Shadow's Soul

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Shadow's Soul Page 11

by Jami Gray

  There was a pause, then Mulcahy’s ice-shrouded voice replied, “You clarified your position, I assume?”

  “We were very clear, sir.”

  She could easily picture her chief sitting in his office chair, sable hair brushing his narrow shoulders, his long fingers drumming on the desktop, while his coffee-colored gaze studied the early morning darkness outside his window.

  The faint creak of chair springs confirmed her visual accuracy.

  “Update me on the latest.” Mulcahy’s voice thawed slightly.

  She quickly brought him up to speed. Very aware of Tala listening in, she kept her report as unbiased as possible, reciting the bits and pieces shared. Mulcahy was a master at reading between the lines, and this time proved no exception.

  “Magi Whiteriver is there, listening,” Mulcahy guessed, not expecting an answer. “So we have some ancient Native American spirit picking off Kyn, accompanied by some angry ghosts. Common consensus says Cheveyo is being held by this entity.” He sighed. “You think the deaths are linked to the divisions between the Houses?”

  “Right now it’s all we have,” she confirmed.

  Mulcahy was quiet for a moment. “Ask Whiteriver who else knew Cheveyo was coming in to town.”

  The obviousness of the question slapped her. Damn, she must be beyond tired to miss that one. She turned to the other woman. “Tala, who else knew Cheveyo was heading in to help you?”

  Gavin and Xander stopped what they were doing and came to attention. Everyone waited for the witch’s response.

  “Tomás and Rio.” Tala’s voice was even.

  “Rio?” Who the hell was Rio?

  Surprisingly, Mulcahy was the one who answered. “Rio Castle is the head of the Southwest Amanusa House.”

  “Guess we need to have a chat with Rio, then,” she said as she watched Tala’s jaw tighten.

  “They aren’t all like Natasha,” Mulcahy warned. “So be careful.”

  Raine’s thoughts flashed to Natasha Bertoi, the treacherous beauty who was the head of the Northwest Demon House. She and Raine tended to mix like oil and water. Unlike Raine, Natasha used her stylish business suits and her delicate femininity to hide her more lethal aspects—ones Raine heard whispers of, but never witnessed. However, Mulcahy had been dealing with the demon queen much longer than Raine, so if he felt the need to warn her, best heed his advice.

  “Understood, chief.”

  “One more thing,” he said. “During the last Council, there was some talk about the Southwest Houses facing a land fight with a human developer.”

  The Council occurred twice a year and was attended by the various Heads of House scattered through out the world. She never attended one, and had no desire to thanks to the stories she heard. With that many powerful egos under one roof, it was a guarantee Raine would say something to cause an international incident. Besides, some Heads of House, especially the European ones, were so old they teetered on the edge of crazy.

  Picking at Mulcahy’s answer, she asked, “How big of a fight?”

  “Big enough to warrant a discussion of the pros and cons of sending a small group of Wraiths to address it.”

  The lack of inflexion in his answer sparked a sixth sense. If the Council considered sending the Wraiths in, the threat must have been pretty damn strong. “They chose not to?”

  “In the end it was decided that it would create too much of a risk for the Kyn.”

  Mentally she translated—the Council decided it would bring too much human attention to them if they took out the developer causing the problem. “Do you have a name?”

  “Ransom Developments, based in Phoenix. The CEO is Doug Ransom.”

  “Got it. We’ll check it out.”



  “Don’t leave me a mess.”

  She felt a cold smile stretch across her face. “I don’t leave messes, sir.”

  His disbelieving snort was replaced by the drone of a dial tone.

  She tossed the cell to Xander. “Catch.”

  Xander snagged the small device out of mid-air and pocketed it. “So, we have another name?”

  “Actually, two.” Raine leaned against the wall and watched Tala put the last of her witchy supplies away. “Rio Castle and Doug Ransom.”

  The purple candle in Tala’s hand slipped to the floor. She raised her head to look at Raine. “Ransom? Why him?”

  Raine shrugged. “Not my place to question my captain.”

