The Voices of Serial Killers

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The Voices of Serial Killers Page 15

by Christopher Berry-Dee

  In 2005, the Duvall County Sheriff’s Department asked for the resignation of 26 officers for sexual battery on people in police custody. But David Gore is one of the very few former police officers to receive the death penalty, and this penalty was handed down for just one of his murders.

  In three of Gore’s crimes, surviving victims testified that Gore was alone, and posing as an undercover cop. In another case he was driving an unmarked sheriff’s department car when he made an abduction attempt. Therefore, it is correct to say that Gore had a well-established MO when trolling for his victims. And, even when two victims reported that Gore had made these abduction attempts, the only action taken by the sheriff was to ask for his resignation, despite the fact that he was already the prime suspect in two missing persons cases. These three women wanted to testify on Waterfield’s behalf at his trial; however, Judge Vocelle denied their requests, saying that their evidence was, “not material to the state’s case.” Indeed, everyone who has stepped up with eyewitness accounts of Gore’s criminal conduct has been prohibited from testifying before a jury, and their sworn affidavits were suppressed from disclosure to the media.

  To make matters even worse, it is fact that state prosecutors have eyewitnesses to the conduct of David Gore during and around the time of each one of his admitted crimes. Once again, these witnesses’ identities have been suppressed from disclosure because their accounts conclusively confirm that Waterfield could never have been involved.

  As an example: In the Lings’ murders, Gore’s psychiatrist, a Dr. Tingle, provided the state prosecutor with the name of a witness who had watched Gore bury both women. It was not Waterfield, and this information has previously been denied media scrutiny.

  Prompted by the testimony given by Regan Martin, a detective asked Gore during one of his interrogations, “Why didn’t you shoot Waterfield during the commission of the Elliott/ Martin crime?” To which Gore responded: “It is hard for me to kill someone I know. Fred is my cousin. Anyway, how can I shoot someone who ain’t even there?”

  About a year and a half ago, Jean Elliot, Lynn Elliott’s mother, recognized my sister at a yard sale. She introduced herself and told my sister and niece that she did not blame or hold me responsible for the murder of her daughter. You would not believe the relief I felt to know she knew I never meant any harm to Lynn. This turned me into an emotional wreck for weeks.

  Gore has admitted all of his statements implicating me are lies, and he has completely exonerated me of all of the murders no less than six times.

  —Frederick Waterfield in a letter to the author

  Of course, if we only had Fred’s word that Gore had admitted committing all of the murders alone, we would be right to be suspicious of Mr. Waterfield. However, Gore signed an affidavit to this effect before Constance L. Maher, a notary public for the state of Florida. It is published here for the first time:AFFIDAVIT OF DAVID ALAN GORE



  BEFORE ME the undersigned authority personally appeared David Alan Gore, Inmate/DOC # 081008, who being duly sworn deposes and says:

  I am an inmate at the Union Correctional Institution, P.O. Box 221, Raiford, FL 32083.

  I was a co-defendant of Frederick Waterfield in two cases that originated in Indian River County, Florida.

  I entered into plea negotiations with the State of Florida in which I agreed to testify against Frederick Waterfield.

  The case the State of Florida presented against Mr. Waterfield was not accurate or factually correct. The Assistant State Attorney, detectives, and investigators involved in the cases knew or should have known that the testimony presented against Mr. Waterfield was neither accurate nor factually correct.

  Mr. Waterfield had nothing to do with the murders of Lynn Elliott, Barbara Ann Beyer, or Angelica LeVallae. Mr. Waterfield is serving time under a conviction for offenses he did not commit.


  Dated this 1st day of December, 1997



  In 2001, David Gore filed another affidavit, this time in the Supreme Court of Florida. It is published here for the first time:IN THE SUPREME COURT OF FLORIDA

  (Before a Referee)


  Complainant, TFB NO. 199-10,769(13D)







  BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority personally appeared Affiant, DAVID A. GORE, who being first duly sworn, deposes and says that:

  I am over eighteen (18) years of age and have personal knowledge as to the facts and information set forth therein.

