When Danny met Horatio... (The Band Book 1)

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When Danny met Horatio... (The Band Book 1) Page 9

by Heather Mar-Gerrison

  He shrugged, as if it really wasn’t a big deal and maybe for him now, in his secure relationship with his wonderful partner it wasn’t, “Meh, you were just being my big brother – it’s called sibling rivalry, I think.”

  I smiled, “Well, thanks – you’re a better man that I am.”

  He grinned, “Not sure about that – you’d have to check with Chas,” he grinned across at him and winked, “He’ll tell you – I was a right shit before I realised he was the one.”

  Chas chuckled, “I’m not sure I’d go that far – you were a challenge, though...”

  I sighed, “Yeah.” I murmured. Horatio had had the patience of a saint with me too, “Maybe...”

  Jules was looking at me with a frown on his face, “Has Mara hit you before?”

  Ohh, fuck. I knew this would come out now... “Uh...”

  He raised an eyebrow and looked at me in concern, “Danny?” he asked, his voice worried, “How long have you been putting up with this shit?”

  I couldn’t look at either of them, “Since forever.” I whispered. I looked at him, “Do you think I’m weak?” I asked. I really needed to get his opinion.

  He stared at me as if I was completely mad, “What?” He asked, “Because you’re a victim of domestic abuse? Or because you’ve fallen in love with a man? Either way – fuck, no!”

  I shook my head, feeing sheepish. “Not because of that...” I hadn’t meant it that way. I just wanted to know but Jules had a point, “but I did used to think I had to be gay if I couldn’t fight back...” I shot him another sheepish look, making him roll his eyes at my stereotypical thinking.

  “Okay.” He said, “But physical strength and being gay aren’t actually related – you do know that, right?” He was looking at me with a real frown on his face.

  I shook my head, “Yeah,” I agreed, “I know...”

  “So, you really do fancy guys, then?” He smiled at me.

  I bit my lip and looked at the floor. The answer was yes... well, I fancied Horatio. Hell, I’d slept with Horatio and loved every second of it. I had to be gay.

  “Oh, my God – you totally do...” His smile was incredulous but genuine. “When we went to Studs, I thought you were just crushing on the guy…”

  I sighed and shook my head, “We were just mates, then, I swear...” Why the fuck was I trying to argue the point? We were far more than mates now. We were lovers. Fuck it all to hell – I was in love with him...

  Chas stood up and came over to me, “I think you need to get some sleep and then we can talk this out tomorrow – are you sure you’re okay and don’t need to go to the hospital or something?”

  I shook my head, “I think I’ll be okay – I thought she’d broken my ribs but they’re not too bad now, so they’re probably just bruised.”

  Jules showed me to his spare room and I collapsed onto the bed. I still had no idea how to explain everything to Rayshe. What if he’d decided that I was too much trouble? What the fuck was I going to do then?

  Chapter 20 – Christmas Miracle…


  It was Christmas Day but it was as far removed from any Christmas Day I’d ever experienced before. I was frantic with worry about Danny – and I had absolutely no idea what to do about it.

  A tentative knock on my bedroom door had me scrambling to a sitting position, “Hello?”

  Noah poked his head around the door and grinned at me, “Merry Christmas.” He said with a smile, “Fancy some scrambled eggs on toast?”

  I smiled, food was always the most important part of Noah’s day, bless him. “Yes, please.” I said, “I’ll be down in a minute, I just want to call Dan.”

  He nodded, “Sure.” He said, “Take your time.”

  I nodded.

  I’d arrived last night and Noah and I had talked late into the night about my relationship – or rather, my lack of one with Danny – and I’d confessed that I was actually in love with him even if he was married to someone else and had told me that we had no future together.

  “So, he told you it was over?” Noah asked, “but then he called you again?” Noah was puzzled and I was finding it hard to work everything out.

  I nodded, “She beat him up and I guess she must have told him to leave. She’d found out about us and she’s got a history of violence towards him.”

