Accepted Memories (Sycamore P.D. Series Book 2)

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Accepted Memories (Sycamore P.D. Series Book 2) Page 13

by T. E. Killian

  “Okay, most of the time he makes me so mad that I can’t see straight.”

  Kelly clapped her hands and exclaimed, “That’s more like it.” Then she sobered, looked into Alison’s eyes, and said, “You’re in love with him, and you just don’t want to admit it yet.”

  “Oh no!” She shook her head and placed both hands down flat on the table in front of her. “No way! I am not in love with that clown.”

  Kelly grew serious again. “Yes, Alison. You see, I felt the same way when I first met Grant. I didn’t want a man in my life. I didn’t want to fall in love, so I tried to convince myself that I wasn’t. I even convinced myself that our first date wasn’t a date at all. More than that, I tried to convince myself that I didn’t even like him.”

  She paused to sip her tea. “That sure didn’t last very long.”

  Alison didn’t want to say anything at all. No matter what she said, Kelly could turn it around like she had so much already.

  Kelly smiled and placed both of her hands on top of Alison’s on the table. “Alison, I think the big difference between you and me is that I had just met Grant.”

  When Alison just stared back at her, Kelly said, “I didn’t have any preconceived ideas of what Grant was really like. I took my time finding found out, and I liked what that I found.”

  Alison was still trying to process all that.

  “Your problem, Alison, is that you’re too familiar with Stan. You take him for granted.”

  Alison started to deny that statement.

  “No, Alison. Please listen to this. When was the last time you looked at the beautiful scenery all around this valley? When did you just stop and look at the mountains and appreciate their beauty?”

  Now Kelly had her attention. Yes, she did take the scenery for granted. In fact, she seldom even noticed it. After all, she’d grown up here. Why wouldn’t she take it all for granted?

  “I’ve lived here all my life.” Great, that sure was weak.

  “See, that’s what I wanted you to see.” Her smile was starting to get to Alison. “You take Stan for granted because you’ve known him for so long.”

  Alison still refused to see the logic in all that Kelly was saying. At least, she didn’t want to see the logic in it.

  “What I want you to do is this. The next time you’re around Stan, take a good look at him. In fact, look at him as if it were the first time you ever saw him, like I did last year when I met Grant.”

  Alison was shaking her head now.

  Kelly laughed. “Please, try it. I know you’ll see him as he is right now, not as he was in the past.”

  Before Alison could reply to that, Kelly held up her hand again and said, “Please, try to think about what I’ve said before you close it all out. I think you’ll realize that I’m right.”

  By then, they were finished with their meal and Kelly insisted that she pay. “After all, I invited you here today.” At Alison’s determined look, she said, “Okay, if you insist, you can pay the next time.”

  That satisfied Alison whose mind was still spinning from all that Kelly had said.

  “I’m going to help Grant and Stan move Sarah into her new house this afternoon. In fact, I’m going back to the office right now to get the truck. Why don’t you go with me and spend some time with all of us, especially Stan and Sarah.”

  Alison was ready to say no but Kelly touched her arm. “Alison, she is your mother. And for reasons beyond her control and yours, she was out of your life for twenty years. Why extend the time that you two spend away from each other.”

  Alison didn’t want to think about that. None of it felt right. She just didn’t feel right about it.

  “Look, Alison, I can’t claim responsibility for all of Grant’s newfound happiness. I’m certain that part of it is due to the fact that he has accepted his mother back into his life.” She looked into Alison’s eyes. “I’m sure that if you accept her too, you’ll find some of that happiness as well.”

  Alison couldn’t believe she had tears forming in her eyes. She blinked them away and said, “All right, I’ll go with you, but I can’t promise anything about either one of them . . . yet.”

  Kelly smiled. “That’s all I can ask right now. Thank you.”

