Shadow's Soul

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Shadow's Soul Page 23

by Jami Gray

  She prayed Gavin’s illusion held as she began to work. If she let either Tala or Gavin’s power touch at any point, the gig would be up. She began creating openings in the protective silver blue shell so Tala’s healing magic could tunnel to Cheveyo.

  It was a good thing Tala tended to trust her supposed allies. Sadly, her honorable tendencies allowed Raine the necessary cover in keeping the Southwest Magi clueless. Ironically, if Tala ever discovered how intrinsically tied Cheveyo was to the two Wraiths, Raine had no doubt her reaction would be swiftly lethal. Honorable didn’t mean forgiving.

  Keeping her focus sharp, Raine continued to create small holes up and down the protective barrier. When the healing magic began to pause before arrowing downward, her nerves sharpened. Tala was sensing the changes. A litany of silent prayers ran through Raine’s mind. Please don’t let the illusion falter.

  When nearly a half a dozen tunnels were completed, she stopped. The strain on her magic left her feeling thin. The urge to reach for Gavin’s support grew, but she couldn’t chance it, not yet. Not until there was no other choice.

  Tala continued to funnel her power through the openings, and Cheveyo’s earth tones began to darken. Time passed with excruciating slowness. The first warning tremor in Raine’s magic signaled Cheveyo’s returning strength. She was about to be caught between two very powerful witches. Not a good place to be—ever.

  Hoping Tala’s concentration was solely focused on Cheveyo, she reached out psychically to Gavin. As if he’d been waiting, she felt a lessening in the magical load as he added his strength to hers. Her shaky tunnels steadied enough so she could get Tala’s attention. Raine’s spirit was held inside the protection circle. “Tala.”

  The witch didn’t respond.

  “Tala Whiteriver.”

  The use of her full name worked and the weirdly inhuman gaze locked on to her.

  “I can’t hold it open much longer,” Raine said.

  “You will hold until I release you.”

  Anger sparked but she clamped it down. “You don’t understand. I can’t hold the energy between you and him much longer.” It was a viable excuse. “My magic is too drained by freeing him from the Soul Stealer. If you don’t let me stop, my power will falter. It’ll damage him.”

  A frown tugged the corners of Tala’s mouth down. She studied Cheveyo, her eyes flickering between milky white and deep brown. With a strangely gentle move, she brushed Cheveyo’s hair back. “No, I don’t want him hurt anymore.” That was Tala’s voice, not the multi-tonal alien one.

  Raine didn’t release her sigh of relief. “Thank you.” It cost her nothing to offer the small courtesy.

  Tala’s magic receded and Raine ensured Gavin’s protections remained intact. A weary sense of satisfaction coursed through her as she withdrew her magic. Cheveyo’s energy appeared stronger. It wasn’t anywhere near the same deep tones she was used to, but better. Time, she reminded herself. It would take time.

  When the last of the tunnels flowed close, Raine drifted out of the circle and into her body. Her battered magic was depleted and her physical body was once again singing a chorus of various aches and pains. Gavin was now kneeling beside her on the floor.

  “Tomorrow,” Tala stated, staring at the two of them. “We begin again.” The strange alien presence was gone, leaving only the Southwest Magi behind.

  Feeling the rejection rising in Gavin, Raine covered his hand, urging caution. “It took the Soul Stealer days to drain him to this point.” She was proud at how…polite she managed to sound.

  “And it will take days to bring him back.” Tala began releasing the protection circle, walking counter clockwise.

  “We don’t have days.” Raine’s flat statement sent emotions too quick to be read crashing over Tala’s face. “Will he hold his own?”

  Stopping near her and Gavin, Tala dragged an afghan off the corner of the couch. Raine felt Gavin stiffen in readiness, neither of them certain of the witch’s intent.

  She shot them an unreadable look before turning to drape the blanket over Cheveyo. Her face softened. “He’ll hold.”

  “Then if you’ll excuse us,” Gavin said. “We need to rest.”

  He helped Raine to her feet. Upright, she swayed as a soul deep weariness crashed through her. They crossed the room to the deserted hallway.

