Drakan (Scifi Alien Romance) (Galactic Mates)

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Drakan (Scifi Alien Romance) (Galactic Mates) Page 8

by Luna Hunter

  “Got it. Over and out.”

  I stride down the empty halls of the palace and push the door to the council room open.

  To my surprise, the room is filled to the brim. The generals and councilors are all in their seats, in the same position I left them yesterday. Their tired eyes turn to me when the door opens with a creak.

  “Drakan,” Vinz says. “Do you have news?”

  “What is this?” I ask. “Have you deliberated throughout the entire night?!”

  “We have,” my king answers.

  “And what have you decided?”

  “A final decision is yet to be made,” he says solemnly.

  “You must be joking.”

  “I would never joke about something so serious, General.”

  Instantly I feel terrible for wasting an entire night in the throes of passion while I should have been trying to convince my king of the right decision. I figured that he’d arrive at the right conclusion on his own, but it seems the weight of the decision debilitates him.

  My temples throb with anger, and my fists ball up. The thought of Hannah dying in the coming battle because the generals have a sentimental attachment to his big rock fills me with unbridled fury.

  “You are condemning us all to death by your inaction,” I say, addressing the entire council. “The time for deliberation is over. The time for action has come.”

  “You’d sacrifice our planet?” one of the generals says.

  “I’d save our species,” I counter.

  “You have let mating fever get the best of you,” someone else snarls.

  “Who said that?” I growl. “Step forward.”

  The room falls silent. That’s what I thought.

  Despite my anger, the insulting comment may carry a hint of truth. I definitely feel changed in a way.

  I’ve always lived my life in the service of the Zoran people. I took pride in that. Now, however, I realize that saving Hannah’s life has unconsciously become my number one priority. Do I believe a planet-wide evacuation is the right option because it truly is — or because it’s more likely to keep Hannah safe?

  I leave the room in anger, throwing the door shut behind me. I need to find Hannah. She needs to convince the council. If they won’t listen to reason… I might have to defy their orders and start an evacuation anyway.

  My com beeps once more. Janko again.

  “Yes?” I growl.

  “We received an incoming message,” my second-in-command reports, “addressed to Hannah.”

  “From who?”

  “Some human named George Pullman. A vulgar man. He had something urgent to say about Brock Kingsley.”

  Hannah’s little brother.



  “I can’t believe you!”

  “What?” I ask. “Why?”

  “Don’t play coy with me,” Evelyn huffs. “I know exactly what you did.”

  “No you didn’t.”

  “Oh please. It’s written all over your face.”

  “Honestly, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I lie as I stir my tea. This Key’s and Bey’s stuff is the real deal!

  “Stop lying to me. There’s a spring in your step. You’ve been smiling like an idiot all morning. I know it when I see it. You did it.”

  “Did what?”

  “Drakan! You did Drakan!”

  “Why, I’d never,” I fake protest.

  “You’re such a lousy liar,” Evelyn says as she crosses her arms over her chest. “How could you?”

  “I don’t see what the problem is,” I say before sipping my tea.

  After an eventful morning, I managed to finally climb off Drakan after he made me orgasm more times than I could count. He is insatiable. The only thing that stopped me from staying in bed all day was the fact that I need food to survive.

  And I found Evelyn waiting for me, glaring incessantly, at the breakfast table in the main hall. The giant wooden table is actually more fit for a feast than a cup of tea and some pancakes, but it’ll do.

  “You’re kidding me, right?” Evelyn huffs. “He kidnapped us! He stole our ship, took us here, and you reward him for it?!”

  “He’s trying to save his world,” I say. “Can you blame him?”

  “I can and I do,” she says. “We don’t have anything to do with this world.”

  “You were one who wanted to visit Exon Prime so bad. We’re in the freaking palace! Is this not what you wanted?”

  “Not like this,” she answers. “You realize that this world could be destroyed at any moment, right? That we’re in mortal danger?”

