Touch of Fire (Into the Darkness Book 1)

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Touch of Fire (Into the Darkness Book 1) Page 12

by Jasmine B. Waters

“Of course, you do mean you’re recalling everyone except for the group who is searching for Rena, right?” She demanded with a pointed look at her father.

  His eyes looked at her, cold and frustrated at her outburst and at making things more difficult than they already were.

  “Everyone will be recalled,” Berengar repeated with finality, “Including the recue party.” He glared at Mari, wishing she would be silent.

  Mari fumed, rage boiling up in her like she’d never experienced before. How could her father possibly be okay with this? She couldn’t understand what they were so scared of, and clearly they weren’t in the most forthcoming of moods when it came to discussing things. They were there to dictate what was going to happen, and didn’t care what anyone else had to say or do about it.

  “You’re all cowards,” Mari spat the words at them as she rose, her eyes casting a challenging glare at every council member in front of the group. She walked swiftly from the room, not caring what anyone behind her thought or said beyond that. She was done with them. If her father could turn his back on Rena out of his fear, she was done with him as well.

  Mari fled the hall and walked briskly back to the main house and straight up to her room. One of the interior walls was still charred black and the glass door that lead out to her balcony was shattered. Her eyes were surveying the damage and feeling like she was drowning in the chaos that had become her life.

  She couldn’t even remember how long it had been since before all this started and things felt normal. Mari crossed the room carefully and peeled back the cover on the bed exposing clean sheets below it. She didn’t care anymore. She crawled in the bed and curled up, wishing the world would simply go away and leave her alone for a while. Her mind was reeling as she faded off to sleep, frustrated at everything around her that made her feel so damn powerless.


  Mari was back in that dark room she had come to recognize so well. Her personal prison where she was trapped with Blake, her lifelong cell mate. She collapsed back on the bed in frustration, not sensing him anywhere at the moment, though she didn’t have to wait long. She felt the bed depress as he leaned over her, kissing her deeply.

  Blake let his fingers trail lazily up the insides of Mari’s thighs as her lips parted to meet his, deepening their kiss. He was lost in her, as always. Her light reflected within him fiercely, warming him from the inside. He moved down her body slowly, trailing light kisses down the smooth planes of her abdomen. His fingers ghosting along the curve of her hip as he sank between her legs.

  Mari’s body arched under his touch. She was unable to help it. A soft moan drifted from her lips as his tongue explored the deep wetness between her thighs. She rocked her hips forward to meet him as he drew her closer. As her body clenched he drew away, catching her leg up over his shoulder, sinking into the tightness that he had grown so familiar with. Every thrust of his hips was met by her hips driving upwards to meet him.

  Every time the he buried himself up to the hilt, their bodies colliding as they both drew closer and closer to release. Mari ran her hands up and around his back, gripping tightly at the firm muscles of his ass as she tried frantically to pull him even deeper. She gasped his name while stars blurred her vision as she crested into him. Her body clenched around him in rhythm as he tensed and spilled into her.

  Blake rolled to the side and collapsed onto the bed, trying to slow his breathing. His body was spent, but he could still feel the effects of her touch radiating through his body like electricity. He couldn’t explain it but being with her made every inch of him feel alive again. It was the only time he felt alive anymore.

  Mari rolled on her side, wrapping her leg around his. She trailed a hand lazily though the small thatch of hair that trailed down his stomach. The weight of the world fell off her as she laid there, blissful and content. She inhaled deeply, as her mind clouded over with an odd peacefulness. She couldn’t help but think that this was all she needed. Him and her…everything else could fade away and she would be content.


  Mari woke in her room, shivering in the cold as the mountain air swept through the broken windows. She didn’t know how long she had been asleep, but she woke refreshed and determined. She needed Blake that much was clear to her. She was sure that if she could just get him alone, she could convince him to help her. She had made her mind up before she had even woken up and was formulating her plan.

