A Love We Deserve

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A Love We Deserve Page 6

by Betsy Anne

  I try to get out of the massive bed as easily as I can without waking him. With all the coverings, it’s like trying to escape an avalanche. The more I try, the more buried I become. I roll out with a soft plop on the floor. It really was the only way. He’s still snug as a bug, and snoring softly. I have to pee, but I don’t want to use the bathroom in here; it might wake him. I wait for my eyes to adjust to the dark; otherwise, I’m sure to go headfirst into a doorframe. I use my hands along the wall to guide my way. There’s a nightlight in the hallway that helps me see the stairs. We left the foyer light on last night, so I turn it off. There’s enough light from more nightlights down here so I’m OK. I find a bathroom, and go in to do my business. These ceilings must be ten feet tall. There had to have been a major renovation somewhere along the line. I live in an old house in an old neighborhood. You know what’s stood the test of time and what’s been changed. The kitchen is magnificent. Quartz counters, marble backsplash, and the most gorgeous wide-plank floors I’ve ever seen. He must have cut a very large check to do this house. I wonder how his grandmother afforded to live here?

  I can’t stop snooping. In the adjacent living room, there are lots of frames. Caleb in various places in the world: London, Paris, Hawaii. God, to be hot, single, and male. Men can live this lifestyle and be envied by society. If a woman tried to? She’d be a gold-digging slut. John, Matthew and Luke will get the rest of my money someday; I don’t even spend it. I’ve let it sit in the bank collecting dust. What I am going to do? I have three young children, so traveling is out. I couldn’t care less about jewelry and cars. I donate to two charities I believe in, but that’s it. I just want my boys and their families to be secure when they’re older.

  It looks like Caleb has led an interesting life. I see an old picture of his mom and dad on their wedding day. His dad was hot! I can’t believe the resemblance to Caleb. I know for him, that’s where the resemblance ends. They may look just alike, but there couldn’t be two more different men. His mother was quite beautiful in her own right. He has her eyes, warm and kind.

  I feel warm hands around my waist, and a warmer mouth on my neck.

  “Good morning, beautiful. Why are you up so early?”

  “I had to use the little girl’s room, and I didn’t want to wake you. I’m sorry, we can go back to bed.”

  “Can’t. I have a client this morning at 6:00 a.m.” He smiles.

  “Oh, I should go then. Do you mind driving me back?”

  I don’t seem to get it.

  “Well, we could just do it here, if my client agrees.”

  His smile becomes even bigger and he kisses my neck again. Oh, right! The client was me!

  “I feel pretty stupid, sorry. You really jumbled up my brain last night.”

  “I think the jumbling was mutual. I can’t think straight. I do have another client scheduled after you at 7:30 a.m., so I guess we can stay up. Would you like some coffee?”

  “That sounds wonderful, thanks. So, what should we do about my training?”

  “That’s up to you, but I think I’d rather train you in private. I have equipment here we can use. I have a full gym in the basement.”

  Of course, he does, doesn’t everyone?

  “Am I allowed to skip today? I think I got a good workout last night.”

  “That’s true. Intercourse burns around a hundred calories for twenty minutes. So, you do the math for last night. I think you’re excused for today.”

  “See, I knew I picked the perfect trainer. I’ll be a lean, mean, fighting machine before you know it.”

  I grab my butt trying to indicate how much I hate how much there is of it. He looks intense again.

  “You should train to keep your body healthy. This?” He grabs my ass hard. “Is fucking perfect. Don’t you dare change a thing anywhere.”

  I don’t think he gets my sense of humor; he looks pissed. I try to change the subject.

  “Didn’t someone promise me coffee? It could get ugly around here the longer I’m awake without it!”

  I wiggle away and go back to the kitchen. He walks around me, to get to the coffee maker. He’s serious about his coffee. After he grinds the beans, tamps them down, filters chilled water, I finally get my coffee. It was worth it.

  “My sexy friend, you know your way around a coffee machine. This is incredible! How did you learn to make it?”

