Estelle In Denver (In Denver Series Book 2)

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Estelle In Denver (In Denver Series Book 2) Page 7

by Colora, R.

  Wolf slides the plate off the table and it crashes to the ground. Katie gets up to clean it and Wolf runs out. I kneel down next to her.

  “Go be with Wolf. I will clean this up,” I say sadly.

  She nods and goes after her son.

  As I pick up the last of the plate, I see Rhydian on the phone sitting on the bench outside. He looks defeated, and about ten minutes later Michael come flying through the parking lot. Michael gets out of the driver's seat and does not even close his door. When he makes it into the diner, I look at him and just shake my head. He walks to the booth.

  “Is it true, Estelle?” I pull out my phone and show him the video I secretly recorded of Wolf.

  “Oh my god, Estelle. How could Katie have kept him from me?" He is squeezing my phone so hard his fingers have gone white I hear the anger in his voice, but also a touch of sadness like he knows exactly why she kept Wolf from him.

  “I don’t know, but Michael that kid is angry. He's been told all his life you didn't want him or his mother. He is bullied on the reservation. And Katie, more than anything, seems scared. I don't know the whole story, but maybe just let it settle for a few days. Emotions are running high right now. You need to think of Wolf.”

  “His name is Wolf?”

  My guts wrench at what I’m about to say next. “No, his name isn't Wolf. His name is Michael,” I say in a whisper. “His name is Michael.”

  Rhydian's POV

  When I hear Princess throwing up, I grab a cool cloth and wipe her face down. It’s my job to reassure her that everything is going to be fine and it will be. I’m waiting to hear news on the house I put an offer on, and she knows I’m ready for us to be forever. I just have to make sure she knows how much I love her everyday

  After an amazing forty-eight hours of exploring each other’s body, I know she is tired and probably sore when she falls asleep on my chest curled up like a cat. I know I will do everything and anything to make sure this is how I go to sleep for the rest of my life. Heading to the Denver Diner the next morning, we take the long way through Ute territory. It's beautiful out here. All along the desolate road are little shops that sell native jewelry and art.

  We pull into the diner and sit to order, when I see Katie Blackwell come out of a little shop. When she turns, I see a little boy come out behind. When he looks up, I know I jump up not saying anything to Princess and head across the parking lot. The minute Katie spots me, I see the fear and shock register on her face.

  “Katie,” I say in a clipped tone.

  “Rhydian, it's been awhile how is everyone?” I see she is pulling the boy behind her blocking him and looking around nervously.

  “Katie, are you really going to stand here and ask about my family?” I’m astonished she has the nerve to be this casual.

  “What you like to talk about, Rhydian?”

  “How about your fucking son?” I bark while pointing towards my nephew.

  “Don’t talk like that in front of him, “she hisses aggressively. I turn to the boy, “You see that pretty girl with the brown hair, looking out the fourth window”. He nods.

  “If it's ok with your mom, I would like for you to go sit with her. See she is my girlfriend and I’m scared if I leave her alone someone will run off with her. Can you be a strong guy and go sit with her and make sure she is okay?” I smile down at him.

  The boy looks at his mother and she nods, we walk him across the parking lot and watch him down sit with Estelle.

  “Katie, how the fuck could you not tell Michael he’s a father? What the hell have you been thinking?” I say vehemently.

  “He knew,” she says,” He knew I was pregnant.” I move us towards the bench across from the diner, we will be able to talk and watch Estelle and the boy through the window.

  “That’s a lie Katie, Michael would have never abandoned you and a baby, and if in some strange parallel universe he did, my parents wouldn't have turned their backs on their grandchild.”

  She gets angry. She is yelling at me now, her arms are flying everywhere.

  “Let me tell you about your precious brother, you're so quick to make me the bad one, but I was sixteen years old. He was eighteen, and he went off to his fancy college in New Hampshire and didn't look back. I was here alone pregnant and scared. While your precious brother was fucking coeds and playing beer pong. I was giving birth and taking care of a baby, while working and going to school. Don't you dare sit there and judge me, Rhydian Kerrigan. You have no fucking clue what happened between Michael and I.”

