His Killing Princess (Family First Book 2)

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His Killing Princess (Family First Book 2) Page 2

by April Zyon

  She whimpered when he pushed a third finger into her tight ass, but she knew he would need to loosen her passage with three fingers because he was a large man, all over. He pressed kisses along her spine, which had her shuddering in reaction.

  “You are so fucking perfect, Emily.” He nibbled at her ear as he spoke to her. His voice was rough with a passion, so she knew this was affecting him every bit as much as it was her and she loved it.

  When he withdrew his fingers she felt him move away from the bed to head toward the bathroom. When he came back, he had several washcloths with him and tossed them onto the bed. “That’s to clean you up after.” How he knew what she was going to ask she didn’t know, but she didn’t care. All she cared about was the fact that he was back.

  He was then opening her up once more. He had a hand on each of her asscheeks and pushed them open. He dribbled a bit more of the lube into her asshole. Then she felt the thick bell of his cockhead pressing against the outer ring of her anus.

  Emily pushed back against Tony when he pushed forward this next time. She loved it, the things he had taught her in their time together. He had talked her through how to do this, had verbally prepared her for this time, she had taken every instruction he had given her and was right now putting it into action. She felt the head of his cock pushing through the first ring of her anus, the second, and finally felt him entering her fully. She let out a full-on moan when he held still inside of her.

  The feeling of him inside of her was utter perfection. She shivered.

  He reached under her body and squeezed her nipple, praising her. “I love you, Emily.” Then he began to fuck her, hard. He showed no mercy just as he hadn’t earlier. He was giving her everything he could because he knew she could take it, at least that was what she was assuming.

  “I love you, too.” She did. She loved him more than anything in the world. She would tell him all of her secrets, tonight. She was going to bare her soul to him.

  Chapter Four

  They made love all night and all day long. Emily had treasured every single second of it, too. She wouldn’t have traded a moment of it for the world. What she hated was that Tony had been called away before she was able to talk to him about everything. She had wanted to tell him about her life, what she was. She’d wanted to truly come clean about what she did to see if he would be able to love her for what and who she really was.

  She was sitting in the middle of Tony’s kitchen when men broke into the apartment. She was in one of Tony’s shirts and a pair of her panties, that was it. They came in without her even noticing, and that was very unusual. Emily was always aware of her surroundings; she was always careful. Even when she was with Tony she was always aware. It was ingrained in her very DNA, so these people getting to her was a complete shock.

  When she realized what was happening she fought off six of her attackers, but they came in numbers. They hadn’t comprehended what she could do or who she was, because she was only stopped when one of them shot her twice—once in the shoulder and once in the side. “We were told to bring you in without hurting you, but you gave us no choice.”

  Emily was on her side panting and looking up at the man with pure hate in her eyes. She then felt the blow of a boot to her stomach. She was gasping in pain when she felt zip ties at her ankles and wrists. They zipped her tighter than she had ever had zip ties on her before. It was crazy, but she had been in and out of zip ties her whole life. The Guild had trained her to get in and out of all sorts of situations.

  She then watched them as they cleaned up the mess they made while fighting with her. She watched through a pain-filled haze as they cleaned all traces of her up, including packing all her things. She didn’t understand that. She couldn’t understand why they were packing her things.

  The man who had spoken to her earlier laughed in her face and said, “There, now he will think you left him. Now he will be primed and ready to crumble. Losing something so precious to him, this is the right time. Then, when he thinks you have left him and he’s completely gone around the bend, we will show him just what we’ve done. He will do anything to get you back. That’s when we will turn Antonio against the Family. We’ll get him to take Gregorio and Alessandra out so that we will have a puppet running the show. That’s when we will take over from the inside out. You, Emily, are our ticket to taking over.” The man’s laughter was the last thing she heard before a fist connected with the side of her head and she crashed into darkness.


  Six weeks later

  Antonio Bruno tossed a drink back and waved for another. The smells of the club were typically soothing for him. The scent of booze, nicotine, and wet pussy usually cheered him up but not today.

  No. Today, Antonio, or Tony to his friends, was frustrated beyond belief. He was pissed off because he couldn’t find the woman he had been seeking for six weeks.

  Emily. That was her name. Emily Reynolds. He now knew the last name was false, but he had to believe the first name was real. One didn’t react to their name being called the way Em did if it wasn’t their actual first name. She haunted him.

  Emily haunted his dreams, his wakeful state, and it was beginning to become a problem for him. He knew that when his new boss, his best friend, came back from his honeymoon he had to have his shit together or Gregorio would question having him as a second.

  Lifting his tumbler of whiskey, he shook it lightly. This was what he had been reduced to—drinking, smoking, and fucking anything and anyone that came his way to survive. He was missing Emily, no, he was half a fucking man because she was gone.

  Once more Tony tried to figure out what the hell he had done to make her walk away, but he came up blank.

  Once his drink was filled, he played back the last hours with her.

