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Obsession Page 13

by Liz Bower

  I turned my head to break the kiss and drag in a breath. “I don’t think you made your feelings that clear.” Especially as I had no idea what he meant when he said he thought we were good together. Good enough to take me to bed? Enough to take it further than that? The corners of his mouth twitched up and he took a step back from me.

  “Then let me make it perfectly clear. I have wanted this, us, since the first time I saw you kissing another boy. I want us to be together. Like we were that night at the restaurant, except for real. I want to be the one you come to when you have a crappy day so I can make you forget about it. I want to be the only one who gets to kiss you. I want you.”

  “You want to be together? Not just a night? A relationship?”

  Marco leaned back to gaze straight into my eyes. “I thought I’d made that clear.”

  “Er, not to me.”

  “Then let me make it crystal clear for you.” He lifted his hand to cradle my jaw and traced his thumb across my cheek, making the hairs on the back of my neck lift.

  My heart seemed to forget how to beat as it fluttered against my ribs. I stared at Marco, not able to take in his words. He’d wanted me for the past ten years? “You never said anything.”

  “Because I didn’t think you saw me that way. Tell me you want me too,” he whispered before trailing kisses along my neck.

  I couldn’t tell him anything, couldn’t think with his lips on my skin. His hands framed my face, and he rubbed his thumb across my bottom lip before he dropped his head to mine, his lips warm yet firm. The tip of his tongue flicked against my lips and I surrendered. Surrendered to Marco. To the taste of him mingled with the faint trace of coffee.

  His hands trailed down my arms until they circled my wrists. He pulled my arms around his waist, then dropped his hands to grasp my butt. Pulled flush against his body, I couldn’t miss just how much he liked me. My hands explored the expanse of his smooth, hard back, fingertips digging into his shoulders as he deepened the kiss. At the loss of his lips on mine, a whimper escaped me, but then his lips were on my neck, slowly working southwards, leaving my skin alight where his lips touched.

  The straps of my top fell off my shoulders as he pulled it down to bare my breasts. I felt shy suddenly as he took one nipple into his mouth, but when he sucked gently on my hardened tip I arched into him. As he took my other nipple and pinched it between his thumb and index finger, a tingle shot through me, tightening my stomach and thighs. My fingernails raked his back as my breath panted from between my open lips. His mouth returned to mine as he gripped my thighs and lifted me off the floor. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he made his way to my bed.


  As I stared at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn’t help but notice the greyish-blue circles under my eyes and my flushed cheeks. I looked tired yet satisfied at the same time. My body felt like when Gabi had made me do one of her yoga DVDs. Muscles I didn’t even know I had hurt, but I didn’t care. The weekend had flown by, spent mostly in my bed, and naked, only emerging for food and other necessities. I smiled at my reflection as memories of Marco and I played through my mind. I couldn’t wait for a replay.

  Half an hour later I had managed to make myself appear like I had slept at least half the night. When I got halfway down the stairs, the aroma of coffee greeted me. I helped myself to a cup, and then Marco pressed himself against my back and nuzzled my neck.

  “Morning, mio cuore.”

  I turned in his arms with a smile across my face. “Morning. I didn’t know you could speak Italian.” Not that I was complaining because it sounded sexy as hell, whatever it meant.

  “I know enough,” he said as he dragged his mouth down my neck. “Mum even tried to teach my dad. Listening to him speak Italian with a Manc accent is hilarious.”

  I kissed him and then pressed my hand against his chest as I looked down. “You know, I think I’m going to have to take you shopping. You clearly need more clothes if you have to walk around half naked all the time.”

  “Maybe I just like the idea of my body distracting you. Can I distract you enough to convince you to come back to bed?” He trailed kisses down my throat.

  “Tempting, but I have to be at work in twenty minutes. I’ll see you tonight,” I said with one last quick kiss.

  As I left the house, there was a huge grin on my face. When I arrived at work though, that earlier happiness faded. Alex strode towards me with his lips pressed together into a thin line.

