Bella: The Begining (Sagatori Family Saga #1)

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Bella: The Begining (Sagatori Family Saga #1) Page 15

by Kimberly Soto

  Jax: Open the box.

  I giggled.

  Bella: I’m working on it.

  I quickly wondered how he’d known I hadn’t. But I smiled anyway.

  I walked the box to the sofa and sat it atop the table. There was a gold A embossed into the top.

  I carefully opened it lifting at the top seeing a card. My fingers fumbled with lid as excitement overcame me.

  Bella the Princess

  The prince took a notable chance on his love for the princess. You recently admitted that there was something you would love to see. It would be my privilege to give this to you. Be ready for the experience of your life. It will definitely be the experience of mine.

  P.S. Don’t be late.

  Jax the Prince

  My stomach bubbled with excitement. I smiled as I continued through the beautiful paper that sat folded on top of something else. Once I’d removed the paper I spotted a display of tulle. I slipped my hand inside and removed the item gazing at its beauty. It was a sleeveless gown, the bodice was embroidered with beading, a satin waistband, and a tulle skirt that flowed to the floor. Underneath the gown was a pair of black pumps with a two-inch heel.

  A few hours ago I was aimlessly wandering around the empty penthouse and now I stood to wear the most beautiful gown I’d ever worn. It wasn’t that the gown was prettier or more expensive than anything I would’ve selected for myself, it was that Jax had given it to me as a surprise from his heart.

  I dabbed my lipstick on and popped my lips. The heels fit perfectly and the gown… fit like a glove around my curves. My hair was pinned into a bun and a shawl draped over my arms. After slipping in my driver’s license, a few sticks of gum, a tampon, because you never know, and my lipstick, I dabbed Channel to my neck and wrists. After turning on the opera that Jax had downloaded on my phone, I opened the door to my suite.

  “Bella, Jax is pulling up to the tower.” Dominic hurried me down the stairs of the penthouse.

  “Where’s he taking me?” I asked anxiously.

  “If I told you… he’d kill me.” He offered a sympathetic grin. “But—” he said while he held my hand to keep me from falling. “—I know that you’ll love it.” A wicked smile topped his lips.

  Butterflies swam in a dance inside of my stomach. Since the shooting Jax had been different. Oh, he had his moments of being cold and distant, but he was… different, even the way he looked at me was different. My father was gone. I’d not seen my friends who were the only family I had left. The staff that I’d grown up with had been told not to contact me. I was lonely and it was nice that he was attempting at making nice with me.

  Dominic held my hand; well actually I kind of gripped his every time we descended in an elevator. I’d told him it came with the job. This elevator was smoother than most, but I didn’t like it all the same.

  Dominic pulled me from the elevator bank to the front doors. We usually came and went through the garage, but tonight we didn’t.

  “Mrs. Moretti, lovely as always,” the young attendant said from behind his desk. I offered a kind heartfelt smile.

  I felt like a princess.

  The glass doors were opened for me by Mickie who cast his eyes over the area. He was always on high alert. “Mrs. Moretti.”

  I smiled.

  Jax exited the limousine with Nessun Dorma echoing from inside. God, nothing had touched me like this music had. I could feel it caress my soul unlike anything ever. Jax stood tall with one hand set atop the door. He wore a tux, but unlike most men, Jax didn’t just wear the tux, he dominated it, demanded every thread to be exuberant against his large arms and broad chest.

  His cheeks raised into a smile as he stepped away from the door for me to enter. “Do you approve?” He stood tall looming over me as I approached.

  “You have no idea.” My eyes raised to his.

  “You are so beautiful, Isabella Moretti.” His dark eyes were smoother somehow.

  “You are—” I drew in a deep breath of cologne. “—so very handsome, Jax Moretti.” My heart thudded against my chest with excitement.

  “After you,” he pressed his hand snug to the small of my back as I stepped inside.

  “Bella, beautiful as always.” Carlos angled to peek through the partition.

  “Thank you.”