  I am currently incarcerated at Union Correctional Institution and am serving sentences for the murders of Barbara Byer and Angelica LaVallae.

  My cousin, Frederick Waterfield, is also incarcerated at Union Correctional Institution.

  I testified in my cousin’s trials in the Barbara Byer and Angelica LaVallae criminal cases as a condition of plea negotiations with the State of Florida.

  My cousin was convicted of first degree murder in both of those cases and was sentenced to consecutive life sentences.

  I did not appeal my convictions and sentences in the Byer and LaVallae cases, and I did not have any attorney representation for the Byer and LaVallae cases after I was sentenced in those cases.

  After the Byer and LaVallae trials, I began corresponding through letters with my other cousin, Constance Maher, who is Frederick Waterfield’s sister. True and correct copies of some letters that I wrote to Constance are attached to this Affidavit (Composite Exhibit A).

  Constance contacted Frederick’s attorney to arrange a meeting with the attorney, so that I could talk with the attorney personally about my previous testimony in the Byer and LaVallae trials.

  Before the meeting, I received from Frederick’s attorney, Loren Rhoton, an affidavit restating what I had previously written and said about my trial testimony.

  I read the affidavit before I met with Mr. Rhoton, and I made no changes to it.

  When I later personally met with Mr. Rhoton and Constance, I executed the affidavit (A true and correct copy of the affidavit is attached hereto as Exhibit B).

  I executed the affidavit voluntarily and of my own free will and with no threats or coercion.

  Mr. Rhoton did not make any promises or guarantees to me regarding the affidavit before or after I signed it.

  I knew at all times that Mr. Rhoton would be using the affidavit in his representation of Frederick in Frederick’s appeals in the Byer and LeVallae cases, and that Mr. Rhoton would be filing that affidavit with the court.

  I gave Mr. Rhoton permission to file the affidavit in my cousin’s appeals.

  Mr. Rhoton did not tell me that he would be sending the affidavit to my attorneys who were representing me in the Lynn Elliott case and I did not ask him to do so.

  Mr. Rhoton did not tell me or suggest to me that he would be getting the permission of my attorneys in that other case before he filed my affidavit in my cousin’s appeals.

  Mr. Rhoton told me that, if he needed a more detailed affidavit from me later on, he would then have my attorneys review any other affidavit that he would have to prepare.

  Mr. Rhoton used my affidavit exactly in the way and for the purpose that I had authorized him and exactly as he said he would.


  Signed: DAVID A. GORE

  The foregoing Affidavit was acknowledged before me this 28th day of March, 2001, by DAVID A. GORE, who provided for identification the following: Prison ID

  Betty Ann Lewis-Alvarez

  Signature of Person Taking Acknowledgment

  Betty Ann Lewis-Alvarez

  Name of Acknowledger Typed, Printed or Stamped


  Notorial Serial Number # CC884482.


  412 East Madison Street

  Suite 1111


  On Monday, June 12, 2000, David Alan Gore sat down in his squalid death row cell and started writing. What follows provides a verbatim and sickening insight into the mind of a psychopathic killer—a true Hannibal Lecter if there ever was one.17 This material has never been published before, and, for the obvious reasons, the names of his victims have been deleted.

  You should hear some of the names I was called by people in my home town when I abducted my victims. But I did manage to thin-out the population a little! ☺.

  You have no idea how thrilling it was to me to have a victim in my secluded place when NO one could find us, and just be able to concentrate on ENJOYING my prey. Most serial killers they get someone and their so concerned with being seen that they really can’t enjoy their victim completely. But I could. I could take my time with them & enjoy them.

  There were times when I’d enjoy a victim for DAYS. I’d do so much to her, that she would be close to death at the end, and I’d just finish her off, or butcher her for dining. ☺.

