Three More Wishes: Be Kind To Your Genie

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Three More Wishes: Be Kind To Your Genie Page 9

by Doctor MC

  At that, Ilyana walked up to me, knelt down next to Mrs. Williams, and said, “I also am yours, and I also ask to serve you. I’ve touched a boy’s thing, so I’m not totally clueless.”

  I said, “There’s not going to be any sex. I’m going to get dressed, then I’m going to tutor Anna Kay.”

  Mrs. Ashcroft walked up. “Tutoring? But we all want to fuck you!”

  Anna Kay exclaimed, “Oh god, this is my fantasy come true! They all want him, but I get him!”

  We were interrupted by yelling in Russian. Natasha was yelling at Ilyana, and pointing to the door. But Ilyana wasn’t buying—she wasn’t getting off her knees, and she was as loud as Natasha.

  I held up a hand while looking at Natasha; she went silent. I turned to Ilyana and almost said to her I don’t want you to serve me, but caught myself in time—that would have been a disastrous mistake.

  Instead, I said to Ilyana, “Let’s just be friends.”

  “Okay,” she said. She blinked, and then the worshipful devotion in her eyes was gone. She stood up. “I like you, Marvin, I always will, but I need to run now. I have sewing to start. See you.”

  Ilyana kissed me on the cheek, then loaded up her book bag and left.

  Anna Kay whimpered. “No, don’t go. Things were about to get interesting.”

  Meanwhile, I was looking down at Mrs. Williams, who still was kneeling by me. “Mrs. Williams, let’s just be friends.”

  She nodded and stood up. “I like you, Marvin, I always will, but I need to get the Home Ec Lab ready for class tomorrow.” Within seconds, she was bustling about.

  Anna Kay gave a disappointed moan.

  Mrs. Ashcroft said, “So does this mean that I’m first to get fucked?”

  I looked over at Kristin and Elena. Kristin had her hands at the back of her neck, ready to untie the straps that held her dress up; Elena had her hands on a blouse button—a word from me, and each of them would get naked.

  I thought, I know how to free Elena now! Taking Elena away from Jorje had been bothering my conscience all day. I could fix that with my little “Let’s just be friends” speech, and Elena would have her mind back—

  And then what? Elena had publicly broken up with Jorje on my order. If I sent her away now, she’d be a laughingstock, and who knows if Jorje would take her back?

  No, I wasn’t going there. Unless I decided to be a rat bastard, Elena would stay mine. Of course, there were compensations.

  But that didn’t mean I had to go around stealing more women. I yelled out, “ATTENTION, WOMEN AND GIRLS! IF YOU’RE UNDER EIGHTEEN, LET’S JUST BE FRIENDS! IF—”

  “No-o-o!” Anna Kay cried. Because high-school girls were suddenly standing up, the fire of desire or the glow of adoration gone from their eyes. These young girls walked toward the exit door.

  Anna Kay sighed, and started pulling books and papers from her book bag.

  Mrs. Ashcroft was still standing there, still looking at me with red-hot desire. No way—the idea of fucking her was wrong on so many levels. I raised my voice again: “IF YOU’RE MARRIED, LET’S JUST BE FRIENDS.”

  Mrs. Ashcroft said, “Marvin, a threesome might be fun sometime. But right now, I need to go home and start making dinner.” She turned and headed for the exit, as other teachers already were doing.

  Anna Kay said, “Marvin, you win. On the first review problem, I got ‘cosine X minus square-root-of-three times sine X, all times one-half.’ Is that what you got?”

  And that’s the moment when I went a little crazy.


  Reader, let me remind you who was in the Home Ec Lab right then:

  • Me (duh);

  • Mrs. Williams, who was probably wishing that we’d all go away so she could lock up and go home;

  • Natasha, who couldn’t figure out why people were acting so strangely;

  • Elena and Kristin, who were eager to get naked and have sex with me;

  • Anna Kay, who was yearning to live out some sex fantasy she had, but was resigned to getting trig tutoring instead; and

  • several dozen unmarried women, they being both students (Seniors) and teachers, every one of whom had been mind-changed by my magic pheromones.

  Anyway, I suddenly felt the urge to yell, “I NEED TO FUCK! I NEED TO FUCK NOW!”

  Anna Kay (and everyone else in the room) went totally silent. Natasha was looking at me like I were a Martian.

