His Killing Princess (Family First Book 2)

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His Killing Princess (Family First Book 2) Page 9

by April Zyon

  “I’m not going to lose you to this Guild, am I?”

  “Nope, this is my Family and she understands that. You are gaining me, and my son. I’m going to marry that woman and you will instead have the people she calls family dropping in on us from time to time. You will see what I mean about them when you meet them.” Tony leaned back. “For now, we should focus instead on simply dealing with our traitors. The Twins have a long reach, you know that. We will have to deal with them carefully.”

  “Fuck that, those fuckers have been around for far too long. If your woman is right, they also had a part in what happened to Al and that shit simply won’t stand. We will make examples. Seems as if we haven’t made enough of those so bring in Left Hand Luke and The Twins. Tell them I have a job for them.”

  “You got it.” Tony watched Greg and added, “They will have questions since we brought Snake here and he hasn’t left.

  “We will tell them he has already left. I’ve put in a few words here and there while your girl was working him over that he took on a job in Nevada for us. He’s right now supposed to be running product for us,” Greg said with a smile. “As far as everyone knows he’s running guns for us along with a couple of trusted men. They have the story and have secured it for us.”

  “Smart man,” Tony murmured grudgingly.

  “I like to think so. Since I wasn’t certain how deep shit went, I wanted to be sure we had an out with Snake.” Greg stood and adjusted his suit. “Now, how about we go and get ready for the three fucktwats we need to kill, shall we?”

  “I think we shall.” Tony agreed wholeheartedly. He was more than ready to kill everyone that might possibly get in the way of his happiness with Emily.


  Two days later

  It seemed as if the last forty-eight hours had sped by in the blink of an eye but had also dragged by so slowly that Tony had wanted to kill people. He hated the fact that he had to spend so much time from Emily, only seeing her for an hour at a time here and there. When they did see each other it was explosive each time. At least he knew she was still expressing milk and sending it off to their son.

  Their son, another person he couldn’t wait to see. If only this shit could get over and done with as soon as possible so he could have his whole family here with him. Then they could finally start their lives together. That would be his happy day. Until that time, he was stuck at Greg’s side questioning the twins and Left Hand Luke to figure out just what the fuck was going on. Each question he posed to them only served to make him angrier.

  It was his turn with Larry, one of the twins, and he knew his patience was at an all-time low since he hadn’t been able to sleep with Emily the previous night. She had a call and a mission briefing, so she hadn’t come to bed. He was more than a little pissed off, but he got it. She had her job and he had his, but these missing nights were not going to fly if they had a lot of them.

  Cracking his neck, Tony finally got to business. He didn’t hesitate when he started in with Larry. He wasn’t going to pussyfoot around because it was time for him to get back with his woman, god dammit.

  “You are blood to Alessandra. You have been part of this family since birth so why the fuck did you turn away from that family and do what you did?” . He couldn’t believe that this twin, Larry, had done this. The man was one of Alessandra’s cousins and he was blood to the Italians, so hurting the family was worse than what Snake had done.

  “Fuck you,” Larry said. “You fucking nigger half breed.”

  Tony squinted. Not once since he had come to live with his father had anyone made any sort of mention of his heritage and him being part African American so that really hit him. It simply cut him to the core that anyone would say that now after all of these years. “How fucking dare you?” He saw the look on Larry’s face and realized the man was doing exactly what he had set out to do. He had tried to put Tony off his game and it had worked. Fuck.

  “I might be a half breed, but this family means everything to me. My father gave his life for this family and my mother did as well. She loved my daddy enough to know I had a better life here than I would ever have out in the world with her. She knew I had the blood of the Italians in my veins and recognized that I needed this family as much as they needed me. I live and breathe for this fucking family, unlike you.”

  “What about your woman? When she was alive didn’t you live for that bitch?” the man said with a sneer and then a laugh. “Too bad she had to die. Poor Antonio. Lost the love of his life when he was so young.”

  Tony gripped his fists tightly but didn’t lose his control. He looked over Larry’s head at the camera and took several deep breaths. Finally, he looked at Larry and asked, “What do you know about that?” He acted as if Emily were dead. He was stunned that these men didn’t know that Emily was alive. How could they not know that she was alive after nearly three years? Either they were completely hands off on her being taken or Emily’s people were that good at keeping things under wraps.

  “I know that Snake had her stolen from your house and had her killed. I know she died with your name on her lips,” Larry said with a laugh. “I know she was used over and over again for their pleasure before she finally died. At least that’s what I was told. That’s what was ordered at least.”

  Larry was so fucking full of himself. He was so certain he was protected that he was telling Tony everything. Tony was livid. Larry thought he was protected simply because he had the same last name Alessandra once had?

  “And what did you and your brother order to be done to my woman?” Tony felt his short nails cutting into his palms, but that was something Larry couldn’t see.

  “We wanted her to hurt. She’s soft, so very fucking soft. We wanted her to hurt because she was in love with you. We wanted you to hurt because of that love. We wanted her to be used at a later date so we could control this family. You were the weak link and she was your Achilles Heel.” Larry shrugged, at least as best he could as he was tied down.

