol—” His mother speaks up and corrects him. “Infinity, Bentley.” He looks over at her. “That’s what I said.” He blows out a breath and averts his attention back to his aunt. “This heart is yours and this one is Uncle Blaze’s. He told me to tell you that the infintity symbol stands for baby Eli and how much he’ll love all three of you, forever,” he finishes.


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