  “Fuck.” Noah shook his head, “What are you going to do?”

  I smiled, “That’s easy.” I said, “I love him. I’m going to let him get better, get divorced and then I’m going to marry him.”

  Noah smiled, “Good for you.” He said.

  I reached for my phone and pressed the dial button. I needed to talk to him.

  “Hello?” He sounded groggy.

  “Hey, Danny.” I said, “How are you feeling this morning?”

  He groaned, “I feel like shit.”

  I chuckled. “Yeah, I’m not surprised. Listen – can I come over?”

  There was silence for an excruciatingly long time and then finally, he sighed, “Are you sure you want to get involved with a guy like me?” He asked in a small voice.

  “Absolutely. I was already involved, baby.” I said softly, “I got back involved last night when you asked me to help you.”

  He swore softly, “I’m really sorry about that.”

  “Don’t be.” I said, my heart aching for him, “Just say you’ll see me and we’ll work things out.”


  It only took me twenty minutes to get ready, get the cup of coffee and the scrambled eggs that Noah had thoughtfully made for me and then to hotfoot it over to Danny’s brother’s place.

  Jules came to the door and smiled at me, “Hi.” He said. “I’m sorry that we didn’t invite you in last night – God only knows why Danny let you go to your friend’s house – I guess he just wasn’t thinking straight.”

  I nodded, “Uh, yeah.” I agreed stupidly, “Guess not.”

  Jules was still grinning, “So you and he are, uh...”

  I blinked. My God, being in love with Danny was a little like riding a roller-coaster. I never knew what was going to happen next. He’d told his brother about us? What the fuck?

  “Lovers,” A voice from behind him said, “The word you’re looking for is lovers, Jules.”

  I grinned as Danny’s beautiful, if rather battered, face peeped out from behind Jules.

  “Danny,” I breathed, stepping through the front door and gathering him gently to me, so as not to hurt him, “Baby, are you okay?”

  He snuggled into me and nodded, “I’ll live.” He mumbled.

  “I take it you’re both staying for dinner?” Jules asked, “We’ve got plenty and as much as we thought we’d love to have our first Christmas alone, it’ll be nice for us to have you guys for dinner.”

  I pulled away from Danny slightly to look at him, “What do you think, Dan?” I asked, “Wanna have dinner with your brother and his fiancé?”

  He nodded, “That would be great.” He said.


  “You have to press charges, mate.” Jules said as he looked at Danny’s face across the dining table.

  I looked at him too, his face was puffy and a mass of differing coloured bruises. He was still my beautiful boyfriend, but shit, he looked a mess.

  He sighed and shook his head, “What am I supposed to say?”

  “You say that she’s a violent husband-beater that’s been making your life impossible.” He said hotly, “When was the last time you actually spoke to your family?”

  He frowned down at his plate, “God.” He whispered, “Apart from picking you up that time, ages ago.”

  Jules nodded, looking angry, “I should have realised what was happening,” he said, looking more distressed than angry now that I came to study him, “She’s just like Ashley was – a controlling bully that was trying to cut you off from everyone who loved you and cared about you.”

  Danny nodded, “Yeah,” he agreed, “She did. She’s a fucking psycho.”

p; “I think I’ll call the police.” I said, “You need a restraining order at the very least.”

  Danny looked at me, his eyes full of tears, “Would you do that for me?” he asked.

  I nodded and smiled, “Anything.” I said, “I would do anything for you.”

  Chapter 21 – Reporting the crime…


  True to his word, Rayshe made the call to the police station and two days later, two plain-clothed police officers came to see us at Jules’ house.

  “Mr Lewis?”

  I nodded, “Yes, that’s me.”

  “Hi,” the first of the two young men grinned at me and stuck out his hand, “I’m PC Colby,” he said, shaking my hand heartily, “And this is my partner in crime, PC Harrison.”

  I shook his hand too and we all sat down, “So, I uh, understand that you’re a victim of domestic abuse?”

