Running Wild (Hell Ryders MC Book 1)

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Running Wild (Hell Ryders MC Book 1) Page 18

by J. L. Sheppard

  Though she wasn’t sure she believed that, it wasn’t just about the way he looked, it was him, all of him. A tough, rough-around-the-edges biker with a big heart, a man who looked after his sister and his niece, a man her brother trusted, a man who’d defended and protected her. Still, she had to face the facts. She knew very little about him. He hadn’t said much about himself, and she hadn’t asked because he should be the one to share, but quite frankly, it was too soon to start sharing.

  What scared her the most was, maybe for him, it was just physical. They’d spent most of the day having sex. They’d talked and laughed, but mostly they fooled around and had sex.

  After round three, she finally got around to calling Mia. She’d insisted everything was fine, but Mia wanted to have lunch. She didn’t mind, except Mia knew she omitted something. It could’ve been the way Jace stormed into the bar and carried her out, but she wasn’t so sure. She and Jace agreed to keep quiet until they were ready. Mia told her they should too, but she knew Mia well enough to know Mia wanted details.

  Needless to say, she was nervous about lunch with Mia because she wasn’t a good liar. Tyler often read through her lies, and Mia was a bulldog when she wanted dirt.

  Still, she waved her over.

  Mia neared, scanning her from top to bottom. “Love that blouse.”


  “You ready?”

  She nodded, told Tiffany she was headed for lunch, and then together they headed to a local sub shop. They ordered, paid, and sat to wait for their food.

  “So…you going to tell me what happened Saturday?”

  She flushed. “Nothing happened. He was angry, but when isn’t he?”

  Mia gave her a knowing smile. “That’s it?”

  “Yeah, apparently Ty told him to watch me while he’s gone. I guess he was upset I wasn’t at home and out with you guys.”


  “And you know Jace…He carried me out, then took me home.”

  “In his car?”

  “No, on his bike.”

  Mia’s eyes widened, looking shocked. Odd considering nothing seemed to shock her, ever.

  When Mia didn’t respond, she added, “I was wearing a skirt, so he gave me his cut to wrap around my waist, and drove me home.”

  Mia’s jaw dropped open. She stayed like that for several seconds, not saying a word. Odder. Mia couldn’t go a minute without talking.

  “Um…are you okay?”

  Mia leaned into the table. In a quiet voice, she asked, “Allie, do you realize what any of what you told me means?”

  Shit. Had she said something she shouldn’t have? Yep. Why else would Mia stare at her dumbstruck and speechless? Her stomach turning, she shook her head.

  Mia lowered her voice to a whisper. “Bikers don’t put women on the back of their bikes unless they’re claiming them—”

  “W-what do you mean?”

  “I mean…unless you’re an old lady or a steady woman in his life who he’s protecting, means the club’s protecting her—”

  “I am because of Ty—”

  Mia shook her head. “You don’t understand, Allie. Army ever put you on the back of his bike?”

  “No, but—”

  “Right, you’re his sister. The club protects you as his sister. It also means you’re off limits. After the whole Wyatt situation, the club’s got your back more than ever. They voted to deal with it, and they are. Now, they’re looking out for you. I know this because they vote on everything, not because Stone told me or because I was there.” She shrugged. “You know club rules and all, but Army’s never going to put you on the back of his bike because you aren’t his woman.”

  Denial reared its head. “But…the first time I went to the garage Ripper offered me a ride, and Cuss has offered me a ride, too. He said if I cooked for him—”

  Mia placed her hand on top of hers. “Heard about the Ripper thing from Stone. Why do you think Army was so angry that day?”

  Ripper had been a dick, and her brother had been protecting her or it’s what she thought.

  “Ripper tried to claim you. Army wasn’t having it, so he beat his ass to prove a point. You’re off limits. And as for Cuss, I know Cuss. He knew you’d say no. If on the off chance you agreed, he would’ve told you why he couldn’t give you a ride.”

  Shit. She had said too much, way too much.