  “Not necessarily,” I say. “My visions could be wrong. It could’ve just been a weird nightmare.”

  I don’t even believe it myself. I know that we’re in danger — and that’s why surrendering myself to Drakan and to my own desires is so alluring. That way, I can temporarily forget about the fact that I may never see Brock again. For a very brief moment, I can just enjoy myself, without the weight of the universe on my shoulders.

  “Ah, you must be Hannah and Evelyn.”

  A strangely familiar voice reaches my ears. It’s… human! I whirl around to see two beautiful Earth women standing in the doorway.

  Brightly colored robes adorn their heavily-pregnant frames. My mouth falls opens when I realize who I’m staring at.

  Jillian freaking Archer and Kelly Graham!

  They cured the black cough! Brokered an alliance with the Zoran! They were the first humans to ever mate with the alien warriors. They are nothing less than intergalactic royalty.

  I try to greet them, but all that comes out of mouth is stuttering and stammering. My cheeks blush and stomach is in knots — I’m more nervous than when I had to face the room full of generals!

  “I am Jillian,” she says, bowing her head. “And this is Kelly.”

  “I know,” I stutter.

  I know? Is that the best I can do?

  “I wanted to thank you personally,” Jillian says. “I heard you came back with an important message for the council. We all really appreciate it.”

  “No problem,” Evelyn says.

  I turn to my best friend and raise my eyebrows. No problem? She was cussing me out only a second ago!

  A small child, the cutest damn thing I’ve ever seen, runs into the room and freezes dead in his tracks when he sees us. He quickly runs back and hides between Jillian’s legs.

  “Don’t be shy now, Aidan. These are our friends.”

  The boy peeks out from under her dress. He’s got the silver skin of a Zoran, but Jillian’s big, hazelnut eyes. It’s a beautiful combination.

  “Is that…?”

  “The little crown prince,” Jillian says. “He’s a bit shy around strangers.”

  A shiver runs down my spine. I could very well be carrying a little tyke like that inside of me right now. A beautiful Zoran baby boy.

  I’m having trouble enough taking care of Brock — an alien child doesn’t exactly fit into my plans. However, if I had Drakan by my side, then we might find a way to make it all work.

  If we both live to see the end of this, that is. That thought makes the pit in my stomach grow a tad heavier.

  “There you are.”

  Speak of the devil. I’d recognize Drakan’s low growl anywhere. He appears behind the two women, with a deep frown on his face.

  “A message from Earth,” he says.

  Earth? That can only mean…

  “About Brock.”

  My hands grow cold, and my face loses all of its color. The frown on Drakan’s face makes me fear the worst.

  “W-what is it?” I stammer.

  “Follow me.”

  I excuse myself and follow my mate into the hallway. I have to run to keep up with him — I have to take two steps for every one of his, and he’s striding down the hall.

  “The council won’t make a decision,” he growls. “Every minute is one too many. You have to convince them.”

  “What does this have to do with my brother?”

  “Nothing,” he says as he opens the door to my bedroom. “But it’s important. You can watch the message on my com,” he says as he hands his wrist-com to me. “I’ll give you a moment alone.”

  My heart is beating like a drum. What’s all this privacy needed for?

  With my hands trembling I press play.

  The holographic of my next-door neighbor back on Earth, George Pullman, fills the room. I can see the deep lines on his face, the wrinkles around his temples perfectly. His lips are thin, his eyes narrowed.

  “Hannah,” he says gravely. “I hope this message reaches you as soon as possible. Brock, he…” George’s voice trails off. He swallows the lump in his throat and pushes his shoulders back. “He ran away.”

  George keeps talking but I zone out for a moment, my heart skipping a beat. Time seems to slow down. My little brother ran away? So he’s out there, somewhere in the mega-city, all by himself? He’s only a child, he’s only ten years old; he can’t survive on his own.

