Naughty Angel: Brian's Bride (The McKenzie Series #2)

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Naughty Angel: Brian's Bride (The McKenzie Series #2) Page 11

by Lynn Coppersmith

  The sound of hammering outside woke her up, and Sarah blinked several times. The dream was still fresh in her mind, and she replayed every detail eagerly. She laid the curtains aside and ran to Brian’s bedroom to retrieve the book of sonnets.

  She looked at the photo and scanned the inscription once more, laughing with delight. He was her father, not a fiancé or friend. He had signed the book Y.L.F. — your loving father Thomas Martin!

  Sarah was so excited, she hugged herself with joy. She knew her last name. She knew she had a father and a mother, though she didn’t know where they were. She was starting to remember. She still had to fill in the details of her life, a daunting prospect to be sure, but she knew with certainty that she was Sarah Martin!

  Her eyes opened even wider with delight. Brian had said that as soon as they learned her name, he would marry her. She was tempted to go and tell Brian right away, but she decided against it. She didn’t want to share her news with Liam present. She wanted to share it when she was alone with Brian so she could fully express her happiness.

  She fell back onto the bed, pummeling the mattress with her hands and feet in her exuberance. She could hardly wait for the coming night, when she could tell Brian. She was Sarah Martin — soon to be Mrs. Brian McKenzie!


  Brian and Liam worked diligently on Aidan and Naomi’s new cabin for the rest of the day. They stopped only to eat a quick lunch, and then resumed their labor. They were both anxious to finish the project. Aidan and Naomi weren’t due to come home for a few days, but there was no way to be sure the fair weather would last. A heavy snowfall could set them back. Their goal was to finish early, just in case. By late evening, the cabin was almost completed.

  They stopped for the day and rushed to finish their other chores before supper. Brian entered the cabin, impatient to see his angel. She was sitting in a chair near the fire, sewing on a pair of curtains for the cabin. As he closed the door behind him, she looked up with another of her glorious smiles. She could hardly contain her secret a moment longer, but she settled for showing him the curtains she had made instead.

  “What do you think?” she asked.

  She held up the panel she was working on. It was nearly finished. She had only one remaining side to hem. She had already made several panels, as well as small tie cloths made of matching fabric. Brian admired her handiwork, grinning at her as he inspected the flawless workmanship.

  “They’re lovely, Sarah. I think you’re right. You’re a very talented seamstress.”

  She gave a laugh of accomplishment, pleased with his praise.“I’ll try to finish by tonight. That way, you can hang them in the cabin tomorrow, to add the finishing touch.”

  Brian stood watching her fold the curtains away and place them neatly in the basket he had bought her. She looked so sweet and domestic.

  A barrage of images of her flashed through his mind … her cooking, her rocking his dark haired baby, nursing it at her lush breast, her welcoming him into her bed after a long day’s work. He could picture her doing all those things for the rest of their lives, but he couldn’t picture her murdering a man in cold blood. If she had stabbed Mr. Henderson, Brian was sure she must have had a damn good reason.

  Unaware of his turbulent thoughts, Sarah rose and began setting the table for supper. She had made fried chicken, gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, and her famous hot rolls. The three of them enjoyed a pleasant meal, laughing and talking, excited to see Aidan’s and Naomi’s reactions to their new home.

  After supper, Liam and Brian relaxed in the living room, while Sarah quickly washed the dishes. She hurried, sending Brian fleeting smiles as she thought about how he would react to her news.

  Brian followed her movements with a brooding gaze. He was still thinking about what he had found out that morning, and he racked his brain, trying to think of some action he could take. He hated the fact that there was nothing he could do to help Sarah remember her past.

  Liam noticed both Sarah’s excitement and Brian’s preoccupation. When Sarah was drying the last dishes and putting them away, Liam decided to tactfully excuse himself. He rose from his chair and stretched.

  “Well, I’m going to bed early. I’m exhausted, and I didn’t sleep well last night.” He gave Brian a pointed look, being careful not to let Sarah see. Turning to her, he smiled.“Good night, Sarah. Thank you again for the delicious meal. If you keep cooking like that, I’m going to get too fat to fit through the door.”