  “As for him giving you his cut to wrap around your waist…” She let out a deep sigh. “Bikers don’t give their cuts to anyone. Allie, I mean no one, not a steady girl, not an old lady, especially not to wrap around your waist because you’re wearing a short skirt.”

  “You’re telling me Stone has never let you wear his cut?”

  “Oh, I’ve worn it. In the bedroom with nothing underneath.” She winked. “But never in public and never to sit on, on the back of a bike.”

  Oh God. What did it mean? That he really liked her? It happened before their big talk, so it had to mean he really liked her. Right? Or, shit. She could barely think. Her thoughts rambled in fragments.

  “I know what’s going on,” Mia said.

  Luckily, it gave her mind something to focus on besides her chaotic thoughts.

  “Even if you hadn’t told me what you did. Lynn, Tiffany, and Cuss know, too. One look at Trig when he saw you with Keith and we knew.”

  She folded her trembling hands. “W-what do you mean?”

  “I know Trig. I’ve known him for five years. He’s had a rough life. Considering, he’s a good man who takes care of his own. I’ve never seen that look on his face, not when his sister relapsed, not when his mother died—”

  Bile rose in the back of her throat, she forced herself to swallow it. “His mother died? His sister relapsed from what? What about his father?”

  Mia winced. “I can see I’ve said too much.”

  In too much shock to push, Allie didn’t.

  “My point is, if you don’t see yourself being able to handle this life, I suggest you end things now. None of us want to see him hurt, and honest to God, I don’t know how much more he can take.”

  Mia warned her off? A heaviness settled in the pit of her stomach. She looked away.

  “This life isn’t easy. I didn’t come from money like you, and this life was still an adjustment, but I fell in love with Stone. I do it because I love him, and I can’t picture my life without him.”

  She couldn’t help but feel betrayed and offended. Maybe Mia was trying to protect her family, the club, it wasn’t what offended her. It was more about what she’d implied. Did she think people with money didn’t suffer? Did money imply you had an easy life? People were more than money and their pasts. She was so much more than designer bags and shoes like Jace was so much more than a biker.

  She met Mia’s stare. “And you’re saying this to me because you think I’ll miss the designer bags and shoes, or because you think I can’t deal with this life because I came from money and money somehow implies my life was effortless?”

  Looking hurt, Mia leaned back against the booth. “I didn’t mean it like that, Allie.”

  “I know you’re trying to protect your family, Mia, but I thought I was part of that family.”

  She left Mia speechless again.

  Allie took a deep breath, trying to control her anger. “Let me tell you about the life I had with the designer bags and shoes. It was lonely. I wasn’t a person. I was an object, an object my father controlled. He told me what to study, where to work, where to live, what to buy, and then, he told me who to date.

  “I fell for the man I was told to date. He asked me to marry him, and I said yes. I wanted a small wedding, but my father insisted on a lavish one. I was planning this ludicrously extravagant wedding when I caught my fiancé cheating.

  “I broke it off, and then I stupidly gave him another chance, and guess what? He cheated again with three different women. When I told him I was leaving him for good, he beat me. I had to wait for the bruises to fade before I flew
out here to restart my life because I didn’t want my brother going to jail for killing him. I flew out here because Ty’s the only person who’s ever cared enough about me, because my father wouldn’t protect me.

  “He said I deserved what I got because he wanted me to marry a man so his multimillion dollar company could make more money. Then he said all men cheated and admitted he’d had a mistress for thirty years. He said my mother knew. It isn’t far-fetched to assume he beat her too, considering he didn’t care my ex beat his only daughter.

  “When I restarted my life here, I couldn’t even get a job because my father forced his employees to badmouth me, which means I have a degree I can’t use unless I want to start from scratch. I suppose it was a blessing in disguise. I’d rather do what I’m doing now, even if I’m not earning a six-figure pay check. Of course, then my ex shows up and slaps me in broad day light.”

  She released a loaded breath. “So, no, Mia, money doesn’t necessarily mean my life’s been perfect. It doesn’t mean I can’t handle club life. As a matter of fact, I think I’ve handled it well, considering all the designer handbags and shoes I own.”