  Tony had to turn and walk out of the room. When he was in the hallway, he smashed his fist into the wall, breaking the wood paneling and causing pictures to fall farther down the corridor. “That fucker.” He knew Greg had walked up beside him when he lost his control, so he was willing to tell him why. “That fucker was bragging about taking Emily and what he had ordered done to her makes me sick. We don’t do shit like that, not to innocents. We do it to the fucking men but not to women or children. I want to kill that fucker.”

  “And you will. His twin, Barry, is singing the same story.” Greg leaned against the destroyed wall and looking at Tony. “I will admit I didn’t have the control you did. Barry’s face might have met the floor a few times, and his teeth are no longer in his mouth. He will live. I decided you are the one who deserves to kill both of those fuckers, because they caused you the most grievous of harm.”

  Tony was shocked by that and bowed his head in thanks to his friend. “Thank you.” He barely held in the emotions. “I need to go to Emily. I need to hold her, if only for a moment. Let these smug bastards sit down here for however long it takes for me to regain control, because right now I would kill them and kill them quickly.”

  “I understand. Go, go and be with your woman.”

  “Don’t let them kill themselves while I’m trying to regain control. You know they are cowards and would do just that.”

  “I know, which is why we will have them on suicide watch.” Greg watched his friend and added, “You aren’t what he called you. You know that, don’t you? You are Family. You aren’t a half breed. You are one of us through and through.”

  “I know. He was trying to push buttons, but he didn’t realize that calling forward my heritage didn’t bother me. It was when he began talking about Emily. That’s what got to me.” He looked down at his hands and saw the crescent moon bloodied marks in his palms. “But he never knew. I controlled my emotions by fisting my hands so he wouldn’t know.”

  “That was goo
d. He couldn’t have that bit of control. I’m glad you knew what he was doing. I’m also glad you didn’t tell him Emily is alive. I think you should let Emily walk in and ensure that he knows she’s alive. Let her work his ass over as well. I think she deserves a piece of all of them, especially now that we know they were the masterminds behind her being taken.”

  “We need to take care of business first. As much as I want Emily to have a part of these men, it would make our positions look weaker. We need to make an example of them, not an asset from a hired agency.” It killed Tony to say that, but it was simply the way it was. Family business came first and right now their family business was in killing these mother fuckers in the most heinous ways possible so others would think many times before they even dreamed of going against the Family.

  “Are you certain you are up for this?” Greg asked him. “You look on edge and as if you need your woman more than vengeance.”

  “No, I need closure more than anything.” Tony then looked at the doors where their three traitors were held. “Call a meeting. Everyone needs to meet here. The entire family. If they can’t make it live, then video feed it. I want everyone to know what happens when someone steps out of line.”

  “It will be done.”

  “We will do this together, brother,” Tony said with a smile. “After all, you are the boss and I feel like I keep bossing you around.”

  “Only because it was your woman that was hurt as badly as she was and two years of your happiness was stolen. If not for that I would take serious fucking offence to your tone, buddy,” Gregorio said with a laugh.

  “Well far be it from me to give you something to take offence to.” Tony chuckled.

  “Give me an hour for the set up and then we will live stream it all. I think we’ve had enough people in our home to last a lifetime.” There was something in Gregorio’s eyes, something Tony couldn’t read. He just ignored it and nodded.

  “I will get the room ready in the basement and move the men into there. That should take about an hour. I will send Em a text letting her know I will be a while.”

  “You don’t want to go see her?”

  “No, because if I do then I will want to sink into her lush body and that simply wouldn’t do. I need to be able to focus, so the text is the best option. I hate it, but it is what it is.” Tony sighed, pulled out his phone, and sent the text message to his love. He explained everything and hoped she would understand and forgive him later.


  An hour later, the live feed of the torturous deaths of the three men involved in not only the kidnapping and torture of Emily but in the sabotage of the family was seen on all Italian Family video screens. The fact that the twins were cousins of Alessandra wasn’t lost on any of the men watching. Their deaths served the purpose it was meant to. That night Gregorio was told of three additional men that had gone against the Family in some way, how, shape, or form. Be it a bad business deal, a cut in the profits they shouldn’t have taken, or some other nefarious deed. Gregorio sent out enforcers to take care of the issues at hand. He ensured that everyone knew there would be no further dissention in the ranks, never again.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Emily was in the kitchen with Alessandra when she felt Tony’s arms go around her. She was shocked when he pulled her against his front and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “I need you, Em, right now.” He then bit her lower earlobe and she was lost.

  “Okay.” It was all she could say, because Emily couldn’t deny him anything. She would never be able to deny him anything. She needed to tell him her family was here, needed to tell him their son was here, but right now having him touch her the way he was, she couldn’t process anything further than getting closer and naked with him.

  When he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. She laughed, waved goodbye to Alessandra, and then put her hands on his ass. God she loved his ass. Oh who was she kidding? She loved every single part of him. She loved how strong he was and how dominate he was in every single aspect of their lives. This was the man she had been born for and she knew it.