  I nodded, feeling my eyes beginning to get hot. I really didn’t want to do this. I just wanted a quiet life.

  Horatio squeezed my hand and spoke up for me, “I don’t think Danny will mind me telling you this,” he said, “He confided in me only a few weeks ago that his wife has been manipulative and abusive from the beginning of their relationship together.” He looked at me to check that I was happy for him to continue. I nodded and smiled, sending a silent thank you to him. Horatio smiled at me, “she hid from him on holiday to make him worry for her, she told him she was pregnant so he would have to marry her…” It went on and on.

  PC Colby made notes and PC Harrison asked questions.

  “And she beat you unconscious?” PC Harrison asked.

  I nodded, “Yes.” I said, “I came around and she’d gone – that was when I called Horatio and asked him for help.”

  PC Colby looked at me, “It’s a good job you did.” He said, “She’s a very dangerous woman.”

  I blinked, “What do you mean?”

  They exchanged a glance, “Two years ago, a young man of similar age and actually, similar looks to you, went missing. His name was Derek Slade. He’s been registered as a missing person ever since but we have no idea if he’s still alive and in hiding or if she actually killed him. She behaved similarly with him as she did with you – only she didn’t claim to be pregnant and she obviously didn’t marry him but this – you coming forward – means that we can arrest her – and charge he with attempted murder.”

  Attempted murder? I looked at Horatio who stared back at me, “Holy shit.” He murmured, “You had a lucky escape, baby.”

  I nodded, “What do we do in the meantime to stay out of her way.”

  PC Colby looked at me gravely, “Don’t go back to the house.” He said, “And you’d be better to stay away from your house, too.” He looked at Horatio.

  Horatio nodded, “We’ll stay in a hotel until she’s behind bars.” He said.

  They stayed for a little longer, told us what would happen next and then they were gone.

  I looked at Horatio, “Thank you for looking out for me – and for putting up with my drama.”

  He shrugged, “It just comes naturally,” he said “But that’s what lovers do for each other.”

  I nodded, “I want to be your rock through life too.” I said.

  He smiled, “Then come to support me at Studs tonight.”

  I nodded. I could do that…


  I looked towards the stage and smiled as I saw the guys taking their positions on the stage.

  One of the dancers was stood on the stage with a mic in his hand, “Hey guys.” He said, “Good to see you all again.”

  They all smiled and did the fist-bumping and man-hugging thing guys did. He then turned to the crowd and introduced the band, “Here’s what you’ve been looking forward to all Christmas!” he shouted excitedly, “Xavier’s Sister!”

  I leaned back in my bar stool to watch them and had just taken a sip of my drink when a voice to my left made me freeze.

  “I thought I’d find you here.”

  I turned and found myself eye-to-eye with Mara. Fucking hell. She was supposed to be in police custody by now, wasn’t she? Who the hell let her in here? And why the hell hadn’t the police caught up with her yet?

  “Mara.” I said, relieved that my voice hadn’t wavered, showing how nervous I was to be this close to her. “What are you doing here?”

  She looked me up and down, “I wanted to see you.” She said.

  I blinked. Why the hell did she want to see me? “Really?” I raised an eyebrow and registered that it still hurt to do so, “Why?”

  “You’re still my husband.” She said, her voice taking on an edge, “Even if you are fucking other guys.”

  I just looked at her, “Just one guy,” I said, “And it’s not fucking, Mara – it’s so much more than that – not that it’s any of your business anymore – we broke up, remember?”

  She shrugged, “I could forgive you, if you promised never to see him again.”

  Was she for real? Trying my best not to upset her, I shook my head, “No.” I said, “We’re definitely better off without each other.” I was trying my best to keep her from flying off the handle – there was a glass next to her…

  She reached out a hand and grabbed my arm. Fuck, what was she going to do next? “But I love you.” She said earnestly.

