Country Bliss (Country Love 1.5)

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Country Bliss (Country Love 1.5) Page 3

by Vicki Green

  “Mmmm,” I moan as his tongue finds me wet and so willing. Why am I thinking about when I first came here when he’s doing so many delectable things to me?

  I reach down and put my hands on his head, rubbing across his short soft hair. “God, Memphis!” Another moan escapes me as his fingers dive into the skin of my legs, his tongue doing magical things. I grow restless, wanting him to be inside me, and as I try to move, he rises and presses his mouth against mine. I can taste myself. His hands grab my waist and I’m lifted and carried over to the bed, our lips still locked together. We fall onto the mattress, and he thrusts inside me. I was so lost in him, I didn’t even know he’d gotten undressed. We begin moving as one, the only sounds filling the room are of our heavy breathing and our skin slapping against each other’s. That familiar exhilaration begins in the pit of my stomach, building its intensity quickly. I moan in his mouth as he reaches down and begins massaging my clit. The fire that had started explodes, curling my toes as it moves up my body.

  “Memphis.” I breathe, half moan-half scream.

  My legs shake as I clench his hardened cock. I close my eyes feeling the force of my orgasm. I hear my name through the ringing in my ears and feel him collapse beside me, his arm over my waist, his body shuddering from his own release. As we grow older, this never gets old. Still the same love for each other, the same need and want for each other. I’ll never grow tired of this, of him. Sometimes I still can’t believe he’s mine. We lay here, trying to catch our breaths, still riding out our bliss. Finally, he turns onto his side, his hand splayed across my stomach. “You okay?” I nod, not able to speak yet.

  I feel the mattress dip and hear the soft sounds of his feet against the carpet. My breathing begins to calm and I start to relax when something wet and warm touches my sensitive area. I gasp and open my eyes. Memphis is leaning down, the look of concentration on his face as he takes care of me. Sweet man. When he finishes, I watch him walk back to the bathroom, his bare tight bottom moving with his swagger, and I scoot up onto the bed, sliding my legs under the covers. He returns and climbs in next to me. I don’t hesitate to roll over and snuggle into him. The all too familiar comfort as he puts his arm around me makes me feel loved and secure. I don’t know how I got so lucky. How my father answering an ad online and sending me to a place as a punishment became the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

  It’s not long before I hear Memphis’ light breathing but for some reason, I’m not tired. All I can think about is how much I love him, how our kids are just down the hall sleeping and dreaming of their own happy times. How there’s another part of our family growing inside me and I wonder if it’s a girl or boy or if fate would see fit to give me another set of twins. I smile against his chest, my hand finding my stomach. I close my eyes dreaming of Memphis, my kids, and babies.

  Chapter Three


  A man could have everythin’ he ever wanted in life. Some don’t while others do. Sometimes fate lends a hand, other times you have to work hard for it. Most of the time, it’s a little of both. After Pa died, the loneliness and worry overwhelmed me and I couldn’t imagine I’d ever be able to take care of the ranch and find happiness again. Until Sadie found me. She changed me. Yes, she was young, stubborn, opinionated, sometimes a little whiny, and wild. But she showed me how to live again. She gave me something to live for, to strive to be a better man. She gave me the energy and gumption to be a man and take care of and fight for what I loved. For that, I’ll forever be thankful to her. She gave me two of the most beautiful children. Then she about knocked me off my feet when she told me we’re gonna have another baby. Don’t know what I’ve done to deserve all this happiness but there isn’t a day that goes by that I’m not thankful and I don’t say a prayer of thanks for my perfect life.

  I’d fallen asleep fairly quickly once I’d made love to my wife. My wife. God, I love callin’ her that. Who knew seven years ago, the right woman would walk into my life, that I’d fall in love with her, marry her and have twins? Not me, that’s for sure. I lay here in bed with her in my arms. Moonlight is peekin’ through the slats on the blinds, the sun not even thinkin’ to rise yet. I’d woken up an hour ago, sweat beadin’ on my forehead, my body shakin’ with the nightmare I’d had. I’d dreamt that I couldn’t escape the beam that had me pinned down in the burnin’ barn. I shiver when I remember dreamin’ that lunatic takin’ my Sadie, havin’ his way with her and then killin’ her. The sounds of her screamin’ my name and me pinned where I couldn’t help her made me wake up with a start. I immediately tightened my hold around Sadie, kissed the top of her head in thankfulness then carefully climbed out of bed. I’d crept out of our room and down the hall, checkin’ on both Jared and Evie, makin’ sure they were safe. After relievin’ myself in the bathroom and splashin’ some cool water on my face, I crawled back in bed and gathered her in my arms again.

