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Obsession Page 18

by Liz Bower

  Maybe I’d get lucky that Dan had left the kitchen door unlocked. Maybe I wouldn’t. But standing there clutching my neck wasn’t achieving anything.

  I headed for the kitchen, finding Dan chopping carrots as I entered the room. He looked up at the sound of my footsteps and gave me a huge smile. A smile I’d once longed to see aimed in my direction. The only smile I wanted to see right then was Marco’s cocky grin showing me that everything was fine.

  “Morning, babe.”

  He put the knife down and sauntered over to me, wrapped his fingers around my biceps and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes as my muscles tensed. The urge to push him away was overwhelming, and I prayed that kiss was all he would do. His fingers dropped from my arms, and when I peeked up at him, he was frowning down at me.

  “I’ll get you a cup of tea,” he said as he stepped away. “I thought I’d get a head start on dinner.” He stuck the kettle under the tap to fill it and carried on. “I’m making the chicken casserole Mum always used to make when you came round.” He switched the tap off, set the kettle down and switched it on. “I doubt it’ll be as good as my mum made it though.”

  He took a yellow mug down from the cupboard and threw a smile my way. When I didn’t return it, he opened another cupboard and pulled out a box of teabags. Clearly his Josephine drank tea.

  “My brother even said he would try to make it for dinner.”

  The kettle boiled and he finished making the tea, placing the mug on the dining table in front of me before going back to the chopping board. I stepped closer to the dining table to put it between us.

  My gaze darted around the kitchen. To the left of the dining table was a row of cupboards. A toaster and microwave sat on the countertop. To the right, Dan was standing amidst a litter of vegetable peelings and used pans. The door between the two sets of cupboards overlooked a small backyard. There was no key in the door, and I couldn’t see one hung up nearby.

  The sound of the knife hitting the chopping board echoed around the room, punctuating my thoughts.

  What do I do?


  How do I get out?


  He set the knife down on the countertop, taking the chopping board over to the casserole dish. I stared at the long knife, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw him slide the vegetables into the pot.

  I couldn’t. Could I?

  He stepped back from the oven towards the door. Towards the knife.

  “You remember my brother Sam, right?”

  Dan’s question stole my attention from the blade. I shook my head, trying to dislodge the path my thoughts had wandered down.

  “You must remember him. Sam still remembers you. We don’t talk about you much anymore, but I know he’ll be glad to see you again.”

  A hysterical, high-pitched laugh escaped from my lips. Dan turned to look at me, his brows pinched together.

  “No!” I took another step towards the countertop. “No, I don’t bloody remember your brother. How could I when I’ve never fucking met him.”

  Dan’s eyes hardened at my words, and I pressed my back against the top.

  “I’m not your Josephine,” I yelled. My hand roamed over the discarded peelings until my fingertips found the cold metal of the blade. I slid them down until they reached the wooden handle.

  I tried to take a deep breath, to stop the rapid rise and fall of my chest. “We met two months ago. At the office, remember? That was the first time I saw you.”

  Dan inched towards me, his brows lowered. “Of course I remember. I thought I’d never see you again. And then there you were. It was like the last ten years had never happened, as though we’d never been apart.”

  I tightened my grip around the handle of the knife. “Those last ten years never did happen, Dan. Not for me. I didn’t know who you were until that day.”

  Dan shook his head and clenched his fists. “Why, Josephine? Why would you deny what we had together?”

  He took another step closer and I swung the knife from behind my back, holding it straight out towards him. “Because we’ve never been together. I’m not denying anything. There’s nothing to deny. I don’t know you.”

  The blade of the knife glinted under the kitchen lights, throwing off strips of light as it shook in my grasp. Dan dropped his gaze to the blade, then met my eyes again. The only sound I could hear was my shaky breath, time frozen for a moment as we stared at each other.

  “Don’t come any closer. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will.” I wasn’t sure those words were true. Hurting him? I wasn’t really bothered about that, but the idea of actually doing so with a knife? Not so sure I would be able to do that.