  Then women were speaking up: “Do me! Do me first!”

  Anna Kay asked, “So we’re not doing tutoring after all?”

  I grunted out, “No, I will tutor you, while I fuck them! Go get a clipboard!”

  Then I told Kristin, “Go fish my car keys out of my pants. Go to my car—East parking lot, 1995 Chevrolet Corsica, faded blue paint, ‘X104.3’ bumper sticker—and get my condoms out of the glove compartment. Run!”

  Seconds later, I slapped my forehead. “Kristin, don’t run! But move as fast as you safely can in those heels.”

  Then I called out, “Does anyone have a condom with her?”

  “I always carry some,” a voice answered.

  Standing up and holding a white-packaged condom was my former Biology teacher. Miss Collins had long, black hair; and enormous breasts that made her white lab coat hang in intriguing ways. Needless to say, this Biology teacher inspired biological fantasies in 90 percent of her male students.

  I stood up and gestured toward the Home Ec Lab’s couch. “Come join me, Miss Collins.”

  She walked with a hip-sway that I’m sure was never taught in any Education class. “Marvin, my lovers call me ‘Susan.’ ”

  Anna Kay ran up to me then. “I have a clipboard!”


  Sometime that night, my English teacher was fucking me and yelling, “It’s so good, oh yes, it’s so good. The circle is now complete, the student is now the master!”

  I’ve never heard of an orgy as strange as this, and it wasn’t only Ms. Mott and my other sex partners who were acting strange.

  I was obsessed with fucking every woman there, and I was obsessed with tutoring Anna Kay.

  While I was lying on top of this woman or that woman, pistoning away, Anna Kay was kneeling beside the couch, holding the clipboard where I could read it. And I was going through each review problem that Anna Kay had written up, telling her what she’d done right, pointing out where she’d gone wrong, and making suggestions when she got stuck.

  Normally, I couldn’t do that. If for some crazy reason, I’d try talking about Trig while my penis was trying to party, I’d swiftly lose my erection. That, or I’d be unable to concentrate on Trig. But somehow, the genie magic was enabling me to multitask—hell, the magic was making me multitask.

  To the annoyance of my sex partners. At least a dozen times I was asked, “Can you stop with the damned Trigonometry, and talk only about pounding my pussy?” To which I replied, “Sorry, but Anna Kay still gets my attention.”

  (Each time I said that, Anna Kay stuck her hand in her panties and said, “That is so hot.”)

  But along with my craving to fuck women was a craving to enslave them. It turned out that a woman became my touch-slave as soon as any part of my body touched any part of hers. So really, to enslave a woman, all I needed to do was fuck her and then say, “I claim you.”

  But opposing this urge to create a harem was the feeling that I must not do anything so selfish that it would offend my parents.

  Yeah, I know how that reads—in print, it makes me sound like a goody-two-shoes. Well, I wasn’t that at all—I was fucking women who, in most cases, had boyfriends. But I would be damned if I stole those women away from those boyfriends.

  So at the end of most of my fucks in the Home Ec Lab, as I was peeling off the used condom, I looked at the woman and said, “Let’s just be friends.” That included Miss Collins, by the way, because she was seriously dating a chemistry teacher over at Ewert Grant.

  At some point, Natasha made a call on her cell phone. (Don’t ask
me when. I was distracted at the time.) Sometime later, Harold walked into the Home Ec Lab, still wearing that purple satin shirt. Harold stopped to stare at me and my current couchmate—till Natasha whistled. When Harold got near Natasha, she yanked down her panties and pulled up her skirt, as he dropped to his knees. For the next hour(?), he ate her out.

  Eventually, Anna Kay and I worked our way through her trig assignment. And as soon as I finished the trig tutoring, my craving to fuck (and claim harem slaves) vanished.

  By then, I’d fucked eighteen teachers and senior girls in the Home Ec Lab, plus Elena and Kristin. Somehow, even with all that fucking, the sex never got painful for me.

  When I returned to my senses and was no longer fuck-crazed, I had claimed Bellina Mott, Stephanie Eklund, and Diane Young. Minutes later, when I finally changed clothes and walked out of the Home Ec Lab, I was surrounded by five young women, all of whom were my claimed harem slaves.

