Shifting Darkness

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by Kate Wendley

  Titles by Kate Wendley

  Forest of Darkness Novels

  Mastering Darkness

  Abandoned Darkness

  Resisting Darkness

  Shifting Darkness

  Shifting Darkness

  A Forest of Darkness Novel

  Copyright © 2017 by Kate Wendley

  Cover by Damonza

  Moonlight Magic Publishing

  ISBN: 978-1-944538-08-8

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living, dead, or undead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any manner whatsoever.

  Chapter 1

  Peach’s, the number one independent bookstore in all of Atlanta, had a vampire problem tonight. Anger and disbelief tore through Vince as he watched the creature smoothly pull out a chair for his fiancé, Kaia, Vince’s human friend, then slide into his own across the small café table from her.

  He uneasily eyed them from across the store. Christmas was six days away, customers were frantic to find the perfect last minute gift for everyone left on their list, and Vince couldn’t concentrate on work to save his life. Did Kaia know her fiancé was a vampire? He almost felt like a hypocrite for even wondering.

  He looked down at the business card the creature had secretly slipped him. It was pretty ordinary, on plain white paper with plain black type. What wasn’t ordinary was that the words ‘Come to the Club. All Supernaturals Welcome.’, disappeared almost as soon as Vince read them. An address was now firmly in place and he found himself scared to look away in case it disappeared, too. He quickly memorized it, then wrote it on his hand for good measure before slipping the card into his back pocket.

  His shakes were getting bad tonight. He’d agreed to work an extra long shift since it was the least he could do for all the times he called in sick. But they were so busy that he hadn’t been able to take a break for a few hours and go eat, which only made him all the more exhausted.

  He flicked a glance back at the café. He knew it was stupid to even consider mixing with other supernaturals since having a foot in their world didn’t mean he was one. That honor had skipped right over him for some reason. A shifter who couldn’t shift…

  But he wasn’t so sure other supernaturals knew that about him. And since he tried to stay away from them, the only other super he knew and associated with was his mom. Some nights his life felt really pathetic.

  Kaia and the vampire, Anthony, looked pretty cozy with each other. Kaia was a regular customer Vince had gotten to know over the years, a nice person, a nice human, and it bothered him to see her sitting there, oblivious to the danger she was in. With supernaturals it was better to stay invisible, like Vince always tried to. Kaia wouldn’t know that, though. Humans weren’t supposed to know about their kind.

  His spying on their date ended when a customer either accidentally or on purpose smacked him with her giant purse, then followed it up with a whap from an even bigger shopping bag as she walked by the table of books he was supposed to be straightening. He turned on her in irritation, but her quickly mumbled apology deflated his anger as she shambled off, looking frazzled and weary.

  The holidays were taking their toll on him, too. He was twenty seven years old, no family besides his mom, and no friends besides her, either. They were alone in Atlanta, always had been and always would be. It wasn’t the life he’d dreamt about as a kid, but once his illness took hold of him and hung on tight, there was nothing he could do about it.

  He was shaky and tired every night, and it was a challenge to have the energy to pull himself out of bed some days just to get to work. He was lucky to have a job and a boss that was flexible with him on his sick days, especially the night of and the day after full moon. He couldn’t shift into the jaguar he should be able to, like his mom could, but that didn’t stop the moon’s spell from torturing him every month anyway.

  Weary bitterness ate at him. The holidays were a time for family, something he’d never have on his own. Not that he didn’t want to find love, like the vampire and Kaia might’ve, but he wanted more. He wanted a wife, children, and a home of their own. He wanted a life, but he didn’t dare dream of it. He couldn’t burden the woman he loved with his problems, and he refused to even think about bringing a child into his world, not with the possibility that he’d pass on his illness to an innocent little person.

  He went back to straightening everything on the discount book table even though it’d be a disaster again within minutes. It was the only thing Shelly, his manager, would allow him to work on this late into his shift… already dinged up books. He couldn’t blame her. His coordination issues were what they were.

  He glanced towards the café again, unable to stop staring at the creature. He knew better than to pay so much attention to it, but he’d never had a human friend get mixed up in their world before. Not that he and Kaia were close, but she was one of very few people he felt at ease around. He growled under his breath as he fought with his conscience over whether he should say something to her or keep himself safely over here, away from the vampire.

  The man looked like scary hell with long dark hair and a craggy scar taking up half his face, but his mannerisms were formal, stiff and precise. He looked like a well-paid hit man… cool, calm, expensively dressed, and aware of everything around him without purposely trying to stand out in any way. He oozed danger, and Vince wondered what Kaia found attractive about that.

  His stomach dropped when he realized the monster had probably bespelled her.

  Oh hell. He had to do something. This wasn’t right. She was human. Supernaturals could screw with each other’s heads all they wanted, but humans should be off limits. Still, what could a sickly, half hybrid werejaguar do against a vampire? Probably the same as he could against a full-blooded shapeshifter, which was nothing except get his ass kicked. He cursed at his personal failings, his attention jerking to the creature when a shiver washed over him that made his skin crawl.