  Then he lunged at me, his hand wrapping around my wrist that held the knife. He dragged me around until my wrist hit the wall beside the cupboards and the knife dropped to the floor. His other hand wrapped around my neck and pinned me to the wall. I tried to pry his hand off me, but he pushed me back against the wall until I was on my tiptoes.

  I stared into those stormy blue eyes, pleading with him as I tried to take a breath. Was this how I would die? At the hands of a man who claimed to love me, yet didn’t know me?

  I tried to kick him but couldn’t get enough space to do it with any force. Then Dan pinned me against the wall with his hips and I couldn’t move. I choked in a breath before his grip tightened on my neck.

  “I could have given you everything you ever wanted.”

  My eyes widened as my panic reached a whole other level.

  He’s going to kill me.

  The sound of breaking glass dragged us both back to our surroundings. His hold on my neck loosened and I dragged in a shaky breath.

  “What the fuck?” Dan’s head whipped to the side.

  I slid my gaze in the same direction. DI Jones and DC Pickering were standing in the doorway to the kitchen.

  The next thing I knew, Dan was being dragged off me by both of them and I slumped against the wall. I lifted a hand to rub at my throat as I stared in disbelief while they handcuffed Dan.

  “Jo? What’s going on?”

  I could have cried at those words because that voice, I recognised.

  “Marco?” I turned towards the doorway and there he was. My shoulders sagged in relief as he crossed the room in two long strides. He wrapped an arm around my waist and I slumped into his hold, the adrenaline wearing off.

  As I did, a keening cry filled the room.

  “No, no, no. She’s mine.”

  I glanced across the room to see Dan drop to his knees, the cry turning into a moan.

  “Are you hurt?” Marco asked.

  I dragged my gaze from Dan’s broken form, shaking my head and turning towards Marco. I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my head in the crook of his neck, inhaling deeply the scent of Marco. The scent of safety. My body shook as the tears fell and he held me tighter.


  As the car stopped, the sight of home pulled me out of my daze. I climbed slowly out of the car and then hurried up the stairs. The front door swung open and I’d never been so glad to see Gabi. She smiled and I burst into tears, the last few days, weeks, pouring out of me. She pulled me into her arms and let me cry on her shoulder.

  “It’s okay. Shh. You’re okay, now.”

  Gabi stroked her hand up and down my back. I closed my eyes and a slideshow of images played through my mind. Dan pinning me against the bookshelf. The knife shaking in my hands. Marco. Safe in Marco’s arms.

  As my sobs quietened, Gabi led me into the living room and dragged me down onto the sofa beside her.

  I gave her a garbled version of what had happened. When I got to the point where Marco had shown up, like my own cavalry, I glanced over to where he was sitting in the armchair. He gave me a small smile.

  Gabi brushed my fringe from my forehead and aimed a proud look at her brother. “We were worried when you didn’t arrive home.”

  “I—” Marco cleared his throat an
d quickly glanced away from me. “I called your parents and when they told me you hadn’t come home, I contacted Alex. He told me that Dan had texted him saying you were ill and wouldn’t be in to work that day. When I still hadn’t heard anything, I contacted Alex again and he gave me the hotel details of where you stayed in the Lakes. But they told me that you had both checked out as planned, so I asked Alex for Dan’s address hoping that he might know where you were. I never …” He ran a hand through his hair and glanced over at me. “I didn’t expect to find you there … like that.” He rose from the chair.

  “Thank you … for everything.”

  Marco dipped his head. “I’ll call Alex and your parents to let them know you’re okay.”

  He took a step towards the kitchen just as there was a loud knock on the front door. I jumped at the noise, panic spiked through my veins at the thought that it might be Dan. Gabi wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

  Marco held his palm out towards us. “It’s okay. I’ll get it.”