  It had been a beautiful day. They lay in his massive bed, her pale body curled up against his dark colored skin. Both of them were as naked as the day they were born. They were both sated, although to be truthful he was starting to get hard while he held her. She had been tracing the lines of the tattoos that covered his chest and ran up his neck. She had asked him time and again what the meaning was, but he hadn’t been ready to tell her, not then, but now he would give every fucking dime he had to just have five minutes with her again to tell her. To give to her that one thing that none other ever had from him. The meanings behind each tattoo on his body.

  She had been the only woman he brought to his house. She had been the only woman he ever fucked without a condom, and she was the only woman he had cared for.

  When she woke that morning, he knew he didn’t have a lot of time because the Russians had been pushing more and more onto their turf. “I will be late tonight.”

  She had leaned up on her elbow, the silk sheet falling down her chest and showing her perfect breasts that were the size of large grapefruits, the ideal size in his opinion. She had dark pink nipples that puckered in the air conditioning and made his mouth water. “When you get home tonight we need to talk.” Her nails had lightly raked down his chest. “I will miss you while you are gone.”

  Tony leaned in and kissed her. “Tonight.” It had been so strange. He hadn’t fucked just one woman for as long as he had her in a very long time. For her, he had made the exception. For her… Hell, for her he found himself making a lot of changes.

  “Be careful today?” she asked as she looked up at him. She was beautiful. She was everything he wasn’t. She was refined, delicate. Her eyes were a sky-blue color, and her body was as pale as milk. She’d wanted him as much as he wanted her. He was a mix of African American and Italian, so his skin was an olive-mocha color tone and his eyes were a dark brown. He was also more than six and a half feet tall where Emily was barely five feet in her shoes, but he loved that about her.

  “You know I will.” He leaned in and kissed her again. “Be here and waiting for me?” He asked against her lips. “Wait for me, and I will take you out tonight. If you need me, call me.”

  “I w
ill, and the same goes for you. If you need me.”

  “Baby what I need from you isn’t something I can get over the phone, but I’ll keep it in mind.” He looked at the clock and raced off.

  Shaking off the memories of the past, Tony banged his glass on the counter once more. When it was filled up once again, he sipped at the drink. He needed to calm his head down and figure out how to get over Emily, because it had been made pretty clear to him that she didn’t want him in her life anymore. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have moved her shit out while he had been gone.

  Chapter Five

  It was a long and hellish six weeks for her. She was curled up in the corner of her cell, holding her ribs tightly. At least they had healed from her first beating, but they still hurt like hell. Not only that but her captors now also knew the secret she had been hiding from Tony, the one she had been going to tell him that morning. The shots to her shoulder and side had healed, but the infection had set in and she knew it was bad, very bad.

  She was surprised they had left her watch on her. They had also put a pair of stretchy pants on her, but other than that she had on the same shirt and nothing else. Thankfully, they’d moved her hands to the front of her body instead of behind her body so that was something at least. Looking at the mechanical watch she was able to tell the time and date. Six weeks had past, six long freaking weeks and it had been hell. She hated this. She felt so incompetent. Even though she had been highly trained, she hadn’t been able to break free of the hell she was in. Even if she had gotten free of her cell, she was on fucking Alcatraz Island, a place she knew she couldn’t escape.

  Her hand went to her stomach automatically, rubbing over the soft swell. She was grateful that at least they hadn’t killed her outright and someone had been feeding her. The beatings had continued, but they had kept them to her face, arms, and legs. It was almost as if they wanted to get maximum pain and inflict maximum damage to her body.

  The worst were the pictures they insisted upon taking each time they beat her. She couldn’t stop them. They had learned, however, to keep her zip tied, her hands and feet both and her mouth taped shut after she kept attacking them.

  As she rubbed her belly, she whispered, “I will get us out of here somehow, little one. I promise. I will get us out of here and back to your daddy.” Emily just prayed she could keep that pledge. She had to keep praying and hoping that somehow someone would open a Wi-Fi close enough to her that she could piggyback on it. It had to be within twenty feet of her, so they needed to be close, very close.

  She heard it then, the beeping of her watch, and smiled. Yes. Finally! Some asshat finally had opened a Wi-Fi connection near her, and that was all she needed. As quickly as she could, she twisted and turned the watch face. She tapped out a series of morse code signals to the only people she trusted outside of Tony.

  Emily wouldn’t know if the signal was able to get out or not until she was freed from this hellhole.


  When the communications device went off Kenny was shocked. They had been waiting for contact from Emily for weeks. She’d never gone for so much as a day without checking in, and he’d been about to pull apart the very world to find her. She was his responsibility, but Emily was more than that. She was family. Emily was family to the Guild and every single member had been on tenterhooks since she went silent six weeks earlier.

  He immediately hit the Skype that would pull up his four most trusted men. “The Angel’s been found and her wings have been torn off. It’s time for the Horsemen to ride.” He saw the shock on their faces and wasn’t surprised. Em had been trained by the very fucking best, so for someone to have gotten the drop on her was inconceivable. For them to have kept her for this long, nearly impossible.

  “Give us the location,” his Alpha team leader, otherwise known as the Horsemen, growled, already rising.

  Kenny assumed he was getting his gear ready while listening.