  Pulling Gavin to a stop, she turned back slightly to Tala. “Where’s Xander?”

  In the midst of collecting her ritual items, the witch paused. She kept her back to them. “Until you arrived, I thought she was safe with you.”

  Her evasive answer left both Wraiths stilling with deadly intensity.

  “Excuse me?” The cold question shot from Gavin before Raine could even open her mouth.

  Ash stood stiff-legged between them and his companion, a low growl rumbling in his chest. Not sparing the protective wolf a glance, Gavin’s entire focus remained on Tala. She took her time facing them.

  Raine wasn’t certain if it was a deliberate jab or if the woman was trying to decide what she could tell them without setting them off. Either way, the tension in the room spiked.

  Stepping in front of Cheveyo’s prone form, she laid a hand on the ruff of Ash’s neck. The low growl cut off, leaving a strained silence. “Earlier I received a phone call from Toby Greene.”

  It took Raine a moment to place the name. When she did, she got a bad feeling. “The other alpha of Arizona. She went to see him today.”

  Tala gave a sharp nod, her lips tightening. “Whatever they discussed left him on edge. He said she had just left his place. He wanted to make sure you all knew what you were stepping into. His message was short and concise.” She dropped her hand from Ash, her eyes wary and her voice careful, as she relayed Greene’s message. “Watch your backs.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Raine was sure sleep wouldn’t find her. After receiving Greene’s ominous message, Gavin took her to the room they now shared, ushered her into the bathroom, and pretty much bullied her into a hot shower.

  He helped her peel off the odd combination of blanket and jacket, before making quick work of his own clothes. When they were both naked, he drew her in to the steamy enclosure. As the water fell over them, she let her forehead rest against his broad chest. Closing her eyes, she luxuriated in the feel of his hands as they began to stroke over her damp skin. Desire rose and deepened under the heat of his touch, chasing away the chills that had settled into her bones.

  He said nothing as he gently washed away the remnants of the day. Drifting in a languorous haze where need washed over her in a warm wave, she let her body take the lead.

  When his fingers massaged her neck, she moaned softly. Tilting her head back, she blinked against the misting water, snared by his mesmerizing green eyes. Passion tightened the skin along his cheekbones, adding a dangerous edge to his slumberous perusal. Using his chest for balance, she took his mouth with slow precision.

  He let her tempt and tease with small nips and wild forays. She deepened the kiss as her body flared into a voracious wildfire. His hands locked on her hips, dragging her tight against him.

  As if that was the cue she had been waiting for, she began to explore his body. Her hands drifted to his shoulders, only to stroke down to other, more tempting targets. Her fingers closed over his velvet length and she tore her lips from his. Letting her head fall back, she sucked in desperately needed air.

  Steam and their combined body heat made the air heavy. Taking advantage of her exposed neck, his wicked lips blazed a trail of fire down the sensitive column of skin. Her moan was shaky and she almost forgot the treasure she held in her hand when he found her breasts. He drew on one turgid tip. Her fingers tightened reflexively as she caressed him. She continued to stroke, and his deep male groan was all about pleasure.

  Her head spun when he turned her to face the tile wall. The heavy curtain of her wet hair was brushed aside so he could rain heated, open-mouthed kisses over her neck and shoulders. His delectable bo
dy pressed demandingly behind her. His hand cupped her breasts and began to torment her nipples with exquisite tugs. Whimpers fell in unconscious pleas.

  “Like that, kitty cat?” His rough question demanded an answer.

  “Yesss,” she hissed. “More!” She shoved back against his hold, offering herself.

  With a low growl, he took her. She muffled her cry against her forearm as he slid deep inside her damp heat. Slowly, he drew back, dragging his length against her most sensitive spot. She tried to push back, but he held her still, controlling the speed and depth of their erotic dance. His deliberate pace had her begging.

  “Damn it, Gavin!”

  His raw chuckle was her only warning as he jerked her hips back, showing her no mercy. The now familiar wildfire raged. Her fractured cries filled the small room as he took her higher than she’d ever been. Just when her body threatened to implode with the near-violent sensations, he pulled back.

