Claiming the Little Vampire

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Claiming the Little Vampire Page 7

by CR Guiliano

  Then the anger, his wolf raging at him for running away, and that their mate had not claimed them back. Their mate hadn’t allowed them to provide what he needed to survive, to nourish the pup growing inside his mate’s belly. Wait? What? “He’s…he’s pregnant.” The wonder in his own voice was barely overshadowed by the fury he’d been dealing with for days. Kelle slid down the wall, until he was sitting on the floor, staring at the white wolf watching him. “Change back.” He said it softly, just needed the confirmation before he believed he was one of these creatures.

  When Marsis was once more human, and had gotten dressed, Thayne sent him home. Kelle was still trying to understand it all. He was a werewolf? A monster? Except, Marsis didn’t seem anything like a monster, so maybe he wasn’t either? He hoped so, he really did, because if he was, he didn’t want to live, afraid he’d hurt others.

  “Now, do you see? You are a wolf shifter, even if you are a hybrid.”

  Kelle looked up from his spot on the floor. “Hybrid?” Great, he couldn’t just be a regular werewolf, he had to be weird one, a hybrid, whatever that was.

  “Kelle, do you remember your parents, your biological parents?”

  Kelle shook his head. He’d been shuffled around the foster system in group homes since he could remember.

  “You’re what’s considered a hybrid, most likely human mother, and wolf father. A half-shifter. You’re also quite rare, since wolf hybrids are usually exterminated at birth. I honestly don’t know how you managed to grow to adulthood, other than your mother hid you. Hybrids can be dangerous, and some go feral quickly. You must be more wolf, than human since you seem fine, and can shift. Most hybrids go feral, and insane because they have a wolf inside them that can’t come out.”

  “You think I’m fine? Are you nuts? I can turn into a wolf. If that isn’t insane, I don’t know what is.” Kelle couldn’t believe Thayne was talking about all this as if it was normal. There was nothing normal about it. Not him being a wolf, or half-wolf, or whatever. Thayne, and Tobih being vampires, Tobih being….being pregnant by Kelle’s own seed. Kelle’s head was stull thumping badly, and he desperately wanted it to all go away, until he remembered what Thayne had said earlier. Tobih was wasting away? He couldn’t feed from anyone but Kelle now? And, shit, he was carrying a child. He needed to feed. Kelle pushed himself up off the floor, and turned to Thayne. “Where is he?”

  “If by ‘he’, you mean Tobih, he’s at my club. We’ve been giving him blood through an IV, which he keeps pulling out. He says if you are unwilling to feed him, then he just needs to die.”

  Kelle threw his head back, and howled, the pain in his chest so great, he was afraid he was having a heart attack.


  Kelle choked back the agony he was feeling, and clamped his lips shut, glaring at the master.

  “That’s not going to help. If you are willing, come with me, and I’ll take you to him.”

  “Is he well enough for sex?” Kelle couldn’t believe he was asking, especially Thayne, but he needed to know. Because come hell, or high water, Tobih was going to claim him back, and feed, which meant, this time around, Tobih would be fucking Kelle. Kelle had never given anyone the privilege of entering his body, which accounted for the nervousness filling him, but he wasn’t going to show that to Thayne, or his bodyguards.

  “If you feed him, most likely.”

  Kelle nodded, ignoring the smirk on Thayne’s face. The master vampire was in no way stupid, and probably knew why Kelle had asked him. Not that it mattered. This was between Tobih, and himself.

  It only took about twenty minutes to get to Bent, Kelle fidgeting the whole time. Was he really going to do this? Yes, yes he was. For himself, but mostly for Tobih. He didn’t want the young vampire dying because Kelle was being selfish, or was still confused over it all. It would take time for him to come to terms with what he was, and the fact he had a mate, but he was sure he’d adjust. He always did. That was something concrete he knew about himself. He always managed to adapt to new things, new places. He’d had to, to survive his childhood.

  When they pulled up outside the club, Kelle was out of the car, and headed for the front door, when Thayne stopped him. He just barely contained the growl that bubbled in his chest.

  “Come around back. We’ll go up the private stairs. You are in no condition to walk through the club.”