  Mari had resolved that if her father and uncle were refusing to go after Kali and find Rena that she would on her own. There was no world in which she was going to abandon her younger sister to the kind of woman could strike that much fear into the most powerful creatures she knew.

  She turned and placed her feet flat on the floor, stretching lightly to wake herself up the rest of the way. Mari rose and began to scour the remains of her once beautiful room for any sort of clothing that she could take with her. She wasn’t sure where Kali was or how long it would take to find Rena, but Mari wasn’t sure she would even return after she did find her sister.

  Gathering clothes that were still in decent shape and tossing them into a small overnight bag along with whatever cash she had stored up, she felt better with every step she took towards her plan. She pulled the bag up over her shoulder, turning to take one last glance at the room. Emotions washed over her as memories flickered through her brain. Some part of her didn’t want to leave, but the determined and angry part of her won out as she turned and left the room.

  Mari crept through dark hallways quietly, making her way down to the room that Riley was staying in. She had thought about trying to break Blake out on her own, but Mari realized that the guards were probably doubled since she had been gone. The only solution Mari had been able to find was to talk to Riley. She wasn’t sure what her plan was for how to convince him to release Blake, but she was going to make it happen; that much she knew.

  Mari knocked on the door lightly, listening carefully to see if she heard him within. There was a strange thump and some hushed giggles as she waited, until finally she heard feet shuffling to the door after. She looked up as the door cracked open to reveal Riley, his hair disheveled and his lips bruised. Mari quirked an eyebrow up as she attempted to look around him.

  “Company?” She asked with a smirk as her eyes traveled down and took in his sleep pants that weren’t tied quite tight enough. The pants kept falling off his muscled hips but catching on an unmistakable bulge.

  Riley flushed, a first for Mari to witness, and scooted out the door awkwardly to close it behind him. He wasn’t sure why he was so embarrassed for Mari to find him in such a state, but he could feel himself blushing under her discerning, amused gaze. He shifted his weight slightly, trying to make it less transparent he was rock hard at the time he had been pulled from bed.

  “Heh, a little bit,” Riley laughed uncomfortably as he attempted to retie the string of his pants. He glanced down at the bag across Mari’s shoulder, a frown creasing on his face. “What’s up? You going somewhere?”

  Mari shifted her weight back on her heels as she looked up at him, leveling him with what she hoped was a serious look.

  “Yes,” she replied steadily, “And I need your help. I need to you help me get into where they’re keeping Blake and let him go.”

  Riley tilted his head to the side, sure that he must have misheard Mari or been dreaming. He blinked a couple times rapidly attempting to clear his thoughts, but she was still standing there before him with her hands on her hips, looking very determined, and a little bit crazy.

  “You’re drunk? Is that what this is?” He asked sleepily, he was still somewhere lost between Shay’s thighs and sleep and he was certain that this must just be some sort of drunken misguided idea that Mari had cooked up because she was upset.

  “No, sober as a judge,” Mari replied with a nod, “I’m serious, Riley. They are doing nothing to find Rena. If Kali is so awful that she can turn someone who wa
s like a brother to you into someone who could leave you for dead, do you think I should just give up and leave my thirteen-year-old sister in her hands? I won’t, Riley.”

  Riley propped himself up against the door jamb, running a hand through his hair to pull it out of his eyes. Women. They were going to be the end of him someday. That much he was sure of. He eyed Mari warily, knowing that no matter which way he looked at this, he wasn’t going to like it. Whatever erection he had fled fast with the sobering thought of Mari heading off to face Kali alone.

  “You can either let him out, or I’m going on my own,” Mari said with a nod, her voice mimicking the finality that her father’s did when he had made his mind up about something.

  “Fuck,” Riley spat as he weighed the options available to him. “Just…ugh. Woman. Seriously? You’re not giving me an option here. You want to go off and do crazy shit, or go off and do crazy shit with someone who is certifiable crazy. How is there any upside there? How do you know he’s not going to turn on you? Have you thought of that?”