  “I worked as a barista for a while. I love to cook, and I guess I just pick these things up pretty easily. Are you hungry? I have everything for Denver omelets.”

  “That sounds delicious, thank you. If you don’t mind, I’m going to clean up a little and get dressed.”

  He closes in on me. He grabs my wrists and pulls me close.

  “I meant what I said before. You are beautiful just as you are.”

  He pulls me closer for a soft kiss. His tongue is coaxing my lips to open farther and deepen the kiss. He has the sexiest mouth I’ve ever felt, and there’s no way I can pull away. We stand in the middle of this beautiful man’s beautiful kitchen in his beautiful home and make-out. Slowly and softly, I’m in heaven.

  * * *

  We drive back to the gym to get my car, and we say our goodbyes. More like see-you-laters. We spend twenty minutes trying to separate, but just can’t seem to keep our hands off of each other. He’s late for his client, and I need to get home. I spoke with Katie early, and the boys before school. They had the time of their lives at the game and a sleepover on a school night, so I feel less guilty. I have no idea how I’m going to juggle dating and give my boys all the time they’re accustomed from me. I’ve been their world and they’ve been mine. It’s time for me to grow right along with them and get a life I can call my own. It will be healthier for all of us. For now, I’m keeping my dating life a secret. I’m not going to introduce anyone to them until I know he’s the one.

  Katie has no idea what I was up to last night. I did tell her I had a massage scheduled, but no details about a potential date. I’d rather talk to her in person about him, especially now that there’s something to tell. I get home around 9:00 a.m., and after changing clothes and brushing my teeth, I show up at her house. She answers the door still in her pajamas.

  “Good morning! You had the morning off, what are you doing awake? I thought for sure you would have stayed in bed; I know I would have. If you’re here to thank us again for having the boys, don’t! Jason was so happy last night he was like a ten-year-old. Just a warning your kids will be exhausted later. I think Grace may disown us, though. We owe her, big time!”

  She is smiling, and steps back to let me in.

  “Tell Miss Grace not to worry; my freezer is loaded with the good stuff. We’ll have Girls Night very soon. Is anyone home? Jason?”

  “Nope, he had patients early today. Why?”

  She looks at me strangely; she knows I couldn’t care less if Jason is ever around when we talk.

  “Well, I had a date.”

  Typical Katie reaction: She’s screaming and running around her living room like she’s on fire.

  “I knew it! I knew it! I had a dream, I told Jason about! I was right!”

  Uh-oh, she had a dream. Katie has a talent we discovered a while back. She’s a little psychic sometimes. When she has clear dreams about something, there’s a good chance it’s true, or at least a part of the dream will be true. I introduced her to my psychic, Sienna, during her and Jason’s recent drama. She was having visions of him and strong instincts that something was wrong. She was right on the money. She still goes with me when I see her every so often to ask her questions and talk. I believe in psychics, but sometimes it still freaks me out.

  “Are you done yet, or do you need more spaz time? I’d like to hear about this dream.”

  “Well, I was talking to Jason about what we had discussed, you know, a possible set-up? Anyway, I guess you were on my mind and I had the most vivid dream. I didn’t want to tell you about it before, because I thought it wouldn’t happen until down the ro
ad, but you met someone already!”

  She seems happier about it than I do. This must have been a hell of a dream, but if she doesn’t spit it out soon I’m going to strangle her.


  “Anyway, you were lying out on a beach. You looked amazing, by the way. There were three boys, I assume were yours, but they looked older, playing football on the beach. You all seemed so happy. The whole tone of the dream was happy. A male figure came and sat beside you. I couldn’t see his face very well, but he was big and muscular. You looked up at him with the sweetest smile I’ve ever seen. I’ve never seen you like that. I could feel myself wanting to cry.”

  Her eyes are tearing up speaking about it. She is too cute.

  “He bent down to kiss you and he hit your butt. Then he jogged over and picked up Luke, I assume from his smaller size, and swung him around. The boys tackled him, and they looked just as happy as you did. They played football on the beach while you watched. It was so sweet, Mel. It felt so real, like I had just watched part of your life play out. I know it was longer, but for some strange reason that’s the only part I remember. I hope the rest will come back to me. So tell me. Who is the new guy?”