  Kelle didn’t argue, just changed direction, and made his way around to the back of the club. He waited impatiently for Thayne, and his bodyguards to catch up, then, once the door was open, took the stairs three at a time to get to Tobih. When he reached Thayne’s inner sanctum, he looked around, only to see the usual feeders in the room. “Where is he?”

  “Come on, follow me. He’s in one of my guest rooms.”

  Kelle crowded after Thayne. He’d never been past the door he knew led to Thayne’s bedroom, and didn’t realize there was a whole other space here, including a fully furnished apartment. He had just assumed Thayne had a large bedroom to accommodate all his feeders. He didn’t take more time than to glance around, too focused on getting to Tobih. When Thayne stopped at a closed door, he turned to Kelle.

  “He’s weak, and you’ll have to control his feeding. He won’t be able to stop himself, and he could suck you dry. Be careful. He’s liable to attack you, to get to your vein. Just…just…be careful. I really don’t want a guilty fledgling, and a dead hybrid in my quarters. Understand?”

  Kelle did. Tobih was starving, after not feeding for two weeks. He remembered when he’d first met the small vampire. He’d been desperate then too, only he’d must have had some blood, or he would have been out of control, and probably feral then.

  “I won’t expect you to emerge for some time, possibly days. You won’t be disturbed, but if you hear a knock on the door, it’s just to notify you there is a tray of food for you both in the hall.”

  Kelle nodded, anxious to get to Tobih. Thayne laid his hand on Kelle’s arm when he reached for the doorknob.

  “Remember, be careful. The best way to stop his feeding, is to insert a finger between your neck, and his mouth. It breaks the suction, and you can pull him off. Don’t let yourself get too weak to do that, okay?”

  Kelle nodded again, then huffed. “I understand, Thayne. Just, let me get in there already.”


  Kelle looked down to see a bottle of lube being thrust into his hand. Oh, yea, he was going to need that.

  “Being laetus, Tobih self lubricates, but you don’t. Use a lot.”

  Thayne then turned, and left him, disappearing down the hall. This was it. Kelle took a deep breath, and quietly opened the door. He just as quietly closed it, clicking the lock into place, before turning to see Tobih on the bed. He’d lost weight, but wasn’t nearly as emaciated as Thayne made it sound like. His skin was as white as the sheets, and when he turned towards Kelle, his eyes were blood red. He hissed, looking every bit as feral as a blood-starved vamp could. “Tobih?”


  Tobih’s guttural, raspy voice was Kelle’s undoing. He started stripping as he made his way to the bed, Tobih never taking his eyes off of him. When he reached the side of the bed, he was naked, but instead of Tobih raking his eyes down him, he was focused on the rapidly fluttering vein at Kelle’s neck. Kelle had only put one knee on the bed before Tobih leaped from his prone position. But, instead of going for Kelle’s throat like he’d expected, Tobih slammed him back on the mattress, and buried his fangs in the large vein at Kelle’s groin. Kelle went hard as a rock, and started spewing seed, a massive orgasm rolling through him, and he roared at the sensation. He was humping the air, Tobih holding on tightly, his fangs never leaving Kelle’s flesh, even as he was covered in Kelle’s semen.

  Kelle’s heart was thundering, and the pulls from Tobih’s mouth were keeping him hard. When he looked down, it was to see Tobih thrusting into the covers, a groan coming from him. This wouldn’t do. If Tobih wanted to fuck, while feeding, t
hen Kelle needed to get him where that would work. As Thayne had instructed, he leaned down, and pushed a finger between his thigh, and Tobih’s mouth, popping the suction, and pulling Tobih off him. Tobih growled, his eyes still red. Kelle ignored it, pushing Tobih down, and nearly lying on him to keep him still while he recovered the dropped bottle of lube near the head of the bed. Tobih struggled, but he was no match for Kelle’s sheer size.

  Kelle managed to get the bottle open, and knew Tobih wasn’t going to be preparing him. Not with his claws out like that. Kelle poured some of the slick on his fingers, and quickly inserted one. He was going to have to hurry. It wasn’t that he couldn’t continue to hold Tobih down, but he wanted the vampire to claim him, and feed some more. A few minutes later, he had three fingers plunging in, and out of his own ass, the sensation different, and not entirely pleasant. He kept in mind, having Tobih’s cock in him was going to be so much better than his own fingers.