  Gavin was caught in a sudden coughing fit.

  Tala scowled. “Fine, whatever.” She retrieved her candle. “I’ll set up the meeting with Rio. As for Ransom, you’re on your own.”

  Gavin stepped away from the couch. “You don’t like Ransom?”

  Tala gathered her things and moved toward Raine. “Not many around here do.”

  Raine waited until Tala brushed past her. “Didn’t like the Council’s decision, huh?”

  Tala stopped short and turned, her expression stony. “Not my place to question the Council.”

  The subtle menace in her tone sent shivers coursing down Raine’s spine. Tala continued into the kitchen leaving an unsettled silence behind her.

  Xander broke it. “You just have to push?” Weary exasperation laced her question.

  Raine shrugged, a little uncomfortable at Xander’s reprimand. “Sorry, habit.”

  “Yeah, well,” the shifter said. “It’s going to come back to bite you in the ass, you know?”

  “Yeah, I do,” Raine muttered, as a wave of exhaustion hit her all at once.

  Something gave her away, because Gavin took over. “All right, we need sleep. We’ll catch a few hours and then decide who’s talking to whom.”

  Xander nodded and headed to her room. Gavin waved Raine on ahead of him. She was moving toward the bedrooms when she realized he wasn’t behind her. She turned to find him standing in front of a hall closet. The open door blocked her view of him. She took a deep breath. “Gavin?”

  His muffled, “Yeah?” came back.

  Nerves shimmered under her skin. “Where are you sleeping?”

  He pushed the closet door closed and leaned his shoulder against the hall wall, arms filled with a pillow and a blanket. His gaze was steady, watchful. “You issuing an invitation?”

  The damn, inconvenient blush was back. She shrugged, feeling awkward. It was all she could do to hold his gaze. “Maybe.”

  His slow smile was devastating to her nervous system. Her body might be exhausted, but the frustrated arousal from earlier was making a speedy comeback.

  He pushed away from the wall and stalked forward. “Be very certain, Raine.” Stopping inches away, he leaned forward and brushed his lips across her forehead. “I won’t be stopping this time.”

  Nerves rioting, she told her fears and uncertainty to shut the hell up. This once she would dare to reach for what she wanted. Tilting her head back, she rose on tiptoes and caught his lips in a teasing kiss. “Good.”

  Arousal lit his eyes with answering passion.

  She stopped thinking. Letting her emotions lead, she turned and headed to her room. The soft click of the door closing followed her in. She skirted the foot of the bed as the butterflies in her stomach became frantic.

  She set her blades on the nightstand. Unarmed, she turned to face him. She was surprised to find her hand shaking when she grasped the hem of her shirt.

  Before she could drag it up, he stopped her. “I want to do it.”

  His warm hands burrowed under the material to skim over her bare waist. Pulling her closer, he captured her lips. His tongue’s light, teasing strokes eased her mouth open as she followed him down the path of wicked sensations.

  She laid her hands carefully against his jaw, as if he was a dream her touch would shatter. The hair roughened skin rasped against her palms. Sliding one hand around to bury it in his silken hair, she stepped in, pressing herself tightly against him.

  The hard angles and planes against her
softer curves stoked the fire higher. Her gentle kiss turned hungry and demanding. Her hands scrambled to remove the cloth barrier of his T-shirt in an attempt to reach his skin. She grasped his shoulders, needing the anchor as her world went supernova.

  Lost in his touch, she felt the room spin. Only when her spine met the bed did she realized he was laying her down. The heat of his mouth left her lips and trailed down her neck, sending chills over her skin.

  He delved under her T-shirt and pushed it up, baring her to his touch. As soon as the cotton cleared her head, his hands retraced their path over her exposed flesh.

  Her breath caught as he simply looked at her. The intensity in his dark green gaze stripped her of all defenses. Feeling vulnerable, she dropped her arms in a futile attempt to shield her body.

  With a soft growl, he gently captured her wrists. Without taking his gaze from hers, he turned her hands over and placed a gentle kiss in the palm of first, one hand, then the other. The tenderness in his caress broke the dam holding back her rioting emotions.

