Country Bliss (Country Love 1.5)

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Country Bliss (Country Love 1.5) Page 1

by Vicki Green

  Table of Contents

  Country Bliss

  Country Bliss


  Vicki's Books


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight


  About the Author

  Country Bliss

  Vicki Green

  Country Bliss

  Sadie and Memphis have each other’s hearts and those of their twins, Jared and Evie. Life has been total bliss at their ranch. However, things always have a habit of trying to ruin their happiness. They’ve always fought together and come out stronger but could this be their breaking point? Could this take away everything they know and love? Will their love be strong enough?

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Amazon Edition

  Vicki Green Copyright 2016©

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form with authorization of the Author Vicki Green©

  Editor: Kathy Krick @K2 Editing:

  Cover Design by Cover to Cover Designs:


  Justin Keeton (featured on cover):

  Furiousfotog Photography:

  *Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18+.


  I dedicate this book to my muse, model, and friend, Justin Keeton.

  Vicki's Books

  Forever Series:

  My Savior Forever

  Together Forever

  Soul-Mates Forever

  Razers Edge (sequel novella to Soul-Mates)

  Stand Alone:

  Finding My Way Home

  Touched Series:




  Heartache Series:

  The Loss

  Beyond Love Series:

  Sacrifice For Love

  Falling For Love

  Longing For Love

  Country Love Series:

  Country Heaven

  A Taste Of Country

  Love Of Country

  Country Bliss

  Back To Country - Coming Soon!



  Seven years after the day that changed my life forever, I put the saddle on Clancy, smilin’ as I remember her walkin’ off that train. I could tell right away she was spirited. Cussin’ and snarlin’ about the train being late only showed me her spunk right away. It also showed me she had some growin’ up to do. Why in the hell her daddy thought it was a good idea to send her here, a place where life is hard work, toiling the lands, and taking care of the animals, I’ll never know. But I’m so thankful he did.

  “Where’s this… Ah, hell.” She pulls up her purse, digging like she can’t find something and looks exasperated. Pulling out a piece of paper, her eyes squint. “Memphis Johnson. Who in the hell names their child after a fucking city?”

  I let out a chuckle as I climb up on Clancy, leanin’ down and pattin’ his neck. My first impression of her was that she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. Yet, she wasn’t a woman – she was just a girl. Lost, lonely, and scared. She had some growin’ up to do, needed to find her place in this world and calm her wild ways. That’s the task that was set before me – to teach her these things before she was lost forever. I gotta tell ya that scared the hell outta me. Me. Memphis Johnson. Recently the new owner of the Johnson Homestead, not by choice. Hell, it hadn’t been that long since I’d come home from college. I was just tryin’ to make sense of my own life, let alone havin’ to help someone with theirs. Clickin’ my heels against Clancy’s sides, he takes off for the pasture, ready for a good ride. My mind wanders to that fateful night, the one that almost cost me my life. As I gallop through the open gate and out towards our tree, I lean down and pet him again, thankin’ him for bein’ there for me and pullin’ me out from under the beam that had me trapped in my burnin’ barn.

  I look up at the sky as we near our tree. Pa’s tree. Still my favorite place to come to think. As we get closer, I pull on the reins and Clancy stops. I pull my leg over and jump off, letting the reins go so he can graze. I walk over to the tree and sit down, leaning my back against the rough bark. I look out over my land. Our land. The day she said she’d marry me, I almost came undone. It’s like everythin’ I’d worked for, longed for, came true in actions and not words.

  Tears stream down her face but she slides towards me and jumps out of the booth. We fall on the floor as she kisses me all over my face and then covers my mouth with hers. People start clappin’, whoopin’ and hollerin’. She finally pulls back for some air, lookin’ into my eyes. “Is that a yes?” She giggles. The sweetest sound ever.

  “Yes! Oh, my God! Yes!” she says laughin’.

  It was one of the happiest days of my life until she told me she was pregnant. With twins! My knees nearly buckled in happiness. With joy also comes heartache. We lost Mable. She was my family’s housekeeper but most of all she was like a mom to me as well as a close friend to my parents. Sadie had become so close to her in such a short time. Since Sadie had lost her mom at such an early age, it was as if Mable had touched her like a mother would her own child. It seemed only fittin’ that we buried Mable by my parents in the small cemetery on our land.