  “Brock got into a fight at school. I don’t know why, but you know how he can get, with his tantrums. He ran off afterwards, and, well, no one has seen him since. I’ve alerted the police, and they’re looking for him as we speak, but I thought you should know.”

  My neighbor glances at the floor.

  “I’m sure he’ll turn up. I’m sorry.”

  The feed cuts out and I’m left completely alone. I’ve never felt this distant, this isolated, this alone before.

  A mixture of emotions wash over me like a tidal wave. I feel angry, sad, worried and furious.

  I should have been there for him. Why am I galavanting around the universe and getting myself into trouble? I should be on Earth, taking care of the human being that needs my help the most.

  The Zorans don’t need me. Hell, I tried to help them, and they’ve yet to do a single thing about it!

  I wish I never opened that damn alien pod. If I never knocked that Tyk’ix out, if I never received those visions, I’d be almost home by now.

  Instead, I’m in a damn palace, playing princess, defiling the royal rooms with a Zoran general.

  I’m so angry with myself I could punch a mirror. I let my attraction get the best of me. Giving into Drakan was a mistake — I see that clearly now.

  Evelyn’s been right all along. This man kidnapped me. It’s because of him I’m not back on Earth. It’s because of him I can’t wrap my arms around my little brother and calm him down.

  And I might never get the chance to do so, either.

  I fall down to my knees and sob incessantly, tears streaking down my face. Every time I close my eyes I see Brock huddled underneath a bridge somewhere, in the cold, all alone, wondering why his big sister abandoned him.

  Don’t worry, baby brother.

  I’m coming.



  Hannah’s cry cuts right through me. I push the door open and find my mate curled up on the floor. Sobbing.

  I knew the message would not please her, but I didn’t expect to find her this distraught.

  “He’ll be fine,” I say.

  “You don’t know that,” she sobs. “You don’t know him! And you don’t know me! You don’t know anything!”

  “I know many things,” I counter. “He’s a young boy. He needs to learn to fend for himself. For Zorans it is a rite of passage. We are dropped in the wilderness, and have to survive using nothing but our own wits, intelligence, and skills.”

  “He’s not like you,” she’s says, glaring up at me.

  I’ve never seen such pure, unbridled anger in Hannah’s eyes before.

  “He’s just a child!” she cries.

  I push my shoulders back. We don’t have time for this discussion.

  “Come,” I say. “We must go.”

  “Go where?”

  “The council.”

  She stares at me wearily, a confused look on her face.

  “We must convince them,” I say, losing my patience. “Come.”

  Hannah explodes as if struck by lightning. She leaps from the floor and pounds her small fists into my broad chest.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you!” she says. “I’m leaving right now!”

  “You’re not,” I growl.

  “Are you going to stop me?”

  “If I have to.”

  “Step aside.”


  “Step. Aside. Now.”


  Hannah tries to jump past me, but my reflexes are much too quick for her. I wrap my arms around her waist and carry her up. She kicks and screams, but I barely feel a thing.

  Evelyn, Jillian and Kelly peek around the corner, the noise making them curious.

  “Nothing to see,” I tell him.

  “Let her go!” Evelyn cries.

  “I have to see the king.”

  Jillian steps forward and stop me in my tracks.

  “Lower that woman to the floor, Drakan.”

  “Jillian—” I growl, but she cuts me off.

  “That’s Queen Archer to you, General.”

  My eyes see red with fury. Is this human female pulling rank on me? She’s the king’s mate, and that technically makes her my queen, but she is not of our kind. Does she not understand the danger she’s in?

  “I will call the guards if I have to.”

  The royal guard answer to Vinz and Jillian alone. I hold no power over them. Sure, I could definitely take them on, but it would be a waste of time, a senseless slaughter in a time when we need to be united most of all.

  “Fine,” I growl, lowering Hannah to the floor.

  I don’t understand. This morning she professed her love to me, told me she wanted to stay by my side, yet now she runs, she fights, she resists?

