Wild Winds

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Wild Winds Page 31

by Janelle Taylor

  She watched Berk bolt the door, narrow his gaze, and step toward her. By intention, she widened her gaze and retreated. “Don’t blame me, Berk; I didn’t help him escape. That sorry stepbrother of mine will be in big terrible trouble when I tell his father he abandoned me.”

  “You distracted me while he sneaked away, didn’t you?”

  “Of course not! I did exactly as you ordered. Besides, whenever did we have a chance to plot any mischief? You’ve watched me like a hawk from the time I arrived. I’ve never been to this cabin before, so I didn’t know it had a secret escape route. How did he sneak out so fast and quiet? He can’t get far on foot.”

  “He’s probably got a saddled and loaded horse hidden close by.”

  “Didn’t you check out the surroundings before you captured him?” she asked, and saw Berk frown when she pointed out his oversight.

  “Not everywhere. I got the drop on him while he was outside drainin’ his lizard. Sit down and shut up while I look around.”

  Maggie did as she was told to stall for time so Berk could calm down and so she could seek an opportunity to get to her knife. She watched him look inside a cabinet filled with various items, then slam its doors. He examined the back and side walls, and obviously found nothing suspicious among their boards. He studied the floor, she surmised, for a trapdoor. He checked the rear and side windows and fingered sealing pegs which were still in place. He halted near a five-by-three-feet wooden rack with several shelves which held supplies. He grabbed one edge and pulled it away from the wall, exposing a small door that opened outward. Berk pushed the silently moving shelf unit back into place and eyed its other side.

  “He kept them hinges greased so they wouldn’t make noise. He had fresh-cut bushes hidin’ it from the outside so nobody’d notice a trapdoor and to keep dried ones from makin’ noise when he opened it. He cares more about that money and his hide than he does about you, little sister.”

  Maggie’s gaze met Berk’s. “He’s my stepbrother and we hardly know each other; this is only the second time we’ve met. If he were my bloodbrother, he would never leave me in jeopardy for any reason. In my opinion, Ben Carver is a sorry excuse for a man and I was foolish to let his father talk me into coming here to help him. Mr. Carver is going to be heartbroken when he learns his son is a guilty man. Ben is a very good pretender because he convinced Mr. Carver he was innocent. He’s probably heading straight for that money. If I knew where it was, Berk, I would tell you so you could catch him and refuse to share it with him. Your brother was right; Ben can’t be trusted. I hope you horsewhip him when you find him.”

  “I’ll do better than that, little lady; I’ll give him the same thing I gave his old man last week. That’s how I found this cabin and that weasel.”

  “What do you mean?” Maggie asked in dread, staring at him. Her alarm increased when Berk grinned sadistically and lifted one eyebrow.

  “I gave him three of my bullets in exchange for a few words.”

  “You … shot Mr. Carver?” Maggie felt cold and weak as Berk gave her a nonchalant nod in response. “Did you .. kill him?”

  “Ain’t no man still walkin’ around with my slugs in him.”

  “My mother … Did you harm my mother? Is she….”

  “Never saw her. I got Carver on a trail outside town. He was alone.”

  Maggie closed her eyes and exhaled in relief. Yet anguish filled her. “I have to go see my mother. She must be suffering terrible grief. How could you gun down an innocent person? What kind of man are you?”

  “You ain’t goin’ nowheres till I have that money.”

  Maggie noticed that he ignored her last two queries. “But I don’t know where Ben hid it; I don’t know where he’s going.”

  “That’s too bad for you, little lady, ‘cause I’m gonna find them.”

  As Berk lifted a rope from the table, Maggie asked, “What are you going to do with me? It’s obvious Ben won’t talk or share it to save me.”

  “I’m gonna go look for the weasel. I’ll drag him back here and make him talk. I’ll skin his sorry hide inch by inch till he squeals, then plug him.”

  As Berk secured her to the chair, to dupe him, she reasoned, “You can’t leave me bound here. Let me go with you. Ben could ambush you and keep riding. You could have an accident or be gone too long. Who will give me water and food, protect me if some villain arrives. And who will untie me later?”