  Of course, our life couldn’t just go on like any other normal couple. Oh, Sadie had her mood swings and hormones gone crazy. Our next door neighbor, Colby, took on Shiloh to help him just as I did with Sadie. Only he had no idea how his life and our lives would change so abruptly. Shiloh was runnin’ away, livin’ a real life nightmare, one that we all ended up gettin’ involved in. Even though I was fortunate enough to live through it, I thought what had happened to us was the most horrifyin’ thing that could ever happen. I was wrong. I was never more scared about my Sadie and tryin’ to keep her safe but addin’ to my worry was her carryin’ our twins through it. Then while tryin’ to help fight for Colby and Shiloh’s lives, Shiloh’s friend, Trevor, and Prie, who Shiloh’s tormenter captured, entered the mix as well. It was tough. I had an entire family to defend but I had our friends who had become a part of my family to defend as well.

  In the end, we all got through it. However, Trevor got injured pretty badly. It was touch and go for a bit but he finally came through it. Life was never the same for any of us after that. But one thing is for sure, it brought us all closer. I couldn’t imagine any one of them not livin’ around us.

  I forgot to mention Tina. She’s been Sadie’s best friend all through growin’ up and she came to live here a while after Sadie did. She’s quite the girl. Sadie had bought the coffee shop in town and Tina happens to be a whiz at homemade pastries so the two of them together, ma
de the once quiet and quaint little coffee shop boom with business again. When Sadie got too big carryin’ the twins, and then gave birth, Prie stepped in and helped Tina with the shop. Prie has a business of her own, on her and Trevor’s land. A big house for abused and battered women and their children. She helps them get back on their feet, with medical aid and emotional therapy.

  Then there’s Nash. He’s the feller who moved down the road from us and across from the house with Prie’s business. He fit right in to our little town and neighborhood, helpin’ durin’ the bad times that we went through with Trevor and Prie. And Trevor? Well, when Colby and Shiloh got hitched, in their livin’ room, I’ll be damned if Trevor got so caught up, so emotional in his love for Prie that after the ceremony he dropped right down on his knee and asked for Prie’s hand. Of course he asked Colby and Shiloh for their permission, not wanting to spoil their big day. They were excited to share their day with them, since Trevor was Shiloh’s best friend for so long. So we sat there and went through another wedding but it couldn’t have happened any better than it did. Seemed fittin’, ya know?

  Life always seems to have a way to stop you dead in your tracks and make you count your blessin’s. Damn if that hasn’t happened a lot to me. But I take the bad with the good, say a prayer of thanks, and continue on. It’s the only thing we can do.

  Chapter One


  Still relaxing by the tree I’m brought back to the here and now as I feel her presence, smell her fresh scent as a breeze blows. My eyes move to her, the sound of her voice makin’ my heartbeat increase. Always.

  “What are you thinking so hard about?”

  She smiles and my cock twitches. Even after havin’ two kids, her body isn’t the same as it was when she first came here but she managed to keep her figure, and she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Her hair is a bit longer and there’s still such a glow about her. My heart beats even harder as she walks over, sittin’ down next to me. My arm rises in invitation and she snuggles into me as I lower it around her. She rests her head on my shoulder, those beautiful green eyes are shinin’ up at me with such love. I feel her love from the way she looks at me, how she touches me, and from everythin’ she does. I tighten my arm around her, squeezin’.

  “I was just thinkin’ about how lucky and blessed I am.” She smiles, runnin’ her nose up and down my cheek, makin’ my cock even harder for her. “Where’s the kids?” Maybe I’ll be lucky and we can get in a little sex. We have it most days but there are times where life and family makes it difficult. I wouldn’t change a thing.

  She lets out a sigh. “Both down for a nap.” My heart begins to race and my overly eager cock twitches. “Jared wore himself out playing with his cars and trucks. Evie…” She lets out another sigh and then a huge yawn. My cock starts to deflate. “She threw a fit, not wanting to stop playing with her Barbie’s and farm animals to lay down.” She yawns again and I pull her into me more. She snuggles her head into my chest. “I should go into town and help Tina at the shop,” she finishes with another yawn.

  Lettin’ out a low chuckle, I lean down and kiss the top of her head. I startle her as I rise, holdin’ down my hand to her. “C’mon. Let’s get you home so you can nap.” She yawns as she places her hand in mine. I pull her up with ease, and I start tuggin’ her over to Clancy.

  “I really should go into town and…”

  She gasps as I take hold of her waist, hoistin’ her up and onto Clancy’s saddle. Grabbin’ hold of the horn, I put my boot into the stirrup and hop up behind her on Clancy’s rump. Reachin’ around her, I take hold of the reins and click my tongue as I pull to turn him around. “Now, tell me somethin’. Why did you hire Betsy and Aileen to work at the shop if you’re constantly thinkin’ you need to go work? Seems like a waste of everyone’s time for you to go when there’s enough people to look after the place.” That’s somethin’ that probably won’t ever change. I still don’t understand women and the way they think. “Feels like a waste of money to pay them for you goin’ into work and doin’ most of it.” I head Clancy through the gate and towards the barn.