  She starts crying, “You don't get to judge; you don't get to judge!”

  She hangs her head and tells me the whole story. Every fucked up detail and a part of me wants to kill my brother. No matter what, she is right. She was only sixteen; he was older. He should have known better. After she is done, she agrees to come with me to see Michael at the office. About halfway to her car, she turns around and heads back to the diner. I know she has changed her mind and a part of me doesn't blame her. After everything she told me, she has a right to be angry. But her son is a Kerrigan and we don't turn our backs on family. I make probably the worst phone call I can to my brother.

  “Hey asshole, we still on for tonight?” He says. Michael answers the phone already laughing.

  “Michael, I saw Katie Blackwell”

  There is silence at the other end of the line.

  “She is sitting in a booth at the Denver Diner with Estelle and your son.”

  “That’s not possible. I haven’t seen her since I was eighteen and I left for Dartmouth nine years ago,” he says confused.

  “I know, but your son’s about eight. He looks just like me, but with your color eyes. Michael, there is no denying he's a Kerrigan. He is your son.”

  I hear the phone crash and the line goes dead. I see the little boy through the window yelling at Estelle. His fist are balled up and his face is red. He throws his plate off the table. When Katie moves to pick it up, the little boy runs out of the diner and to the blue truck. He opens the door and gets in the back. Katie follows him a few minutes later. She doesn't look at me. She must know I called Michael. She pulls her truck out and heads towards the RES. I look across the street at the diner and I can't go in. I have to wait for my brother. About ten minutes later he pulls up in his Range Rover and jumps out, leaving the car running and the door open. When I make my way into the diner, I hear Estelle say, “No, his name isn't Wolf, his name is Michael.”

  I watch as my brother crumbles into the booth. I call my parents and look at Estelle. She is on her phone, and I know she is calling Kennedy and Easton, who will then call everyone else. She sits next to Michael and pulls him in to an embrace.

  “Everyone is going to meet at my place, Estelle can you drive my car and I will drive Michael’s?” She nods, yes. I pay for the check and hand her my keys.

  Chapter 8

  After driving home in Rhydian’s Polar White G63 AMG Mercedes SUV, I feel a little jealous. The feel of the Porcelain Nappa Leather feels soft against the bare skin of my legs. I make it to the apartment building, but stop at the elevator. I’m not a Kerrigan and they are having a family meeting at Rhydian’s. I look down on my phone and call the only person I know who isn't involved with the drama.

  “Hey Tristan, are you busy?”

  “I’m never too busy for you, girl. I'm just at the bakery annoying Frankie.”

  “I need to go car shopping, but I only have like a thousand dollars for a down payment. Can you please come with me? I have been driving everyone's car, but I need something of just my own. I don't have any credit, so I don't think I will be able to get anything fancy.”

  “Estelle, let me buy you a car. I already told you don't have to struggle.”

  “No, Coop. It will be another year before I can access my trust fund I can’t depend on that money and I can’t depend on you guys I have to do this on my own. I have to be able to stand on my own two feet.”

  “Okay. Frankie says there is a
dealership about a mile away that has all different kind of cars. She got her car there. We should ask for Doug. She is also sending a good luck cupcake.”

  “Tell Frankie I said thanks and she knows I will never say no to her cupcakes.”

  Walking to the lobby I see Phil.

  “Hey Phil, I’m not sure how long I’m going to be. Can I leave Rhydian’s truck keys with you?”

  “Of course, Ms. Roux. Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, I’m going to buy my first car today. Tristan is going to take me so I don’t get roped into something I don’t want.”

  “Sounds like you have a plan. Good luck, Ms. Roux. I hope you get what you want.”

  Seeing Tristan pull up, I wave to Phil and jump into Tristan’s car, giving him a side hug.

