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Aykeetan Page 10

by Harpie Alexander

  “Alrighty, thank you for everything,” I say, before Aykeetan and I turn to leave.

  “Hold up,” Dr. Dushaad requests.

  I turn around to face him. “I thought you were done with me?”

  “I am finished with you Jane, but I’m not done with him.” He motions towards Aykeetan.

  “Looks like you have been walking around with bullets in your back. Why haven’t you come in sooner to have those removed? If they are not taken care of immediately, they can burrow deeper in the body and get infected.”

  What the heck is he on about. I peer around to Aykeetan’s back and see the wounds. Oh my god! He’s been walking around like this all day. Why hasn’t he come in sooner to have these checked out? They could get infected, and with them being in his chest the results could be disastrous.

  I’m suddenly nauseous.

  I grab his arm. “You need to have this taken care of. You know how much I lost and yet here you are neglecting to take care of yourself. What would have happened if I lost you too?” My mind filters back to my grandfather, who chose not to seek medical attention. I can’t bear to receive another letter like that.

  “Jane, please... I”

  Maybe it’s childish of me, but I zip out of the room before he could finish speaking. I’m frustrated and annoyed and need some space to clear my head. Thinking about Aykeetan, our budding relationship and his lack of self-preservation is giving me a headache.

  I’m wandering around and bump into someone.

  “Greetings, Jane.” I recognize his species, the Vo’Sharitah.

  “Uh, hi. How do you know my name?” I ask nervously, my fingers fidget the side of my shit. If Dr. Dushaad is friendly, maybe he is too.

  “My apologize, I’m Tushuuk,” he says, bowing his head slightly. “I helped your mate replicate clothing for you, and everyone on board knows your name. We all worked together in your rescue.”

  I ignore the mate comment. I haven’t agreed to being Aykeetan’s mate. Is he telling everyone that? Ugh. Just another thing that just pisses me off right now.

  “I’m not his mate...yet. Listen, I’d rather talk about something else. Anything else.”

  He follows me as my steps take me away down another long corridor.

  “Did you know this is just a small ship that is retrofitted to attach to the side of the mother ship? The details are quite easy to understand if you’re familiar with advance technological mechanics...perhaps I could show you some the schematics.”

  Wait what? This ship is just a miniature that. My mind is blown, and I forget about the irritating male I left in the medical bay.

  “I’m not really a technology person, I’m more arts and crafts, but the offer is appreciated.”

  He seems to ponder this for a moment, it’s hard to tell. The facial features of his kind are new to me. “Well, let me know if you change your mind, is there anything else I can do for you? Do you require more clothes?”

  “Ah, no, but thanks so much for these. I’m just going to wander around some more.”

  He nods and wanders away.

  A mothership. That is kind of interesting. How many people can say they’ve been on a spaceship? Oh yeah, a whole bunch, because that damn Dr. Shaw and his damn even plan to sell abducted humans to aliens.

  And just like that, my mood came back, but with a vengeance. Aykeetan should know better to not let wounds fester like that. Right? I worry he’s going to get wounded and then get sick because he didn’t seek medical treatment. What is with men that do this? Even here on Earth, I’ve read that men are less likely to go to the doctor even if they are in bad shape.

  When he’s done in the medical bay, I’m going to ask him to take me back to my cottage. I can’t find it and I don’t want to bother anyone else. I need to relax. Maybe paint or draw something. I don’t know. A walk down to the beach would be nice. I still haven’t gotten around to that yet and I’m looking forward to it.

  Chapter Fourteen


  My mate ran off shortly after her examination with Dr. Dushaad was finished. She seemed pleased with the results but was immediately frustrated that I disregarded medical care for myself. I saw no reason to seek the assistance of the doctor when I simply needed to take care of her first.