  DI Jones’s voice reached the sofa and I relaxed against Gabi. Marco led him and DC Pickering into the living room, then disappeared into the kitchen.

  “How you doing, Jo?” DI Jones asked as he lowered himself into the chair.

  I shrugged. A damn sight better than I was at Dan’s. “I’m okay.”

  “We have Dan in custody.”

  His gaze dropped to my neck, and I lifted a hand self-consciously, wrapping my fingers around the tender skin.

  “We’ll need to document the bruises as evidence.” I nodded. “Can you tell us what happened?”

  “Can’t it wait?” Gabi asked as she grasped my free hand.

  I gave her hand a squeeze. “It’s okay, Gabi. I’d rather get it over and done with.”

  She let out a huff and released my hand. “Fine. I’ll go put the kettle on, then.”

  The room fell quiet when Gabi left. Pickering took a seat next to me. “In your own time, Jo. Tell us what you can remember.”

  I hugged a cushion to my chest and for the second time recounted what had happened. “My handbag! It’s still in … in his car.”

  “Don’t worry. We’ll get it back for you.”

  Recounting the events brought back the thought that had been circling through my mind since I’d realised who the girl in the photo was. Even though they may not be able to answer, I had to ask. “Do you know what … where the real Josephine is?”

  Jones shifted on his seat as he glanced at Pickering. He cleared his throat and said, “Dan wouldn’t speak to us when we got to the police station. We did manage to contact his mother though. She gave us the details of who Dan thought you were. A quick search showed that she’s still living down in Exeter, but we’ll follow up on that.”

  I let out a breath I hadn’t realised I’d been holding. The thought had crossed my mind more than once that maybe Dan had … killed her.

  “Dan’s mother also told us that at the time Josephine left him, Dan suffered some kind of mental breakdown. Dan’s father died not long before Josephine left, and he took it hard. It was the anniversary of his dad’s death not long ago. A doctor has seen Dan and suspects meeting you, thinking you were that Josephine, was the trigger for a type of mental break. That Dan could carry on with his normal routine indicates the break was specific to you.”

  I released my stranglehold on the cushion.

  Gabi perched on the arm of the sofa next to me, her hand resting on my back. “So what does that mean?”

  “We found no evidence that Dan was behind the threats, but I strongly suspect it was him. We do, however, have proof of ABH–actual bodily harm.” Jones lifted a hand and waved a finger across his neck.

  I leaned in to Gabi’s side, the idea that Dan could be charged sapping the last of my energy. I was hopeful that I would never have to see Dan again.

  Jones set his mug on the coffee table and stood. “We’ll let you get some rest, but we’ll be back soon. I’ll let you know if there are any developments.”

  “Thank you.”

  The detectives let themselves out, and Gabi slipped down onto the cushion beside me. I buried my head against her shoulder and closed my eyes, letting the familiar jasmine scent of her and home wash over me.


  I spent the whole of Sunday at home, not wanting to leave the house. Gabi had stayed with me, but Marco had disappeared almost as soon as the police had left and I hadn’t seen him since. I didn’t know why I was disappointed by his absence. It was me who ended things between us, so why would he stick around?

  My parents came round and I reassured them that I was fine.

  I distracted myself from thoughts of Marco by focusing on Gabi. I tried to ask her about Scott, but she was adamant that nothing was going to happen between them. She said she was happy to concentrate on her job, which had been her focus since leaving university. Gabi wanted to forget anything had happened between them and just try to get back to being friends again.

  By the time Monday morning came, I needed a distraction. Needed something to stop my mind from reliving the time at Dan’s over and over.

  “You’re not going to the office,” Gabi said when she saw me come down the last step into the living room.

  I let my arms drop open by my sides. “What else am I supposed to do? Sit around here and mope all day? Keep rehashing the last few days? I don’t want to think about Dan … about what could have happened.”

  Gabi walked slowly over to me and wrapped her arms around me. “Just don’t overdo it, okay?” she whispered in my ear.