  * * *

  Stan and Grant were carrying a large sofa out of one of the garages at the Newcomb estate when they looked up and saw a three and a half ton van truck pull through the opening to the parking court. As they placed the sofa on the tarmac, Stan marveled at how easily Kelly maneuvered the truck through the doorway with only a few feet clearance at the top and sides.

  Then he was shocked to see a blond head in the passenger seat. Alison? He couldn’t believe his eyes. He turned to Grant at his side, and realized that he too was staring in surprise at his sister in the truck.

  Then Grant laughed, “My Kelly sure is amazing isn’t she?”

  Then Stan realized what had been apparent to his partner. Kelly had to have persuaded Alison to come. He then looked over at Sarah who hadn’t noticed Alison yet because Kelly had turned the truck around and was backing it up to where they stood. He continued watching the older woman, and when Alison hopped out of the truck, Sarah’s whole face lit up. Stan liked Kelly a little more right then.

  Grant, Stan, Sybil, and Sarah were still standing among the various pieces of furniture and boxes they had carried out and placed on the tarmac. In fact, Sarah still held the box she’d just carried out. Kelly and Alison were standing facing them.

  Stan was watching Alison, but he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. Kelly looked at Sarah and jerked her head in Alison’s direction.

  Understanding dawned in Sarah’s eyes. She dropped the box she’d been carrying and walked over to Alison. Without saying a word, she reached out and gave Alison a loose hug.

  “I’m so glad to see you Alison.”

  Alison mumbled something that only Sarah could hear.

  Sybil was right behind her sister and she pulled Alison into a hug, but hers was much tighter. Stan thought he heard her say, “I’m proud of you dear.”

  With that awkward moment past, they all started working together. The four women carried boxes and other small things while the two men finished carrying all the big pieces of furniture. Once everything was out of the garage, the women climbed into the truck to arrange the things as the men placed them at the rear of the bed.

  Several times Stan caught Alison giving him a strange look. It was almost like she was measuring him or something. That was odd!

  In what seemed to Stan like in no time at all, they were loaded and ready to head over to Sarah’s new house to unload. He hid his smile when Alison opened the passenger door of the truck and Sarah climbed in ahead of her. He tried hard not to laugh at the look of surprise on Alison’s face. Then, without a word, she climbed in behind Sarah who was sliding over to make room for her on the wide seat.

  As the two men jumped into Grant’s car, he said, “Kelly amazes me more and more every day. Look at her handle that big truck. Sure, it’s automatic since her leg won’t allow her to use a clutch, but she’s still something.” He chuckled. “She told me once that since she grew up around a car dealership, she learned a lot about cars and even trucks.” He shook his head. “She sure is amazing.”

  Stan wasn’t about to argue that point.

  As Sybil climbed into her car, she said, “Grant, you know that I love her almost as much as you do. She is, without a doubt, the sweetest person in the world.”

  Stan smiled as his grinning friend drove off to follow the truck. “You know, between Kelly and Sybil, Alison doesn’t stand a chance She’s going to have to accept her mother pretty soon. Don’t you think?”

  Grant just laughed.

  During the unloading process, Grant and Stan paused once to rest their arms and legs from carrying the big pieces. They were standing on the front porch of Sarah’s new house. The floor plan was very familiar. But that wasn’t surprising since it was in the same s
ubdivision that he and Sybil lived in,

  Grant scratched his head and gave Stan a puzzled look. “Have you noticed the way Alison has been looking at you this afternoon?”

  Stan grinned. “Yeah, kind of scary, huh?”

  Grant laughed and shoved Stan on the shoulder. “You know what I mean. She’s looking at you like she’s never seen you before and is trying to figure you out.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. She’s been doing it all afternoon.” He shook his head. “I don’t know whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Anymore, I just don’t know what to expect from her.”

  “I’m with you on that one. She sure is acting strange.”

  Stan thought for a moment and said, “I guess maybe the pressure of this guy saying she’s next is getting to her.”

