Only Mr. Darcy Will Do

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Only Mr. Darcy Will Do Page 12

by Kara Louise

  When she returned to the house, she went to her room to freshen up, and then helped Emily get ready for breakfast, all the while pondering the Master of this home.


  When Elizabeth brought Emily downstairs, they were met by Rosalyn, who greeted the pair enthusiastically. “Elizabeth, I am about to burst with my thoughts and feelings. We must get ourselves away sometime today so we can talk. I must tell you all that happened last evening.”

  Elizabeth forced a smile. “We shall have the whole morning before the picnic. Perhaps we can meet after breakfast?”

  “Yes! That would be wonderful. Shall we meet in the sitting room Mrs. Reynolds showed us yesterday? We should be out of the way of others in there.”

  Elizabeth could only nod in agreement to this scheme, for Mr. Darcy approached. “Good morning, ladies.”

  The three ladies curtsied and wished him a good morning as Rosalyn suddenly grasped Elizabeth’s arm for support. Elizabeth was grateful that he did not make any reference to seeing her out while walking this morning. Extending his arm toward the dining room, he invited the ladies to join him.

  “Miss Willstone,” he said as he looked down at Emily. “Would you do me the honour of taking my arm?”

  Squealing with happiness, the young child rushed to take his arm. Rosalyn did not miss the opportunity and exclaimed, “And may I be so fortunate to take the other?” Without waiting for his response, she wrapped her hand gently around his arm, glancing back at Elizabeth in evident contentment. Elizabeth offered her another forced smile and followed behind.

  This is where I now belong, she told herself. I cannot expect to be placed as an equal with the others. Particularly with Mr. Darcy.

  The prospect of the picnic again dominated the conversation around the table that morning. While they were eating and engaged in this joyous conversation, a servant entered. Walking up to the head of the table, he said, “Two letters for you, Mr. Darcy, and one for you, Mr. Hamilton.” He then approached Elizabeth. “And a letter for you, Miss Bennet.”

  Elizabeth looked down and recognized Jane’s handwriting immediately. A smile spread across her face as she broke the seal.

  Hamilton looked at her. “Did you receive a letter from your family, Miss Bennet?” he asked.

  “Yes! It is from…” Elizabeth stopped herself, knowing that to mention Jane might cause Miss Darcy distress. “It is from a sister.” Slipping it into her pocket, she said, “I shall read it later.”

  After breakfast, Elizabeth took advantage of a few spare moments before meeting Rosalyn to read Jane’s letter. Emily had joined the other two girls in the playroom with Miss Bartley, and Elizabeth made arrangements with her that if she watched the girls in the morning, Elizabeth would return the favour and watch them for her in the afternoon.

  Elizabeth sat down in a large wooden rocking chair in her room and reached into her pocket for the letter. She leaned back on an embroidered pillow, which gave her much comfort as she sat and rocked. She opened the letter and began reading.

  My dearest sister,

  You must know how much I miss you! It has been two weeks and I already long for our Sunday meetings. But I must also confess that I am truly happy. I will delay no longer and I shall tell you! Mr. Bingley has made me an offer of marriage!

  Elizabeth’s heart began pounding as she read those words. Her heart burst with happiness for Jane. She was also well pleased that Mr. Bingley stood strong in defiance of Mr. Darcy, who had been so instrumental in separating the two of them initially. She continued reading:

  Lizzy, I cannot even believe it has happened; I pinch myself often to make certain I am not dreaming. He spoke first to our uncle to get his permission. We went for a walk one afternoon, and he asked me as we sat on a bench in the park down the road. We shall marry in September. I do hope you can make arrangements to be in Town and will stand up with me.

  You might be surprised, Lizzy, by our guest the day after you departed for the country. Mr. Bingley arrived with Mr. Darcy! He spent the whole afternoon and then remained to dine with us, and was exceptionally cordial to us all. He left soon after, but I must admit that he seemed to enjoy talking with our aunt about Lambton, while she enjoyed talking with him about Pemberley. We both commented to each other later that evening that he was quite amiable. It was certainly a surprise to us that he did not have that way about him that he did in Hertfordshire, although I never truly believed him to be as proud as so many others did. I hope that you have found him to be just as amiable as we did and are enjoying your stay at his Pemberley!

