Sex Sessions: Uncut (Camera Tales #1)

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Sex Sessions: Uncut (Camera Tales #1) Page 45

by Charisse Spiers

I pull my leg onto the couch and turn toward her, grabbing her small foot in the process, and then begin pressing my thumbs against the arch as she looks up at me from the small, square device she's holding in her hand. Her hair is up in a whirlwind of a mess she calls a bun. It doesn't look like any bun I've ever seen. The shit girl's come up with I'll never understand.

  She smiles at me, but it's a shy smile, and she has the slightest hint of a blush. She looks beautiful like this: no makeup, a gray, cropped off sweater-jersey that hangs off her shoulders, and tight, spandex pants that stop at her calves. "It's just a romance. Meredith kind of got me into them. You know, male gag material."

  I smirk at her. "Now, now, Rivers, how would you know if it’s gag material? That's a little stereotypical. Just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I don't respect the arts, even romance. Read to me."

  Her eyes widen. "I'm sure there is something on television you would rather watch. Some of these guys are a little far-fetched from real guys, but I guess that's why fictional boyfriends create such a hype."

  I try to smother the laugh inside. "Fictional boyfriends, huh... Should I be jealous?"

  "No! It's just a book, you know."

  "I love you for that, but I'm curious. Read to me. I want to know what I'm up against."

  "Saxton, you really don't want me to read to you. Isn't that weird? You know...especially in an intimate scene."

  I raise a brow. "How intimate?"

  "Almost like an instruction manual in some cases. Some are quite detailed."

  I keep a straight face. "So you're reading porn?"

  Her face deepens in color. "There is a huge difference in porn and erotic literature, I must say, even being an amateur reader. However, that doesn't make it any less embarrassing having to read it aloud."

  "It's not weird. I call it homemade couple's therapy." I rub along the bottom of her foot with pressure. "Come on. Read me some lady-porn. I may like it. We're way past embarrassment now." I circle my index finger in the air. "Don't you think?"

  She huffs and crinkles her nose. "I cannot believe you're going to make me do this."

  "Hey, I need to have a full deck if I'm going to play a game. I swear not to judge or make fun of said fictional man. It's just for boyfriend research purposes."

  She scoots toward me on the couch and props her neck on the arm of the couch. "That feels really nice."

  "Good. It should relax you. Now read."

  "Fine. Here goes. Let me just back up to the beginning of the chapter." I study her as she starts moving her fingers on the front of the screen. I like this...casualness between us. It always feels so natural and like we've been doing it for years.

  "Chapter 3: Lacy..."

  My eyes settle on her full lips as she begins the excerpt.

  "I can feel him watching me again. One might think I'm crazy if I revealed my thoughts, but I know he watches me. Each time I look down at my notebook to take notes on the PowerPoint presentation, I can feel his eyes set on me. I have no way to prove it with an auditorium full of students, several surrounding my seat, but it doesn't change the way I feel in these very moments."

  "My body burns from a fire I can't see. Feelings I've never had begin down in the bottom of my belly. The hand that holds the pen I'm writing with shakes uncontrollably, making my notes look like something of a serial killer. I find it hard to breathe until I look up at the projected image, and then all of those feelings cease. I can't explain it, but I think he wants me. Even more, I think I want him too."

  "He looks at me as he dismisses the Biology 101 class. 'Lacy, can I see you for a moment?' My nerves become haywire as I gather my notebook and close my textbook, inserting both into my backpack for my next college class. I nod, unable to speak among the rustling of feet darting for the door. He meets me at the door with his brief case. 'Follow me to my office.' What could he possibly want with me? We're halfway through fall semester and he's never once called on me.”

  "Regardless of my reservations I follow him down the third floor hall of the science building until we reach the end, next to the emergency stairwell. As he slides the key into the lock my insides feel like they are being pulled into a tight knot. ‘Did I do something wrong, Mr. Lambert?’"

  "He opens the door and walks inside, not saying a word until he closes it. 'We're not in class right now, Lacy. You can call me Jason.' I look around the office, stacks of paper piled high and models of organs and humans scattered around, among other molecular graphs and diagrams."