  Her wail was full of anger and frustrated desire. She was so close. The desperate sound was cut short when he spun her around and took her mouth, delving deep.

  Clawing at him, she let her kiss turn feral, nipping and biting. She wanted him to finish what he started. It was a toss-up whether she wanted to kill him or fuck him. Only he could make her so wild, so crazy.

  He freed her lips as he captured her wrists and locked them above her head against the slick tile. “I need to feel you burn.” His voice was thick with heat and need. “Let me in.”

  Her frantic movements slowed and she met his eyes, revealing all that raged inside. As she acknowledged the love she held for this man, their bond ignited. She hid nothing, and gave him everything.

  Desire darkened his face as he held her gaze and slid in deep. Sensations coalesced into each other when he moved inside her. Each movement drew her higher, sending the heat deeper until the explosion ripped through them both. Their mingled cries echoed throughout the bathroom.

  Limp and sated, she didn’t argue when he rinsed them off and picked her up. Exhaustion left her limp until all she could do was hold on to him. Outside the shower, he set her on her feet and used a fluffy towel to wipe away the water beading her skin. She wallowed in his careful touch. A quiet expectancy rode the silence between them.

  He knelt, running the towel down her legs. She reached out a shaky hand and gently drew it through his hair. The damp strands ensnared her fingers. Looking at him, the reality of how close she had come to losing him, losing this, hit her. Even their future was up for debate, but right now, they had each other. This might be her only chance to offer the one thing she could.

  She gave a soft tug on his hair until he raised his face to hers. She let her legs fold until she was eye-level with him and, cupping his jaw, laid a chaste kiss on his lips. Pulling back, she let the truth of her feelings echo through their connection and whispered the words she hoarded for so long. “I love you, Gavin.”

  The answering emotional flood he sent back left shock rocketing through her. Love, need, pride, respect—all she held for him given back in spades.

  Then he gathered her close and held her tight to his heart. “I love you, too, Raine.”

  Hours later, Raine lay curled next to Gavin in the darkened room. She wanted the oblivion of sleep, but it slipped through her fingers. Worry twisted through her mind. Gavin had gone down earlier to get what information he could from Tala.

  Xander had disappeared somewhere between Tucson and Flagstaff. There was no sign of the car she rented, and she wasn’t answering her phone. Chances were high, whoever was holding her was the same person holding the Soul Stealer’s leash. Something in the questions Xander asked Toby set off warning bells. For now, Raine and Gavin could only wait until morning.

  Problem was, they were running against the clock. The one bright spot was that if they had wounded the Stealer, maybe they had wounded its handler. She prayed it was enough to spare Xander during the brief hours until daylight. Old memories taunted as they mixed with Xander’s situation, creating new nightmares. Sleep was an exercise in futility.

  Tala and Ash were staying with Cheveyo in the living room. There would be no help forthcoming from that direction. Not only was Tala reluctant to leave the unconscious man’s side, but it was too dangerous to rely on her. At this point, Raine was reluctant to rely on any of the Southwest Kyn leaders.

  When she had shared her concerns with Gavin, he was quick to agree. They were in unfamiliar territory, he pointed out, and too many personal agendas made navigating the political quagmire treacherous. So for now, they had to play things close to their chest.

  Even Cheveyo’s improvement was tempered with caution. The consequences of Gavin switching the power base from Cheveyo to him and Raine was still left to play out. On one hand, the added strength the two of them could offer Cheveyo would help him hold his position as head of the Northwest Magi. At least until his magic got a chance to rebuild. On the other hand, there was no predicting what the magi’s reaction would be when he realized what they had done. Plus, there was the question of what shape he’d be in, if he even woke.

  “Stop thinking so loud,” Gavin said, his voice cutting through her “doom and gloom” meanderings. He propped himself up on his arms, the dark outline of his head and shoulders rising in the dark. “You need to rest.”

  “So do you.” She twisted around until she could face him, her head pillowed on her bent arm. Here under the cover of night, she stroked her fingers over his bare chest.