  “It's weird for you to touch me” he says “but I like it. “ He starts to laugh.

  “Where is this cupcake I was promised?” I make a grabbing motion with my hands.

  “It’s in the back. She sent your favorite, the lemon with the buttercream icing and lemon zest and one of her new ones. She says it’s a twist on German chocolate, so I want a bite. She wouldn’t let me try one,” he says with a pout.

  Arriving at the dealership, I’m greeted by Chaz. When I tell him that I only have a thousand dollars and no credit history, he quickly finds a reason to return to the air-conditioned building. Tristan and I walk around for what feel like miles. When I spot my first car, it’s not brand new, its last year’s model, but it's a Chili Red Mini Cooper S convertible with a black interior and I’m in love.

  Tristan sees me looking at it and says, “Hell no, Estelle. That thing is tiny, and Kennedy and Rhydian will kill me if I let you buy something that small.”

  “Shut up, Tristan. Don't talk about him like that. He doesn't like people to comment on his size, isn’t that right, Red? He is perfect.” I walk to the dealership and am greeted again by Chaz, who seems annoyed that I haven’t gone away.

  “I would like to see Doug, please.”

  “Sure, let me have them page him,” the douche-face car salesman says with an eye roll.

  We wait and a cheery man in his forties greet us. “Hi, I’m Doug. How can I help you?”

  “I’m interested in the red convertible Mini Cooper.” I point towards the car.

  “Yes, let’s walk over to my desk,” he says with a warm smile.

  “He looks up that car. It is Twenty-five thousand seven hundred dollars, it only has thirty four miles and it's a two-thousand fourteen. I was here when the car was brought in. It was a gift to a sixteen year old girl for her birthday. She threw a fit because she wanted a BMW or Mercedes. We had a two-thousand fourteen white BMW convertible on the lot that the little girl wanted. So the dad traded and paid the difference. I think the car was driven from their house to this dealership and that's it. I just need you to fill this out, and we can run your credit.”

  “I don’t have any credit. I have never had a bank account or a credit card. And I only have about a thousand dollars as a down payment.” I say with embarrassment.

  “It’s okay,” Doug says with a smile. “Everything will work out, just fill this out.”

  I do and hand it to him a bit discouraged.

  “Estelle, when is your birthday?”

  “August twenty-fourth, nineteen ninety” I answer.

  “Your previous address is Thirty-Three Twelve, Anderson Street?”

  “Yes,” I cringe at the mention of the address of the 'mansion of horrors.'

  “Well, I’m not sure how, but you have a perfect credit score of eight hundred. Your credit reports show that you have four mortgages paid off and about seven cars. You also have credit cards with huge limits, but seem to owe very little. Estelle, you could drive off here with any car you want with no money down. Do you want to look around again?”

  “No, I just want that red Mini Cooper please.” I say politely. I’m confused about the information he just told me, but really happy things don’t have to be a struggle. Now I don’t have to feel embarrassed about my lack of adult milestones like banking information or credit history. On almost all applications they ask how long you have had a bank account, when I have to check under six months it was always a little embarrassing. What was even more uncomfortable was the usual follow up question about job history or why I didn’t have any. Even applying for community college they asked all these questions that I had no response for.

  Doug walks back with a guy from finance, and I see Chaz trying to get the finance guy’s attention. I sign on the dotted line and they hand me my keys.

  “Hey, Doug. I think Chaz is trying to get one over on you. The finance guy and he looked at each other funny. If this commission isn't on your check, please call me. I will make sure I get them to fix it.” I hand him my card.

  “Thanks, Estelle it was a pleasure doing business with you. Come back if you need anything.”

  I walk to Tristan’s truck and grab my cupcakes as I wait for the car to be detailed and brought around.

  “Damn, I was hoping you forgot about those” Tristan said teasingly.

  “Hey Tristan, how do you think I got all that stuff in my name, should I contact a lawyer?”