  The vampire stared straight at him. His lips didn’t move, but Vince knew it was him when a voice in his head said, ‘My name is Anthony Foster, not ‘the vampire’. Please address me as such.’

  He didn’t say anything to that. Most supers he’d ever come across were shifters, and if they even bothered to talk to him it was to remind him that he was nothing to them. Vampires were a whole other level of trouble that he had no experience with.

  ‘I’m not here this evening to cause you trouble.’

  His blood pumped hard in his veins as his temper rose. ‘Get out of my head, leech. And get out of hers, too.’

  Anthony narrowed his eyes, an angry frown quickly appearing, then disappearing. ‘Kaia’s in no danger from me. Insult me again at your own peril.’

  They stared each other down for a heartbeat before Anthony looked away, though Vince could still feel him in his head.

  ‘Your attention on me this evening is distracting. Did you wish to speak to me privately?’

  Vince knew better than to keep staring at the man, but dammit, Kaia could be in danger. ‘No.’

  Anthony inclined his head. ‘Very well. I didn’t smell pack on you. Jaguar shifters are rare, but you’ll find more at the club. The address is on the card I gave you.’

  He blurted out loud, “Really?” He didn’t know which surprised him more… that jaguars were considered rare, or that this vampire was telling him where he could find others.

  A customer gave him a strange look and he quickly remembered this place was full of humans. He tried to act natural
as the feeling of static electricity made his skin itch.

  The vampire, er, Anthony, also tried to seem casual and not like he was having a head to head conversation with him as he followed Kaia out of the café and into the store. She randomly browsed the books and gifts, looking way too casual about it. There was no way she knew Anthony was vampire.

  ‘She does, actually. I’d be surprised if she knew what you are, though. And I’ll only say this once, shifter. If you ever harm her, your apparent coordination issues will be the least of your troubles.’

  His temper flared and he couldn’t help thinking back at him, ‘Fuck you’. So much for staying under this super’s radar.

  ‘It’s not a threat. Simply a fact.’

  ‘Did you bespell her?’

  Anthony clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes at him. ‘No, and that’s enough of this. You’ll find more of your kind at the club.’

  ‘Why do you want me to do go the club so bad? Need more vampire food?’

  The instant look of fury that crossed Anthony’s face as he stared Vince down, and the terrifying feeling of suddenly not being able to get enough air told him more than he wanted to know about his vampire abilities.

  His voice vibrated painfully through Vince’s bones. ‘I caution you against speaking to me in such a tone. We have rules here in Atlanta and I’m the ultimate enforcer for vampire and shifter alike.’ The tight feeling in his chest eased and he sucked in beautiful, wonderful air. ‘The club is for everyone, no matter their alliances. You can be free to be yourself there, but violence isn’t tolerated. You’re not in my family and you’re not vampire so I care little about what you do in Atlanta, only that you’re keeping your other nature hidden from humans. Are we clear?’

  He nodded and kept his mouth shut and his thoughts to himself while Anthony stared him down, daring him to do something. Vince wasn’t stupid enough to start something here, or anywhere with the man, so he looked away in a sign of submission, something he was all too used to doing around supernaturals. The irritating, prickly feeling crawling up Vince’s spine soon faded, and he spared a glance to see Anthony turning his attention back to Kaia.


  Anthony wasn’t sure what to do about Kaia’s anxiousness tonight, though she was trying to hide it. Ever since he’d asked her to be vampire with him, she’d been more distracted than usual. Not that he blamed her for her anxiety, he just didn’t know how to ease her worries.

  He’d hoped to have a relaxing night with her by recreating the first time they’d met, here in the bookstore, but between her wandering attention and her friend Vince distracting him, he wasn’t sure this was going so well.

  He followed her as she took her time browsing, then guiltily pulled his phone out to text Zach about the loner jaguar. He’d want to know about someone new in his territory, though Vince has clearly been here a while.

  Kaia didn’t seem totally interested in looking at books, and was soon waving at Vince. She turned back to Anthony with a barely hidden scoff as the sight of him on his phone.


  He felt bad talking around the truth with her, but she seemed to have enough on her mind already. Finding out her friend was a shifter would no doubt make her even more tense.

  “No. It’s Zach. I’m reminding him where I am this evening. Just in case.”

  Her irritation faded and his guilt multiplied. They’d promised to not keep secrets from each other, but Vince’s secret wasn’t his to tell.

  With a smirk she said, “Tell him to get a girlfriend and go on his own date.”

  Anthony gave her a look, trying to determine her mood, and she broke into a chuckle. With the jaguar’s attention elsewhere, finally, he felt able to focus on her again.

  He smiled as he finished his text and put his phone back in his pocket, then took her in his arms. “You seem stressed tonight. Would you like to go somewhere else?”

  Her shoulders stiffened, and she was anxious when she said, “Yes. I want to get chocolate, and cheese, and…”

  He quietly said, “You don’t have to do this. You can still say no.”

  She stilled, then slowly said, “I’m just nervous.” They watched each other, and she took a deep breath as he frantically hoped she’d still go through with being turned.