  Kambry glances at me in a pause. "Keep going."

  She looks back down at her Kindle. “He places his briefcase on the chair facing his desk. 'Come here and leave your backpack.' I do as he asks. As I walk toward him he catches me off guard. 'Are you attracted to me, Lacy?'”

  "Is he serious? Is this a real life situation? I feel like I'm living in the dream of a forbidden romance novel. He can't be more than thirty in age, but still. Teachers don't hit on their students. It's like a law in the teacher's contract, not to be broken. Still, that doesn't make him any less desirable. He's muscular, unlike the typical stereotypical type you would imagine as a teacher. His brown hair is short, but gelled up in the front as if he's trying to rebel against the classic business appearance. His button-down is rolled up to the elbows, revealing his bronze skin. He reminds me of what I would mentally visualize as a Greek god. And his voice - so deep, making you want to adhere to his every command. Who on earth would not find this hunk of a teacher attractive? I may be a freshman but I'm not blind. 'Yes,' I state."

  "He grips my waist. 'Do you ever think about me touching you? Because I want to touch you... It's becoming all I can think about. I can't concentrate on my classes because I want you so bad. I can't avoid it any longer.' I'm almost positive my heart is a few beats away from self-detonating."

  "I stare into his deep chocolate eyes, deciding if I should admit my naughty thoughts to him, or the dreams that have affected my sleep pattern for the past couple of months. What if this is a test? Cops set up prostitutes all the time. That sounds stupid."

  "His hands move around to my ass and stop. I can no longer hold my tongue, because I want this. I don't care how wrong it is. 'Yes,' I admit."

  "He grips my cotton dress and pulls it up my body, leaving me in only my underwear and flip flops. 'Can you keep a secret?' I think on that question. Can I keep a secret? When he begins unbuttoning his shirt after tossing my dress on his desk and the muscles underneath appear section by section, I know that I can, because any girl that would turn this down has lost her mind."

  "I step out of my flip flops. 'Yes. I'll never tell a soul.' He reaches over and locks the door after unbuttoning his pants and folding them down, giving me a glimpse of the black briefs underneath. My now damp underwear is creating a bit of discomfort."

  "He reaches behind me and unhooks my bra with little effort. Most guys that I've experienced sexually have problems with a bra, even looking at it, but he does it with ease. 'Good, because I'm about to eat your pussy like I'm starving.' And that's when he grabs me roughly, kissing me as he maneuvers me to his desk and lays me across it. I feel like I'm fulfilling a fantasy, satiating a dark desire."

  "He rips my panties from my body and I find it hard to breathe. My body craves his tongue there even before he touches me. I moan out as he swipes his tongue up my center, between my lips. He smothers my sounds with his hand, and then he keeps his word. It feels so wrong, but it feels so right..."

  I blink when I don't hear her read anymore, pulling myself out of this weird trance I'm in. "Why'd you stop?" Damn, that was kind of hot. Even without the pictures to accompany the words. It was so vivid in my mind, as if I was watching it. That's weird as hell. I've always hated to read. Is that what Michael was referring to with this whole project that night at the club?

  "Because it's hard to concentrate with you massaging my foot like that and I'm not reading their entire sex scene to you."

  "Why not? I'm intrigued. I feel like I'm getting a
peek into a woman's mind. Is this the kind of shit women get off on?" I think for a second. "Wait a minute. Do you picture yourself being the girl? I don't know if I like that."

  She shrugs. "Some girls may, but not me."

  "Explain. Don't lie."

  "I mean, I do, sometimes, but I imagine you as the guy, so I basically just replace the characters with us in dirty scenes, and the scene still plays out in my head. I like when we do role-playing stuff, like at the bar last night. That was hot. Other times, I just sit back and enjoy someone else's love story."

  She slides her other leg across my lap and smiles. "Are you hard?"

  I glance down, still rubbing her foot, and then switch it to rub the other one. "It's not my fault. Your word porn took me as its victim and mind fucked me. Plus, I am a guy. We think about sex most days every two and a half seconds on average. Far less can make guys horny. My dick has a mind of its own. I've learned not to try and control it. It usually does the opposite anyway. Recently I've discovered it generally makes better decisions than I do, hence you. Are you trying to tell me reading stuff like that doesn't make you horny?"