  She laughed at his compliment. She was already growing accustomed to Liam’s teasing banter, and she had decided she liked him very much.“I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Liam disappeared down the hallway, leaving her and Brian alone. Finally.

  Brian settled his intense stare on Sarah once again, and she shivered with excitement. It hadn’t escaped her notice that he had been watching her all evening, and her nerves were strung tight from wondering when he would make a move. Once Liam was gone, she didn’t have to wait very long to find out.

  Brian rose and prowled toward her, reminding her of a mountain lion stalking its prey. He came up behind her as she wiped her hands and hung the dish towel on a hook to dry. He braced his hands on either side of her, pinning her between his body and the cupboard.

  Brian was more than a foot taller than her, and his hard muscled frame dwarfed her much smaller one. He was a dangerous, intimidating presence behind her.

  Sarah felt small and vulnerable, entirely at his mercy. She loved that feeling. She shivered, relishing the suspense of how he would subdue her, how he would bend her to his will. She could hardly wait to be overpowered, ravished, mastered. She could hardly wait to satisfy his insatiable hunger once again. Sarah held her breath as he skimmed his lips down the nape of her neck, branding her with their heat.

  His voice was deep and dark, tempting and wicked.“Come with me, my naughty angel. I told you earlier that you would have to pay for getting me all hot and bothered this morning. I’ve been aching for you all day. It’s time for you to pay the piper.”

  Sarah expected him to lead her down the hall to his bedroom, but instead, he led her to the front door.“Where are you taking me?” she asked breathlessly.

  Brian draped a warm coat around her shoulders before donning another one himself.“Wait and see,” he said mysteriously.

  He took her hand and led her out into the night. The air was freezing, and there were several inches of crusty snow on the ground that had partially melted and refrozen. Sarah lifted her hem to keep it from getting wet, and her pace was slow as she picked her way carefully to avoid slipping.

  Growing impatient, Brian scooped her into his arms and tromped through the snow to the newly built cabin. She was content to loop her arms around his neck.

  He shouldered the door open and nudged it closed behind them. The interior of the cabin was no warmer than it had been outside, and their breath made foggy clouds in the cold December air. It was dark and Brian set her down, fumbling until he found the lantern he had left. He lit it and turned the wick high, shedding a warm circle of light around them.

  The living area and kitchen of the cabin were finished. The two brothers only had to finish installing the windows in the bedrooms and bathing chamber and do a few more minor things, and it would be ready for the newlyweds to move in. Brian had closed the bedroom doors, making the living room secure against the cold.

  He grasped her hand and led her to the large fireplace in the living room. Sarah watched as he started a fire, adding several huge logs until he had a cheery blaze burning.

  It was obvious that he had planned in advance to bring her here. He had stacked wood and kindling on the hearth, and she spied a stack of blankets on the floor nearby. She smiled, pleased that he had been anticipating being with her as much as she had wanted to be with him.

  The fire quickly began to warm up the surrounding area, banishing the chill. Brian spread the blankets out before the fireplace, making a soft p
allet. He shrugged out of his coat and dropped it, snagging her gaze. Tugging his boots off, he laid them aside and sat down in the middle of the pallet. He looked at Sarah, and his eyes simmered with passion.

  “Come here,” he said quietly.

  She removed her shoes and sank to her knees on the pallet between his thighs. He pulled her close and kissed her, cupping her nape to hold her still as he explored her luscious mouth.

  He trailed kisses along her jaw and chin, sighing with pleasure at the silkiness of her skin. He returned to her lips and feasted, deepening the kiss with bold strokes of his tongue. She was breathless by the time he released her mouth, but she wanted to share her news before they went further.

  “Brian, listen,” she gasped, wedging her arms between their chests as she smiled up at him.“I remembered more about my past today. The man in the photo is my father. I saw both him and my mother in a dream. That’s when I knew, the book of sonnets was a gift from my father. You remember, he signed it Y.L.F. — your loving father, Thomas Martin. My name is Sarah Martin, I’m sure of it.”