  With those last words, she picked up her designer bag and left. The food hadn’t arrived yet, but it didn’t matter. She couldn’t eat. If she tried to eat, she’d throw up.

  Heading back into the daycare, Allie went on with her day as if nothing happened. Mia called her several times. She ignored the calls. Too angry and too hurt, she wasn’t ready to talk just yet.


  Something was wrong with Allie. Trig took one look at her Monday night, and he knew.

  Shutting the door behind himself, he pulled her into his arms. “What’s wrong?”

  She smiled that fake smile. “Nothing. Just wound up. Need to go for a run.”

  No kiss, no asking about his day, she simply walked away. It pissed him off. He’d known something was wrong, but it was too soon to push.

  Following her into her room, he found her standing in front of her closet in a lacy thong. The sight stirred his cock. It took him a moment to remember what he intended to do. When he did, he strode up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, buried his face in her neck, and feathered a kiss under her ear.

  “Don’t get a welcome home kiss, baby?”

  Allie turned in his arms and gave him a kiss that had him wanting to throw her on the bed and bury himself into her. She pulled away smiling, a teasing glint in her eyes, and whispered, “Good enough?”

  Her mood improved, but not by much. She smiled and laughed easily, her eyes less guarded, but something had happened.

  They went for a run. He’d run that morning after she left for work, but he went anyway. He didn’t want her running alone. They got back from their run, showered together, and she made him dinner. They ate on the couch watching TV. He did the dishes, and cleaned up the kitchen. Mainly because he wanted to take care of her, kind of like she took care of him by cooking. After, they made love and fell asleep cuddled close.

  The next day had been more of the same. She laughed and talked to him easily, but he caught glimpses when she seemed lost in her thoughts, a sadness enveloping her features.

  Now, as he pulled up to the compound, he couldn’t help but wonder what it was again. He couldn’t help but wonder if it had anything to do with him, if he’d moved too fast, told her too much too soon, and if it’d given her second thoughts about them. He hated to think so, but he didn’t know what else it might be.

  Striding into the garage, he greeted his brothers then headed down the hall and up the stairs to his room. Intent on getting a workout done before noon, he changed into a pair of athletic shorts and wife beater. As he walked out, Mia called his name. He turned.


  Looking uncomfortable, she closed the distance between them. “Hey, can you tell Allie to call me?”

  His brows drew together. The request alone intrigued him. Mia and Allie were friends, so why she needed him to tell her, he had no idea.

  “She…” Her gaze dropped to the floor. “I…may have said something…”

  Shit. Maybe Mia had something to do with the change in Allie. If they’d gotten in an argument for some reason, it explained what had been bothering Allie, which meant it had nothing to do with him. He rather not get in the middle of it, but curiosity prompted him to ask. “You get in an argument or something?”

  She flushed. “I think…” Mia shook her head. “I know I upset her. I’ve been trying to call her to apologize, but…”

  Damn. She seemed nervous. He’d go as far as to say a little scared. “Mia, this have something to do with me?” He didn’t know why he asked, probably those instincts he had that kept him alive for so long.

  She nodded.

  He fisted his hands. “What about me?”

  She looked behind him then met his gaze. “We saw you on Saturday. We know.”

  He tried not to react, couldn’t let on he knew what she meant. He didn’t think he pulled it off. The moment he heard, his body tensed.

  “I was looking out for you. I told her if she couldn’t handle this life then…she shouldn’t lead you on.”

  He couldn’t believe it. Finally, he knew the reason his beautiful Allie had been stuck in her head for two days. He had one day enjoying all that was beautiful about Allie before Mia said some fucked shit to her, warning her away, as if he didn’t have the odds already stacked against him.



  And from his own family.

  He clenched his jaw so hard the muscles hurt, seeing red. With that, logic and rationale fled. “What?” he screamed.