  “A word in my office. Now.”

  I brushed a hand through my hair with a feeling it was going to be a long day. Not bothering to drop my bag off at my desk, I followed Alex to his office, closing the door behind me and waiting for him to say something. Only he didn’t, just pointed to a cardboard box that was open on his desk.

  I stepped cautiously towards it. As I peered inside, I clasped a hand over my nose and mouth, leaned away from the box and turned to Alex, eyes wide. “What the hell is that?”

  “My best guess is some kind of animal heart. At least I hope to God it’s from an animal.”

  “What? Why?” I asked as my gaze strayed back to the box.

  Alex shrugged. “It was delivered this morning. Just left outside. Addressed to me.”

  “Why are you showing it to me?”

  “Because there was a letter with it. It’s on my desk, behind the box.” Alex stood with his hands in his pockets, his face impassive.

  I rounded the desk where a piece of A4 paper lay unfolded, exactly like the other one. I leaned over to read it, and then looked back towards Alex, who was scrubbing a hand down his face.

  “This was sent by the same person? Who thinks … what? We’re having an affair? Or that you want to have an affair with me?”

  “That’s what seems to be implied. I’m more worried about the part that this is just a warning and next time won’t be. I think whoever sent it has gone past threats. What if it’s my heart in a box next time?”

  I heard the tension in his voice and saw the tremor in his fingers against his face. “The police?”

  “On their way. I don’t think we can avoid the fact that whoever is behind this is somehow connected to you … doing this for you.”

  I didn’t know who or why, but I couldn’t argue with Alex that this was somehow linked to me. What was the saying? ‘As soon as one area of your life improves, the other turns to shit,’ or something like that? Things with Marco seemed to be falling into place and I’d been happy that morning. And then this.

  At the loud knock on the office door, I jumped and took a step back from Alex.

  “Come in.”

  Neither of us said anything as DI Jones and DC Pickering walked in.

  “Mr Danver,” Jones said with a nod. “Miss Waters. We weren’t expecting to see you,” he said as he turned to face me.

  “No offence, but I had hoped never to see you again. Unfortunately that seems not to be the case.”

  Neither officer responded to that, just turned to Alex instead.

  “This it?” Jones asked, tilting his head towards the box.

  Alex nodded as we stepped back against the wall to let the officers gather around the box. Definitely going to be a shitty day. Could it get any worse?

  Why did I have to ask? I should have known that of course, it could get worse.

  Jones and Pickering flanked me as they escorted me to reception, and I could see everyone’s heads turning as though in slow motion to gawk at me. The official line was ‘helping with enquiries.’ I didn’t feel like I was helping, and it certainly didn’t feel voluntary.

  “Is everything okay?” Nicola asked as she hurried out from behind her desk.

  “Fine. The police just need my help.” I couldn’t say anything more, a hand on the small of my back urging me forward. As they helped me into the unmarked Volvo, I silently wished I could transport myself back in time. Back to the weekend where the most I’d had to worry about was whether to get out of bed or not.

My thoughts drifted to Marco, wishing more than anything that he was with me right then.


  I glanced at the clock on the wall as I walked towards the door of the interview room. Two hours. I’d been at the police station for two bloody hours. Questions. Endless questions going round and round. My head was throbbing.

  I had no idea who would threaten Alex or think something more than an employer-employee relationship was going on between us.

  I also had no idea who would threaten Carol so I could end up with her job. What I did know was that I was scared. What if the threats didn’t stop at people from the office? If they were because of me, then would my parents be next? Or Gabi? Or Marco? My chest constricted at that thought, especially after the developments in our relationship. But the only person who knew about that was Gabi.

  I saw him as soon as I entered the reception area, as though my body could sense him close, and my heart skipped. He was there. For me. Hurriedly walking over to him, I smiled as he held out his arms to me and I melted against him. Melted into his embrace.