  She swallows. "I'm not horny."

  Her voice proves she’s lying. "Are you sure?"


  I shift onto my knees, bringing her foot closer to my face. "What are you doing?"

  I brush my hand up the bottom of her foot and between her toes. "Battling the book boyfriend. Let's see if you've read this in any of your books."

  I place my lips around the base of her big toe, lightly, and not exerting any pressure so that my lips remain soft. I swirl the tip of my tongue around it, and then slowly pull back, letting my tongue brush alongside the bottom until it reaches the pad. "Oh. My. Shit." Her whole lower half arches off the couch as she pushes off her other foot. "It tickles."

  I open my mouth and return to the base, my eyes never leaving hers, before repeating the motion again, never speeding up. Her entire body tenses and bucks upward until I release my mouth. On the fourth time her hand grabs my dick through my athletic shorts. "I lied! Fuck, I'm so horny."

  When my mouth releases she pulls her foot free, then mirrors my stance, wasting no time in pulling my shorts down to my thighs. She stands and pushes her pants down her legs, stepping out of them as they reach her ankles. Placing her hands on my bare chest, she pushes me backward, barely giving me time to get my legs out from under me before she straddles me. "Damn, Kambry, where has this girl been hiding?"

  She strips her shirt off, baring her completely - no bra. "Maybe that needs to come with a damn warning label: possible combustion upon wetting." She sits down on my dick before I even realize she was holding it. "Because when I think about what you just did it's disgusting, but holy shit that felt amazing."

  "Fuck you're wet."

  She grabs my hands when I place them on her hips and moves them to her tits as she rocks back and forth on my cock. "Right there."

  Her head falls back and she arches, placing her hands behind her on my thighs. All I can think about is the fact that she just took control of my dick as if she owns it, and she does, but fuck. This has me in a complete and utter mind fuck; watching her use me like this. Her movements are fast and hard. She's riding to come and it feels too good. I can't concentrate from the wet warmth alone, let alone the sounds coming from that beautiful mouth. I squeeze her tits and nipples, hard, trying to distract myself, but her nipples harden further and it backfires. “Fuck yeah. Hurt me, baby.” Oh my fucking hell. I close my eyes and begin mentally chanting the plays from the ballgame I watched this past week.

  My eyes open when she begins clamping down around my dick. She's looking at me. "I'm about to come."

  "Thank fuck."

  She leans forward and kisses me, moaning against my mouth. Her movements slow, so I move my hands to grip her hips and ass, taking over. I can feel my balls preparing for release, so I pull my knees up to place my feet flat on the couch, and then thrust up as I start to nut, driving as deep inside of her as I can. She claws into my chest and I suck her tongue as she inches it into my mouth again.

  I slowly ease back down on the couch. My hands glide up her back into her hair. "You're kind of perfect for me. We're good together."

  "The best balance," she whispers.

  "I realized something."

  "Oh yeah? What's that?"

  "That sometimes a person has to experience bad to embrace good at the maximum level possible. I may not have loved you first, but I love you the most."

  Her lips quiver. Then they part. I can tell she wants to speak, but doesn't know what to say. A knock sounds at the door, saving her. We both sit up together and turn our heads toward the door. "Are you expecting someone? Like Meredith..."

  "No, but knowing her it's a possibility. Crap."

  The knock gets louder. She pushes herself off of me in a hurry, searching for her clothes. "I'll get it. Just get dressed."

  She pulls her shirt back over her head first, while I pull my shorts up to my waist. I walk to the door, hearing hobbling from behind me, and a whisper-shout curse word every few steps. The annoying knocks now sound like banging. I reach the door and open it. "Chill out, Mer-"

  "Hi," she says in a tone that is definitely un-Meredith-like. She's currently not the center of my focus, though. The guy standing in front of me that I don't recognize is.

  "Who are you?"

  "Maybe that's what I should be asking you," he responds in a tone of sarcasm.

  "You're on my doorstep, bro. Watch your tone."