  “That’s all, Carlos.” Jax raised the window leaving no way for him to see us. I assumed Mickie was riding in front, but I wasn’t sure where Dominic had gone. “Champagne?”

  “Thank you.” The bottle popped open. “Are we celebrating?” What could he have planned and furthermore, why? He’d never gone to any length to surprise me, he barely ate dinner with me each night.

  He titled his head as he raised his hand for a toast. “Here’s to the prince who believed he could overcome any obstacle to win the love of the princess.”

  I remained quiet. He was referring to the song, the most beautiful song. My eyes closed for a brief moment as a deep breath filled my lungs. I didn’t want to cry as the music rang throughout the car. I wanted to smile, to live in the moment. “Where are you taking me?”

  “Can’t say.” he smiled from behind his glass.

  “Not fair, Jax. Keeping secrets isn’t nice.” It was sweet and thoughtful, but I wouldn’t tell him that. I loved surprises, it made life worth living.

  We drove through the gates of the airport. Large planes hung in the distance and a few small ones were parked closer to where we headed. “Jax?” I searched out the window. “Why are we at the airport?” I hated planes so, so much.

  “I’ll be right there with you the entire time, Bella, you’ll be safe.” Jax was taking me somewhere that required a plane. That meant we would be traveling far away from Chicago. Maybe he would surprise me with a trip home… to see Emily and Tony.

  After arriving onto the plane, I strapped myself in tightly… extra tight. I didn’t want to fall out. A woman quickly rushed towards us gripping a glass of brandy.

  “Ma’am,” the attendant said with haste.

  I turned to Jax who sat smug in his seat next to the window. “Figured you could use it.” He shrugged.

  He’d arranged this prior? That was very thoughtful. Had I missed something? This wasn’t the Jax I’d known, or maybe it had been but I was too angry to see. I had been hateful at best, defying his every word. Smart lipped and sassy. Maybe we were finally seeing one another for who we truly were, if so I was enjoying the real Jax.

  “Bella, glaring at the time won’t make it go by any faster,” Jax said as he rested into his reclined seat.

  It had been one hour and ten minutes since we’d taken off and we still hadn’t landed. My leg bounced nervously as turbulence shook the small plane. “God… How much longer?” I was terrified of heights, suspension, falling to my death. Who wasn’t terrified of those things? I wasn’t being whiny, I was just terrified.

  Jax laughed, “Almost there, princess.”

  “Boss, everything’s in place,” Mickie said while chewing on a toothpick. I wanted to gag every time I saw that.

  Thirty-five minutes later we were told to fasten our seat belts for landing. Mine had been sucking the life out of me since we’d left Chicago. I wouldn’t even use the ladies room while I was on this thing.


  “Are you going to tell me where we are?” I begged as Jax took my hand leading me down the stairs.

  “New York.” He reached inside his tux for his ringing phone. “Moretti.” He answered then remained silent as he led me to the waiting limo. “Make the reservations.” He disconnected the call with a hardened expression on his face, and I hoped it wouldn’t ruin the rest of our trip.

  “So… what are we doing in New York?” I attempted at diversion. I sucked at it, but I tried regardless.

  He remained silent, tucked me into the car, and closed the door while he remained outside. I watched as Mickie stood next to him with his hand in front of his mouth. I rolled my eyes. I’d seen that many times. When they didn’t want what
they were discussing to be heard or read… the Feds read lips apparently. Mickie did this most of the time. I think that’s why he chewed on toothpicks, so that it wouldn’t be obvious to the FBI. My eyes turned to Jax seeing him livid. The sun escaped through the horizon, but his face was still very visible and red covered it. Mickie walked towards the front of the car and Dominic was in the vehicle close behind us. Jax’s chest rose harshly, his eyes closed, opened, then he smoothed his hands over his tux jacket, and reached for the door. I quickly slid across the leather seat making it easy for him to enter.

  “Is there a problem?”