  He leaned forward to capture her lips. His kiss was full of gentler emotions now—and so at odds with the wildfire raging between them. Leaving a trail of wet heat, he burned his way down her neck with light nips. His wicked hands teased a path over her ribs and belly. Those same tormenting fingers danced over her stomach and brushed tantalizing strokes under the waistband of her jeans. While his fingers continued their erotic play, his mouth traced the edges of her bra. His beguiling touch left her nipples aching.

  She arched, wanting more. Gasping, she tunneled her hands into his silken hair, trying to hold on as her body began to melt into pure sensations.

  He made quick work of removing her bra before flicking her nipple with his tongue. Desire punched low and fierce as he drew her supple flesh deeper into the heated cavern of his mouth.

  A soft wail of need escaped her and she gave into the knowledge she had resisted for so long—this was the one man she could count on to hold her, protect her. Even as he set her world on fire.

  She struggled for air as desire burned bright, searing her senses until all that was left was an endless need for his touch and the powerful sensations it evoked. As inescapable ecstasy washed through her. He pushed her pants over her hips and down her legs. Restless, she kicked them off. With one bare leg free, she hooked it around his jean-clad hip, drawing him relentlessly closer. She needed him to fill the aching emptiness consuming her from the inside out.

  When he finally settled his hardness against her, their groans mingled. Somewhere along the line, he lost his shirt, leaving her a veritable playground of bare skin. Never one to back down from a challenge, she took extreme advantage. Leaning up, she nibbled and kissed her way down his neck until she could explore his chest. She dragged her nails lightly down his ribs and then wrestled with the stubborn button on his jeans. When it refused to cooperate, she gave a frustrated growl. Letting her nails sharpen, she ripped the material open. Her satisfied purr was drowned out by his dark moan as she wrapped her now less-lethal fingers around his steely length.

  She was so intent on the newfound sensations, that the sharp jerk as he tore away her underwear was soon lost under the erotic shock of his fingers delving into her wet heat, wringing a short scream from her. Her body curved into his touch. His wicked fingers teased her higher while he continued to lick and suck her nipples. The volatile combination drove the flames into an inferno. Lost in the maelstrom, she dug her nails into his shoulders.

  “Please,” she begged as he shuddered against her.

  He lifted his head, lust and something she feared to name riding hot on his face. “Please what?”

  “Take me,” she whispered, too raw to use the word trembling on her heart.

  His mouth came back, fierce and predatory as his tongue tangled with hers. His taste was dark and addicting, drawing her deeper into the abyss. She clung to him, rubbing against his muscled chest. The need to feel the rasp of his skin against hers stoked the flames higher. Spiraling sensations sent sparks sizzling through her veins, leaving her damp and needy. His erection pressed hot and heavy against her aching mound. She rolled her hips, trying to trap the delicious pressure where she wanted it most.

  With a hungry sound, he ripped his mouth from hers to scorch a trail down her writhing body. The rough material of his jeans rasped over her sensitive clit, sending lightning streaking through her core. Her body arched, her eyes fluttering closed as desire consumed her.

  He growled his explicit commands. Her body burning out of control as his rough voice teased and tempted. His destructive seduction reduced her to gasping sobs. Frantically, she reached for him and found only air. Her eyes snapped open.

  Gavin stood at the end of the bed. Once he had her attention, he began to push his jeans down. The striptease revealed long, muscled legs, and provided prominent evidence he was as ready as she was. Before she could react, he grasped her ankles, and drew her toward the end of the bed until her legs hung over the edge. His hands slipped up her calves then her thighs, caressing and stroking.

  Her breath stilled as he dropped to his knees and with a slow possessive look lowered his head to her damp heat. Unable to look away, she could only give a strangled cry as he licked her. His treacherous tongue rasped against her sensitive flesh. Her body coiled tighter and tighter as his mouth worked its dark magic. Just before she broke, he stopped, pulling away.

