Cecilia's Secret

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Cecilia's Secret Page 8

by Patricia Gallinetti

  “This is Sambuca, there is nothing much to see here but they have a good bakery and we can stop here for breakfast, maybe sit on a bench overlooking the river.” they cruised through the little town and the girls noticed there was a river on the left, eventually Vincenzo pulled into a parking. The three of them exited the car and strolled towards the river, which meandered at the bottom of a steep bank, there were ducks floating on the surface contentedly and they noticed a muskrat scampering along the edge stopping now and then to pick up a morsel.

  Vincenzo asked the girls if they would each like a coffee and croissant.

  “Yes” replied Annie and Denise together and laughed.

  “Alright wait here, the bakery is over the road and they sell good coffee and freshly baked croissants. is that Okay with you?” The girls both nodded.

  The friends arrived home later, after exploring the old town of Siena, Vincenzo had showed them the racecourse and promised if they were still staying at the farm they could all return to watch the race in July.


  Italy – Present Day


  enise wanted to explore Florence, to see the Duomo and make a few purchases and she decided to go the next morning. Annie opted to stay and catch up on her emails. After Denise left, Annie settled down to read her mail, hoping there was news from Mum. Their families knew where she and Denise were and the strange way she had found the farm. She had told Louisa and David about Riccardo and Vincenzo and about the towns her and Denise had visited. Annie paused and sitting back thought about Vincenzo, she had never felt this way before, he was a wonderful companion. But not only that, when their hands touched she felt as if she wanted to grab his hand and never let go. She smiled wryly.

  We will most likely be on our way in a few days and he will forget about me.

  Riccardo came around the corner calling a greeting

  “Caio, Annie,” he said. “Just checking up to see if you are enjoying your stay and if there is anything I can do for you.”

  “Thank you, Riccardo, no complaints yet” replied Annie with a grin. “Everything is just perfect.”

  He then said. “I would like to invite you both to a little party we are giving tonight. We get together every few weeks with a group of friends and some of us wear Italian costumes and perform traditional dances” He grinned “ And of course sing Italian songs, all the guests are invited. It is held on the paved area just above your bedroom window. I am sure you will enjoy it.”

  “Yes, that sounds so cool, Denise and I would love it.”

  Nodding he said “Bene. see you at about 8 o’clock then,” He looked up as somebody called him, “ See you and Denise later Annie.” He smiled and left

  She opened her mail. Mum had answered for herself and Nana...

  Hello Annie, Nan and I are so pleased to hear you are enjoying your trip. The way you found the farmhouse does sound rather strange. But you did look up many places to stay, maybe subconsciously the name stuck in your head. Louisa sent love from David and the grandparents.

  Annie noticed it was still early. She decided to take a walk to the shop which was about a kilometre from the farm, buy something for her lunch and maybe find a quiet spot to have her snack. She put on a huge floppy sun hat and taking her bag, with Leo following, she was soon walking into the little shop, surprised to see it wasn’t so little, it stretched far back and was in fact a mini supermarket, further back there were cubicles with old-fashioned diner benches in red vinyl. She looked around deciding what to buy or maybe sit in one of the cubicles and order a milkshake. Eventually she sat down and a Waitress took her order of Prosciutto Panini and Vanilla milkshake. While waiting she noticed some old photos decorating the wall above her seat, she was looking at a very old faded and crumpled sepia photo. It was of a young woman on one knee, with her arm around a little boy of about three or four years old. The little boy was clutching a toy under his arm. Annie peered at the photo and then getting up to get a closer look, she gasped. Looking more closely she couldn’t believe it. The woman resembled Cecilia.

  My God, could it be? Was this why Cecilia had brought Annie to this place? If it was her great-grandmother, why was her photo on the wall in this shop? Who was the little boy? She was sitting stunned when her order arrived. Annie pointed to the photo and asked the young waitress if she knew who the woman was.

  “I am sorry Signorina, I have not been working here too long, would you like me to call the owner, Giancarlo? His family has owned this place for a very long time.”