  “I’m not backing out. I just want to experience a few things before, well, you know.”

  Yes. He knew. “Before you can’t anymore.”

  It felt like there were many things they should be talking about right now, but he wasn’t sure where to start, or if he even should. For many things, he relied on her to tell him what she needed. So far, that worked out mostly all right.

  She relaxed for the first time tonight and put her arm around his waist. “Let’s go. There are too many people here. This wasn’t how it was when we first met.”

  His heart felt good seeing her smile, and playful memories of that long ago night flooded his mind. “I didn’t notice anyone but you that night, my sweet.”

  A lovely shade of pink filled her cheeks, and a tempting, teasing glint in her eye made him wonder how he’d survived so long without her in his life.


  Vince clocked out soon after Anthony and Kaia left. He avoided eye contact with customers as he made a beeline for the door, the business card in his pocket feeling like a monkey on his back as he dodged cars through the busy parking lot.

  The thought of meeting other jaguars was tempting, but he knew he’d only be putting himself in danger by going to the club. He had way more strength and speed than a human, but he didn’t know how strong he actually was for a supernatural. It didn’t matter. He tired out so quickly, he’d be stupid to put himself in the midst of a bunch of territorial animals that had always made sure he knew how beneath them he was.

  It was a mystery why he was always so shaky and sick. After all, his mother was a fully functioning werejaguar, and supposedly the father he’d never met was one, too. He’d long ago stopped trying to figure out why his body was constantly at war with itself and just accepted that he had one foot in both the human and supernatural world, and didn’t fully belong to either. He smelled shifter enough for other supers to mistake him for one of their own, though.

  The door to the once lovely maroon Nissan Maxima he shared with his mom creaked as he slipped inside. He automatically turned on some music, the Dead Kennedys calming him with their familiar noisy, surf punk sound and in your face, anti-establishment lyrics. He turned it down so it was more like background noise as he stared over the oxidized hood at weary shoppers busily coming and going. Telling himself he was only looking for curiosity’s sake, he pulled his phone out and mapped the address for the club. It was in Brookhaven, a suburb not far from here. He had about an hour and a half to kill before he needed to pick his mom up from work…

  He scoffed. That world was nothing but trouble. Wasn’t it? He wasn’t stupid enough to think just because a powerful vampire invited him to their club that it would be a casual thing. Besides, would other jaguars be able to tell he wasn’t a full shifter, or was he just shifter enough to blend in? More importantly, if he didn’t go, would he ever get another chance to meet in-betweeners like himself? After all, he couldn’t be the only one of his kind, could he?

  That thought burned in his chest as he turned the key in the ignition, the sick car thankfully sputtering to life. The annoying as hell automatic seat belt slid up the door track and over his shoulder, and cold air spewed out the vents and into his face as the engine warmed, giving him a moment with his indecision.

  Feeling damned if he did and damned if he didn’t, he cranked the music louder, pulled into crazy holiday traffic, and headed for this so called ‘club’ before he lost his nerve.

  Chapter 2

  A Harvey Wallbanger was four parts orange juice, one and a half parts vodka, and half a part Galliano L’Autentico. It was all parts delicious as far as Penny was concerned, and it was the thing she’d miss most when the end of the worl
d came. Luckily Chester, the old wolf bartender, knew how to make them just right. She took a sip wishing she could actually get drunk off this stuff, but her werecoyote metabolism was too fast for alcohol to do much more than give her an extremely short lived buzz.

  It’d have to do. Anything to get her mind off the doctor’s office server upgrades. She was tired of problems with SQL code, routers and administration clients, all of which had some quirk or another that were making what should be a smooth transition out of nineties era technology nothing but a nightmare. Not that it mattered, because when zombies took over the world after a biological warfare attack, figuring out how to get to the patient charts on Dr. Williams’ computers would be the least of everyone’s concerns.

  She took another drink as she watched Chester work, not caring even a tiny bit about how pathetic she looked sitting at the bar all by herself. Not… one… bit.

  “Hey Chester.”

  He looked her way and cocked his untamed, bushy eyebrows, shuffling closer as she leaned forward.

  She lowered her voice and said, “Something big going on in wolf land? Some of you guys have been acting weird lately.”

  He scowled. “Penny, you know better than to get nosy about other animals’ business.”

  She frowned. Chester always was a do gooder.

  “But I tell you what, I feel it too.”

  That got her heart going. “Yeah? Tell me more!”

  And just when she was hoping for a juicy bit of gossip, the eternally-single-even-though-he-was-gorgeous Alpha Jaguar, who was just a little too old for her, plopped his laptop down between them. She groaned at the sight of it.

  “Please don’t tell me you got another virus.”

  “I think I have a virus.”

  “Agh! Zach, what did I tell you about those porn sites you visit? You need to stop. There are plenty of legit sites out there, though I don’t get why you watch that stuff anyway. It’s not like you don’t have women hanging all over you.”

  He got a cocky smirk and barely even had to look Chester’s way for a drink to be put in his hand. He took a sip of what smelled like the bitter sweet scent of whiskey. “Just fix it please. You know you’re good at it.”


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