Claiming the Little Vampire

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Claiming the Little Vampire Page 4

by CR Guiliano

  “Thayne?” Tobih was loathe to intrude, but he was hungry, and the feeders were all there, watching their master get fucked.

  “Binson, service Tobih.”

  Thayne’s voice was raspy, the tone low, and his eyes were closed. The stranger behind him was swiveling his hips slowly, making Thayne groan a few times, as one of the smaller men approached Tobih, and offered his neck. Without taking his eyes off of Thayne, and the stranger, Tobih leaned forward, and slowly sliced his fangs into Binson’s neck. The feeder moaned in pleasure, skootching closer to Tobih, and grinding his erection on Tobih’s thigh. By now, they all knew he wouldn’t be fucking them, but that didn’t mean he allowed them to go unsatisfied. He moved his thigh, thrusting it between Binson’s legs, allowing the man to ride him, even as he took his fill of Binson’s sweet blood.

  By the time Tobih had had enough, and pulled his fangs away to lick the wound, Binson had climaxed four times, the wet spot in his pants transferring to the leg of Tobih’s jeans. Binson was one of Thayne’s most responsive feeders, and always had multiple orgasms. Sometimes, Tobih wondered what it would feel like to have all that clenching around his dick, and there were a couple of times he’d orgasmed himself while feeding, making a mess in his pants, and trying not acknowledge the erotic images of Kelle that had made it happen.

  Thayne had finally opened his eyes, the blood red irises nearly glowing from his sexual activities. The stranger was still behind Thayne, and didn’t look like he was going anywhere soon.

  “Everyone, out!”

  Thayne sounded perturbed, and Tobih turned to leave.

  “Not you, Tobih.”

  He stopped, and looked back at Thayne, who was watching him intently, his eyes slowly going back to the silvery-blue they usually were. He moved slightly, and the man behind him grunted, as if in pain, and curled his large arm around Thayne, pulling him back against his chest.

  “Not yet, it hasn’t gone down.”

  Thayne sighed, patting the man’s arm. Tobih was at a loss of what to do. He didn’t really know what was going on, what the man was talking about, but it was obvious Thayne did as he pushed his ass back, grinding it into the man’s groin. The large man moaned, and thrust forward.

  “You’re only going to make it hard again, and make me swell more by doing that.”

  Tobih was shocked at the wicked grin Thayne gave as he ground his ass again, his eyes on Tobih.

  “Tobih, this is Fenet, one of Alpha Garron’s betas, and his brother. He’s a wolf shifter.”

  Tobih finally turned around, and nodded at the large man…Fenet, feeling ridiculous at being a witness to whatever was happening between the two of them, and yet fascinated to finally meet one of these infamous shifters. Besides Kelle anyway. “Are you sure you don’t want me to leave you to your…uh…privacy?”

  “No, you need to know what this looks like.”

  “Um, what what looks like?” To Tobih, it was just Thayne, and Fenet fucking.

  “Male wolf shifters, alphas, and betas anyway, have a knot at the base of their dicks that swell when they climax, locking them inside whoever they are fucking, and allowing their seed to plant well. It takes a while for it to go down.”

  Tobih winced. That just sounded painful. His eyes widened when Thayne laughed, a rumbling echo coming from the shifter.

  “Trust me, little one. If I gave you my knot, you would be in ecstasy.”

  Tobih frowned. “I don’t want your knot, or any part of you, thanks anyway.” Wow, these shifters were an arrogant lot. He looked at Thayne, to see the master’s eyes sparkling.

  “The pain is part of the pleasure, Tobih, and if the wolf knows what he’s doing, and goes deep enough, his knot puts constant pressure on the prostate, and the pleasure is so great, a person could pass out from it.”

  “Hmmm, but not you, vampire? I must be losing my touch.”

  “I’m not like humans, wolf. It takes more than a swollen knot to make me pass out.”

  The shifter grunted, then moved, finally pulling from Thayne’s body with an absolutely obscene squelching noise. Even from where Tobih was standing by the door, he could see the fluids glistening on the man’s still semi-hard cock. He turned away as he listened to them both get up, and dressed. He shuddered, thinking they should be showering before putting clothes back on, but that was his opinion.