  Annie nodded and soon a gentleman of about Riccardo’s age came to her cubicle, smiling.

  “Good Morning Signorina, you wanted to speak with me?”

  “Yes, Giancarlo?” she introduced herself ‘My name is Annie.”

  He smiled, asking politely “Si, what can I do for you?”

  “I was wondering about this old photo you have on the wall, among all the other photos here, do you know anything about it?”

  Disappointingly he shook his head

  “No, my family has had this shop since long before the war. When the allies attacked Tuscany, there was nothing left but rubble here, my grandparents rebuilt. These old photos have always been here. many of the photos were found among the ruins and Nonno put as many of them back on the wall as he could.”

  Annie’s shoulders slumped, she was disappointed. Giancarlo noted this and spoke again.

  “You know Signorina, my parents may know more about these old photos and who they might have been. Do you want me to find out?”

  Annie brightened up and nodded vigorously

  “That would be great thank you Giancarlo, when will you be able to ask them?”

  He stroked his chin and looked at Annie,

  “Well, you see they are away visiting my sister in Milan, she has not been too well, but she is recovering now, they are coming home next week.”

  Annie told him she was a guest at Riccardo’s farm. He nodded and said he knew Riccardo and would phone when his parents arrived home.

  Annie finished her meal and calling Leo she walked slowly home, mulling over what she had seen.

  ‘Well’ she thought ‘If it is a photo of Cecilia, was the boy hers? What was her photo doing up in that little store?’

  Annie was so wrapped up in her thoughts, she didn’t hear a car slide up next to her. “Annie” called Vincenzo, opening the car window, “Annie?” he called louder; she jumped and looked towards him.

  “Vincenzo, I’m so sorry, I never heard you coming up behind me.”

  “Are you alright?” He asked. “You seem to be walking in a daze.”

  “Uh, Yes, I’m alright.” she paused and then made up her mind “Vincenzo, I want to ask you something, or maybe I should say, tell you something. Or- or maybe both.” she sighed.

  “Jump into the car Annie” Vincenzo said sympathetically “Open the back door for Leo, we can talk at your place, there is obviously something worrying you, I hope I can help.”

  They arrived at the farmhouse and getting out of the car Vincenzo glanced at her. She had taken her hat off and her hair gleamed in the sun.

  She is so lovely, He thought, she is like a breath of summer, I want to yank that gorgeous plait, pull her towards me and kiss her.

  Vincenzo took Annie’s hand and they strolled around to her apartment.

  Annie remarked that Denise had not yet arrived back as the car wasn’t in the usual place. After getting them each a coke, Annie sat down next to Vincenzo to tell him about her great-grandmother and how she had seen her a few times in vivid dreams and had seen Cecilia here the first night they had arrived, while she was awake. He listened without interrupting, which she was very grateful for and when she finished and sat back, he was silent for a while.

  “Annie,” He said softly taking her hand once more and gently squeezing it “I believe in these things, in fact, I have seen a ghost here many times, we in the family have all seen her.”

  Annie sighed with relief.
“You don’t think I am mad then?”

  He chuckled quietly. “You are not mad, believe me,” he paused, “Ummm, I think, both you and I know, Cecilia wants you to find something here in Tavarnelle, it’s something that has kept her spirit restless all these years and she has picked you for some reason, to unravel this mystery.”

  Annie looked at Vincenzo and she thought he was a fascinating man, she could so easily fall in love with him, she shrugged, he was most probably just being nice as she was a guest here but he did seem to sympathize with her about Cecilia and talking to him about it, she didn’t feel so foolish.

  As Denise rounded the corner, she saw the two of them and knew what she had suspected days ago. She didn’t feel too guilty about the fact that she wanted to move on and wouldn’t mind at all if Annie stayed. Vincenzo and Annie were so engrossed in each other they never noticed Denise, who coughed discreetly.

  “Hi, you two, did you enjoy your day without me? She laughed. “I am sure you never even missed me.”

  Annie told Denise about the photo and that Giancarlo was going to phone her and hopefully have a bit more information.