  But life was not all roses as I walked out of the Home Ec Lab, no sirree. Once again, it was late in the evening, and I had not started my homework. Plus, I still had not talked with Fatima.

  Chapter 15

  Fatima’s Bad News

  I took a deep breath, as I looked at Mom and Dad. “Folks, before you say anything, I didn’t call you on my cel, which was wrong of me. I apologize. What happened tonight was, I started tutoring a girl in Trig, and that sort-of developed into an orgy.”

  Both my parents blinked, hearing that.

  After a pause, Mom asked, “Do you believe him, Steve?”

  Dad said, “Yes. Because if that’s the bullshit story, I can’t imagine what the truth might be.”

  Inwardly, I gave a sigh of relief. Then I said, “Mom, Dad, I do want to talk about this—but on Saturday, okay?”

  Ten seconds later, I was walking toward the stairs. Reader, you’ve heard the saying, “Honesty is the best policy”? Well, one reason for this is that honest answers sometimes cut interrogations short.


  As I was climbing the stairs, I thought, If the doorbell rings now, I’m getting out my lamp and rubbing it. If my ceiling collapses, I’m getting out my lamp and rubbing it. If someone calls me up and tells me that all final exams have been rescheduled for tomorrow, I’m getting out my lamp and rubbing it.

  No more of this “I’m a goody-two-shoes, straight-A student who always puts his homework before anything else.” That isn’t thinking fourth-dimensionally.

  Once in my bedroom, I locked my bedroom door. About thirty seconds later, Fatima was smiling at me. “Master!” she said.

  “Shh,” I said. “My parents are still awake, and I can’t have them hearing you.”

  Fatima asked (quietly), “Have your last two days, fourteen hours, and twenty-seven minutes been interesting?”

  “Yeah, you might say that. Touch my forehead, get caught up.”

  When Fatima was done memory-reading me, she was smiling. I asked her, “Things turn out the way you expect?”

  “No. You’ve desired your biology teacher for three years. Yet when you had the chance to claim her as one of your women, you sent her away instead.”

  I blushed. “She has a boyfriend. Their sex is good, and she’s hoping they’ll get married. Why mess all that up just so I’d have a reliable supply of condoms?”

  I yawned. “Listen, Fatima, I haven’t got much time before I’m too tired to think straight. When do I quit growing and changing?”

  She answered, “Saturday morning. When you and Harold go to the party on Saturday night, you’ll be in your final forms.”

  “So my next question is, why are Harold and I becoming whatever we’re becoming?”

  “Harold is becoming what Natasha has secretly wanted in a lover. Which also makes Harold unable to bully you. Why you are becoming a bigger, stronger, sexier alpha male—that takes explaining, Master. The short version is, you’re this way because Anna Kay’s perfect man is this way, and because you were kind to me last Friday.”

  “Oh, wow. I definitely need to follow up on that. One last question for tonight: Tomorrow I meet with Aunt Esther, who’s challenging my inheritance. But she’s wasting her time, right? Your wish-grant means that no matter what, I’ll be the person who inherits, right?”

  “No, Master. I perhaps have wronged you. I—”

  “Good god, what’s gone wrong?”

  “I sifted your memories and then decided that Uncle Thomas was the most likely challenger to the will. Well, the ‘magic pheromones’ would make him easy to beat. I did nothing about Aunt Esther.”

  “The magic pheromones won’t work on Aunt Esther?”

  “I feel awful, Master. I’ve made a huge mistake. Your magic pheromones don’t work on Harold, Natasha, Anna Kay, your parents, Cousin Regina, Cousin Annabelle, or any of your aunts.”

  “Well, fuck a duck,” I said. Then I couldn’t help but yawn.

  I looked at Fatima and said, “I’ve got homework to do now, and don’t be surprised if I fall asleep doing it. So until tomorrow morning, don’t let my parents see you, don’t let my neighbors see you enter or leave the house, and if you leave the house, be back here by 6:30 tomorrow morning.”

  “You’re not sending me back into the lamp?”

  “When I go to school, yes. But now? How long has it been since you’ve had breakfast in Cairo, or Baghdad, or Tunisia, or wherever your hometown is?”

  She stood there on green-smoke “legs,” looking at me, and I swear tears formed in her eyes. “You are so kind, O Master,” she said. Suddenly she moved forward and kissed me on the mouth. She kept the kiss going for several seconds, then she moved back. “I am glad that you are my master, Marvin Harper.”