  Anger was welling up deep within him as he surveyed the determination that was written clearly across Mari’s face. He frowned as she crossed her arms petulantly, setting her face even more firmly. Riley closed his eyes and drew a slow breath in and out, counting to five like he had been taught when he was losing his temper.

  “Damn it,” he muttered as he turned towards the door, “Give me a minute to get rid of Shay, and I’ll get my stuff. There’s no way you’re going off with that asshole by yourself.”

  Before Riley could open the door, a laugh bubbled out of Mari. He turned and glared at her. His hand was frozen on the door knob, and he was growing more and more certain that something had cracked in her head and she was just plain crazy.

  “What could possibly be funny right now?” He snapped, irritation overflowing as she doubled over laughing.

  “Shay? It’s Shay you have in there?” Mari gasped in between laughs, “Oh, man, you should thank me. If anything, I’m saving you from a most certain death there.”

  Riley frowned, not sure where Mari was finding humor in this, or what exactly was wrong with Shay. He had found the young, kitchen woman mildly amusing enough, she was at least a decent diversion, or had been until Mari had intruded with her insanity.

  “Oh, why’s that?”

  “Check her reflection in the mirror. She’s a crone, babe. She’s about five times your age, easy,” Mari laughed as she leaned back against the wall, “Don’t worry. I won’t do anything stupid until you come back. Go…go.” She continued giggling lightly as he retreated in the room with a huff.

  Mari waited patiently, sliding down the wall to a seated position as she waited for Riley to return. It was a few minutes before the door opened and Shay exited. She looked like a cat who’d gotten into the cream, a broad smile stretched across her face.

  “Nice,” Mari giggled as Shay waved at her, giggling as she traipsed off down the hall towards her room.

  Riley returned a few minutes later, his face the brightest red Mari could have possibly imagined. A bag was slung over his shoulder. He glared at her, his embarrassment changing into frustration as he saw the grin on Mari’s face.

  “Not a word, Elwood. Not. A. Word.”

  Mari pushed herself up off the floor, grabbing her bag. She couldn’t possibly imagine what Shay’s actual form looked like these days, the last time she’d seen the woman’s reflection, she’d had nightmares for a month. She could only imagine what Riley was dealing with.

  “Sorry, I told you so,” Mari laughed as she fell into step with Riley’s much longer legs.

  “I said not a word, damn it,” Riley winced as the images of Shay’s wrinkled…everything flashed before his eyes again, “There are some things that you just can’t un-see.”

  They headed off across the grounds of the compound to the building where Blake was being held captive. Riley thought this was a terrible idea. He had no way of stopping Blake if he had a mind to take off. Their only hope was if Mari was right, and he would stop long enough to listen to her.

  Riley got them past the various guards who were on duty for the night, and swiped his keycard granting them access to the locked wing of the building. He kept trying to convince Mari that it was a terrible plan the entire time, listing all the various ways it could go wrong and end up with them dead, but his reason fell on deaf ears.

  Mari was tuning Riley out as she focused on the task at hand. All she had to do was get him to stop and listen. It shouldn’t be such a difficult task, he’d been locked in a room with nothing for the past several weeks, and the only contact he’d had with anyone had been her when he was dreaming. She was confident he would listen.

  Riley punched a code into the door, unlocking the mechanical lock as well as dropping the magical wards that were in place around the room. He flicked the switch outside the room to turn the lights on.

  Blake was sitting curled up in the corner, shielding his eyes from the light that blinded him. He was seeing stars after having been in the dark for so many days. He rose slowly, his body sluggish with the lack of food and water. He’d been given some, but it wasn’t enough for someone his size to truly subside on for long. He swayed slightly, the lack of strength was worse. He was completely devoid of any of his power and dropped back shakily to the floor, unable to support his weight.

  “Shit,” Riley muttered as he surveyed the crumbling mass that had once been the strongest person he’d known, “I don’t know how the hell we’re going to get him out of here. I didn’t realize what kind of shape he was in.”