  She turns her head, givin’ me a concerned look. “It’s my shop. I feel obligated to work there too and not make everyone else do everything. They all have lives too, you know.” Her head snaps back ahead like she’s angry. Why would she be mad?

  Clancy takes us into the barn and as I drop the reins, ready to jump off and help Sadie down, she pulls her leg over the top of the saddle and jumps down. Stubborn woman. She takes off in a storm. I look at Clancy and shrug then take off after her. “Now look here. You gave Tina half of the shop so she could be your partner. She knows you have two youngin’s to take care of and they take all your energy.” She’s walkin’ fast, her arms movin’ up and down, her hands squeezed into fists. I’m about to catch up to her when she stops, turns around abruptly, almost knockin’ me back.

  “I know that! I know that. But it’s still half my shop too and I need to be able to do something there!” Her arms raise in the air in frustration. I step right up to her, cupping my hand around her slender neck, and look into her blazin’ eyes.

  “I love you, Sadie Johnson. I want nothin’ but the best for you and for you to be happy. You want to go into town and work at the shop – I’ll take care of the kids. You want to stay here and take care of them, sell the rest of the shop to Tina – do it, I’ll stand behind you. You want to…”

  “I’m pregnant,” spits from her mouth.

  Now, if that don’t stop me from yappin’, nothin’ else will. And if that don’t explain a helluva lot. There ain’t much that surprises me with my woman anymore but she sure has a way to get one over on me from time to time. A smile spreads across my face and then I kiss her, hard. Another baby. I feel her hands move around my back then lower. One hand goes around my front and I’ll be damned if she don’t grasp me through my jeans. Her breathin’ becomes heavy. She pulls back, searchin’ my eyes. “I’m sorry I got so angry,” she whispers.

  I grab her hand and pull her around, walkin’ towards the deck with purpose. “You don’t have anythin’ to apologize for. Let’s go celebrate before the twins wake up.” I don’t have to turn around to see her smile, I can feel it, warmin’ me. She’s quickly beside me and then in front of me. Guess she feels the same as I do. I’m not sure anymore who’s pullin’ who as we practically jog through the kitchen, through the foyer, and up the stairs. We hit the hallway in runnin’ speed, makin’ it into our bedroom in record time. We’re beyond takin’ our time and both get undressed in a flurry. Clothes land everywhere. A loud sound radiates through the room and we both stop, lookin’ over at the lamp shade on one of the nightstands, her bra hangin’ from it. We hold our breaths, hopin’ beyond hope that the sound didn’t wake up Jared or Evie. We listen. Nothin’. I walk over to her, my body heated, my cock pulsatin’ for her. I grab her arms and push her down onto the mattress, not waitin’ for her to get comfortable, I push inside her without warnin’. “You feel so good,” I whisper against her lips.

  It never gets old, my love for her, the way her body responds to mine. To this day, I’ll never get enough of her. “God, Memphis,” she moans into my mouth.

  Havin’ kids, ‘specially young ones, you don’t get much time for yourselves. Then there’s workin’ the land, Sadie’s coffee shop, and keepin’ the house clean. Some nights we’re so exhausted from the day, we’re satisfied just holdin’ each other as we sleep. Other nights are full of lovemakin’. Guess it was one of those nights that got her in her current condition. Another baby. Lord, help us.

  It doesn’t take long for either of us to find our bliss, ridin’ high, soarin’ in our love for each other. And it doesn’t take long afterwards before little Evie shrieks when she opens our door. Luckily I move pretty damn fast, grabbin’ the blanket at the end of the bed and coverin’ our nakedness. Little eyes have no
business seein’ that and little minds don’t need to know what we were doin’.

  “Mama, I wanna go ride Sparkles.”

  That little voice just puts so much love in my heart, I feel it could bust. Why she had to name the pony I’d gotten her Sparkles is beyond me. Last year, at the age of five, she just about wore us out, wantin’ to ride her pony constantly. This year, she’s on to other things: Barbie’s, her plastic animals and farm set, and the tablet Sadie insisted we get for her, fillin’ it with books kids her age can read. Evie loves animals. When we visit Colby, Shiloh, and their son Colt, all she wants to do is play with Ditto their German shepherd. Now, we let her ride her pony by herself but keep a close eye on them. She’s a natural rider, took to it really quickly.

  “Okay, baby. Go get your socks and shoes on and I’ll be right there.”

  Evie nods and runs from the room, leavin’ the door open a bit. I grab the blanket, puttin’ it around my waist and Sadie lets out a gasp as I walk over and shut the door. Turnin’ around, I lean back against it, smilin’ at my love as she scrambles from the bed to get dressed.


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