  “Tomorrow we’ll get some answers from Toby,” he assured her.

  She frowned. “Actually I’ve been thinking about that. Maybe it’s not Toby we need to talk to.”

  “What are you thinking?”

  “Xander was going to Toby to get the real story behind the rumors floating around up here.”


  Her fingers stilled. “So who would have the most to lose if the truth portrays the pack in an unflattering light to an outside party?”

  He grasped her hand and gently pressed a kiss to her palm. “Chavez.”

  She curled her hand into his. “Bingo.”

  “Confronting the Southwest Alpha comes with a shit-load of problems, especially if we have no concrete evidence.”

  “I know.” She tugged her hand free. As her abused muscles groaned in protest, she turned over and scooted back until she was cradled against his warm body. When he wrapped an arm around her waist, she wove her fingers with his. All her physical aches and pains quieted down under the comfort of his surrounding presence. It gave her a haven where she could think.

  “Maybe it’s time to call Mulcahy.” The deliberate lack of emotion in his voice revealed how little he liked the idea.

  Angling her head, she glared into his night-shrouded face. “And what will that accomplish?”

  “Down, girl.” There was a flash of white as he smiled before leaning down to gently nip her lips. “We need to let him know Cheveyo’s back and update him on what’s going on down here.”

  “And what do we tell him? Everything we have is theory, nothing’s solid yet,” she argued, ignoring the small fire his kiss sparked. “You know as well as I do, he’s going to want proof. All we’ve got is Ransom in a hospital, Cheveyo unconscious, and one missing Wraith.” Tightening her hold on his hand, she turned back to the room. “It’s not like we have any good news to share.”

  He tucked her head under his chin and whispered softly, “Maybe not. But what we do have is a solid tie between Ransom and a very powerful Kyn. Right now, those who qualify are Chavez, Rio, and Whiteriver. Do you really think kidnapping one of Mulcahy’s Wraiths and Vidis’s Tracker, is going to sit well back home?”

  “How stupid can they be?” she muttered. “Mulcahy’s going to be furious. He’ll see this as a personal attack.” A dreadful thought hit her. “Oh damn! Do you have any idea what Vidis will do?”

  “He’ll be beyond furious.” Gavin’s quiet answer confirmed she wasn’t the only one to notice the close bond between th
e Northwest Alpha and their friend.

  “They have no idea what they’ve unleashed.” Her few interactions with the Northwest’s Lycan leader left a definite impression. Warrick Vidis was a man who knew his strengths and weaknesses, an unusual trait in Kyn leaders. The most reclusive of the four Northwest Heads of House, he normally steered clear of the political power plays. The rumor was, he had taken the alpha position only because the Lycan House wanted someone who could hold their own against the other three leaders. Yet, it was well known if you threatened what was his, your best bet was to start digging your own grave.

  Frustration and exhaustion left Raine’s thoughts muddy. “This isn’t making sense.”

  “Which part?”

  “All of it. It can’t be Tala, because she called Cheveyo down here to help her figure out who was hunting her people. Since Cheveyo and I ran into the Soul Stealer before we even made it to her house, logic says she wouldn’t be behind the attack.” She paused. “She told Rio and Chavez she was bringing in outside help.

  “So maybe Rio or Chavez are linked to the Soul Stealer?” Thinking it over, he stroked over her shoulder and down to her hip with slow movements. “I don’t think it’s Rio.”


  “He’s the obvious choice. It’s too straightforward for a demon.”

  “Yeah, they tend to be a lot more devious.” The whole chaos thing was like crack to the Amanusa. The more confusion and disorder they could cause, the more they got off on it. This would be too easy, too direct.

  The warm weight of his hand stilled on her hip. “That leaves us Chavez.”

  She wasn’t so sure. “I don’t know. What does Chavez gain by raising a Soul Stealer?”

  “That’s the question, isn’t it?” He traced light circles on her shoulder. “Whether it’s Chavez or another unidentified player, they’re going to be linked to Ransom through the chindis.”


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