  Satisfied he could take Tobih’s thinner, and shorter cock, he pulled his fingers free, and wiped them on the sheets. Carefully, keeping a tight hold on his mate, he maneuvered them around, until Tobih was on top of him, straining to get to his neck. Holding Tobih’s shoulder to keep him from just diving in, he moved the little vampire’s hips around until he was in the right position. Kelle then opened his legs wide, drawing them up to expose himself. Using his free hand, he grabbed ahold of Tobih’s hard length, and guided it to his entrance. Letting go, he placed a hand on Tobih’s ass, and pulled him forward, until Tobih got the idea, and pushed into him, burying himself to the hilt in one fast thrust. Kelle groaned, the feeling of fullness new to him. It stung, but only for a moment. Looking into his mate’s red eyes, he couldn’t help but notice they had faded somewhat. “Tobih, claim me.”


  Kelle then tilted his head, exposing his neck, and let go of Tobih’s shoulder. The man struck, his fangs going deep. Kelle grunted at the first pull, his cock still hard as a rock. He smoothed his large hand over the back of Tobih’s head, just holding him, but putting his thumb in a position to stop Tobih’s feeding, if it got to be too much. Tobih started thrusting in time with his sucking, and damn if he didn’t hit Kelle’s prostate from the get-go. Kelle groaned at the sensations coursing through him, and started rocking into Tobih’s thrust. He hadn’t known it would feel like this.

  “Gods, so good, so good.”

  Kelle’s entire body shuddered hearing Tobih’s voice in his head. He didn’t know bonded vampires could do that. He’d felt the link between them snap into place right before he heard Tobih’s voice, and knew they were fully bonded now. Tobih’s thrusts were growing harder, faster, and more erratic, and Kelle knew his mate was about to climax. Wanting to come at the same time, Kelle forced his free hand between them, and grabbed his own aching erection, jerking in time with Tobih’s thrusts.

  Tobih suddenly pulled his fangs from Kelle’s neck, and arched, groaning loudly as he started grinding his hips as he spilled inside Kelle’s channel. Kelle could actually feel the heat of his cum filling him, and it knocked him over the edge. He roared, his own cock spewing, and his knot swelling. He grabbed it, squeezing, and prolonging his own orgasm, as his channel clutched Tobih within him. Their dual orgasms seemed to go on forever, but soon enough, Tobih collapsed on top of Kelle, his now softening cock slipping from his body. Kelle’s knot was still fully engorged, and would probably stay that way, as if he were inside his mate. Chest heaving, Kelle wrapped his arms around Tobih, holding him close to his racing heart. He felt Tobih licking at the wound on his neck, and hoped it would scar, like the one on Tobih’s neck.

  As their hearts settled, and their breathing returned to normal, the buzz of their bond grew, and strengthened in Kelle’s head. He could feel Tobih now, his emotions, even his body. His mate was happy, satiated, and more importantly, full, his hunger gone now. Kelle’s wolf was content in his mind, no longer snarling, and clawing at him, now they had their mate back. Kelle’s knot was still distended, and every time Tobih moved, the stimulation had Kelle holding in a moan of pleasure. They’d have to experiment with that later, much later, as Kelle’s eyelids drooped. Kelle opened his eyes, blinking when he realized he’d dozed off. Tobih had slipped off him, and was snuggled up to his side. Kelle turned, spooning around Tobih’s much smaller body, feeling as if he was protecting what was his.

  “I do not belong to you, like a possession. We are mates, equals.”

  Kelle nuzzled the back of Tobih’s head. “Of course. I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant, you are my mate, and I am yours. I’m pretty sure, if I were threatened, you would do your best to protect me. You’ve done it before.” Tobih turned his head to see him, his eyes back to amber now.

  “You remember now?”

  Kelle nodded. “Yes, thanks to Thayne. I’m so sorry I was so cruel to you. I’m not sure what got into me, but the wolf in me was angry. He wanted your bite, your claim, and when we didn’t get it, he was enraged. I should have had more control, given you more time.” Kelle felt Tobih’s belief, and almost sighed. He was forgiven.

  “Just, don’t ever do that to me again. I can take a lot, but not harsh words from my mate.”

  Tobih turned away, and pushed back, snuggling deeper into the curve of Kelle’s body.

  “And you’re right, I would protect you as well.”