  “It was with Caleb, from the gym. I didn’t want to tell you until I knew it was an actual date. He asked me to dinner after my massage.”

  I can feel myself beginning to blush.

  “We got a little busy in the massage room but we stopped. We went out to dinner and picked things back up at his place later. Girl, he did things to me I’ve only read about in magazines. I was at his place when I called this morning.”

  She jumps out of her seat and gives me a bear hug.

  “I’m so happy for you! I should have known, you’re positively glowing. I thought the “package” you ordered had arrived early.”

  “My package! I totally forgot. Guess I jumped the gun on that one. I definitely don’t need to use that thing while Caleb’s around. He could have modeled for it, though; the man is gifted. He’s sweet, too. Didn’t even blink when I told him about my boys. I didn’t go into a lot of detail about Chris; that can wait. I just have to figure out this whole dating thing while still trying to be a good mom. I don’t know how to find time for a relationship when the boys need me so much. Maybe I should just keep this thing as an occasional booty call. I do like him, though, and he seems to like me, too. I’m so confused. I thought I would be happy dating again, but it’s complicated.”

  Reality is setting in. I don’t know what I want from this relationship. I like him a lot, but I have other considerations. My kids, first and foremost.

  * * *

  I accidentally left my phone at home when I went to Katie’s. When I get home, there were three texts from Caleb.

  Hi, Beautiful. I’ve been missing you all morning. My 7:30 client was a no-show so we could have stayed in bed. Really wish we were still there. Call me when you can. Xxoo


  Are you awake? I’m exhausted, didn’t get much sleep last night. Would love to see you…


  Please text me back to let me know you made it home OK. I haven’t heard from you since you left, and now I’m worried. I’m sorry I didn’t take you to your door like a gentleman would have after a date. Next time, I promise. I hate to come off as paranoid, but since you’re not responding to my texts, maybe you don’t want a next time? Hope to hear from you soon.

  I feel terrible. I was at Katie’s all morning and didn’t even think about my phone. I text him back right away: I’m so sorry! I was at my neighbor’s house and forgot to take my phone. Of course, I want to see you again, I had an amazing time with you last night.

  Two seconds after I hit “send,” my phone buzzes. It’s him.

  “I’m so glad to hear from you, I was really getting worried. I felt like a jerk dropping you off at your car this morning. That’s not really the most romantic way to end a date.”

  Oh, I had forgotten how sexy his voice is.

  “I still got a lovely kiss goodbye, even if it was in the parking lot. Logistics don’t matter, it’s who you’re with.”

  “I like the way you think, Ms. Melanie.”

  “You can call me Mel, if you want. Everyone does.”

  “Well, I’m not everyone, and I love the way your name sounds. Reminds me of Gone With The Wind.”

  “That’s so weird, my mom named me after that character in the movie. You’re the first person to make that connection.”

  That’s remarkable. A hunky guy from the Midwest knows Gone With The Wind. Go figure. Maybe there is such a thing as destiny. I reel in my thoughts to the here and now.

  “For now I think the best time to see each other is going to be during the day when my boys are at school. I don’t want them finding out I’m seeing someone just yet. Do you understand?”

  I said that without thinking that his feelings could be hurt.

  “Of course, I do. I think that’s wise. I can move around my schedule at the gym, I’m really flexible.”

  Yes, you are Caleb, yes, you are. I’m so grateful he can’t see how I’m blushing on this end. Keep it smooth, Mel.

  “How about Monday? My boys have a lot going on this weekend, so I’ll be too busy. I hate to wait until then, but I think it’s best. Is that OK?”

  “I told you, Melanie, I can be flexible. I hate to wait that long too, but I completely get it. We don’t need to disrupt your life right now. Is it OK if I think about you in my bed all weekend? The real thing is much better, but my memory is pretty good. It may hold me until Monday.”

  Thank God. He has a sense of humor about this.

  “Yes, of course. I’ll be doing the same. I can almost feel your hands and mouth on my...”