  And then I froze. Marco holding me, being there for me, suddenly made everything better? That was a slippery slope to start down, to need to rely on someone else to make me feel safe, to ease my worries or make me happy. I had sworn I’d never do that again after Josh. What happened when Marco left?

  “What’s wrong?”

  I pulled back from Marco and forced myself to smile at him. “Nothing. Just …” With a wave of my hand behind me, I tried to explain away my mood. “Can we get out of here?”

  With a sweet smile, he said, “Sure.” He grabbed my hand and led me out of the police station.

  Marco tried to get me to talk to him after we left the station, but I couldn’t. Even when we got back home, the only thing I could admit was what had been delivered to Alex. From the side of my eye I could see him glance worriedly my way, but I kept my gaze steadily fixed out of the window.

  When Gabi got home, I told her what had happened. And when she hugged me, I couldn’t stop the tears from falling.

  “I have to … I’ll be back later,” Marco said as he stood.

  He planted a kiss on my cheek and headed out the door before either of us could ask where he was going.

  The words he had said so fervently to me the other day ran through my mind. “I want to be the one you come to when you have a crappy day so I can make you forget about it.” Was he angry that I hadn’t confided in him? Did he think that I had shut him out?

  But my head was all over the place. I couldn’t understand why anyone would think there was something between Alex and me. Would Marco think Alex was anything more than just my boss?

  Gabi wrapped her arm around my shoulder, and I leaned against her. I needed the comfort of her sitting next to me on the sofa. Needed the normality of it.


  At work the following day, I watched as Dan and Amy laughed about something by the coffee machine and couldn’t help but wonder if I was that something. Clearly there were rumours going around the office; it was hard to miss the curious stares I had been receiving.

  “Jo, do you have a minute?”

  My head whipped around to face Alex. “Sure, what is it?”

  “In my office,” he said, tilting his head in that direction.

  I followed him across the office, dreading that he was going to tell me something else had happened. I wasn’t sure I could handle it.

  “Don’t look so worried, Jo. It’s good news for a change. Well, potentially good news. Rural Retreats loved the pitch you gave them. They want to meet with us again and go over some details, how we would work together and so on. I made a dinner reservation for tonight, the usual place. I assumed Marco would be able to join us.”

  Would he be available? Wasn’t I supposed to have told Alex we’d split up already? Did I even need to do the fake breakup anymore? “I’m sure he will be.”

  “Excellent. I know they liked him too. It never hurts to have people around who will put the client at ease and warm them to us.” He cleared his throat. “The other thing I wanted to discuss with you is a bit more … delicate.”

  I sank my teeth into my bottom lip to stop me from saying anything. See, this is why I don’t lie. What if he knew Marco and I hadn’t been a thing? But then why would he ask about him? Before I could start rambling, Alex continued.

  “You have effectively taken over Carol’s role, which I’m very grateful for. I don’t want to interview for her position, what with everything else that’s going on at the moment. Plus I already interviewed you. You were my first choice internally, except for your lack of experience. Which I guess you don’t lack now.” He removed his glasses and rubbed a hand over his eyes, then replaced them. “I would like you to carry on in her role for the mean time.”

  He held up a hand towards me. “I don’t expect an answer straight away. I know it’s an awkward situation, and I hate to put you in this position, but this role has created more than enough controversy already. Think about it and let me know what you decide.”

  Well, I hadn’t been expecting that. “Thanks … I will.” I couldn’t quite believe it, feeling dazed as I left his office. A couple of weeks before, that offer would have thrilled me. But what would people think if I stepped into Carol’s role? Would they believe I was behind Carol leaving so that I could have her job? I still wanted to be a client analyst but it felt a little … tarnished.

  Hopefully Alex wanted me for the job because he believed in me and not because I was the easy option. Back at my desk, I took out my mobile and texted Marco.


  Although I had taken longer getting ready than normal, we were still the first to arrive at the restaurant. Marco had been quiet on the drive there, a fact that concerned me. As we waited in the bar area for Alex, I took a sip of my white wine and turned to face Marco.