  I can’t help but feel pride. She cares enough about me to storm off as a form of defiance, if she didn’t care about me, she wouldn't have been bothered. It just proves that she feels for me as I do for her, even if she’s not ready to admit anything yet. I like a challenge, and while I didn’t start off on the right foot, I feel like I’m heading in the right direction.

  Dr. Dushaad is also angry with me. I concealed my injuries from him earlier when he was busy, but I don’t bother mentioning that to him. I hope he doesn’t think I dislike the medical care he provides. He did a fine job with me before and he did great with my mate. I trust him.

  If I didn’t value his medical expertise, I wouldn’t have allowed him to take care of my mate, or be near her for that matter, but I have learned that everyone on this ship is honorable and trustworthy. I have no issues.

  Getting to work on my back, he gives me a full breakdown of my injuries.

  “Several human weapon projectile wounds, dead tissue and swelling.”

  He applies antiseptic to clean my wounds and the forceps to remove the debris and projectiles.

  “Vrak!” The scalpel to remove the tissue that started to decay hurt like a shakset’s claw. The anti-inflammatory gauze he applies for the swelling helps to ease the pain.

  I’m ignoring the sensations as he goes through the motions, my mind is on my mate. The pulse in my hearts tell me she’s still close by.

  “Alright, you’re all patched up,” he says, jabbing a needle into my arm to pump me full of medication. “That’s the preliminary round of antibiotics, so you don’t need a second dose unless you feel symptoms of infection. Next time come see me sooner. I don’t know what it is about warriors slacking off on their medical treatment, then showing up in my medical bay badly wounded on the verge of near death. It irks me.”

  “That didn’t feel like near death to me,” I grunt.

  “You get my meaning. I’m considering refusing treatment to anyone who waits to come see me, however, I’m not the captain and Rasheed would not be pleased.”

  I have a feeling something else is going on with Dr. Dushaad. Something appears to be on his mind, and I feel bad for wasting his time. If I did come earlier, I wouldn’t have been there for my mate when she woke up, but Dr. Dushaad wouldn’t have had to spend so much time treating me. The fact remains, I wouldn’t have done it any other way. My mate comes first.

  “Thanks for patching me up, again. I’ll try to come sooner next time should I need your assistance.”


  I slide off the medical table and head over to the mirror the doctor has hung on the wall. Checking the damage, I’m disappointed. There doesn’t appear there will be much scaring.


  Wounds received while caring for mates are highly sought after and are displayed with pride. I have heard of many males who go out of their way during battle to earn themselves extra wounds for this very reason. I debate slipping the projectiles back in their place. I don’t think my mate or Dr. Dushaad would be pleased. I can’t help but grin at the thought.

  Now that I’m all patched up, I exit the medical bay in search of my mate. I end up finding her in the last place I look, our cabin. Our cabin... I enjoy the sound of that. I wonder if that’s how she views it this way as well.

  When I enter our cabin, my mate is fiddling with her hair in the cleansing unit. She doesn’t notice me at first and I take the time to watch her. The lovely red curls seem to have a mind of their own as they frame her pretty face, while the other curls cascade partially down her back.

  “Hey your back! Look, I’m sorry I ran off. That was childish of me. I shouldn’t have been so upset,” she says, crossing the distance bet
ween us. “You are your own person and can make your own choices, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take care of yourself.

  She takes a seat on the bed.

  “I thought about it, and I guess you probably didn’t have much time to do anything given you were helping me, so it wasn’t fair that I got all pissy. But for future reference, I’d appreciate it if you could communicate with me. If you're hurt, let's make the time to get that taken care of, OK big guy? I enjoy having you around, you make me feel safe. So please, don’t be reckless anymore, I’d rather not lose you too.” Her smile is sweet and it’s breathtaking.

  My head nods. She did tell me about losing her family. Have I been insensitive to her needs?

  I join her on the bed and sit next to her, leaving the smallest amount of space between us. She may need time and space. I can wait, but the desire to be close to her will always surface.