  When he dropped her to her feet, she didn’t have a chance to speak. She was instead stripped of her clothes and tossed onto the bed where she watched him tear off his clothes. “Are you going to tell me what happened?” she asked while he got naked.

  “Not yet,” he said and then climbed onto the bed on top of her. He kissed his way up her body, hesitating at her navel, and then moving up so he was face to face with her. “I fucking love you, baby.”

  He then took her mouth like a man possessed and she accepted it willingly. She gave all of herself to him because she knew he needed this. He had been interrogating the twins. Something must have happened to send him over that edge and make him lose control. Emily knew what that was like and was more than willing to help him regain that center of himself.

  When his mouth moved down from hers to her shoulder, she arched up into him and whimpered as he nibbled on her collarbone and then bit hard on her shoulder. Fuck, she loved when he was so rough with her.

  “Hands up and keep them up.” He demanded this of her in that voice that had her shivering in reaction.

  She would do anything he commanded and he knew it. Her hands flew up, grasped the headboard, and held on. Her feet were braced on the bed, her thighs spread wide for him, knees wide apart waiting for his next command. She was his willing slave.

  “Fuck, Emily. You are perfect. You are naturally submissive, but only to me. I’ve seen how you react when others try to order you around.” He chuckled and then ran the backs of his fingers down the insides of her thighs. “When Greg tried to order you to stand down I thought you were going to kill him. I never dreamed I would have to get between the woman I love and my best friend, my boss.”

  Emily simply smiled. One thing they all did was underestimate her. They all thought because she was a woman she couldn’t drop a man that was nearly two feet taller than her and outweighed her by likely a hundred plus pounds of pure muscle, but she could and she would in a heartbeat if she had to. Emily wasn’t stupid and that’s one thing these men needed to understand. They all thought using the old tried and true methods of the mob were the way to go, but that wasn’t the way she operated. She was all about the clean kills, getting in and out, and simply leaving her small calling card so the kills were attributed to her but the cops were never aware. Oh her sweet delicious honey had a lot to learn about her if they were ever to have a serious relationship that lasted forever.

  However, when he bent his head and feasted on her pussy, all thoughts of killing and the things she needed to tell him flew out the window and instead she only could think about him and the intense pleasure he brought her every single fucking time he touched her. “Tony.” She gasped his name even as she held his head to her cunt while he lapped at the juices that leaked from her labia. She didn’t know how the hell this man had gotten past all of her defenses, but he had. He had gotten past every one she had and was now lodged firmly in her heart like a stray bullet. She was never going to give him up, ever. “I love you so much. I’m never letting you go, never.” She told him in a no questions asked tone while bowing her back up off of the bed to give him more room to tongue her clit.

  “That’s good, baby, because I’m never letting you give me up.” He moved up her body, kissing and licking his way up as he did so. He slid into her body in a way that had her toes curling and her body tensing.

  A full-body shiver raced up and down her and she smiled up at him. “I want to touch you, Tony.” She was still holding tightly to the headboard because that was what he had demanded of her.

  “Not yet.” He nipped at the arched berries of her nipples. “I have you just where I want you, love.” He thrust a bit harder into her body. “I’m marrying you, tomorrow if I can arrange it, Emily.” He pushed harder into her body and then pressed kisses on each of her wrists. “Let go and hold onto me, baby.”

  She was tha
nkful, because she was so close. She let go of the headboard and grabbed hold of Tony’s shoulders. Her nails bit into his skin. She was certain she scratched him, but she didn’t care because she wanted him to know she was feeling the pleasure just as much as he was. “Harder. God yes, Tony, harder please.” She begged him.

  He did just that. He pumped harder and harder into her body because he was just as close as she was. He dipped his hand between their bodies and toyed with her clit. When she was on that final edge, she whimpered. “Oh god, I’m going to come.” She cried out loudly. “Tony.” She sobbed because she couldn’t stop herself at all. She came hard and drenched his dick with her juices.

  “Fuck yes, baby.” Tony growled and held her hair in a painful grip as he pumped harder and harder into her pussy, filling her with his seed.

  Emily knew just how much he loved it when she came so hard that it covered him. She loved everything about this man.

  When he was finished filling her body with his seed, he rolled them both to their sides. They were both connected intimately, which had her smiling. She stroked her hands over his cheeks, leaned in, and kissed his lips. “I love you, Tony. If you want to marry me tomorrow it’s a very good thing my family is here now, right?”

  “Wait, what?” He pulled back in complete shock and looked at her in horror.

  “I wanted to tell you earlier, but you needed me and I needed you as well.”

  “My son is here?” He pulled back and got onto the edge of the bed. He ran his hands over his head, looking at her with shock. “Our son is here?”

  “Yes, baby, he’s here. We can go and visit him. He’s with his uncles right now.”

  “Wait, those fucking men are here in my god damn home?” She had forgotten just how much Tony hated her brothers. She’d forgotten he thought one of them was in love with her.


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