  That time he wore a black suit, which made his eyes look a darker shade of green, and a purple and white checked shirt stretched across his chest. I had to admit that it made a nice change from his usual jeans and T-shirt, but he looked sexy in either outfit.

  “You’re very quiet.”

  I wondered how long I’d been eyeing him up and if he’d noticed. “I was thinking the same thing about you, actually.”

  He took a step towards me and dropped an arm around my shoulders. “I’m fine. I’m a big boy and I can look after myself.”

  “I know. It doesn’t stop me worrying about you though. Or feeling responsible.”

  He pulled me in to his chest and tightened his arm around me. “Well, you don’t need to.”

  “How would you feel if our positions were reversed? Are you telling me you wouldn’t be worried about me?”

  He surprised me with a short bark of laughter that had me frowning at him. He set his glass on the bar, then wrapped his hand gently around my neck and pulled me towards him. In a low, hoarse voice, he said, “If you were being threatened I wouldn’t let you leave my sight for a second.”

  His warm breath blew across my cheek and ear, sending goosebumps down my arms. The bar receded from my senses and we became the only two people there as I focused on the intensity behind his words.

  “I wouldn’t be worried about you because if anyone wanted to hurt you, they’d have to come through me first. And believe me, I’d never let anyone hurt you. You’re far too important to me for anyone to hurt you.”

  Lost to the emotions that his words and intense gaze aroused in me, I swallowed hard and flicked my tongue out to lick my dry lips. His grasp around my neck tightened slightly before he pulled me flush against him. Slowly he lowered his head towards mine, his gaze never leaving me eyes. I ran my hand up his arm and over his shoulder, then tangled my fingers in his hair, pressing my fingers into the back of his neck and urging his head down towards me. His lips parted and my eyes fluttered shut.

  As his warm lips touched mine, my heart constricted. My other hand slid up his chest, bringing our bodies even
closer. The tip of his tongue traced my lower lip, and I parted them in silent invite. As his tongue sought out mine and our tongues tangled, a strong heat coursed through me. A low groan from Marco had me pressing myself against him harder, completely lost in the arousal he created with in me.

  “Ahem. Don’t mind us, but I thought we were here to work.”

  At the sound of Alex’s amused voice, I dropped my arms from around Marco’s neck and stepped away from him. I felt like a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Suddenly my feet seemed fascinating. But as far as Alex knew, we were together, so I raised my head and pushed my hair behind my ears where it had fallen loose.

  Marco wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “We were early. Just entertaining ourselves until you got here.”

  Alex’s laughter followed him to the bar as I went over to greet Maria. As she chatted easily to me, I gave a sidelong glance at Marco, who was busy talking to Alex at the bar. My mind drifted back to our kiss.

  “Everything okay between you two?”

  I nodded but really I had no idea anymore. My whole world had been turned upside down lately.

  And then Dan walked in. What was he doing there? Alex greeted him and Marco. I watched as they shook hands before Dan turned to look in my direction. I smiled, but he turned his back on me. My eyebrows lowered as I blew out a breath and then pressed my lips together.

  Dan was an enigma, friendly one moment and then acting like I didn’t exist the next. My gaze wandered over to Marco, who seemed so straightforward in contrast.

  Then the clients arrived and Alex herded us all towards the table, snapping me out of my thoughts. I was there to do a job, I reminded myself.

  Alex introduced Dan to the clients. “So, if you have any technical questions, then Dan’s your man.”

  I rolled my eyes at Alex’s words but then put my work face on. The dinner went well, as Dan relaxed and we even joked together, until we moved back to the bar area and Marco slipped his arm around my waist. I didn’t miss the way Dan’s gaze followed the movement and the glare he sent my way. What was his problem? He continued to stare, making me feel uncomfortable. I pulled away from Marco’s hold and tugged his hand away when he tried to pull me closer.


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