  “That don’t concern me. I cain’t let you slow me down. If I catch him fast, I’ll be back to handle you.”

  Maggie knew it would look suspicious if she willingly accepted such a fate. “You’re mean and heartless, Berk; I won’t be safe here alone.”

  “That’s too bad; you shouldn’t be tied to that sorry bastard.”

  “That isn’t my fault. Please don’t leave me bound and helpless.”

  “You’re a mighty temptin’ woman, but I done promised Pete to help him. Maybe you’ll be nicer to me if I come back.”

  Maggie scoffed haughtily, “I could be dead by that time.”

  “I doubt it; you’re too spirited to die quick and easy. I’ll be seein’ you again, mark my words; and we’ll have us some fun next time.”

  As Berk left the cabin and mounted, Maggie wondered what Hawk was thinking when he sighted Pete’s brother, as surely he was observing the location from the woods. Yet, if he was watching the front near the trail he had taken, he couldn’t know Ben had fled from the other side of the cabin and would assume her stepbrother was with her. All she could do was wait until Berk was long gone and tracking Ben before she yelled for help.

  Then a horrible thought invaded her mind. What if Hawk had seen Ben escaping from the cabin or sneaking through the woods as he concealed Diablo before returning to spy, and deduced she had tricked him with her signals to give her stepbrother time to escape? What if Hawk was now trailing Ben to capture him or to let Ben guide him to the stolen money? What if Berk located both and ambushed them? She couldn’t bear for Hawk to die.

  Despite her peril, Hawk was her major concern. There was no doubt in her mind that Ben was guilty. He hadn’t blinked an eye at jeopardizing her safety and survival, but how would he feel about costing his father his life? Her mother must be tormented by grief and worried sick about her daughter, if Newl’s body had been found and if the authorities knew or suspected who was to blame. If only—

  Maggie’s worries were severed by sounds of distant gunfire. Who, she wondered, was the shooter and the target: Ben, Berk, or Hawk? She waited in rising distress to learn those answers, as struggling against the ropes accomplished nothing. Soon, the cabin door was shoved partially open, but she couldn’t see around it to learn who was there. Her heart pounded in trepidation.

  “Blaze!” she shrieked as her roan clomped into the cabin, and the horse’s head jerked in her direction. “How did you open—Hawk!” She saw him step from behind the door and rush toward her.

  “Are you all right, Maggie love?” he asked, cupping her face to study her quickly for injuries before he kissed her soundly as she gaped at him.

  After their lips parted, he held his cheek against her temple for a moment as he exhaled in relief. Without another delay, he withdrew his Bowie knife and cut her bonds. The instant she almost leapt into his embrace, his arms banded her body and snuggled her close to his. “You scared years off my life, woman. You shouldn’t have taken off like that alone. I’ve been half loco trying to reach you before Berk did.”

  Maggie leaned back and asked, “How did you know he was coming?”

  “We’ll talk about that in a minute. Are you all right?”

  “Fine, now that you’re here and you’re safe. After I heard those gunshots, I was afraid you’d run into Berk or Ben out there.”

  “Neither. The shots came from the woods. I knew it wasn’t a hunter ‘cause it was pistol fire. I was worried sick when I saw Berk mounting alone. Then he walked his horse around the cabin while looking at the ground. After he left, I sneaked over
and did the same thing. I found a trapdoor and boot tracks, so I figured Ben had somehow gotten away while we were talking and Berk was guarding you. That’s what happened, right?”

  “You’re very astute, partner. Ben stole the hidden money and Pete asked Berk to recover it. He’s mad as a hornet about Ben getting away while he was distracted. If that’s who fired those shots, one or both might be returning soon. How did you find me?”

  “We’ll talk about that later. Right now, let’s get out of here and conceal ourselves before we have company.” Hawk grasped Blaze’s reins and Maggie’s hand to guide them out of danger.

  “Wait, my pistol!” Maggie told him and fetched it from a peg near the door where Berk had suspended it by the trigger guard. She holstered the weapon, grabbed her hat, and joined Hawk in the entrance.