  I hadn’t had nightmares of that night in so many years that it left me breathless and scared. Me. Memphis Johnson. The tough man that my Sadie thinks is so fearless. Yup, it scared me, makin’ me wonder if somethin’ bad is gonna happen to her or one of the kids. Makes for the rest of the night to be sleepless but the need to stay awake to make sure nothin’ happened to them was too great.

  Tired but happy that everyone is tucked safely in their beds, sleepin’ and hopefully havin’ good dreams, I climb out of bed as the sun starts peekin’ over the horizon. I quickly take a shower, brush my teeth, and go downstairs to start makin’ breakfast.

  The twins aren’t ones to sleep in very late, used to livin’ on a farm. Animals need tendin’ pretty early in the mornin’. There always seems to be an endless amount of things to do. Fences to be mended, yard mowed, flower and vegetable gardens to be weeded, watered or harvested, hay to be put in troughs as well as water for the animals.

  Sometimes I feel as if I can’t keep up but Sadie and the twins help out. Of course, Sadie is normally busy cleanin’ the house or goin’ to the grocery store or her coffee shop so she doesn’t have time for the outside chores. Jared keeps up with the gardens as well as other things though and Evie helps out in the barn. Seems like role reversals to me too but as long as they’re happy, I don’t really give a shit what they do.

  “You’re up earlier than usual,” Sadie says as she slides her arms around me, her hands splayed across my chest. I turn my head and kiss those lips that are beggin’ me to.

  “I’d say the same ‘bout you.” She lets out a yawn, the bags under her eyes makin’ her look tired. “Didn’t you sleep well?”

  My body is left cold as she walks behind me to the fridge to pull out the jug of milk. “I did, for the most part.” She sets it down on the breakfast bar and walks back to the cabinet next to the fridge, takin’ out glasses. “I had this strange dream and woke up in the middle of the night.” She sets them down next to the milk, picks up the jug and starts pourin’ into the glasses. “I had a hard time sleeping after that. Gave me the creeps.” Strange. I wonder if it was the same dream I had. Nah! She shrugs. “Maybe it was what I ate last night or could be just my hormones running wild.” She plays it off like it’s no big deal but anythin’ that spooks my love is a big deal. To me.

  I turn around, spatula in hand, and cock my head. “What was the dream?” I whisper almost as if I’m not sure I want to know.

  She shrugs again, picking up two glasses of milk and takin’ them over to the kitchen table. “It was silly.”

  Settin’ the spatula down on the counter, I walk right over to her and envelope her in a hug, lookin’ into her eyes. “Nothin’ that wakes you up in the middle of the night, ‘specially somethin’ that scares you, is silly.” She searches my eyes, knowin’ I mean to find out. Still so stubborn. She lets out a sigh of defeat, holdin’ onto my arms. She closes her eyes, briefly, then reopens them and looks down, unable to look at me. I release one arm around her and lift he
r chin with my fingers until her eyes meet mine. “You know I’m always here for you, baby. Please, tell me.” Her eyes well up with tears as her chin quivers, slightly.

  “I dreamt…” She has to clear her throat from the emotions that are chokin’ her, and then she lifts her chin as her eyes become determined. “You didn’t make it out of the barn that night.” Shit! “Jag did things…” She swallows hard, not able to finish. “Then he killed me.” I grab hold of her, pullin’ her into me so tightly that I can’t breathe. I kiss the top of her head, the side, and her cheek.

  “Darlin’. If you think that was due to what you ate last night or your hormones, we’re in trouble ‘cos I had the same dream.” She lets out a gasp and looks up into my eyes. I rub away a tear that falls from her eyes and down her cheek.