  Grant frowned. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. But what can we do that we’re not already doing?”

  Stan looked over at the truck that was in the driveway, backed up to the garage. Alison and Sarah were standing at the rear corner of the truck nearest to him. And they were talking!

  He tried to hear what they were saying. He couldn’t hear every word, but it sounded like Alison was asking Sarah about all the places she had lived in all those years she was away. Alison was smiling at her mother!

  When the women separated to go back to work, Stan took the opportunity to talk to Alison. When he stopped her, her smile disappeared. Well, he sure hoped that would change before long.

  “Alison, I just wanted you to know that the three of us, Grant, Sonia, and I, have decided that one of us will go with you or follow you every time you go anywhere on your own, especially when you show a house.”

  He could see that she was starting to get angry, but then seemed to think about it and nodded her head.

  “I have a showing this evening.”

  “Yes, and I’m the one going with you this time. What time is the showing?”

  “Six, but I’ll be leaving from the office about thirty minutes before that.”

  “Good. Then I’ll be at your office at five thirty, okay?” He remembered something else. “Oh, also, please don’t be at your office by yourself until this thing is over.”

  Again, anger flared in her eyes but disappeared as she nodded and walked off to help Sybil with a box that was too big for her to carry alone.

  * * *

  Stan was tired. He and Grant had lifted and carried a lot of heavy furniture twice that afternoon, loading then unloading them. All he wanted to do was go home, kick back, and watch the Diamondbacks game on TV.

  But, he admitted, Alison’s safety was far more important than his rest and relaxation. So, here he was pulling his car into the parking lot at Alison’s office at five thirty. He didn’t have to get out of the car since Alison was coming out the door with her purse over one shoulder and carrying her briefcase in the other hand.

  She looked in his direction and smiled at him before getting into her car. He could get used to that smile. It lit up her whole face making her the most beautiful woman in the world. At least, he had to admit, to him, that is.

  As he watched Alison get into her car, he had a stray thought. He was glad that Kelly had talked her into getting that Mustang. It fit Alison perfectly and the dark blue color did things for her blond hair.

  As Stan followed Alison, he was surprised to see that the house she was showing was only a few blocks down the street from her own house. Maybe after the showing, they could stop in and see how the cleaning was going at her house.

  As they drove past Alison’s house, he noticed that the For Sale sign was gone. She must have noticed it because she slowed down for a moment then accelerated on down the street.

  Alison stopped on the street just past the driveway so Stan stopped his car on the near side of the driveway. There was a car in the driveway and he hoped it was the people she was supposed to show the house to.

  Not wanting to take any chances though, Stan jumped out of his car and beat Alison to the front of the driveway where an older couple was getting out of their car. As soon as he was sure that they were the people she was meeting and that they were okay, he started back toward his car. He heard Alison open the house door behind him.

  Just as he reached the front of his car, his windshield exploded then he heard a gunshot. Instinctively, he hit the ground with his weapon in his hand. Quickly looking back toward the house, he didn’t see Alison or the other people. He sure hoped they were inside.

  He shouted. “Alison, are you okay?”

  When she shouted back, he said, “Stay in the house and get down on the floor, all of you.”

  Stan then crawled over to the passenger door of his car and reached up to pull it open. He didn’t try to get inside. He just reached in far enough to grab the radio mic. to call it in. Just as he keyed the mic., the window in the driver’s side door exploded.

  He could tell that the dispatcher, who happened to be new, was shook up when she heard the loud noise coming through the radio.

  “I’m okay right now, he assured her. But I’m pinned down by gunfire at 2356 E. Comanche. I’ve also got three civilians inside the house. Tell backup to approach from the west on Comanche and from the north on Cheyenne then east on Comanche. That’s the direction the shots are coming from.”

  Stan waited right where he was for backup to arrive before he attempted to move, calling out for Alison and the others to do the same.