  When he looked back, it was to see Thayne still naked with his fangs buried in the shifter’s neck, the master humping the man’s leg as he fed. Minutes later, Thayne groaned loudly, pulling his fangs free, and throwing his head back as he climaxed, covering the betas pants in spunk. Much to Tobih’s surprise, the shifter leaned down, and bit into Thayne’s neck, taking a few swallows of blood, before pulling his thicker fangs from the master. Thayne, now satisfied, though his flaccid dick was still dripping, handed a cloth to Fenet to clean up. Once done, the shifter nuzzled Thayne’s neck affectionately.

  “Until next time, Master.”

  Thayne silently ran his fingers through the shifter’s long, thick hair, then pushed him towards the door. Once they were alone, Thayne went over to a small sink in the corner, wet a cloth, and wiped himself down before putting on a pair of slacks he rescued from the floor. He didn’t bother putting anything else on, and went to sit down behind his desk. He pointed at the chair, and Tobih obediently sat down, annoyed at the capitulation he was showing. Thayne just had a way of expecting you to do what he wanted, and if you didn’t, or resisted, the disappointed look on his face made you feel two inches tall. It had annoyed the crap out of Tobih, and still did, but he was buzzing nicely from Binson’s blood, and didn’t feel like fighting with the master. He hadn’t been sleeping well, his dreams full of Kelle, and waking up aroused, and having to take care of his erections way too often. It was frustrating, and tiring, and he was heartily sick of it.

  “Have you seen Kelle lately?”

  Tobih had closed his eyes, and snapped them open at the master’s question. “No, should I have?” He tried for nonchalance, but wasn’t sure he’d pulled it off if the smirk on Thayne’s face was any indication.

  “You can’t get him out of your head, can you?”

  Tobih felt his face heat, and cursed his vampire paleness. He didn’t bother to say anything either. No way was he confirming Thayne’s guess.

  “I see by the blush, you can’t. Have you not figured out who Kelle is to you?”

  “An annoying former bouncer who disappeared? Which makes him nothing to me.”

  Thayne shook his head, and smiled. Tobih wanted to growl at him. He didn’t want to talk about Kelle, and he didn’t need the master pushing the subject. He was desperately trying to forget the half shifter, and hated the fact he couldn’t.

  “He’s your mate, Tobih. Your destined half. Did it ever occur to you, the reason you won’t fuck any of my feeders, is because you can’t? Do any of them turn you on, arouse you at all?”

  Tobih’s face grew hotter, and he stared at the wall behind Thayne’s head, unwilling to look him the eye. “I don’t like to top.” That was the excuse he’d been telling himself, trying to ignore the wish to wait, and hoping his first time as a vampire would be with Kelle. The man was gone, and Tobih didn’t know where he was. It didn’t matter, Kelle didn’t want him so that was that.

  “Don’t give me that shit. I have two feeders who occasionally like to top, and they would be more than willing to fill your tight little hole.”

  Tobih’s jaw dropped at the master’s blunt, and crass comments. Thayne was staring at him, one brow raised, as if challenging Tobih to deny his words. “It doesn’t matter, he’s gone.”

  “I know where he is.”

  Tobih’s heart lurched, his stomach filling with butterflies, but it all died down quickly when he thought about Kelle running away...away from him. “He doesn’t want me, Master, or he wouldn’t have disappeared.”

  “Oh, he wants you. Desperately. He just couldn’t wrap his mind around vampires. I didn’t even get a chance
to tell him what he was, before he high-tailed it out of here. But I’ve had warriors watching him, protecting him. Alpha Garron doesn’t like hybrids, thinks they are an abomination, and I don’t trust his wolves not to attack Kelle, especially now he is not in my territory, and under my protection.”

  Tobih glared. “You certainly trusted Fenet enough to fuck you.” Thayne waved off Tobih’s words, looking slightly annoyed at Tobih’s accusation.

  “Fenet is strong, stronger than most betas, but I’m a master, and much more powerful. He knows that. I let him have some fun, he allows me to drink from him, and I let him have a few mouthfuls of my blood. It’s a win-win situation, and none of your business.”