  “You were my priority, Jane, because you’re everything to me. It goes against my instincts to put myself first. I can’t promise I’ll always make the right choices in your eyes, but I will try. Leaving you is not an option for me. And I know you need time; I’ll be here when you are ready. Always.” I caress her cheek and she lean into my touch.

  My back straightens as I puff my chest out.

  Soon, I shall have her.

  “It’s getting late, and I’m very tired. I haven’t had much sleep these past few days. I’ll take the couch.”

  I’ve slept of worse surfaces before. My sire enjoys the hunt so much he sometimes spends several nights out in the wilderness, the knives being the only supplies he brings. I remember, because he’d always check to make sure I’d never bring anything else with me. A cough is easy compared to the uneven soil of land.

  She gazes deeply into my eyes and her cheeks brighten to a rosy pink. “I...I would prefer if you slept next to me. I don’t want to be alone in a strange, new place,” she begs me. “And tomorrow, I’d like to go back to the cottage if that's possible.”

  She wants to sleep next to me?

  My hearts quicken, and for a moment I’m at a loss for words. By the gods, she tempts me.

  “Sleeping next to you would be a pleasure and an honor. I’ll do my best to make you feel safe and comfortable. Unfortunately, I don’t think we can go anywhere for a few days.”

  “Why not?” Her head tilts to an adorable angle. I’m learning her human quirks and they intrigue me.

  My hand moves before I could command it to stop. I reach up and tuck a stray curl behind her ears. Her head bows slightly, eyes turn away and the rosy pink on her cheeks from just a moment ago returns.

  “Rasheed wants to stay in the area to ensure all the humans make it home safely. In a few days we can go back to your cottage, I promise. If we leave now, we risk becoming detected by the locals. They want to see their rescue mission through, and we have no idea how big this operation goes.”

  Her face falls flat for just a moment, changing from disappointment to concern. “Oh, well that makes sense. The other people deserved to go home and find peace after what they’ve been through.”

  “Good news, Vashawn, the technician, was able to wipe all the files in their system. As long as are no backups, all the freed humans won’t be at risk from their previous captors.”

  She immediately perks up. “That’s wonderful news, I’d hate to see them free just to wind up in the same corrupt hands. I couldn’t even imagine that.”

  We both ready ourselves for bed, each of us taking a turn in the cleansing unit to freshen up before turning in for the night. Of course, I insist she goes first, but it doesn’t take her long at all. She comes out wearing her pajamas from before. Vrakk, I should have had those cleaned for her, or at least shown her how to have it done.

  Before I head into bed, I take few minutes to pay to the gods, thanking them for allowing everything to work out as it should. My mate is safe, we’re together, and a relationship is starting to form between us. Nothing could make me happier in this moment.

  She climbs under the covers on one end of the bed, fluffing the pillows while making the blanket just right. I climb on top of the covers on the opposite side, wanting her to feel safe and comfortable with me. If I must go without covers tonight, then so be it.

  When I think she’s fast asleep, I turn my body to face her direction and place a gentle kiss on her head. “Goodnight, my love. You’re safe here with me tonight.” I whisper softly in her ear.

  I watch my mate for some time, enjoying her lovely form sleeping next to me. She mesmerizes me and I can’t wait until the day we join in our Kea’Vah. With her sleeping soundly, and the safety of the ship, slumber takes me as well.

  Several hours later, I wake up to her small body nestled against mine. She’s on top of the sheets with her head under my chin. Her arm is slung over my chest and her leg is over my hip.

  I’m surprised she managed, to move so close without awakening me, I must have been exhausted.

  My shaft hardens with a mind of his own, determined to seek our mate. With her body so close to mine, I struggle with my desire. I don’t want her to wake up and notice how aroused I am and then regret sharing a bed with me or this compromising position.

  Instead, I peel myself out from under her. The last thing I want is for her to be embarrassed. I’m not sure if I sought her or if she came to me, and while I enjoy the comfort and scent of her body next to me, she requested no funny business and I’m taking it seriously.