  "Where's Kambry?"

  "What's it to you?"

  "Saxton, this is-"

  He holds his hand up to silence her. His eyes settle on my chest, and then out of nowhere a fist flies into the side of my face, causing me to stumble into the door. Reflex takes over just as I hear a scream; from whom I don't know. I spit and wiggle my jaw, then shove him outside to give me some room, before throwing a hit right back at him, nailing him in the side of his nose.

  He touches the side of his index finger under his nose and checks for blood, then comes running at me, but before he reaches me a blonde blur runs by me into him, slapping him on the cheek and shoving at his chest. It's like watching a hot Tasmanian devil on roids. "What the fuck is your problem, Ben? Huh?" She shoves at him again, but he just stands straight, letting her push at him. I don't blame him. I would too.

  He looks at her and when his face changes, it dawns on me who he is. They don't really look that much alike or I would have caught it sooner. Relatives yeah, but siblings aren't obvious. "What the hell are you doing, Kam? You're a porn star now?" His tone is elevated, angry. "What are you thinking?"

  "It's none of your business, Ben. You don't even speak to me anymore."

  "It is my business when I see you on television and I have to explain my angry outburst to my friends. I saw you naked, Kambry! I watched you riding some guy's cock. You're my sister. I can't fucking un-see that. Then I fly across the country and show up to try and figure out what's going on in your head and there are claw marks all over his chest. Look at you. Your hair is disheveled and your lips pink and puffy. You aren't a dog's play toy. You're a girl, a good girl. I haven't spoken to you because I thought you needed your space, but not like this. Come home with me."

  "Fuck you! I'm not going back to that hellhole. You don't get to show up here and act like a protective older brother now. You forfeited that right. I'm not going anywhere. If that's all you came here for you can go back home...empty handed."

  "Do you really want to be another notch on his bedpost of many? You aren't special to him. You're a piece of meat. You're the bull in a bullfight. He gets all the glory while you end up hurt in the end. I know you, Kambry. This isn't who you are. This lifestyle is for broken girls with daddy issues. You're too good for this."

  He's pissing me off, brother or not. Meredith slips beside me. I inch forward, about to say something, but she holds out her arm. "Let it go. This has been coming for a long time."
  "You don't know anything about me," she says in a...cry? Is she crying? I step forward again.

  Meredith faces me. "Let it go, Saxton. Let her get it out. Trust me."

  "Why don't I? Tell me how you feel, Kambry. For once yell at me, tell me you hate me. Tell me how sucky of a brother I am. Vent. Fuck, do something. Stop internalizing everything. You've done it all your life. It's not healthy. It leads you here. You rebel in the wrong ways."

  She shoves him back. "I hate you!"

  "I love you."

  "You left me out. Why didn't you ever let me hang around you and your friends?"

  "To protect you from ending up like Meredith did with me."

  I look at her. "Don't ask. Another day."

  "Why didn't you stick up for me with them?"

  "Because I didn't know how."

  "You left me there all alone, with them!"

  "I'm sorry."

  "Why did you get to experience it all? Don't I deserve to go to college and live? I want to experience new friends. I want to go to frat parties and make stupid decisions. I want to flunk a test and then beat myself up because I stayed out too late instead of studying. I want to experience the smell of the library, walking two miles to my class, dorm rooms, cafeteria food, football games, and college love. Why do you get those things and not me?"

  "I went for us both, Kambry. Why do you think I've studied my ass off with a double major: one to please dad and one for myself behind his back? I skipped a lot of parties to study. I know the library and its smells like the back of my hand. I skipped meals in the cafeteria on several occasions so I could sleep from pulling an all-night cram session. I haven't flunked a single test, because that isn't an option for me. I didn't experience college love because I was in love with someone out of reach. The only thing I did for me was joining a fraternity, and I pay the dues myself. College is some of those things, but not all of them for most people. I've been working my ass off so when I graduate I can get a high paying job and pass the torch to you, parents be damned. I know how they are. I know they aren't fair. They're sexist bastards. I get it. I know what you went through. Some of it, I even went through too. I just hid it from you."


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