  Elizabeth’s hands dropped into her lap. Could it be that he no longer felt his friend’s actions were foolish and he now supported his decision? Did he even know that Mr. Bingley was going to ask for her hand? She closed her eyes as she rocked in the chair, her smile never leaving her face. She rejoiced in her sister’s happiness until suddenly, her smile departed as she thought of Miss Darcy. What would this mean when she heard the news?

  Tapping the letter in her hand, she decided that she would not allow concern for Miss Darcy to rob her of her delight. Miss Darcy need not know. In fact, no one needed to know until they left Pemberley. She would not even tell Rosalyn or the Willstones.

  She finished reading the letter; Jane informed her she had no news from their family in Hertfordshire, and their aunt made a special request that she visit a close friend of hers, a Mrs. Ketterling, in Lambton. Elizabeth thought she might be able to do that on Sunday, which was two days away, and quickly penned a note to send to her, asking if she would be available for Elizabeth to pay her a call in the afternoon.

  Elizabeth read Jane’s letter one more time, and she then proceeded down the hall to the sitting room, where she knew Rosalyn would be waiting. Just before she stepped through the door, she fisted her hands tightly for a second and drew in a breath, letting it out slowly. She could only imagine the things Rosalyn wished to talk about with her. And those things would all centre around one man—Mr. Darcy.

  When she walked in, Rosalyn was standing at the window gazing out. Her hands were clasped together and tucked under her chin, almost as if in prayer.

  When she heard Elizabeth walk in, she spun around and rushed over to her. “Come, sit, Elizabeth. I have so much to tell you.”

  When Rosalyn had finished telling her about the previous evening, it was all Elizabeth could have expected. Rosalyn was more and more certain that Mr. Darcy was singling her out, and she acquainted Elizabeth with all that had occurred after she had left with Emily last evening.

  “When the men finally returned,” Rosalyn spoke spiritedly, “Mr. Darcy came and sat by his sister and me. We talked for a good part of the next hour.” Rosalyn let out a breathy sigh. “I am quite of the opinion that he is pleased with my attentions to his sister.”

  “Truly?” Elizabeth wondered whether it was more that he was protecting his sister from Rosalyn’s attentions.

  She told Elizabeth how they played cards and Mr. Darcy and his cousin played chess, and then the evening concluded with Mrs. Goldsmith playing and singing for them.

  “So what do you think?” Rosalyn asked as she folded her hands and placed them demurely in her lap.

  Elizabeth shook her head. “Hmmm?”

  “Are you of the opinion we have been invited here for my benefit?”

  Elizabeth pursed her lips tightly together and then said very carefully, “He is a very eligible, handsome, and good man…”

  “And rich,” added Rosalyn.

  “Yes, so he is, and being such a man, he most likely wants to be certain he knows a woman quite well before he makes any kind of offer to her.”

  “Oh, I hope I have pleased him. I know I am not as intelligent or witty as some women, but I do so want his good opinion.”

  The breath caught in Elizabeth’s throat as she heard the words spoken that were quite opposite of the words she had lashed out at him. I have never desired your good opinion. Those had been her very own words to him, and yet s
he realized that now she, too, wished for his good opinion. She was quite certain it was too late.

  The sound of heavy footsteps coming down the hall drew their attention, and Rosalyn looked at Elizabeth in surprise. “Could the men already be done with fishing? Have we been here that long?”

  They both looked toward the door and saw Mr. Darcy approach. He looked in, and upon seeing them, he stopped.

  “Hello, ladies.”

  “Hello, Mr. Darcy,” both ladies replied.

  “How was fishing?” Rosalyn asked.

  Darcy chuckled. “It is likely the other men will be at it all morning. I made certain they were all set up, and then I had to leave them to meet with my steward, Mr. Barstow.” He stepped into the room. “Are you enjoying this sitting room?”

  “Oh, yes!” gushed Rosalyn. “It is very nice.”