  Grabbing an additional blanket from a drawer, I place it over her body, so she doesn’t get cold. My desire for her is strong but joining must be something she chooses to do with me, not something that happens by accident in the middle of the night.

  I cross the room and enter the cleansing unit. The shower feels great against my body, and I’m careful to not to dampen the gauze on my back. The cool temp does nothing to slake the hot desire coursing through my veins, regrettably, it does not.

  When I climb back into bed, I crawl below the sheets. The last thing I want to do is embarrass her or to make her feel uncomfortable with my brutally, aching desire.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I wake in the middle of the night with anxiety, until I remember that I’m no longer someone’s abductee. That I’ve been rescued and I’m safe, alive, and well.

  Aykeetan is fast asleep on the other side of the bed, alone, without any covers and I feel bad. He’s trying to give me the space that I asked for and it’s super sweet, but at his expense.

  My mind wanders to the soft kiss he planted on my head last night before whispering in my ear. Goodnight, my love. You’re safe here with me tonight. I was so close to falling asleep I almost missed it. I’m so glad I didn’t.

  This strong, caring and protective male loves me. Truthful and honest to god love. I can see it in his eyes or on his face when he’s near me, or the possessive tones in his voice when he talks to me. He doesn’t try to force the matter, he gives me space when I need it, but he’s always there when I need him. I don’t feel rushed to start something I’m not ready for. His patience is unending.

  We haven’t known each other long, but something is growing between us. Maybe it’s a natural development or this mating pull, but I’m finding myself becoming more and more open to the idea of being with him. I can’t deny how safe I feel around him, my attraction to him, or this pull to gravitate near him. It might sound unnatural to others, but it feels completely natural and right to me, as if this is exactly what’s supposed to be between us.

  I know I should be taking the time I requested to find myself again, but I want to explore these feelings I’m developing. I’m nervous though, I’ve never been intimate with anyone before, and from what Aykeetan has told me, neither has he. The feelings that are growing between us will bring us into uncharted territory and my body thrums with both excitement and nerves. It’s driving me close to insanity.

  All these thoughts about Aykeetan are making my body ache for his. My thought
s turning in a different direction, like how I wish he would kiss me on the lips and not my head, or pull me against his chest, holding me throughout the night. I crave his touch, to be close to him, to be wanted by him.

  I don’t want to just yell out and say, “Hey, I’m ready for some action.” I want us to be so caught up in the moment when we first touch each other that we can’t help ourselves, not because one of us declares it’s time to start.

  Butterflies flutter in my stomach as I think about cuddling up to him and sharing body heat, so he’s not cold of course.

  Brazenly, I sneak out from under my covers and crawl towards him, careful not to wake him. I wrap an arm and a leg around his body as I seek the warmth of his body. My face is cradled just under his chin. I’m rather comfortable here, lying against him, opposed to being alone on the other side of the bed.

  Slowly, I drift to sleep.

  Sometime later, I wake when I feel his rigid body move slightly against mine. Not in a sexual way, more like a caught off guard kind of way.

  The heat of his desire prods against me, so close to my lady bits. The sound of his short, but shallow groan doesn’t escape my ears and it ignites excitement inside me. This male is as attracted to me as I am to him. The butterflies flutter back. My nerves heightened with awareness.

  Unfortunately, he leaves me and I’m suddenly cold without him. I don’t understand, I thought he wanted this, to further our relationship. Did I misjudge?

  The sound of water spraying against a wall resonates through the room. His groan echoes. Did he take a shower because of the erection he was sporting? Have I made him feel so uncomfortable around me, he hides his affection?

  I told him I needed time, but he doesn’t have to hide his feelings from me. The poor guy, taking a shower because he doesn’t want me to feel pressured. The thought is sweet.

  He re-emerges from the bathroom and slips under the covers on the other side of the bed.


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