  Mari rushed forward, discarding her bag behind her by the door. She dropped to her knees beside him and placed her hands on both sides of his face, forcing him to look up at her. His head lolled heavily in her hands, as if he was barely able to even hold his head up, let alone stand up and walk out of there with them.

  “Blake?” She asked, trying to get his attention, “Blake? I need you to look at me. I’m going to need to you do this. We’ve got to get out of here. There’s not much time.”

  Blake’s hand reached up and slid over her hand where it held his face. He sighed, feeling the soft warmth he had grown so used to coursing into him. He collapsed forward, planning on trying to embrace the woman he’d fallen so deeply for, but in doing so knocked her backwards, and both of them flat on the floor.

  “Seriously? What am I going to do with you two?” Riley asked as he crossed swiftly through the room, bending low he heaved his friend back up off Mari and propped him against the wall. Riley was thankful that they had at least given him clothes. It would have been the cherry on top of a shitty day if he’d had to have dressed his friend.

  Riley hooked his arm under Blake’s and hauled him to his feet. Riley pulled on the hand over his shoulder, and gripped tightly against Blake’s stomach as he heaved him forward. Riley nodded in the direction of his bag on the floor.

  “Grab that, Mari. We’ve got to move. There won’t be much time until shifts change and they realize he’s gone,” Riley muttered as he shuffled himself and Blake towards the door. It was taking every bit of strength Riley had to heave his friend down the hallway and he was seething at the irony of it all. If Blake hadn’t injured him, they could have simply flown out of the damn Fae complex, but no. He couldn’t fly, and didn’t even have his car. The thought rankled him as he remembered.

  “You better still have my car, jackass.” Riley muttered under his breath as they snuck towards the garage and piled into a car. Riley knew enough about the Fae, to know that the car would have tracking spells in place. They could only use it for long enough to get a head start, but hopefully it was enough. All they could do was hope that by putting enough distance between them, the orders that were keeping everyone on lockdown, would keep them from being pursued.

  Blake was settled into the back seat, laying across Mari’s lap, staring up at her in disbelief. His hand reached up, and caught a sm
all ringlet of her blonde curls and caught it in his fingers. She was real. With a contented sigh, he sank back into a deep sleep, but was haunted by amber eyes watching over him the whole time.


  It took several weeks for Blake to pick up a lead to find Max, the bear shifter who had been working with Kali. He assumed she had them on the move still, bouncing from place to place, so no one was ever in one location for more than a day.

  “Are you sure the GPS is right?” Riley snapped, as the phone insisted that a small dirt path was a highway. Riley had a death grip on the steering wheel. He wished more than anything he could simply be out of the car, and away from Blake. It was driving Riley slowly insane being trapped in the confines of the small car they had rented, stuck with Blake’s perpetually worsening mood swings.

  “How the hell am I supposed to know? I’m just telling you, the map says turn left here,” Blake grumbled. His body was crying out constantly. The pain and ache of losing his power was worsening, as if every day he went without it, another piece of him was chipped away. The scowl he felt on his face was in danger of becoming permanent.

  “Would you two stop, please,” Mari begged from the back seat. She leaned herself forward over the font seat bracing herself against Riley’s seat back to reach for the phone on the console between them. She glanced down at the device and felt a small sigh escape her.

  “The turn was a mile back. You’re going to have to turn around and back track. It looks like it’s just trying to find you any way to get back to that road,” Mari explained, passing the phone back up to the front seat.

  “Nope! I’m done,” Riley fumed, slamming on the brakes. All three of them flung forward as the car came to an abrupt halt. “Someone else is driving. I can’t take directions from this lunatic anymore. You can’t even manage something as basic as telling me where to turn! What the hell, man?”

  Blake growled in frustration and wrenched the car door open. He pushed himself out and slammed it shut behind him. He walked several paces away from the car. He had no idea why he was so useless at the moment, but his irritation settled squarely on Riley’s shoulders. The frustration was overwhelming, and he felt every nerve in his body screaming for him to just punch something. He settled on a nearby tree.


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