  His eyes closed with another breath. “No, Bella, and please don’t ask me questions regarding things that don’t concern you.” His hand ran through his dark mane.

  Well, that was short-lived.

  I admit, his tone took me to a sad—dark place I didn’t enjoy.

  Jax took us to a restaurant in New York or Jersey, I actually had no idea where we were and I refused to ask. It was a small Italian restaurant that a member of the family ran. We ate in silence. I nibbled on the bread and stirred the plump pasta that sat covered with red sauce, but I couldn’t eat. When someone approached him, he hardened never dropping the act for me in that moment. He was stressed, but how could I help, if he didn’t trust me? He took back two large glasses of wine and ate all of his food while I gazed around the intimately authentic setting. I enjoyed the music that rang throughout the space, it soothed me and I was grateful.

  “Was dinner okay? You didn’t touch a thing.” Oh… he noticed, huh? “Bella, I’m sorry. I really wanted this to be a wonderful evening for you.” His hand landed on mine swallowing it. “For us.”

  “Are we going home now?” I didn’t think he’d brought me to New York to simply have dinner, but I was just over it.

  “No, Bella, I have a surprise for you.” A surprise in New York. Huh… I wondered what it could be as I watched out the window. We arrived in front of a large building that glowed powerfully through five windows that was separated by the awnings… it was beautiful. Mickie opened the door and Jax then I exited the car. We approached the front with Mickie and Dominic close behind.

  “Where are we? You have to tell me now.”

  His hand swept mine into his bringing me close. “The Met.” I gasped realizing I’d seen pictures of the Met, but of course, I hadn’t ever been. “Turandot Nessun Dorma is playing tonight.”

  “Jax,” my word was mostly air disappearing into the night. “You brought me to New York to see the opera?” He pulled me into his body.

  I smiled.

  We entered the large building and were seated in the balcony—overlooking the entire theater. Red flowed in the lights along the curves of the auditorium. When the opera began the lights dimmed.

  A man sang in Italian that the kiss would end him, but he would win. When he declared the princess would be his, the king watched from the throne. The prince bowed a knee as the princess began to sing. Their voices were the most powerful I’d ever heard. In person it was… breathtaking, unbelievable. The prince and princess took hands as the crew began singing and dancing around the beautiful stage, circling the couple in harmony wearing their Chinese garb. The man was crowned, and the prince and princess would live happily ever after. As the opera ended the goosebumps rushed my flesh and applause echoed throughout the theater.

  The lights shined and people stood to leave. But I couldn’t move. I was frozen to the seat as I cried quietly to myself.

  “Did you enjoy it?” Jax leaned into my ear as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Then he descended his hand along the bareness of my back, tracing circles with the tips of his fingers.

  “That was the best thing I’ve ever seen,” I cried. My soul had been touched. I’d heard you either love or hate the opera, and while I didn’t know how true that was I irrevocably loved every single thing about this one.

  “You fell in love.”

  His statement caught me off-guard, “What?” I turned mere inches from his lips.

  “You fell in love… with the opera.”

  “Yes,” I breathed as the balcony emptied leaving us all alone. “I fell in love.”

  Our eyes met, locked, and held onto one another’s for three beats before his lips took mine. Hot, wet, demanding lips caressed me, our tongues danced and intertwined. Jax hadn’t kissed me until this moment. His hand crossed my face in slow strides leaving me to feel things I had never ever felt before. My full breasts became obviously strapped under the fabric and a deep subconscious breath took over my lungs.

  When he separated from me, cool unwelcome air crossed my skin. “Let’s go home.” I didn’t think I wanted to go home, I wanted him to touch me. For tonight, I’d give him control.

  “Jax?” He stood smoothing over his jacket with his palms.

  “Bella, we need to get out of here.” His arms pulled me from my seat into his chest. “I need to get you home.” Our lips met again.

  “Okay,” I breathlessly agreed.



  We entered Jax’s room of which I’d never been inside of. As soon as he pulled me close, his arms wrapped around my body bringing my legs to lock around his hips. Our mouths clashed together, his arms tightly gripped me, his right hand dropped, and he cupped my breast then grabbed at the gown.