  No, she didn’t. She had no idea what love was if she thought she loved me but had treated me the way she had…

  I looked down at her hand before pulling my arm away from her and hopping down from the stool. Now that I had my feet on the ground, I had the chance to run if need be. I had to tell her how it really was. “You have no idea how much I agonised over my feelings for Horatio – how I’ve fought them...”

  Mara looked at me with contempt; clearly she’d instantly decided that forgiveness really wasn’t an option again, “Oh, don’t give me the sob story,” she sneered, “I always had my doubts about you. I actually wondered if you were gay when I married you.”

  I looked at her incredulously. She was completely and utterly bat-shit crazy… “So why do it then? Why go ahead with the marriage?”

  She shrugged, “I wanted the wedding.” She said petulantly, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

  Oh, my God. I’d been so fucking stupid… “Well, I’m sorry I was such a disappointment to you – but thank you for helping me to see what’s important. I never felt good enough for you – but I can see now that it wasn’t my failing – it was yours.”

  “Jason loves me,” She blurted out, “My boss – he’s in love with me.”

  Whether he was or not was nothing to do with me. I heartily wished that for his sake, he wasn’t stupid enough to get involved with her because his life would never be the same again once he knew the real Mara. I forced a smile, “Good.” I said, “I’m glad he does.” Because he’s going to have to remind himself of that every time you lose control of yourself and beat him to a pulp. “And Horatio loves me, too. So, we can divorce easily – agreed?”

  She nodded, “I’m in love with Jason,” She said, “So a divorce can’t come soon enough.”

  While part of me felt terribly sorry for the hapless Jason, who, if she was telling the truth, clearly didn’t have a clue that she was about to be locked up for a long time and would likely be shocked and heartbroken to lose her, mostly I was relieved that I’d finally escaped.

  I didn’t feel the need to tell her that I was in love with Horatio. It was none of her business and I didn’t have to tell her anything about us.

  “Mrs Lewis?”

  She turned and relief flooded through me as I recognised Harley, one of the dancers’ partners who was an officer that worked with PC’s Colby and Harrison.

  She turned, “Yes?”

  His face grim, he took her arm, “You’re under arrest for the attempted murder of your estranged husband…”

  Horatio had stopped playing and had abandoned the stage to alert Harley who was actually off duty. He’d called for back-up though
and very soon after he’d read her rights, she was being bundled into the back of a police car and driven away.

  I leaned against Horatio. “Oh, God.” I murmured, “I honestly thought she’d glass me.”

  He nodded, holding me close to himself, “Me too.” He said “I saw her as we were playing. I’d better get back up there.”

  I smiled and nodded, “Go and nail it, babe.” I said.

  “He took my hand, “Come with me.” He said, “You can sit at the side of the stage.

  Well, I was happy to do that…


  One month later


  “You made this?”

  I resisting the urge to flinch. Usually those words came just before the plate hit the wall with a resounding crash. I took a deep breath. Horatio wasn’t Mara, who’d been given twelve years for what she’d done to me and to her previous lover who was still missing and presumed dead.

  Horatio was a gentle, loving man that would never strike me. I nodded, “Yeah, I’m sorry it’s not really very good,” I found myself apologising, “I’m a work in progress when it comes to cooking.”

  He blinked, those fabulous dark eyes looking at me in surprise, “A work in progress?” he asked incredulously, “Fuck, dude – don’t put yourself down – it looks delicious – and I’m sure it’ll taste fantastic.”

  I smiled, feeling my face heating up at his compliment. I was so used to being abused that I didn’t actually know how to take a compliment, “Thanks,” I muttered, “But it’s only lasagne.”

  He grinned, “I’m a crap cook.” He said, “Grandma tries and tries to show me how to make her spiced chicken but I’m so desperate to just eat it, I barely take notice of the spices she uses never mind the quantities!”

  I chuckled, “That spiced chicken she makes is amazing. D’you think she’d let me have the recipe?”

  Horatio smiled at me, his even, pristinely white teeth flashing and making my heart spike, “She thinks you’re the cutest white boy she’s ever seen, so I think you’re in with a chance.”


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