  “It makes no sense. She’s been taken to the Rock.” The Rock, as in the island of Alcatraz. Someone had a set of brass fucking balls on them and was about to have them rammed straight up their fucking throats when his Horsemen got there to free their Angel.

  “Fuck. Someone has her there?” This came from Jester, the least comical of all of them, thus why they called him Jester.

  “Someone has a god damn death wish and we are about to give it to them,” Striker said without inflection. “We will get her back, Lucifer, and no more fucking runs for her.”

  “You know she’s not going to take kindly to that. She’s good, too damn good to sideline.”

  “Besides, she won’t let you sideline her.” This came from Redneck, who looked loaded and ready to kill.

  Kenny, also known as Lucifer, snorted. “I know she won’t. I’m not stupid enough to try to sideline her. You boys might have that death wish, but I don’t. I’m not stupid. That girl was born to do what she does. Now stop fucking yammering and go get her.”

  “You got it, Lucifer. Is this a culling?” Again, this came from Striker.

  “Save a couple of them for us so we can find out why they took Emily. We need to find out if she’s been blown or not. If she hasn’t, then she’s going to be perfectly fine to go back out, but the others, kill them. If you can, though, save the fat cats for us.”

  “You got it.”

  The connection was cut. Kenny knew they would take care of it and bring Emily home.


  Emily slept lightly, curled in the corner of her cell. She couldn’t believe these idiots had her on Alcatraz Island. She only knew she was on that famous island because of a tour she took there once. It was an unmistakable place to be held. Little things told her where she was, like inmates’ mementoes left behind and the sound of the ocean slapping against the rocky sides of the crumbling island shores. There was also something in the smell of the place, the haunting sounds and sights as well that practically screamed Alcatraz Island.

  The nights were getting colder and she could only pray Kenny’s men got here soon, because she could feel the pneumonia setting into her lungs thanks to the broken ribs, cold weather, and the gunshot wound they hadn’t treated. She was in bad shape right now. “It’s okay, baby, let’s just hope that Uncle Kenny got that short burst message.” She hadn’t had a signal for very long so she could only pray that the message had gotten out. There was no telling, with her being where she was if the message was even received or not. She wouldn’t know until he sent an extraction team. She only prayed he didn’t send the Horsemen. They were sent in with extreme prejudice and didn’t leave anyone behind, and she needed to know why these assholes took her.

  She also had to find the images they took of her. She couldn’t allow any images of herself to get out there, ever. She couldn’t allow anyone to ever see her face, because she wasn’t going to give up her career. She loved it too much.

  She shifted and heard a whistle, a whistle that only the Horsemen gave out. Oh, shit. “Hold on, baby, you are about to meet the Four Horsemen, your uncles.” Fucking Kenny called the Horsemen. “Please don’t kill all of them or bomb the place before I’m able to find out what I need.” She prayed while she listened to the hell the Horsemen reigned down around the prison. Although now that she thought about it, she was glad Kenny had called out the Horsemen, because they were like her brothers.

  Hearing Striker yelling her name, she swallowed and called out, but it was a whisper of a sound. Then she heard Jester’s voice even closer and gave a small whistle. That was all she could do aside from the whispers she had been giving to her child.

  In just under a second she saw Jester and smiled. She reached out and wished she could move, but she couldn’t. She heard his cursing, heard the swears, and then the door swung open. She heard Redneck calling in for the extraction.

  “Angels wings are broken with extreme prejudice, need The Lazarus Pits ASAP.”

  Emily winced at that. The Lazarus Pits were what the Guild called their highest priority hospi
tals, ones typically reserved for the likes of the President. Going there meant she would have the best of care at least.

  “Angel is also pregnant,” Emily added. She heard all four Horsemen stop mid-stride and gasp. She then heard Striker moving away from the cell and cussing, striking some unlucky bastard along the way.

  “Fucking hell, Em.” Jester was now in the cell with her and clipping the zip ties from her swollen and bloodied hands and ankles. He pulled a blanket out of his pack and wrapped her in it. “Jesus, kid, you look like shit.” His eyes, however, were on her stomach. “How far along?”

  “Around twenty weeks. The day I was taken I had just taken a pregnancy test.” She let him check her over. “Can we please get the hell out of here? I was also shot in the side and shoulder. They didn’t tend the wounds so those need treated as well. I think I have a serious case of pneumonia that’s set in, and I know I have a few bones needing reset. That’s going to hurt like hell, so let’s go. But first...” She allowed Jester to pick her up and whimpered when he did because the pain was excruciating. She was so thankful her captors hadn’t taken her watch. They had seen it as ancient technology with it being a mechanical watch instead of digital or quartz. It recharged with her movements, and she was so thankful for that.

  “They took pictures and video every time they beat me. We need to find the servers so that they can be taken down. From what I understand they left Tony a note saying I left him for greener pastures, and a white man, someone more my class.” Emily was panting at the end of her sentence. “I might pass out on you before you have me in transport. Don’t let Striker kill anyone else. I want to know exactly why they took me aside from what I overheard. I want to know who took me. They obviously don’t know I’m part of the Guild or what I can do, or they would have sent a hell of a lot more men for me.” She had her eyes closed and then felt a hand on her cheek.


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