  I had a 14-year-old girl one time that I raped at least 30 times. Her name was *********. I kept her tied to a bed for two days, and when I didn’t rape her, I had this 18” dildo I used to rape her with both in the pussy & asshole. She would pass out a couple of times.

  Toward the end she was asking me to go ahead & kill her. I told her, OK, and I gave her a choice as to how I would kill her, & I ended up dragging her ass out on the ground, laying her down face down, then I straddled her back, grabbed her hair, pulled her hair back & cut her throat. When she was dead, I hung her up by her ankles from rafters in my barn & butchered her. I probably cooked & ate 80% of her meat. She was especially tender.

  Before I get into one of my victims, let me share something with you that I didn’t share with others. All of my victims were females. This wasn’t because I hated women, it was because of a couple of reasons. See, one of my primary purposes for abducting females was to to engage in cannibalism with their meat. I discovered that the meat from the youngest females was SUPER in taste & quality. So when I wanted to stock my freezer with meat, I would get 13- to 16-year-old girls because their meat was the tenderess.

  When I abducted an older woman in her 30 or 40’s it was simple to ENJOY the thrill of the rape & kill.

  Another thing that no one knows is I collected trophies off my victims. Sometimes it would be HAIR, sometimes it would be an ear, or their lips. Or sometimes it would be a breast, or I’d shave their pubic hair off & save it.

  And when I abducted a woman I was pretty brutal in what I did to her. Like I said earlier, I had them in a place [a barn on his father’s fruit orchard] where I could take my time with them and really enjoy doing things to them. I literally tortured them unmercifully.

  I mean, while they were tied spread eagle on the bed, I’d cut off their NIPPLES one at a time. And then I’d cut out their CLIT, while they were alive & kicking. Sometime I’d stuff their severed clit into their mouth & make them swallow it☺.

  Now the victim I want to share with you was a 16-year-old girl. Her name was ********! I saw her get off a school bus one afternoon and the minute I saw her, I WANTED her. She lived way out in the country & and she got off the school bus and would walk about a half mile down this lonely dirt road to her house.

  So for a few days I would secretly watch her get off the bus, to make sure of her routine. So I laid out a plan to abduct her. What I did was impersonate a police officer, with FULL uniform & all. I even rented a car that looked like an official police car.18

  On the day I planned to abduct her, I waited down the road until she got off the bus & had started walking home. I then drove down the road & pulled up beside her & when she looked & saw a “COP,” she stopped & smiled. I told her that there was an escaped convict somewhere in the vicinity & that she shouldn’t be walking down the road. She acted scared & and I told her that I would be happy to give her a ride to her house ☺.

  She practically jumped in my car ☺.

  As I started down the road, I pulled my gun on her & stuck the barrel into her ribs & told her that if she tried anything I would shoot & kill her. She was stunned. She didn’t know what was happening. All she said, “Oh my God . . . please don’t.”

  I kept driving until I came to a secluded citrus grove & I pulled down into the trees. I had to get her tied up & secure so I could drive on out to my trailer.

  I got some handcuffs out, & I pulled her hands behind her back & cuffed her. I also put a pair of cuffs on her ankles. I then told her we were going to take a little drive and if she tried ANYTHING I would kill her. I told her to sit there & look straight ahead.

  Now she went to one of these private schools for RICH kids. And she had on her little uniform they wear, with a white blouse, and a little plaid skirt. As we were driving, she kept asking me what I was going to do to her☺. I just told her to shut up bitch, do as I say, & you’ll live. Ha! ☺.

  She started to cry & I told her to stop or I would kill her.

  We finally got to my secluded trailer, & I pulled up to the door, got her out of the car. I held her arm & led her into the trailer, walked her back to the bedroom, & when she saw the bed, & ropes attached to each corner she said, “Oh, God, please NO!” She knew what was going to be done. She went to begging me NOT to. She told me she was a VIRGIN, and to PLEASE don’t. I grabbed a handful of her hair, & pulled her back onto me, & I told her, “YOU LITTLE RICH BITCH, YOU ARE MINE NOW!” I pushed her down on the bed, & and she went to crying & screaming for someone to help her. I told she could scream all she wanted, NO ONE would hear.