  Looking repentant, but she held her ground. “I was looking out for you. I know you’ve been through a lot—”

  “Don’t fuckin’ say shit, Mia. Don’t wanna hear your fuckin’ excuses.” He shouldn’t have said that or reacted that way. It only proved he cared about Allie, but Mia’s betrayal hurt deep. He couldn’t’ve helped it.

  She paled, so much so he actually thought she’d faint. “I’m sorry. I just—”

  “Don’t wannna fuckin’ hear it. You’ve fuckin’ betrayed me. I’m supposed to be family, Mia. We don’t betray our family. So I don’t wanna talk to you, see you, or hear you. Wanna do me a favor? Make sure I don’t.”

  He strode away and worked out his frustration at the gym. Two hours later, he was still livid, so he went for a ride.


  Allie heard the familiar roar of Jace’s bike and smiled. She just gotten home from work and changed into a pair of tights, tank top, and sneakers.

  For the past two days, they’d been running together. She’d never run with a partner before, but she loved it because her partner was Jace. Jace ran in a pair of shorts and no shirt, which meant she got to watch sweat drip down his chest and abs, not to mention she loved eyeing his tattoos. A distraction, but so totally worth it.

  The knock on the door startled her. It wasn’t his usual tap, more like a bang. She walked to the door and slung it open. One look at him, and she knew why. His mouth tight, his jaw clenched.

  “Hey, how was your day?” Stupid question, but she had to start somewhere.

  He didn’t answer. Instead, he closed the door with his booted foot, dropped his cut on the couch, and faced her. “Anything you wanna tell me, Allie?” His voice rose with each word.

  Nothing she could think of, which didn’t bode well for her. Obviously, he thought she needed to tell him something, something he’d found out.

  She didn’t know what to say, still wasn’t sure why he was angry, and didn’t want to ask knowing he’d tell her when he was ready. Pushing it could potentially get him in a worst mood.

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “Talked to Mia today.”

  Oh, God. He found out she had a little meltdown. Mia offended her, and she’d reacted poorly, never denying she and Jace were an item, and by saying what she had, she’d implied it.

  Flushing, she said, “I’m

  The apology upset him more. The look in his eyes went feral. “What the fuck you apologizing for?”

  “For what I told her. I…I was upset…”

  He quirked a brow. “What did you tell her?”

  “She said club life was hard, and I came from money, so if I couldn’t handle it, then I shouldn’t lead you on. I asked her if she told me that because she thought I’d miss the designer bags and shoes or if it was because she assumed since I came from money my life had been easy, and I couldn’t handle club life.”

  This upset him more, to that degree where the vein in his neck began pulsing. “You fuckin’ kidding me?” he shouted loud and suddenly.

  She jumped, grasping her chest. “I’m sorry. I know I should’ve denied there was anything going on, but I…I was offended, and I lost my temper…” Her voice trailed off when he walked toward her, the anger hadn’t abated, not a bit.

  “Listen to me, Alyssa. You don’t fuckin’ apologize to me for feeling. I’m not your fuckin’ father, and I’m not your fuckin’ ex. You fuckin’ apologize ’cause you should’ve told me this shit Monday.”

  Wait, he wasn’t mad at her per se, he was mad at Mia? Feeling the need to defend Mia, she pointed out, “She was trying to protect you. I get—”

  “Don’t give me lip. Don’t fuckin’ make excuses for her. As far as I’m concerned, she doesn’t exist.”

  God, he was so angry he was being irrational. “I think you’re being irrational—”

  He closed the distance between them and yelled, “She fuckin’ betrayed me!”

  “She doesn’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “She fuckin’ accomplished that shit on her own. She hurt me by hurting you.”

  Her jaw dropped. After all he’d said and done, she shouldn’t be surprised. She couldn’t help it though.

  “Don’t look so shocked. You think I didn’t know some shit went down, that something was fuckin’ with your head? I knew. I didn’t wanna push you to tell me. You’ve been walking around here stewing on that shit for two days ’cause of Mia.”

  Still, she felt the need to add, “I could’ve handled it, and you shouldn’t get into a fight with your family for me.”


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