  When she pulled back, her eyes were watery. I nodded, unable to force any words around the emotions clogging my throat.

  I drove to the office that day, not wanting to walk alone along the river. I pushed away the reasons in my head telling me it was stupid to drive, that I had to go out alone at some point. And I would. Just not on my first day back.

  As I walked through reception, I gave Hilary a little wave and wondered how much everyone knew about what had happened, if anything. I shouldered the door to the office open and couldn’t help but glance over to the coffee machine. I let out a shaky breath when nobody was standing there, but an image of Dan flitted through my head and my eyes stung. I dug my nails into my palms, refusing to cry.

  “Jo? The police contacted me, so I didn’t expect to see you in the office today.”

  Releasing my clenched fists, I turned to face Alex. He looked tired, and small lines creased the sides of his eyes as he watched me. When I didn’t answer, he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and ushered me towards his office. I jumped at the sound of the door closing behind me and told myself to calm down.

  Alex took a seat behind his desk. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded even though I clearly wasn’t.

  “You didn’t have to come in today. Take as much time off as you need.”

  “I want to be here. I need to stay busy, if that’s okay?”

  Alex leaned back in his leather chair with a sigh. “Of course it’s okay. Just … let me know if you need anything. Dan—”

  My head shot up at the mention of his name. “He’s not here, is he?”

  “God, of course not. The police outlined what happened, the charges of ABH. And even though there’s no evidence that the threats were … him.” Alex took a deep breath. “Well, he’s still within his three-month probationary period, so I don’t need a reason to let him go.”

  I leaned back in the chair with relief. The idea of him being there, of seeing him in the office, was too much. Alex straightened a pile of papers on his desk and placed his pen on top of them.

  “I spoke to Carol, to let her know what the police told me. She said she wouldn’t be coming back and I don’t blame her. But … well, if you want to keep busy, I need a client analyst. Now probably isn’t the time, but if you still want it the job is yours.” He held up a hand and continued. “Don’t say anything now. Just think about it.”

  He picked up a folder and slid it across t
he desk to me. “Lakeside Holidays sent me this though. Why don’t you work through their queries today? There’s no rush for it and if you need anything, well, just let me know.”

  “Thanks, Alex.” I picked up the folder and headed back to my desk.

  As I waited for the computer to switch on, I listened to the murmur of voices around me. The sounds of the office were reassuring, normal. The ringing phones, the whir of printers, and the muted tapping of fingers on keyboards.

  Nicola popped her head over the divider between our desks. “There’s a rumour going around that Dan was arrested!”

  She glanced around the office, and I was glad I’d thought to wear a blouse that had a matching scarf. Nobody would be able to see the bruises. I wasn’t sure it was common knowledge of my involvement, so I didn’t say anything.

  “It was for ABH, but everyone thinks he was behind what went on with Carol.”

  I looked away from Nicola to log onto my computer. “Maybe everyone should stop speculating until they find out what’s really going on.” I hadn’t meant to snap at her, but I did not want to talk about Dan. Nicola disappeared back behind the screen with a huff.

  By mid-morning, I must have read Lakeside Holidays’ queries three times but hadn’t taken any of them in, too distracted by alternating thoughts of Dan, and then Marco. I hadn’t even really had a chance to thank Marco properly for showing up when he did with the police.


  I jumped as the sound of my name brought me back to the present, that time with Toby saying my name instead of just loitering around my desk. A wave of guilt washed over me as I remembered following him home from the office. Of suspecting him.

  “Hi.” I swivelled my chair around to face him.

  Toby shuffled from foot to foot. “Everyone’s talking about Dan upstairs. That he won’t be coming back to the office.”

  I wish people would stop talking to me about Dan. If I never hear his name again, that will suit me fine. “No, I don’t think he will be.”

  Toby’s gaze wandered over my face and down to my neck. I gripped the side of my seat to stop myself from playing with my scarf.


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