  He led both into the forest where Diablo awaited them, and seemingly greeted them with affection. “You stay here while I take a peek around. Keep that pistol ready for use until I return. Then we’ll talk and make plans.” A few feet away, Hawk turned, smiled, and said, “I love you, Maggie Reynolds, and I’m glad you’re safe. I’ll be back soon.”

  “If not, I’ll come looking for you because I love you, too.”

  She warmed when Hawk sent her a happy grin before he hurried to the cabin and vanished around the corner. She watched as he followed the boot and hoof prints he’d found into the forest and left her line of vision. She stayed on rigid alert and suddenly realized the storm hadn’t struck yet and appeared to be moving westward at a swift pace. That was good, she decided, as it would prevent washing away trails needed for tracking Ben and Berk. She didn’t want either man to escape capture and punishment.

  Punishment… Berk’s would be for murdering her stepfather. As soon as possible, she needed to send à telegram to her mother to let her know she was safe; and she needed to reach her mother’s side for comfort. How sad and tragic to lose two husbands. At least Hawk was safe, and he appeared to be elated to see her. Soon, she would know the truth.

  Twenty minutes later, Hawk returned alone and winded from his rush. He grasped his canteen and drank long gulps of water to wet his dry throat. He held it out to Maggie, but she shook her head. “Give me a minute to catch my breath and I’ll tell you everything.”

  As he saw her gaze around in apprehension, Hawk said, “They’re gone, love, so you can relax until we hit the trail. I found the spot where Ben had a horse hidden in the trees near a stream. I followed two sets of tracks for a short distance, but they kept going so I turned back. They’re traveling fast from the depths of those prints. I didn’t see blood anywhere, so I assume neither one is wounded.”

  “Did it look as if Berk caught up to Ben at the stream?”

  “Nope, not from the positions of the tracks, and their pace. I’d say Berk fired at Ben to slow him down or stop him, but missed every time. Looks as if Ben’s trying to put distance between them in a hurry. We’d best get moving before they get too far ahead of us. At least they’re heading away from that storm’s path, but dusk will be falling soon. You want to ride into Sante Fe and wait for me there? You’ve been through an ordeal here.”

  “No, I want to go with you, unless you object.”

  “That’s fine, just stay alert and be careful, whatever happens. Good thing is, Berk and Ben won’t know we’re on their tails. We’ll catch up to them and arrest them.” He waited to see if she argued against Ben’s guilt, since he wasn’t certain if she’d come to aid Ben or to question and arrest him.

  “My stepfather is dead, Hawk. Berk said he ambushed and murdered him last week. He said he didn’t harm my mother, and I pray that’s true.”

  Hawk pulled her into his arms to console her as he replied, “It is, love; she wasn’t with Carver Thursday when it happened. But he isn’t dead; leastwise he wasn’t last I heard. He’s hurt bad and was unconscious for days, but he’s home and has a doctor and your mother tending him.”

  Maggie focused a teary gaze on him. “How do you know that?”

  “I went to see your mother Thursday before I hightailed it after you and before news arrived about your stepfather’s shooting. She told me where the cabin was located. The only reason I got here so soon after you did was because that trouble on the railroad slowed you down; they told me about it at the Las Cruces station, so I knew I wasn’t far behind you. And I rode like a wild wind the rest of the way to hopefully beat Berk here. I retrieved a telegram from my superior before Diablo and I caught the train out of Albuquerque, it was faster travel on this mountainous terrain. Don’t worry; I’m sure your stepfather is going to be just fine.”

  “If you left Tucson before Newl was found and he was unconscious for days, how did you know Berk shot him and was en route here?”

  Hawk explained what he’d been told about the incident via a previous telegram he’d received earlier during his journey. “That agent’s guarding Carver to make sure he didn’t find a way to warn Ben I was coming.”

  “You met my mother, and she told you where to find us? Why?”

  “I went to see her because I had to find you and fast. You left me a mighty skinny path to follow, even though I traced your final movements in Tombstone for clues. She’s a good woman, Maggie, and beautiful like her daughter. I told her about our marriage and how much I love you. I also told her you’re my deputy and we’re working together on this case because Ben’s guilty but that we kept those two facts a secret to prevent panicking Newl and Ben. I told her, while I was pursuing Pete Barber, you took off alone to reach Ben before the news broke about Pete and Slim, and he fled to escape justice. I convinced her you were in great danger and needed rescuing.”