  I tied both her hands to the bed post, then tied both her ankles to the other bed post. Then I went over to the dresser & took out all of my tools, knife, needles, soldering iron. When she seen all this, she screamed & pulled against the ropes. I took my knife & and told her, now let’s get those clothes off & see what you got. She was screaming & crying.

  I cut her blouse off, & she had this little pink bra which I cut off. She had a really NICE set of breasts. I cut her shirt off, and she was NICE. She had this FULL mound of soft brown public hair & I took my finger & pulled it hard. She was hysterical.

  I then felt all of body, like fruit to see if it’s a good piece, I kneaded her thighs seeing how meaty she was. I knew she was going to taste excellent. Her meat was real firm & I knew she would be tender.

  I did her entire body like that and it freaked her out. She had never had a man see or touch her body.

  Of course all of this was me into my sadistic desire, so I took off my clothes & she was jerking against the ropes & screaming. I climbed between her legs, took some Vaseline & lubricated her up & inserted my cock into her, & when I did, she arched her back as if to get away from me. I grabbed her by her thick hair & held her as I rammed deep in her, & she let out this blood curdling scream as I tore her.

  It didn’t take many thrusts & I released. She was crying hysterically as she just lost her virginity by rape. I bit her nipples pretty hard, & I had left bite marks. She was writhing in pain, but I wasn’t through with her tender ass yet. I got straddled over her chest & I grabbed her hair & pulled her head up, & I told her to SUCK or die. I inserted the head into her mouth & she tried to gag but I put the blade of my knife to her throat & told her if she didn’t suck I’d cut her throat. You should have seen the look in her eyes as I pushed deep into her mouth. I practically fucked her mouth.

  Then it was time to really put something into her. So I pulled out my 18” dildo & when she saw it, she went berserk, screaming. I smeared some Vaseline over it, & worked the head of it into her bloody pussy, & when I’d gotten the rubber head in, I looked at her as I slowly pushed it deeper, deeper into her & and it ripped the flesh between her pussy & ass hole, & she was absolutely screaming again. I pushed it in at least 12 inches. I pulled it out, & reinserted it into her ass hole
, & boy I had to work to get it in, but when I did, I reamed her good. She was in so much pain, she passed out, & I just took a break while she lay there. When she started coming to I had plugged the soldering iron in, & the tip was red hot. I took it and seized her nipples & clit, & this caused her to pass out again. So I figured it was HARVEST time. It was time to go ahead & kill this bitch and butcher her.

  I had a barn where I did my butchering, it had these high timber rafters where I hung two ropes. I had a water hose so I could wash my prey down. So while she was unconscious I cut the rope loose from her hands & ankles, & re-tied her hands behind her back, just in case she came to before I got her outside to my butchering area.

  I drug her outside across the ground to where I had the ropes. I then tied her ankles to each rope, and hoisted her upside down up off the ground. I pulled her up until her head was about a foot above the ground. The ropes her feet were tied to were about 10 feet apart, so it spread her legs apart.

  About then she started coming to and as she became aware of her predicament she went nuts & was screaming & her jerking was causing her to sway on the ropes. I kneeled down, & I told her it was time to replace my freezer with meat. She was going ballistic, so I grabbed her by the hair, & pulled her head backwards & up, & with my knife, I reached under her and with one quick swipe I sliced her throat open, & her blood gushed out & I held her head up until the blood drained out and as her blood poured out, her body went to quivering & vibrating as it went into the death throes, & as she died, her body just went limp. I took my knife & finished cutting off her head, and as I cut her neck meat all the way around her neck, I had to turn & twist her head so her neck bone would snap, & when it did her head dropped off, & I held it up by the hair, examined it, then set it over on a table.


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