  They didn’t have long to wait. The first unit to arrive was a black and white that pulled up next to Stan’s car at an angle to block the street. He noticed that two more units had just pulled up a block and a half away down the street, and they were blocking it from that end.

  Two unmarked cars pulled up behind him. Sonia jumped out of one and Grant the other. They kneeled down behind Stan’s car, and he crawled over to where they were.

  “What’s going on here, Stan?” Sonia said after she looked him over first. She sounded cool and collected but her eyes told him a different story. She was worried.

  “Is Alison in that house?”

  Stan grabbed Grant before he could take off. “Yes, she is and they’re all three okay. Now stay put. You don’t want to make an easy target for this guy do you?”

  Sonia laid a hand on Grant’s shoulder and he relaxed back into a squatting position.

  Stan told them what had happened so far.

  The officer to their left had a portable radio on his belt and an earplug in his ear. He turned to them and motioned toward the other end of the street. “They found where the guy was sitting, and it looks like he’s gone.”

  Stan could see three uniforms and three detectives walking toward them down the middle of the street side by side.

  Sonia stood and so did the other three. Already being on that side, Stan was a couple of feet ahead of Grant as they both sprinted for the house where Alison was with her clients.

  When Stan jerked the door open, Alison flew into his arms crying. After a moment of enjoying having her in his arms, he looked down to see her 9mm in her hand. He reached down to take it from her hand and placed in her purse, which was still hanging on her shoulder.

  Stan pried himself away from Alison. He’d have liked to stay there longer. “Alison, I want you and these people to stay right here until one of us comes back and tells you everything is clear and you can leave. Okay?”

  She nodded her head as Grant walked over, pulled her into his arms for a brief hug, and then the two detectives walked back out the door.

  When they walked down the driveway, Sonia was talking to Commander Jessup on the sidewalk. She turned and made her way over to Stan and Grant.

  “There are four county units and one DPS down there with them so we’re all going to make a sweep of the neighborhood, but I doubt if we find anything else. It’ll be dark too soon.”

  Stan looked at Sonia. “What do we do with Alison and her two clients inside the house?”

  She looked down the street at the group of officers
then back to Stan. “Are they okay?”

  He snorted. “It depends on what you call okay. Alison will be okay as soon as we can get her over to Grant’s house and Kelly takes over. The older couple didn’t seem to realize what was going on until it was all over. They’re a little shaken up but seem to be all right.”

  She nodded. “Okay then, I think we can let them leave now.”

  Stan and Grant both started talking at once.

  Sonia’s laugh was without humor. “Okay. Okay. One of you can take her home, then.”

  Grant and Stan looked at each other. Grant smiled and said, “The way she jumped on you before, I think maybe you should go with her. Maybe she’s starting to open up to you.”

  Then he thought for a second and pointed at her car. “Your car’s going to be out of commission for a few days. Why don’t you take her in her car? She’s too shook up to drive anyway. I’ll swing by and get you a little later.”

  Stan smiled his appreciation. “Okay, once I get her back to your house, I’ll call you for an update.”

  With that, Stan went back inside to get Alison who was more than ready to leave.

  When Stan parked at the curb in front of Grant’s house, he jumped out and ran around to her side of the car. Once he helped her out of the car, she just stood there staring at him. Without even thinking, he drew her into his arms. Man, this sure did feel good and he would like to make a habit of it.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Kelly coming out of the house and limping toward them.

  When Stan started to explain to her, she waved him off. “Grant called a minute ago.” She reached out and touched Alison’s shoulder. “Come on inside.”

  They began walking toward the house with Alison leaning heavily on Stan. He knew he shouldn’t have that thought right now, but it just kept popping into his mind about how good it felt to have Alison in his arms.

  Once inside, they sat her on a sofa with Kelly on one side and Stan on the other.

  Alison was mumbling something so they both leaned down to hear her. Stan was surprised and pleased in spite of the gravity of the situation. She was saying how afraid she had been that he might have been shot.


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