  Vincenzo then said.

  “Come on you two I want to show you something.”

  He led them to the left around the Jasmine and Wisteria covered screen which divided their flat from the rest of the house and walked towards double faded green doors, closed with a huge padlock. Vincenzo indicated for them to look through one of the windows, he stepped back and Annie first looked and gasped. It was a large room under the house, full of rubble. Denise then peered through the window and she said

  “Gosh, Vincenzo what is this place?”

  “This room was in this condition when my family first purchased the farm after the war, in about 1955, we have never bothered to renovate or to use this part of the house.” He pointed up towards the roof “We were told a tank shell fell through the roof and caused a cave-in making this part of the house dangerous, apparently the site was searched for any bodies. The wall between your apartment and this room also received a lot of damage. The family had that part renovated and the roof repaired,” He touched the doors and said. “Nonno found these under the rubble outside here,” He smiled sadly and continued with his explanation. “We have never heard the full story, but I know my Nonno has never been able to find out if anybody was in the house that day,” Vincenzo looked at the girls. “All the people in the area presumed the family living here had fair warning and fled, the place stood empty after the war for about ten years, until Nonno purchased and renovated it,” Vincenzo then looked at Annie and said, “This is where the ghost of a woman stands outside these doors, sometimes she is looking in this window and other times she is standing here looking towards the river, which runs just below there,” He gestured to his right. “There is a steep bank leading down and the river is just a stream now, although I’ve heard it was fairly deep in those days, it’s also common knowledge that a few shells also landed down there, causing a lot of damage.”

  Annie peered inside again, wondering why this woman was seen outside these doors and what was she searching for, could it be Cecilia once again?

  She had whispered something to Annie. Find him, please find him. And, the answer is in Italy Annie. Go to Italy.

  Find who? Why didn’t she say a name? Answer to what? It was all so frustrating. Annie hoped that Giancarlo would keep his word and speak to his parents about the photo.

  Vincenzo left saying he would see them both later at the dance his father had organized, he was going to help his Dad set out the tables for the refreshments. That night was a fun night, they met a lot of Riccardo and Vincenzo’s friends and the music and dancing was all Italian. Some of the women were wearing traditional dresses, everybody sang and danced and the girls were urged to join in, they didn’t know the dances, but soon picked up the steps and joined hands with the rest of the company, the people were very friendly and most of them could speak English. The holiday guests in the other apartments had also been invited. A young beautiful woman arrived, she walked up to Vincenzo and kissed him, passionately and smiled into his eyes.

  “Caio.” she said huskily and said something in Italian.

  Viincenzo looked at her a moment, smiled and then taking her arms from around his neck he turned and walked towards Annie and Denise.

  “Let me introduce you, this is Ilana,” he held out his hand and said. “This is Annie and Denise.”

  Ilana was charming; she smiled at the girls and said “Piacere. I am pleased to meet you.” Vincenzo told her. “The girls are guests here, from Sydney, Australia.”

  Ilana smiled and said.

  “I hope you are enjoying Tuscany, you have come at a time when this region is at its best.” She then excused herself and went to greet the other guests. As the night wore on Ilana tried to monopolise Vincenzo, but he didn’t seem to notice although he was very polite as he was to all the other guests, Denise thought he wasn’t too comfortable with Ilana’s attachment, but Annie looking at Ilana, thought despondently.

  What a beautiful woman I don’t think I could ever compete with her

  Eventually everybody was laughingly saying Caio and talking exuberantly as Italians do, except Ilana, she was still trying to get Vincenzo to herself.

  Annie said to Denise,

  “I think it’s time we also said Goodnight and leave Vincenzo and Ilana alone.”

  “Oh poof!” exclaimed Denise “He’s not interested, he is just being nice to her. Anybody but you can see he can’t wait for her to leave.”