  “Why do you think we had that dream? So long after all that happened, why now?” she whispers, fear in her voice. She shivers and I hold her tighter.

  I give her a smile, tryin’ to help her relax. “I dunno. Maybe it was the steaks last night or the fear of what happened with Evie yesterday.” I kiss her hard, rubbin’ her back with my hand, tryin’ to soothe her but maybe it’s me that needs it as much. I release her mouth and rub my scruff against the side of her face, lovin’ the softness. “He’s dead. He won’t be comin’ here ever again. We don’t have anythin’ to worry about and have so much to be thankful for.” She nods, movin’ our heads. “I love you so much, Sadie.” I lean back but a breath away and close the small gap, kissin’ her.

  She smiles against my lips but when she moves back, the look on her face is of confusion. “Isn’t it strange that we had the same dream?” Her eyes widen. “What if it means something bad is going to happen,” she whispers, afraid to say it out loud. “I mean, what if…”

  “Mama! I’m hungry!”

  The sounds of Jared and Evie runnin’ into the room stops her from finishin’. But I know what she was gonna say. Same thing I’ve been thinkin’ since I woke up from that nightmare.

  What if?

  The day was full of chatter at the breakfast table, doin’ chores, and lunch was eaten out on the deck. It’s so nice to be able to enjoy each other. I decided we’d go see a movie in town early evenin’. There’s a good kids movie playin’ at the theater. Walkin’ hand in hand with Sadie in the cool night’s air, I’d try to ignore the young men starin’ at her when they’d walk by. Sadie squeezed my hand when she’d notice me glarin’ at one of them. “I only have eyes for you,” she’d whisper to me. I can’t help the way I feel. She’s still young and even after havin’ two kids, she still has a knock out figure. Hell, she’s still the most beautiful gal I ever laid eyes on. As an added treat, we stop by the coffee shop afterwards for pastries. Coffee for me and Sadie will get somethin’ that she can drink, now that she’s pregnant. Seems strange at times, havin’ a family, but yet it’s somethin’ I’d longed for such a long time.

  “Sadie! Memphis!”

  Tina’s boomin’ voice hits us as soon as we walk in the shop door. The kids rush to the counter and Sadie smiles, takin’ my hand in hers and leanin’ into me. “Don’t say anything about the – you know, yet.”

  I smile, gettin’ close to her ear. “The – you know?” I tease. She smacks my arm and laughs. “Why not?” I whisper back.

  Her hand stays on my arm, her warmth flowin’ right down to the part of me that would love to be inside her right about now. “The…” She looks around so I follow her eyes. The kids are jumpin’ up and down in front of the counter, talkin’ to Tina and tellin’ her what they want. Bein’ that it’s nine o’clock at night, there’s only one couple in the place. I look back at Sadie and smile. She’s bein’ so secretive and it’s adorable. “I just think it’s too early to tell anyone yet, especially the kids.”

  “You mean, ‘specially Tina?” I whisper back, lettin’ out a chuckle. That earns me another smack on my arm but I can tell Sadie’s tryin’ to hold in her own laugh. It’s definitely not a secret that Tina can’t keep a secret. I know she tries but somethin’ inside just won’t let her. She’s a great gal, though. Been best friends with Sadie all her life. She’s always been there for her and for that, she’s good in my book.

  “Will you stop?” She laughs.

  “Hey, you guys! Get over here!” Tina’s voice breaks up our whisper session quickly. I take Sadie’s hand and lead her over to the counter. Tina sets two plates of pastries with ice cream scooped on top on the counter and Jared and Evie both grab one and run off to a table to sit down. That actually looks mighty good. Might have to get me one of those.

  “Out for a family fun night?” Tina asks. Sadie nods, still smilin’. “Well, what will you all have?”

  Sadie looks at me and nods for me to go ahead. I look at Tina and then over at the kids. “I’ll have what they’re havin’.” I look back at Tina and grin. “Looks mighty tasty.” Tina smiles and I watch her walk over to the display case, takin’ out a plate from the cabinet underneath then pickin’ up a pastry with some tongs, settin’ it on the plate. Next she picks up the scooper and doles out a scoop of ice cream and puts it on top. “Uh. Can I have two of those?” Tina looks up at me and winks, then scoops out more ice cream ploppin’ it on top of the pastry. There’s more ice cream than pastry. She brings it over and hands it to me. “Thank ya.” I start to take it over to the table.