  “Please, Gavin!” Her voice was hoarse with desperation.

  He didn’t make her ask again but crawled up her body to reclaim her lips. The combined taste of them almost overwhelmed the feel of his body sliding over hers. He murmured against her mouth, his voice harsh with need, and her body rioted wildly.

  Then she felt him, broad and thick, pressing against her entrance and time stopped. Sound was lost, leaving only spiraling sensation in its wake. As his shaft teased her, white lightning pierced her with exquisite pain.

  “More!” Desperate for all of him, she dug her nails in to his shoulders to drag him closer.

  He gave into her demands and trapped her hips in his hands as he draped her legs over his arms so he could glide over her sensitive nub. Drawing back, he stopped. For an endless moment she thought she would scream. Then he plunged deep, setting up a harsh rhythm, strong and fast.

  It was everything she craved, needed. He stabbed so deep there was no telling where she ended and he began. He kept up his sensual assault, demanding her body follow his. Sensation built upon itself, burning her from the inside, until she was a mindless, writhing thing beneath his pounding strokes. Her breath came in wild gasps. Her nails raked his back as she fought for a non-existent anchor in the sensual assault.

  Under her tempestuous emotions, terror stirred. Through their newly formed mental bond, she was losing herself to this man. The emotional threads tying them together tightened. Panicked, she tried to fight the overwhelming feeling, but it was useless. Her body was so lost in the storm she could only hang on.

  “It’s too late, Raine. You’re mine,” he growled as he claimed her on every level.

  His words pierced her soul as she exploded into a white-hot blaze around him, her body and soul shattering into a million pieces. His hoarse cry echoed hers as their climaxes hit simultaneously.

  When the dust settled, there was no denying he was irrevocably bound to her and her to him. As their bodies began to drift, she sent her own ultimatum through their bond. “And you’re mine.”

  Sometime later, Raine jerked awake in the moonlit bedroom. Fear was a bitter taste in her mouth and her pulse raced from some half-remembered dream. The unfamiliar sensation of being held in strong arms deepened her sense of unreality. Gavin’s deep even breaths feathered over her neck. He cradled her close, his arm lying across her waist. Not wanting to wake him, she lay still, taking in the enormity of her actions.

  Old fears began pecking at her mind. She failed to save her mother from the horrors of Talbot’s experiments. Even Gavin’s trauma at Lawson’s hands c
ould be placed at her feet. She failed him once. Who was to say it wouldn’t happen again? Hell, her current situation boiled down to her being unable to save Cheveyo. Pissed off spirits or not, her job was to protect both Kyn and human from the monsters and their deviant wet dreams.

  She waited for her internal voice to start yammering away about how this relationship was such a bad idea. Yet if she was honest, this stolen moment in time felt…right.

  She worked beside Gavin for too long not to understand what tonight meant. He staked his claim and so had she. There was no backing out—for either of them. The thought of sharing her life with this man scared her, but not in the way she expected. There was no denying he was demanding, but he had proven he would stand beside her—not on top of her. Plus, he was okay with her being…her.

  Nerves eased and she gently traced the back of his hand where it lay below her breasts. Relaxing into his warm body, she let her mind drift in hazy peace as she continued her light exploration of his arm. Her mind sank behind her shields and a soft glow flickered to life. As she focused, it strengthened, pulsing in soft waves, until she could distinguish the threads weaving between her and Gavin.

  They appeared thicker and brighter than before. Squashing the habitual alarm struggling to rise, she lightly skimmed the glowing bond. Answers lay within this. Curiosity urged her to delve deep, but she held back. Did she really want to follow this through? Could she handle whatever answers she found?

  A faint regret flittered at the back of her mind. It was futile to wish she could be the type of woman to believe someone could love her. She wasn’t. Making her choice, she nudged the niggling worm of guilt aside. As far as she was concerned, curiosity never would have killed the cat, if the cat knew what it hid.

  She studied the colors flowing under her psychic hand. Silver and blue intertwined in a mesmerizing light show. Steeling herself before she could change her mind, she grabbed hold.


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