  “Mother actually accepted such a shocking tale from a stranger? She actually believed you and told you where to come?”

  “You trusted me at one time, Maggie love, but some crazy facts led you to think you were wrong about me. You weren’t. When you had me investigated, you were told I’m not a marshal; that isn’t true; it was said to protect my cover. I promise you I’m who and what I say I am, and I swear you’re a legally authorized deputy marshal. I should have told you that Berk and Ben look alike; but back then, I was afraid it would sway your judgment. Later, I forgot to correct that mistake. In all honesty, I don’t know which of them was the fifth man at the ranch, but I believe it was Ben because I was told Berk Barber was elsewhere that day. I wish we could talk longer and we will settle everything soon, but now we need to get going.”

  “You’re right, Hawk, but can you answer two quick questions?”

  When Hawk nodded, Maggie asked him, “Why didn’t you tell the sheriff about Pete and Slim’s connection to that Prescott robbery and reveal that was why we were pursuing them?”

  “I didn’t want the Prescott paper to pick up the story prematurely; the same’s true of why I wanted your deputy rank to stay concealed. If those facts were reported and either Newl or Ben read them, they could have panicked and sent Ben into deeper hiding. I should have explained my motives to you, but things happened so fast in Tombstone that I forgot.”

  “Were you the one who had me investigated back East and in Texas?”

  “Yep, but I convinced my superior and those agents I was only checking out your story to make sure you were trustworthy because of our work together. I took that step before I discovered who and what you are: Ben’s stepsister and a Carlton detective. Everything else I told you is true, Maggie; I did have permission to pull a prison break for Ben. Since I told my superior you helped me, you won’t be arrested for that deed. One last matter: we are legally married for as long as you want us to be.”

  “I’m sorry I doubted you even for a second and took off that way. I suppose I was afraid to believe my good fortune was for real. I didn’t ask Howard to check on you; that was his idea. I was stunned by his message to me on Wednesday morning, especially following a surprise visit from Matthew Lawrence minutes earlier. Abby sent her fiancé to see me secretly after her father was alerted that somebody
had been checking on us at the boarding school and in Virginia. She wanted to warn me to be on alert for trouble.”

  “Do you trust me and love me enough to put this on again, forever?”

  Maggie gazed at the gold ring he pulled from his pocket and held up between his thumb and forefinger. She smiled and extended her left hand for him to replace it as she replied, “More than enough, with all of my heart and soul.” Then he withdrew and pinned the six-pointed silver badge to her vest. She went into his welcoming embrace and shared a soul-stirring kiss that sealed their bond.

  “Well, Deputy Reynolds, my beautiful wife, ready to ride?”

  “Absolutely, my beloved and handsome husband.”

  Using great caution and all their skills, Hawk and Maggie tracked Berk and Ben for two hours and forty-five minutes. When the last rays of a sunset vanished and a waxing crescent moon denied sufficient light for further travel, they stopped for the night. They had covered twenty-five miles since leaving the cabin, traversing a dry plain with occasional ridges and picturesque mesas, and crossing railroad tracks which ran between the Lamy junction and Albuquerque.

  As they dismounted, Hawk said, “They’ll have to halt, too, my love; so we’ll camp here and pick up their trail again in the morning. Let’s tend the horses, eat, and get some needed rest; we may have a long and hard ride ahead tomorrow. From the condition of their tracks, they’re using the same pace we are, but it’s too dangerous to travel in such darkness. I figure they’re an hour or less ahead of us.”

  “Do we risk a fire for cooking and warming our bones?” she asked as she unsaddled Blaze while he did the same with Diablo.

  “The smoke wouldn’t show in the darkness, but if they aren’t far ahead and camp on higher elevation than us, they might either smell it or see its glow. I could hang a blanket to shield the fire’s light from their direction, but the wind keeps shifting, so that wouldn’t prevent them from catching a whiff of its odor. Sorry, love, but it’s cold beans, jerky, and water.”


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