  Thayne’s last words came out a growl, and Tobih hung his head. The master was right, it wasn’t any of his business what Thayne wished to do. Tobih was letting his frustrations eat at him, causing him to be less than tactful. “It’s not like I know what to do. If he can’t wrap his mind around vampires, what do you suppose will happen if I show up wherever he is?”

  “You are laetus, and soon you will become ripe, enter your heat, I can smell the beginnings of it on you already. That’s when you need to seek him out. He will be unable to resist taking you, and marking you as his mate.”

  “What the hell is laetus, and what makes you think I want to be his mate?” Thayne had explained mates to Tobih a couple of weeks ago, though he’d never given an explanation to what a laetus was, or why he thought Tobih was one. Thayne, himself, didn’t have a mate, though he’d impregnated two of his feeders. At least the ones Tobih had seen anyway. He once mentioned a few other children out in the world. Thayne’s down time, away from the club, was when he kept his progeny company. He didn’t raise them, allowing their carriers to do that. And once they reached maturity, he made them leave his territory, unwilling for them to become a threat. Which made no sense to Tobih. They were hybrids, and not masters, so how could they be a threat to someone as strong, and powerful as Thayne? He didn’t ask though, knowing it wasn’t his business, and Thayne would probably refuse to answer him anyway.

  “Destined mates cannot resist each other. They will be driven to connect, in every way, their sole purpose to make their other half happy, and content.”

  Tobih snorted derisively. “I can’t see Kelle having any desire to make me happy.” And Tobih could barely think about making Kelle happy, especially since he had no clue what would actually make the hybrid joyful in the first place. He didn’t know the guy, didn’t know about his life, his past, his dreams. Nothing.

  “Oh, but he will. He’ll want to claim you, mark you as his, seed you, and will be so protective of you, it’ll drive you nuts. A wolf shifter, even a hybrid, is driven to protect, and is extremely possessive.”

  Tobih shuddered. The last thing he needed was some overgrown dog thinking he was a piece of property, and treating him like a possession. Tobih had worked too hard to have control over his own life, to have that freedom taken away from him. Kelle could go fuck himself, if he thought for one damn minute he would control Tobih in any way, mate, or no mate.

  “You can deny it, fight it all you want, but sooner, or later, you will go mad without Kelle. He is your destined mate, and you will never be complete without him. I will warn you, if you choose to fight the pull you have for him, you could go feral, and if that happens, I will be forced to destroy you.”

  Tobih’s stomach churned, the blood he’d consumed sitting heavy in his belly. “Seriously? I didn’t ask for a mate, I don’t want a mate. So why has this happened?” Tobih watched Thayne shrug, and turn away.

  “Every paranormal has a destined mate, a fated mate, even me, but most don’t ever find them in their lifetime. And some…some lose their mates.”

  Thayne looked back at Tobih, and he was surprised to see such desolation, sadness, and despair in Thayne’s eyes, that Tobih’s chest ached. He wanted to ask his master if he’d found, then lost his destined mate, but as always with intimate, or personal questions, Thayne would grow annoyed, and not answer them. “So, I don’t have a choice in this? Isn’t there some way to break the connection?”

  Thayne’s eyes turned red for a second, and Tobih wondered what he’d said to anger the other vampire. Maybe others would be happy to know they had a mate out there somewhere, but Tobih wasn’t. He liked his life alone. He didn’t want to be someone’s possession, and he didn’t want to have the responsibility of another’s life, and happiness. He could barely handle his own life, much less have a mate in it.

  “No, well, yes, there are ways to break the connection, but no one ever wants that. A fated mate is a gift from the gods for paranormals, since we live for so long. It’s not something to squander, or deny.”

  Thayne’s voice had gone low, and growly by the time he was done speaking, and though Tobih could see where, in Thayne’s world, a mate would be a good thing for the master, Tobih was different. “I don’t want a mate, master. I’ve worked too hard to be independent to have that taken away, and for my happiness to be reliant on someone else.” Thayne hissed, showing his fangs for a second.

  “It has nothing to do with dependency. A mate fulfills something that is missing. And I will not share my feeders with you forever. Eventually, you are going to need Kelle, as much as he needs you, once he gets his head out of his ass.”