  Instead of reacting like she had expected, Brian frowned, looking away. For the first time, she remembered his behavior when he had returned from town. There was something he wasn’t telling her.

  “What is it, Brian? Aren’t you happy?”

  “Of course I’m happy that you’re beginning to remember more, Sarah.” He clasped her hands in his and looked down at them as he rubbed his thumbs along her knuckles.“I’m just impatient for your memory to return altogether. I’m anxious to move on with our lives.”

  “But don’t you see? This means that we can move on with our lives. Now that we know my name, we can be married!” Seeing his deepening frown, she blinked. When she continued, her voice was small and uncertain.“You said you wanted to marry me, Brian. Have you changed your mind?”

  Brian found it hard not to howl with frustration. He wanted to throw her over his shoulder, haul her into town, find a preacher, and marry her as soon as humanly possible. His barbarian side was chomping at the bit to claim her, to shout to the world that she was his.

  But none of that would be possible until they were able to prove that Sarah wasn’t a murderer. If anyone knew she was living there, the sheriff would arrest her. If she couldn’t remember what had happened, there was no way she could defend herself against the charge of murder, and she would be hanged. Brian would have to keep her presence a secret until he could clear her name.

  “I haven’t changed my mind, angel. I intend to marry you, and the sooner, the better. But it’s not enough to remember your name. You’re going to have to remember your past as well.”

  Sarah frowned as she studied his face.“Is there something you’re not telling me, Brian? You seem worried.”

  “I told you, I’m just impatient.”

  “Are you sure? I could swear you’re keeping something from me.” She eyed him suspiciously, trying to read the thoughts in his clear, green eyes.

  Seeing that she wasn’t going to let the subject drop, Brian snatched her against him and kissed her. He didn’t want her to know what he had discovered in town, at least not yet. He didn’t want her to be frightened or uncertain. He was hoping that her memory would return soon, and then they would be able to clear up the mystery of how her boss had been murdered.

  If there was one sure way to distract Sarah, it was by stirring her passion. Getting her body busy with pleasing him was the best way to keep her mind off of other questions. That tactic suited him just fine, because he had been dying to have her all day long.

  He kissed her until she was witless and panting, growling with satisfaction when she eagerly pulled his hand to her breast. He squeezed her nipple, twisting it mercilessly as she moaned with delight.

  She was perfect for him. Her desire to submit to him, to devote herself entirely to his pleasure matched perfectly with his desire to possess her, to master her, to make her burn for his touch.

  His passions were often dark and forbidden. He hoped Sarah understood that, and was willing to go where most women … most prim and proper women … would hesitate to venture. Brian wanted to take the next step … to test the limits of her willingness to please him.

  Since she was destined to become his wife, he hoped she would also enjoy more than just run of the mill lovemaking. He hoped she would share his more adventurous sexual tastes.

  His instincts were telling him that her desires were a match for his own, but it was time to start testing whether he was right. It was time to start teaching her exactly what it meant to be his in every way.

  For the longest time, he had thought he would never marry. He had assumed he wouldn’t be able to find the right woman. He needed a woman with a strong and independent spirit, but also one who would ultimately choose to submit to him in all things.

  Sarah had shown an eagerness to please him at every turn. Now, he wanted to test her boundaries. He intended to destroy all her inhibitions. He wouldn’t rest until he had her absolute obedience. Then, he would lavish her with pleasure.

  He wanted to tempt her to do things that were normally considered taboo. He didn’t want a prim and proper wife. He wanted a wife who was willing to be naughty, uninhibited and wild … but only for him. He intended to make Sarah choose … please him by submitting to his every demand, or take the safe route, that of a typical wife. He hoped she would choose the first option.

  He released her mouth and snared her gaze. His eyes were burning.“Take your dress off for me.” When she eagerly reached to comply, he held up a staying hand.“No! Take it off … slowly. Just for me. I want you to tease me and please me.”