  “What about you?” I hear her ask Sadie.

  “I’ll – uh.” I stop and look at her, watchin’ her tryin’ to make up her mind. “I’ll have a piece of that apple pie and…” She looks hesitant. “A bottled water.” She instantly sucks her bottom lip into her mouth as Tina stops mid-way to the display counter and turns to look at Sadie. Tina slowly starts to walk back over to the counter, Sadie’s pie forgotten.

  “You – want a bottled water?” Sadie nods slowly. “Not your normal, special mocha coffee?” Sadie bites down on her lip harder and if she doesn’t stop that, I might just have to take her into the back room. She knows what that does to me and my cock. Tina reaches the counter, places both hands on it and leans towards Sadie. “Oh. My. God! You’re pregnant!”

  Sadie whips her head over at the kids and leans towards Tina, still lookin’ at them and I have to stifle a laugh. “Shhhh!” She turns and looks at Tina and smiles, givin’ her a nod. I smile and head over to the kids. Looks like the cat’ll be outta the bag soon. Can’t say I’m sorry. I want to tell the whole damn world.

  Well, it’s safe to say, we didn’t get out of the shop any time soon. As soon as Tina shrieked, Sadie grabbed her and hauled her into the back room. I sat down with the kids and enjoyed their company and my pastry with double ice cream. I knew Sadie and Tina would be back there for quite a while.

  Later that evening, the kids asleep in their beds, Sadie laid in my arms in our bed, tellin’ me about her and Tina’s conversation. I love hearin’ Sadie talk, seein’ her smile. I tighten my hold around her and she looks up at me and smiles.

  “What?” she asks, those big green eyes full of excitement.

  I look down at the love of my life and smile. “You make me so happy,” I whisper. Her eyes shine bright as her smile broadens. I lean down and kiss her forehead then lay my head against hers. She snuggles into my chest. I don’t think my heart can get any fuller.

  Chapter Four


  What a wonderful night filled with family and love. I grew up basically without my mother and my father ignored me for his business. I had no clue what it felt like to be part of a family. Love. Happiness. Caring. All those things wrapped up neatly with Memphis and our kids. Even our friends have become part of our family. Of course, except for our intermittent gatherings at one of our houses, we see Tina and our newest staff members, Betsy and Aileen, more than any of them since they work at the coffee shop. Life is busy for everyone. Colby and Shiloh with their family. Trevor and Prie with their r
anch and Prie’s house for battered women and children. She helped out at my coffee shop for a while but it got to be too much. That’s when I placed an ad for help. I went through a few people, not realizing how hard it would be to find the right fit. Within just a few months, Betsy had walked into my shop, after just having moved to our town. It was fate. Aileen is from the next town over, Pilates, and is such a big help.

  I loved how so many women glanced at Memphis, my hand in his, while we walked on the sidewalk from the movie theater to my shop. I wasn’t jealous. Okay, maybe a little. I knew he was mine so I would just raise my head up high. I still can’t believe someone like him, rugged, manly, and gorgeous, fell in love with me. Me. The once rambunctious and rebellious girl who was sent here for punishment – a lesson. Best thing that ever happened to me.

  Then I made the biggest mistake after we walked into the shop. I hadn’t thought about what I would order to drink, since I was trying to keep any suspicion down about our secret. Damn hormones. They seriously make me unable to think straight anymore. As soon as I had ordered a bottled water and Tina froze, I knew she had figured it out. I’m just thankful there was only a couple in the shop at that time and they were too lost in each other to hear, and the kids were too busy eating when Tina scream the news. I jogged around the counter, grabbed her arm, and pulled her into the back room.

  “Oh, my God! Seriously, Tina! You have no filter!” I yelled whispered as I dragged her into the back room and quickly shut the door. Secretly, I’m glad she knows. Of course, I had to tell Memphis first but I need my bestie to be excited for me. Suddenly, my smile falters as I lean back against the door, my stomach knots, and my heart starts pounding.


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