  “It is Georgiana’s favourite room. For the past year it has been my intention of surprising her and having it redecorated for her.”

  “I think that would be such a wonderful surprise!”

  “My only dilemma is how to decorate it and what colours and fabrics to use that would please her. That is not something about which I normally make decisions, and I have continually postponed it.”

  He looked at both of them as he said this, but then looked at Rosalyn as she said, “Mr. Darcy, I would be more than happy to give you some advice.” She then began suggesting colours and fabrics he ought to use to decorate the room. Elizabeth was almost embarrassed as her friend went into great detail, even the amount of lace he should have in the curtains.

  When she finished, Mr. Darcy looked at her oddly. “Thank you, Miss Matthews. I appreciate your recommendation.” With an awkward bow, he turned and walked out of the room.

  Elizabeth was certain his earlier comment had not been one to which he expected an answer.

  When they heard him enter through a door down the hall, Rosalyn grasped Elizabeth’s hands. “Do you realize what just happened?”

  Elizabeth’s eyebrows pinched together as she said, “No, I am afraid I do not.”

  “He wished to know how I wanted the room decorated, so that when Pemberley becomes mine, this room will be exactly as I want it to be.”

  Elizabeth’s jaw dropped as she heard her words. “Rosalyn, you cannot be serious!”

  “Yes! This is just the assurance I have been waiting for. I must go tell my sister!” Rosalyn left the room quickly, leaving Elizabeth stunned.

  Elizabeth kept her eyes toward the empty doorway and shook her head. They had not even been at Pemberley one full day, and Rosalyn was already imagining herself as its Mistress.

  Chapter 11

  At precisely one o’clock, the guests made their way out to the front grounds of Pemberley, walking to a canopy that had been erected on the north side of the lake. Mr. Darcy and his sister welcomed everyone as they arrived, and they were invited to sit down on the chairs that were placed under the canopy or on blankets that were spread out on the lawn.

  Elizabeth followed Emily over to a blanket and sat beside her and the Goldsmith girls.

  Once everyone was seated, Miss Darcy gave a few instructions. “The picnic lunch is ready to be served, and once you have been served, you may return to the chairs here, sit on the blanket, or walk around and eat. We urge you to enjoy the day any way you choose.”

  Servants were lined up on one side of a large table filled with food, ready to fill the guests’ plates. Emily took hers and skipped back to the blanket, holding her plate out from her as she tried to keep it from tipping. Elizabeth watched, holding her breath, hoping she would not take a spill.

  Elizabeth took a plate and glanced around her. Mr. Darcy was conversing with the Goldsmiths and his sister. Rosalyn, shaded from the sun with a parasol, kept a vigilant eye on the group, waiting, Elizabeth mused disparagingly, for the first opportunity to claim her place next to Mr. Darcy.

  She did not yet see Mr. Hamilton. Emily was enjoying her two friends’ company, and everyone else was engaged in conversation with another. As she wished for a few moments alone to ponder her sister’s good news, she decided to walk down to the water’s edge and eat there.

  She was equally enjoying her repast and the view when she heard her name called. She looked up, surprised to see Miss Darcy walking toward her.

  “Hello, Miss Darcy.”

  “Hello, Miss Bennet. I hope you find everything to your satisfaction.”

  “Very much so,” Elizabeth replied.

  “I understand congratulations are in order. My brother has informed me that your sister and Mr. Bingley are engaged.”

  Elizabeth’s jaw dropped slowly as she studied the young girl. She noted nothing in Miss Darcy’s demeanour that indicated regret or lingering affection toward Mr. Bingley. Elizabeth slowly smiled. “Thank you. But how is it your brother came to hear of it?”

  “He received a letter today from Mr. Bingley.”

  Elizabeth could not hide her surprise. “His letter was from Mr. Bingley?”


  Elizabeth wished very much to know how Miss Darcy truly felt about this news.

  After a brief silence, Miss Darcy obliged her. “I would not wish you to be under any misapprehension concerning Mr. Bingley and me, Miss Bennet. He is a friend, and that is all. I have no ill feelings toward him or your sister.”