  “This has to go,” he growled.

  He walked across the room, laying me gently on the bed in front of the fireplace. Lifting his large lean body, he reached to my hair as he undid the pins releasing them from my head. My hair fell gently in waves around my face. He sat silently sweeping his hand over my cheek as he watched me and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

  “Bella, you’ve made me feel more in this last week than I’ve felt in a lifetime.” His tongue swept along my collarbone with smooth, slow, long, intense strokes. He stood and began removing first his jacket, tie, shirt, and when his hand released the button of his pants, my heart pounded. I was scared to death. I was terrified, but without a doubt I wanted him. I’d been wanting him every time my eyes roamed over his body wondering what he hid behind the dark suits. But he didn’t want me, or so I thought. Maybe he only recently realized that he had.

  I turned my back to his front as he slowly releases me from the dress. I slid my hair to the side as I waited. His hands landed on my waist and with them came an electric jab throughout my entire body. His tongue kissed my neck as he cradled me into his arms.

  I was soon freed from the dress and then turned quickly to face him. I pulled him closer. His chest was a smooth solid rock and I slid along the ridges of muscle as I descended toward his pants. My hand continued to trail his flesh feeling the lines and indentations that curved around his perfection. Once I reached his pants, I slipped inside feeling him pulse hard under my touch.

  He watched me from behind the darkness in his eyes as he held my hand pinning it into place preventing me from touching him further. “I can’t make any promises, Bella. I need you to know that before we go any further.”

  In that moment, I considered what I would feel about him or myself after this. But he had cracked something inside of me, and maybe it was because I’d been sad or that I’d been so happy all at the same time. Maybe he’d affected me because I needed to occupy my mind and he was there in a moment of need, of deniable weakness.

  He watched me, his gray eyes twisting with torment over something. I supposed he was only being honorable. “Tell me that you understand, Bella. Because I want you so badly right now.”

  I wanted to understand, but I worried about the fallout later, though.

  I nodded.

  “Say it.” His lips were so closed, “Say it.” He growled.

  “Yes, I understand,” I shot, lifting to his mouth.

  His body fell to mine bringing my arms over my head.

  “Jax,” I breathed into his mouth. Straddling my legs, he rose, then removed my bra. He was beautifully perfect and strong holding me as
though I were a mere feather. He was protective and gentle. I thought my imagination had been right when I wondered what he’d look like under all the clothing I only saw him in before. I had been wrong; he was more amazing than I’d thought.

  “You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into, Bella.” A growl rumbled.

  I don’t want to feel anything but him right. “Show me.”

  He released my hands taking my breasts into his hold. His hot tongue traced circles over my hardened nipples causing a shudder. I moaned wanting more as I closed my eyes.

  He pushed me upward against his chest while he gripped his pants with his free hand and tugged them away with force causing my butt to jerk upward.

  “Do you like it rough, Bella?” His voice was a purr.

  Excitement rushed through me. “Give it your best shot,” I teased, excited to see how far he would go.

  His head moved back and forth as he watched me. Fingers teased as they trailed over my heated flesh. Then biting his lips, he dropped me to the bed while he hovered over me. When he leaned down and grabbed my arm, I hesitated. I don’t know why. Maybe I considered this might mean more to me than to him, and for just that moment, I second guessed my decision.

  He dropped his body onto the bed next to me as he removed my black satin panties, sliding them down my legs. “You shouldn’t give me such leeway with your body, you never know what I might be capable of.” I gasped when his hand traced the tattoo on my right rib cage.

  “But you’re my husband, Jax.” I bowed off of the bed.

  “You don’t know me, though, I’m a stranger to you Bella,” His hand slid to my butt squeezing hard as he tasted my flesh. “Mmm, you taste like heaven,” he dipped his tongue over my tummy. “You’re so sure that I’m what you want right now?”

  “Yes,” I hissed.


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