  Nevertheless, Annie went to say thanks and goodnight, she turned to say goodbye to Ilana who was clutching Vincenzo’s arm

  As the two girls were getting ready for bed, the bedroom gradually became cold and Annie knew what was coming, time seemed to stand still. Annie saw a shadow in the corner next to the little couch and knew it was Cecilia, she turned to look at Denise, who was staring towards the couch, her eyes widened and she was turning very pale.

  “Annie” Denise whispered. “I can see her.” she sounded scared.

  “It’s Okay Denny, she just wants to tell me something” Annie whispered back. “I was thinking of her this afternoon when Vincenzo showed us the bombed room next door, I thought the ghost that appeared over the years could be Cecilia,” Annie then looked towards the apparition and said softly. “Cecilia, was that a photo of you and the little boy in the shop?” Cecilia smiled. “I am doing my best to unravel this mystery Cecilia, what you were doing here in Tuscany and was that little boy your son?” Cecilia once again smiled and looked at Annie somberly.

  Annie gasped she couldn’t believe this. Maybe she was at last getting to the bottom of the mystery surrounding Cecilia. Did Nana have a brother she never knew about? Denise grabbed Annie’s arm then said.

  “Annie, Annie she is fading, maybe she can’t ever stay too long at one time.”

  As Cecilia faded from sight Annie sighed.

  “I am so glad you saw her Denise, I’m sure you reckoned it was all my imagination.”

  “Well, yeah,” Replied Denise “I didn’t really know what I thought, but now I am a believer,” and she shivered. “It’s really quite spooky. Why would she pick on you?”

  “I think it’s because I have her name and some people are more receptive to the spirits. Mum and Nana said I used to talk about Cecilia when I was small. Maybe Cecilia couldn’t get through to them and being a child, I was more tuned in to the other side.”

  “Brrr!” exclaimed Denise, shuddering.

  Annie then said

  “You know, I haven’t told them much about actually seeing Cecilia, just about my dreams, I wonder if I should tell them about the little boy, or wait until I have a bit more information?”

  Denise answered. “Let’s wait until you hear what Giancarlo’s folks can tell you about the photo and then you may have more concrete evidence of the child, who he was, and what happened to him.”

  Annie nodded agreement, she also decided t
o tell Vincenzo that she now knew that the ghost appearing for more than 40 years here at the farm was her great-grandmother.


  Italy – Present Day


  nnie anxiously waited for the call from Giancarlo, it felt like ages since she had spoken to him. Monday evening however, he phoned Riccardo who came to tell her that Giancarlo’s parents were home and they did have a bit of information about the photo. Would Annie like to come in and visit them when she had the time? Annie decided to go along to the shop first thing in the morning and asked Denise if she would walk with her

  “It’s a quick walk,” Annie told her “No need to drive, we can also have lunch there if you like, they make delicious milkshakes.”

  So, it was decided they would see Giancarlo’s parents first and then have lunch and walk back to the farm. Annie had not seen Vincenzo since the party and Riccardo hadn’t mentioned him. That night as usual after supper the girls sat outside on the patio, it was a beautiful calm and peaceful night, they were discussing what Giancarlo’s parents might know about Cecilia’s photo. The moon was hidden by clouds and there was an occasional call of a night bird, the friends were sitting in silence when a tall figure rounded the corner. Annie’s heart jumped.

  Vincenzo sat down to Annie smiling. “Good evening,” he said “My Dad has told me you have heard from Giancarlo. That’s sounds like good news, they wouldn’t ask to see you if they knew nothing.” He said. “Sorry I haven’t been around; I had a job in Florence. I haven’t told you two that I work from home here, I am an architect, but occasionally I have to visit my clients.”

  Annie then said that she and Denise planned to see Giancarlo in the morning and told Vincenzo that she believed the ghost that his family had been seeing for years since the 1970’s was her great-grandmother.

  Vincenzo whistled softly.

  “Well,” he said. “this is all getting more and more mysterious, don’t you think?” He looked at Annie and said something unexpected. “Which means, that you are going to have to unravel all this mystery before you leave, doesn’t it?” he smiled. “I wouldn’t mind that at all.” he grinned.


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