  Elizabeth tilted her head at the young girl. “I am truly glad to hear that your heart is safe from being broken. I was unsure how you felt about me even being here.”

  Georgiana slowly shook her head. “I know there was much speculation about Mr. Bingley and me. Truth be told, I did seek him out.” She looked down at her hands, as her fingers nervously intertwined. “My brother, you see, had often hinted how much it would please him if we were to form an attachment. Last year my brother became extremely downcast, and I was under the mistaken belief that he was disappointed in me. I felt I must abide by his wishes.”

  “That was why you sought Mr. Bingley out?”

  Georgiana nodded. “It was when we first saw you at the Willstones’ that I realized neither Mr. Bingley nor I had strong feelings of affection for each other.”

  “When you saw me?”

  “Yes. I had heard about Mr. Bingley and Miss Bennet over a year ago. I knew he had been very fond of her and that his heart had been broken because she did not love him.”

  “But she did…”

  “Yes, I know that now, but I had been given the impression she did not. When we saw you at the Willstones’, I wrongly assumed you were that Miss Bennet. I could see by Mr. Bingley’s behaviour that he still had strong feelings for her. It was the way his face lit up that caught my attention. And his smile was unlike any I had ever seen. When I found out that you were but her sister, I realized how much he still must love her. I could not help but wonder how much more his countenance would have brightened if he had seen her.”

  Elizabeth smiled. “You are a wise and discerning young lady.”

  “It would have been wrong for me to insist Mr. Bingley do the honourable thing and ignore the regard he had for Miss Bennet because people expected an engagement between us. Besides, my brother’s deportment had not improved in the slightest.”

  Elizabeth’s hand went to her neck and she nervously fingered the cross on her necklace. “Did you ever discover the reason why he became despondent?”

  “No. It was after his return from Kent last year at Easter that it evidenced itself.” Georgiana turned and gazed at the lake. “The only hint I received was when he told me he thought he knew himself and he had been clearly mistaken.” Georgiana let out a soft sigh and looked over to where her brother stood. “While I still know nothing of what prompted him to grow so gravely despondent, he now seems much recovered.” Georgiana’s eyebrows pinched together and her lips quivered slightly as she said, “I may never know what caused his sudden despair, but I can make a guess what has brought him out of it.” She gestured toward him and Rosalyn.

th’s heart unexpectedly lurched as she glanced at Mr. Darcy, who was flanked on one side by Rosalyn and the other by Mrs. Willstone. He looked her way and their eyes briefly met. He then turned his head abruptly away.

  “Do you mean Miss Matthews?” Elizabeth asked tentatively, her fingers again nervously playing with her necklace.

  Georgiana nodded.

  Elizabeth took in a deep breath, choosing her words carefully. “Miss Darcy, certainly you know what it is like to be on the receiving end of this type of speculation. Are you quite certain?”

  Georgiana looked at the ground and then back up at Elizabeth. “I would never speak what is merely gossip. While my brother has never divulged much to me over the years about any woman he has had affection for, I know him very well. Inviting the Willstones and Miss Matthews to Pemberley was quite out of character for him. His disposition improved dramatically in London after we began frequenting the same circles as her and her family.”

  Now Georgiana took Elizabeth’s hand in hers. “I would not speak so openly if it was merely my own speculation, but I overheard Miss Matthews and her sister speaking earlier today of a very much expected offer of marriage.”

  Elizabeth pursed her lips together, knowing perfectly well what she overheard… and why. “Miss Darcy, how do you know that their conversation was not merely mutual hopes being expressed?”

  “It may be, but…” Georgiana stopped herself. “You are correct,” she expelled a soft chuckle. “We ought not speculate.” Looking back toward her brother and guests, she said, “I have enjoyed speaking with you, Miss Bennet. Shall we go back now and rejoin the others?”

  The two walked back as Elizabeth’s thoughts whirled with her own speculations about whether Mr. Darcy was indeed singling out Rosalyn, and her fervent hope that he was not.

  Elizabeth sat down on the blanket next to Emily, who was playing a game with the two other girls. Miss Bartley had stepped away and was talking to Mrs. Goldsmith.


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