  “I have a feeling it will be a matter of time before a lawyer contacts you. It's only been about a month. I’m sure they are still processing Edwin’s estate, and since most of it seems to be in your name, they will find you eventually.”

  When my car pulls up, I give him a quick hug and slide into my car. It’s all mine and in my name. I put my top down and connected my phone to the radio via Bluetooth before putting the car in drive. I scan through my Pandora app and find the perfect station. This moment is definitely a girl power moment, so I type Beyoncé into the search, put my car in drive, and head towards the apartment, listening to 'Upgrade U'. Pulling into the parking garage, I am so excited about my first car, and I let my guard down.

  I don’t even hear him sneak up behind me. I fight, but the sedative he injects me with is too strong. I’m fighting to remain conscious.

  “Shh, my love. Daddy’s here. I’m going to take you somewhere special where we can be alone forever—just us.”

  I’m trying hard to stay awake, but it's a losing battle. I slip into the darkness.

  I wake up confused. I’m in a beautiful room with a canopy bed and expensive furniture. It's strange, there are no windows in the room. Suddenly, I hear a voice-over the loudspeaker in the ceiling.

  “I’m glad to see you are awake, my love. If you look in your bathroom, you have all your favorite things. I want you to shower and change into something out of the closet. Please, pick any dress you like. I will be in shortly with your dinner. Until then my love.” the voice says.

  I do as I’m ordered. I need to figure a way out of here. In order to do that I need to remain calm. I shower and change into a green and pink maxi dress. I can say one thing for this psycho, he has excellent taste. I sit on the bed and wait the voice to come over the loudspeaker.

  “My love, if you go through the door on your right, you will see a living room and dining area. I want you to walk to the dining room and handcuff yourself to the metal bar attached to the table.”

  I get up and walk out the door. That's when I panic. I see a plush living room and dining room, but again, no windows. I handcuff myself to the table as told, when I hear the door open, I don't turn around. I remain facing forward.

  “Hello, my love.”

  “Hello.” I respond

  When I look up I feel the bile rise in my throat. It's him—the man Edwin sold my virginity to. I force a smile on my face.

  “Oh, I’m so glad it's you. I thought I had been taken by a stranger.” I say, trying to keep my voice even.

  “Yes, my love. You were always supposed to be mine. Edwin changed the deal.”

  He caressed my face and I’m proud that I manage not to flinch.

  “Now with Edwin dead, we can finally be together. I’m so proud of you for gett
ing rid of him like that.” he says.

  Oh my god, he has been watching me.

  “I was getting ready to kill Kerrigan, but he proved he didn't deserve you and couldn't satisfy you or you wouldn’t have been out with another man.”

  “I can’t tell you how happy I am, my love. We are going to be incredibly happy together, I’m going to take such good care of you. I want you to know the first time we were together, I didn't want it to happen like that. I wanted it to be special for you, because you are such a special girl, my love. I like the new hair color, but I will have to monitor what you’re eating, and you will have to start a rigorous exercise program. I won’t make love to you again until you're perfect. I have some grilled chicken and steamed vegetables for you.”

  “Thank you so much. I’m sorry, but you never told me your name. What would you like me to call you?” I ask as he runs his fingers softly down my arm.

  “You can call me daddy like my other wives. I like it when you call me daddy, my love. Now eat. You have two hours on the treadmill before bedtime. I have put out what I want you to sleep in. I will see you in the morning,” he places a soft kiss on my lips and walks away.

  I’m in serious trouble. No one knows I’m missing. I have no idea how long I’ve been gone, and where the hell I am. This is bad. I finish my meal and sit at the table until I hear the speaker crackled to life.

  “You may leave the table. You will find exercise clothes in the dresser. Please proceed to the workout room and begin on the treadmill. I have already set it. Please just press the workout one button. It will alert you when you have reached your two hour time or your ten mile hike. When complete, shower and lotion your body. I want you to put on the white sleeping gown with the pink bow and get into the bed. I will then give you further instructions.”


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