  While she could very well still be the key to saving my homeworld?

  Hannah falls into Evelyn’s arms, while the four women all glare at me.

  “Leave us be.”

  I feel like a damned fool. Trusting the female was a mistake. You can’t trust anyone but yourself. Opening your heart only makes you weak. Vulnerable.

  I stride off and push all thoughts of the human female away.

  She’s history.



  “What’s wrong?”

  Evelyn, Jillian and Kelly are staring at me expectantly. I don’t even know where to begin. I’ve never felt so undignified, so humiliated as just now, when Drakan carried me like a little, petulant child.

  His strength is awe-inspiring, but not when he uses it against me. How does he not understand, not see how important this is to me? My brother is missing and all he cares about is another council meeting.

  The council had their shot. I did my duty. I’m getting the hell out of here.

  “Hannah, talk to me,” Evelyn says as she runs her fingers through my hair.

  Tears are still streaking down my face. I clear them off with my sleeve. I hate feeling this vulnerable in front of Jillian and Kelly. These women are superstars — they must think I’m a sniveling little girl or something.

  “It’s Brock,” I say, my voice nearly breaking. “He’s missing.”

  Evelyn gasps and quickly explains the situation to the two women.

  “Oh, you poor dear,” Jillian sighs. “Come with me.”

  Evelyn wraps one hand around my shoulder and the trio leads me down a hall. I try to push Evelyn away — I’m sad, not injured, but she’s having none of it.

  Jillian leads me to her private quarters. My mouth falls open when I see how big, how beautiful her room is. I thought my room was opulent, but this is on a completely different level!

  “Sit, please.”

  I sit down on the edge of her big, soft bed. Aidan, her small Zoran/human child walks up to me hands me a cookie. I take it, and I can’t help but smile.

  “You need a good bath,” Kelly says. “That always helps me relieve some pressure.�

  “Thank you, but what I need is to get out of here.”

  “I understand,” she says, “but there’s a blockade. It’s not safe.”

  Fuck the blockade.

  “I’ll run you a bath, and then we’ll go talk to Vinz, alright?” Jillian says. “See what we can do.”

  I nod and thank the two women. They leave the bedroom and close the door behind them, and the moment the door closes I turn to Evelyn.

  “Want to do something dangerous?”

  My mechanic raises her eyebrows. “Like what?”

  “Like busting out of here and breaking through a military blockade at the speed of light.”

  A grin spreads across Lyn’s face.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Dead serious.”

  “How do you plan on doing that?”

  I grab a fistful of sheets.

  “The old-fashioned way. We tie these sheets together to form a rope and we climb out the window.”

  Evelyn runs her fingers across the sheets.

  “These must cost a fortune.”

  I nod. “I feel kind of bad about lying to Jillian and Kelly like this, after the hospitality they’ve shown us, but I don’t think we have any other option. We’re alone now, and we might never be again as long as we’re on this Zoran world. The Lance is parked out front. All we need to do is sneak onboard and we’re golden.”

  “And what if we’re caught?”

  I shrug, and Evelyn bursts out into laughter.

  “I’m down,” she says. “I love this kickass side of you.”

  “Noted,” I say. “Let’s get to work.”

  We remove the sheets and tie them together to form a rope. The material is as smooth and as soft as silk, and I feel a little guilty for what I’m doing, but not enough to stop.

  Brock needs me more than Jillian needs fancy sheets.

  I glance outside. We’re two stories up — it’s a long way down. One slip and it can prove to be nasty, nasty fall. Luckily, there are no guards in the courtyard.

  This is our one shot.

  I throw the makeshift rope outside while Evelyn places a chair in front of the door. It won’t buy us much time, but every bit counts.

  “Are you ready?” she asks.

  I take a deep breath. A moment ago I was filled to the brim with adrenaline, but now that I’m staring down at the ground below, I’m starting to have second thoughts.


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