  Then FOOM—Fatima was gone.

  Chapter 16

  I Awaken With ... An Idea

  I walk into Mr. Dodd’s law firm. Bridget is waiting for me. “Master, your Aunt Esther and her lawyer are in the conference room waiting for you.”

  I smile like I know a secret. “Relax, Bridget. There’s nothing to worry about.”

  “Yes there is, Master. Your Aunt Claire is your Aunt Esther’s lawyer, and she’s bursting with energy. And your pheromones won’t work on them.”

  Now I’m worried. “That’s not good.”

  “But before you go into Conference Room A, Sherry and Virgilia insist on talking to you in Conference Room B.”

  I walk into Room B. Sherry and Virgilia are dressed in stripper clothes.

  Sherry runs up to me and grabs my hand. “Master, you have to win the inher—the inheri—the stuff that dead people give you. You GOTTA win, Master!”

  I ask, “Why must I win, Sherry?”

  “Because your Aunt Esther, she’s—Virgie?”

  Virgilia walks over to me. “Because Aunt Esther is inimical to our happiness and financial well-being. Whereas Master, you are benevolent in nature. Plus, you like looking at our tits.”

  “Ladies, I’ll try. But when it comes to the law, I don’t know the rules, much less how to create tactics for them. Things could go badly.”

  “Master,” says Sherry, “you don’t understand! Virgie and I could starve!”

  “Probably not,” Virgilia corrects. “But Master, our best hope is that you are the relative who inherits, and you then feel generous toward us.” Virgilia drops to her knees. “I believe in your goodness, Master.” Virgilia digs my cock out of my pants. “So I’m going to thank you in advance.”

  Virgilia’s mouth on my cock feels really, truly good. But it’s wrong to take advantage of her. “Stop, Virgilia.”

  Sherry shakes her head. “Forget it, Master. Once Virgie gets a cock in her mouth, she won’t stop. And she’s very good at this—she reads books.”

  Virgilia’s blowjob does feel fantastic. Just before Virgilia pops my cork, Sherry says in a sad voice, “Remember, Master, me and Virgie don’t even inherit halfsies on the double-headed dildo.”

  I can’t reply; I’m too excited. The excitement builds, my dick feels truly wonderful�

  Then the bedside alarm went off. I realized that I was in my own bed, and that Fatima was lying between my legs, sucking me off. She winked at me, then made a gesture—which shut my alarm off. She started mouth-humping me with a vengeance, and then I had a climax that was in IMAX 3-D and Dolby sound.

  Fatima milked my cock for a while, then said, “Good morning, Master! There are fresh figs and dates on your desk.”


  I was 6′3″ now, and my chest was wedge-shaped. I was muscular enough now that I could win at arm-wrestling against almost every guy in the school; only “Red” Baxter maybe could still beat me. Fatima definitely liked how I looked—she was touching me and stroking me all the time I was trying to shower.

  Once I moved in front of the mirror, Fatima said, “There are times when I enjoy being a bound djinni.” She stroked my rock-hard chest and arm. “Mercy and kindness, I do good work sometimes.”

  When I picked up the shaver, Fatima began stroking my cock. She said, “I am your obedient djinni, Master. If you tell me to stop this, I must stop. No matter how much I might want to pleasure you slowly, I must always obey your every command. No matter how much I might want to feel your large cock ejaculate powerfully, one word of command from you, Master, and I must stop.”

  No surprise, I took more time shaving than I usually did. But after a few minutes, I told Fatima to stop her excellent handjob, because I had things to do. But before I sent Fatima back into the lamp, I gave her the sexiest kiss I had ever given a woman.

  Before I donned my book bag, I threw inside it the USB stick that had many of Uncle Warren’s dirty pictures downloaded onto it. Something that Sherry had said in my sexy dream had given me an idea how to fight Aunt Esther and her lawyer.

  Aunt Esther, I have you now. Your greedy ass is going down!


  At 7:15 a.m., my women and I were gathered inside the main doors at Plato Smith. I frowned at Bellina Mott, who was both my harem slave and my English teacher.

  She looked panicked. “Did I do wrong, Marvin? You told me to dress professionally when I’m at school.”


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