  Sarah shivered from both the cold and her building anticipation. She pushed the coat off her shoulders and began unbuttoning her bodice, taking her time and letting the moments stretch out.

  Brian watched avidly, his eyes smoldering as each button slipped free to expose a bit more of her undergarments and the curves they contained. Finally, she pulled the dress off her shoulders and down over her hips, laying it carefully aside.

  She sat back on her heels as Brian admired the sight of her in her undergarments. Her body was every man’s dream, but she belonged to him … only to him.

  “Stand up and take your pantalets off,” he ordered, still not touching her.

  Sarah complied, letting them drop around her ankles. She stepped out of them and looked at him, patiently waiting for his next instruction.

  “Now your stockings … roll them down nice and slowly.”

  Sarah bent at the waist, aware that Brian could see into the bodice of her chemise as she rolled each stocking off and discarded them. She shivered again, wearing only her filmy chemise that reached her mid thighs.

  Brian lifted the hem of her chemise. He snared her gaze and held it as he boldly trailed one long finger through her curly hair before reaching further to tease her throbbing clit. He withdrew his finger and held it up to his nose, savoring her clean, womanly fragrance.

  “You smell delicious,” he sighed. He leaned back, dropping her hem back in place. He eyed her breasts, raising one arrogant brow.“Now, take that chemise off, angel. I want to see your tits.”

  Sarah’s fingers shook with excitement as she untied the satin ribbon and slipped the buttons free. Her nipples were tightly furled and aching for his mouth. She slowly peeled the garment away from her breasts, loving the heat in Brian’s eyes as he watched the unveiling of her proud peaks.

  Her nipples were rock hard, standing impudently upright as they begged for his attention atop her perfect breasts. He noted with possessive satisfaction that her nipples were still red and raw from the things he had done the previous night, and he grinned as he assessed every perfect curve of the plump orbs. She stood naked and totally still for his inspection, thrilled by the possessive fire in his eyes.

  Brian tugged on her hand, and she sank to her knees beside him. Once again, he kissed her, toying with her nipples as she sighed into his mouth.

bsp; He nudged her thighs apart, smiling against her mouth as he explored her slick folds. She was so wonderfully wet, and all for him, only for him. He drew back from the kiss and held her gaze as he fondled her leisurely.

  “How deliciously wet your sweet pussy is, Sarah.” He chuckled when she blushed.“Shy and sexy … the perfect combination.” She was so wet, and he relished the slickness of her folds as he stroked her.“Naughty angel! I love that you’re so wet for me.”

  Sarah was panting with pleasure. His fingers felt heavenly, and she could feel that she was close to reaching release when he abruptly withdrew his hand. She whimpered, and he chuckled again.

  “Not yet, my naughty angel. This is about you pleasing me first. Please me well, and then you shall have your reward.”

  Brian guided her hand to his erection. He stroked her fingers up and down his hard length. Even through his breeches, the heat of his cock singed her hand, and Sarah gasped.

  “Unbutton my breeches and take out my cock,” he ordered softly.

  Sarah eagerly complied. Her eyes widened. She hadn’t gotten used to seeing his naked erection yet. She marveled at the sight of him now. He encouraged her to explore him, guiding her hand as he showed her how to touch him, how to bring him pleasure. She was a talented student, and she soon had him groaning with delight.

  “I’ve been like this all day, thanks to you,” Brian said, giving her a reproachful look.“Do you know how painful it is for a man to be so aroused and not be able to find relief?”

  “No,” she whispered.“I’m sorry.” She was secretly pleased to know that he wanted her so much.“If it makes you feel any better, I was aroused all day thinking of you too.” Her cheeks flushed with color when he grinned and raised a mocking brow, but she continued.“My nipples and …” her blush deepened, “and my pussy were sore, and every time they rubbed against my clothes, I remembered the things we did together. All day, I’ve been dying for you to make love to me again.”

  “You want me to make love to you?” he asked with a raised brow.


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