  Tobih could feel anger bubbling under his skin. “I don’t need anyone! You taught me how to find blood sources. I can take care of myself!”

  “Really? Fine, you are hereby forbidden to come here any longer. You want to be independent? You want to be alone? Then so be it. Go, and don’t come back. And if you ever learn to accept Kelle is the one for you, you’ll find him working at Onyx.”

  Two of Thayne’s warriors suddenly entered the room, and Tobih stood, anger coursing through him. He couldn’t believe Thayne was doing this. There was a moment of panic, knowing his regular feedings were coming to an end, but then he knew how to hunt now, how to find a vein to tap. He would show the master. He’d be fine, even without Thayne’s feeders. Without a word, he turned, and left, not looking back. This part of his life was over now.

  Chapter 4

  Kelle had the troublemaker by the nape, his other hand holding the man’s arm up behind his back as Kelle frog-marched him to the front door. He’d found another job as a bouncer, the only one he was qualified for, at Onyx. This club was nothing like Bent, or even the Harbinger. And, though it had a few of the same features as Whips, the BDSM club Kelle used to frequent, it was not a dungeon club, but a Goth one. The place was dark, the walls painted black, the floor covered in concrete, also painted black. There was very little color anywhere, except for the lighting over the dance floor, which, most of the time, rarely saw any use.

  Kelle made the door, and shoved the guy out. “Don’t come back until you learn some manners.” Kelle watched the man wobbly stalk away, then turned to go back to his job. Kelle was exhausted, but had another three hours to go before he could go home, and fall into his bed. He’d not been to the gym in a week, having no energy to work out. He moved around the crowd, trying not to smell the different odors of weed, and unwashed bodies. Kelle hated working here, but he’d had no choice. He couldn’t stay at his former job, not with what he’d learned.

  He could still hardly believe Thayne, his former boss, was a vampire. A master, no less, though it kind of made sense, since he was the boss, and always seemed so…strong, to Kelle. And mysterious. Now Kelle knew why. But what bothered him more, was to know Tobih, the small man he was infatuated with, was also a vampire. Tobih was always on his mind, his thoughts centered on the little vampire, his dreams filled with erotic encounters. Encounters he knew would never happen. Tobih hated Kelle, and besides, Kelle wasn’t sure what he’d do, if he was confronted with Tobih now, knowing what he was.

  In the last week, things had been even weirder, because Kelle had thought he’d caught sight of the small vampire in his peripheral vision, only to look, and find no one there. It was
as if his mind was playing tricks on him. Kelle sighed as he made his way to the bar. Shiler was working, and Kelle had to suppress his embarrassment whenever he was around the other man. Two days after Kelle had started working here, Shiler had shown his interest. Desperate, Kelle had forgone his usual rule, and taken the man home, only to be humiliated with a limp, and uninterested dick. Shiler had been kind about it, and Kelle had given the man a blow-job in appreciation. After that, neither one of them had said a word, or tried to hook-up again.

  “You okay, Kelle?”

  Kelle nodded. He wasn’t about to spout his issues to Shiler, since he was pretty sure vampires were not a common fact. He certainly hadn’t known they existed until a few weeks ago. He grabbed the beer Shiler slid towards him, then with another nod, headed back out into the crowd. That was something else that had changed. Kelle had never drank while on the clock, but now it was the only way he could get through the night.

  He made his way to the back wall, just to the left of the stage, where the owners of this club had bands play on certain nights. It was dark here, the shadows deep, and Kelle liked to watch from the private position. An hour later, and Kelle was bored out of his mind. This place was depressing, dark and forlorn, full of people who hated their lives, and were only trying to connect with others similar to themselves. Kelle could practically taste the desperation, and gloom in the air. Sadly, he wasn’t much different than the clients who came here.

  As the minutes of his night ticked by, Kelle’s mind wandered to Tobih, as it always did. He wondered how the vampire was doing, if he was okay, and if Thayne was taking care of him. His own need to care for the little vampire, protect him, was still strong within Kelle, but he usually could suppress it. Apparently, not tonight. Tonight, his senses were picking up Tobih, as if the vampire was near. It was as if he could smell him, sense him, and Kelle’s heart jumped, only for his stomach to drop, knowing Tobih wasn’t anywhere around.


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