  Tobih could hardly believe it. He was fully bonded now, to a half-wolf shifter. He lay there a long time, engulfed in Kelle’s arms, his mate’s breathing deepening, until he was softly snoring. He could so get used to that noise, knowing it meant Kelle was right there beside him. He never thought he’d actually enjoy another body against him while in bed, but he did. Maybe fate knew what it was doing after all. There was a soft knock on the door, and Tobih wondered who it was, if it was Thayne, since they were in his suite.

  He slowly scooted himself away from Kelle, careful not disturb him. He was pulled back twice, but finally managed to extract himself out from under Kelle’s heavy arm, and possessive hold. He grabbed a pair of sweats, slipping them on quickly, and going to the door. When he opened it, there was no one there, but on the floor in front of him was a tray, and from the aromas coming from it, it was food. Tobih’s stomach growled, and he leaned down to grab it. Closing the door with his elbow, he made his way back to the dresser to set the tray down. He glanced over at Kelle, to see his mate awake, and watching him, a small smile on his face.



  Somehow, through their bond, Tobih knew it wasn’t food Kelle was talking about. He laughed, liking the idea Kelle wanted him so much, especially after all that had happened before. But he was hungry for food, and was, once again, thankful vampires could eat regular food, along with their need for blood. Meals would be pretty damn boring if they couldn’t enjoy food, and only had blood to sustain them. Kelle climbed from the bed, and walked towards him, not bothering to put his clothes back on. Tobih couldn’t help admiring the magnificence that was Kelle. He was so Tobih’s type. So tall, and broad, a smooth, muscular chest, flat abs, narrow hips, and long muscular legs. His black hair, bright blue eyes, and square jaw made his face stunning to look at. And the long cock swinging between his legs wasn’t bad either.

  “Not bad? I think I should be insulted.”

  Tobih grinned, hearing the amusement in Kelle’s voice. “Your cock is a splendid appendage, and fits my ass perfectly.” He watched Kelle puff out his chest, and rolled his eyes. “Come on, grab those chairs, and we’ll eat, before we move on to more interesting activities.” Kelle growled, obviously pleased with Tobih’s suggestion.


  Kelle flopped over onto his back, Tobih settling on top of him while his knot held them together. His body was covered in sweat, and Tobih’s semen, his mate’s body as slick with sweat as his own. The small bump that now showed on Tobih’s stomach was pressed to Kelle’s, and he listened intently, hearing the fast fluttering of three
heartbeats. Three of them! Thayne had confirmed the triple conception, and Tobih was still grappling with, not only the idea he was pregnant, but carrying three new lives within him.

  Kelle had been there every step of the way, giving Tobih his faith, and strength as his mate adjusted to their new reality. They’d moved in together, in a house not too far from Bent, now that Kelle was working there again. Thayne hadn’t wanted Kelle out of his territory, and taking Tobih with him. Kelle understood. Tobih was carrying vampire-half-wolf hybrids, which made him a target with the local packs. Not only was Kelle an abomination in their eyes, but their progeny would be even more so.

  They’d found out the two shifters who had attacked Kelle had been from Alpha Garron’s pack, and Thayne had been enraged, barring his shifters from his club for the foreseeable future. He was now negotiating with another pack, to provide shifter blood, in exchange for allowing them to search for mates at his club. Only Fenet was allowed inside, and that was only because his brother had banished him from the pack, after finding out he’d been fucking Thayne. The wolf shifter had taken over Tobih’s loft, and had become a fast, and loyal friend. And a valuable source of information for Kelle, as a full wolf shifter.

  Tobih nuzzled into Kelle’s neck, and he held in a chuckle as he tilted his head, allowing Tobih to feed. His fledgling mate still had to feed every day, even more so now that the little leeches—as Tobih affectionately called them—needed sustenance too. According to Thayne, their progeny would be here in another four months, as vampires, at least laetus, had a very fast gestation time. They would be born with their fangs, subsisting on blood until the rest of their teeth came in, and they could eat solid food. No nursing for Tobih, and Kelle had been amused at his mate’s relief over that. Thayne felt it was wise to have them feed from both of them, getting Tobih’s iron rich blood, along with Kelle’s much stronger shifter blood. It made sense, especially since they would be feeding three offspring, plus Kelle feeding Tobih.


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