  “Mom! You got a package!”

  Oh, shit.

  “Caleb, I have to go. Talk to you Monday.”

  I hear him laugh as he says his goodbye. I take the package John threw on the counter at me; thanking the dear Lord it hadn’t ripped open. This may come in handy after all if I have to wait until Monday to see him. I check the battery drawer and I grab two AAs, and head upstairs to put my toy away for later.

  The boys and I have pizza and play video games until bedtime. They’ve had a busy week, and are tired out early tonight. I tuck them in, and while I should head to bed myself, I get my cellphone out of my purse. I turn off all the house lights, and go to my bedroom. I completely redecorated this room after Chris left. It’s romantic and pretty, without being too girly. I haven’t slept with a man in here since, but I can fantasize about it tonight. I shoot Caleb a quick text: You up?

  He answers right away: In more ways than one, just thinking about you. What are you doing awake? I thought for sure you’d be out like a light by now.

  Wow, that gives me a nice image. I can’t sleep; I’m too wired. Tell me a bedtime story?

  I’ll let him take the lead. I’ve never “sexted” with anyone before.

  He replies quickly: Mm, Naughty or nice?

  Oh my: Naughty, I think. Do you know any good ones? I think you should call me though; my texting ability isn’t good with one hand.

  He responds: Dialing now. You just made my dick rock-hard thinking of that image.

  The phone buzzes and I answer.

  “So, know any good stories?”

  “I do. I know the hottest story about a gorgeous woman and her masseuse. They did all kinds of dirty things. Want to hear that one?” His voice is lower by an octave, and he sounds insanely sexy.

  “I do.”

  He begins weaving our story into the most romantic, yet sizzling tale. His description of how he felt massaging my body is making me wet. As he’s talking, I look in the drawer and get out my new friend. I pop in the batteries and turn it on. It’s loud! I fumble trying to turn it down, and I hear him laughing.

  “Really, Melanie? A toy? You’re killing me! Don’t waste that gorgeous orgasm on a toy, save it for me!”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,
I was just brushing my teeth.”

  “Then my feelings are hurt. I’m telling you this beautiful story, and you’re brushing your teeth? Where’s the romance?”

  He laughs again, but we both know what it is. He continues to tell the story while I find a much quieter setting. I should have tested this thing out before my bright idea to call him.

  “He’s kissing the inside of her thighs, and she’s moaning,” then I hear him whisper, “Put it inside your delicious pussy Melanie. Squeeze it like you squeezed my cock. I want to hear you come for me.”

  I obey his command, and I come within seconds. This thing is intense! I drop the phone and squeeze my legs together; the sensation is incredible. I hear him saying something on the phone, and I pick it up to hear him.

  “I’m coming with you, baby; fuck, that’s hot. Squeeze that cock tight in your pussy. I’m coming!”

  I hear a few grunts and soft moans. We’re both breathing erratically into the phone, neither of us saying a word. Wow, my first phone sex, and it was pretty damned good.

  “So was this planned? You seemed to have your arsenal at the ready!”

  He giggles into the phone. I’m so embarrassed. I thought I would be able to get away with it with him not knowing.

  “No, no it wasn’t. I just missed you. I received a package today after doing a little online shopping. It just happened to be close by.”

  “Well, no complaints here, but I am a little jealous. Don’t rely on that thing, I can’t compete.”

  We both take a quick break to get cleaned and in bed, and then we continue our conversation. I turn out the lights and place the phone on the pillow next to me so it’s like he’s here in my bed. We talk about nonsense. Our favorite movies, what we were like as kids, just silly stuff. I could really get used to this.

  Chapter 7

  Three Weeks Later

  I’m ready for Caleb to meet Katie and Jason. Things are going so well between us, I want to see what they think about him. It’s been nice in our bubble, though. We manage to carve out a routine of seeing each other during the week. I’ve told the boys I had a new friend named Caleb, but that’s it. They have noticed that I’ve lost some weight, and I told them my friend was helping me. Half the time we burn our calories in the gym; the other half is a lot more fun.


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