Highlander's Savior(Highlanders 0f The McCall Clan Book 1)

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Highlander's Savior(Highlanders 0f The McCall Clan Book 1) Page 14

by Barbara Bard

  But it was his eyes that enchanted her. Every time she looked into his eyes, she got lost in them.

  They were deep and soulful, and spoke of a kind, compassionate soul. When she looked into his eyes she did not see the Highlanders as she had pictured them, brutish and savage. What she saw was a man who looked at her with respect, who looked at her with awe.

  When she looked into his eyes she saw his feelings for her reflected, and she became quickly aware that she was not just a simple handmaiden to him. He looked at her like a person, not just as a servant. Her confidence grew as she got lost in his eyes.

  In his eyes there was no sense of cruelty. He saw her and found her beautiful. She was the woman who saved his life, not one who needed saving. Never had she been looked at in that way before, not as a woman in her own right. All her life, everyone looked at her with no pride or dignity, like a mere servant.

  When she was in Lord Flynn’s castle, he had looked at her like she was one of those hunting prizes he got on his hunting exercises. For the first time in her life she knew what it was to have someone look at her for just being herself. Lord Flynn had only loved her because he thought she was nobility. Drew looked at her with ardor because he genuinely felt that way about her.

  It was almost too much to believe that a man could feel that way about her, but it was true. She never knew someone was capable of having so much love for her. She was special to him, and he was special to her, even though it was difficult for her to admit.

  For this Highlander she felt things that she never thought she was capable of feeling. She knew she wouldn’t be able to leave him now. Her feelings run deep and it was impossible to pull back now. Sarah was ready to surrender herself to this Highlander.

  With his tight muscles, tall frame, and broad shoulders, Drew looked every inch the barbarian that Lord Flynn so often described, and the idea of the Highlanders that had always been present in Sarah's mind. The ones that killed her parents.

  But the reality was that Drew was different from any image she had ever imagined in her mind. Although he didn’t conform to the image of the English when it came to looks and manners, Drew was thoughtful, with hidden depths and emotions to him that Sarah would never have guessed at just by looking at him.

  She could even accept that he had nothing to do with the death of her parents. He said it was not his clan that was responsible for the attacks. That his father would never give the go ahead for such a thing.

  Sarah believed him and was ready to forgive him and his countrymen for the death of her parents. She was not an unkind person, and the hatred she had held within her breast for Highlanders all these years had been very uncharacteristic of her. It had been stereotypical of her to hate an entire people for the sins of one person. She simply wasn't a person who could hold onto pain or blame someone who was blameless.

  This war had nothing to do with the last, and if Drew was right about the beginnings of the war then there was only one man to blame; Lord Flynn. He was the one that killed a Highlander and dragged everyone into his mess.

  Lord Flynn was the bloodthirsty one, the one who was eager for war. Now that she thought about it she realized that war had been on his mind all the time. It hadn't surprised her that he had hanged a man without him committing a crime, and she started to wonder if that was what had happened on the road to his stately home. It would certainly have explained why there were guards around.

  All Sarah had to do was open her heart and let Drew in, and she found it to be the easiest, most natural thing in the world. She placed her hand on the side of his face and smiled at him. It felt good to be in harmony with another person. She always wondered what love felt like. She was now doubly glad that she had run away from Lord Flynn.

  It would have been a grim fate indeed for her to have been shackled to that life, to a man who would never truly love her. A man that would treat her more like a prisoner than a wife. She could not imagine shackled with such a man by marriage.

  Even now, after just a brief experience of the power of love she knew that she would not want to experience anything else, and she could not turn her back on it. She would rather die than be away from this man she has fallen in love with.

  Even more impressive than Drew's physique was the manner in which he restrained himself all this time. She knew he had always wanted her and he could have taken her prisoner and forced his way with her.

  But he had respected her and held himself back all the time. Sarah pulled back from his embrace and looked him in the eyes for a brief moment before she shifted her gaze to the ground. Sarah smiled demurely as she concentrated on an invisible thing lying on the ground.

  “I apologize if I do anything out of the ordinary. I am... inexperienced in these matters,” she said, blushing again.

  “I have never been with a man before, I have never felt this way about anyone” she explained as embarrassment was etched all over her face.

  She had always been embarrassed in Drew's presence, like a girl in the presence of a crush. The Scot made her tingle in ways she had never experienced before. Her head swirl and her stomach felt as if there were a thousand butterfly fluttering inside it. Whenever he held her in she felt as though she would melt.

  Drew smirked and brushed a strand of hair away from her face. His fingers were rough as they brushed against her skin. It sent a tingling feeling from her spine to her toes. She liked the sensation.

  He touched her so gentle and rough at the same time, it brought tears to her eyes. Drew was a man who had clearly lived in the wild, who knew how to take care of himself and thus knew how to take care of Sarah as well.

  “Ye dinnae hae anything tae worry about on that front, lassie,” he said, and leaned in for another joyful kiss.

  Sarah turned away though, her cheeks blushing, and she hoped Drew would realize that she must have been troubled by what occurred. He remembered what he knew about English women, and how a kiss signified a great deal. The intimacy of the moment had come as a shock to her, not understanding what the sensations inside her meant.

  He kissed her slowly as his tongue explored all the hidden corners of her mouth. Sarah was so shocked by the way the kiss felt that she lost all sense of balance and felt as if she was under the water. The kiss literally took her breath away. The passion between them was so strong that she soon found herself breaking away and gasping for air.

  Immediately she had filled her lungs with enough air, she returned his kiss as her hands found their way under his shirt. He could feel his muscles and how taut and hard they were.

  “It is not polite to let a lady behave like this”, Sarah said as her hand roamed his upper body.

  “Well, ye know me, lass, I'm a Highlander. Apparently we dinnae care about politeness.”

  “No? Then what do you care about?” she asked.

  He ignored her questions and planted soft kisses on her neck. Sarah felt a soft moan escape from her lips. His hands found their way to her back and started loosening the knots that held her dress in place. When all the ropes were made free, he slipped the gown off her shoulder and watched it fall off to her waist.

  His gaze shifted from her face and fell on her breast. He stared at them for what seemed like an eternity. Sarah sat there shivering at the intensity of his gaze. She wanted him inside her, she needed him inside her. He took one of her breast into his hands while he nibbled on the second one. Sarah could feel herself surrendering to him with every kiss and every touch.

  Drew hobbled to his feet and helped her to her feet. Evidently his leg was feeling better. Sarah’s dress came off completely, revealing the other half of her body. She took her hands to her breast immediately she realized she was standing completely naked in front of this Highlander. He took her dress and laid it on the ground He peeled off what little clothes he was wearing, although her cloth was still tied around his leg.

  Sarah was amazed by his purely masculine physical form. Never before had she seen a naked man, especially not one in
such fine form as Drew. She was a little scared, but more intrigued and excited. His torso rippled with muscles, and was covered in a thick bed of hair that narrowed in the middle of his stomach, drawing her eyes down to his manhood. It stirred a deep desire within her, for it was one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen.

  Her tongue ran over her bottom lip as her mouth dropped open, she stood in awe of his body. She wanted him to be close to her, needed him beside her.

  “I care about a great many things, lass,” he said in his deep burr, coming ever closer to her all the time. She stayed where she was, unable to move, and then, as he got within reach, she twisted around and turned her back on him, but she let her arms fall to her sides.

  Sarah felt her womanhood get moist as Drew moved towards her, and a smile played upon his face as if he enjoyed watching her suffer as he denied her his touch. When he eventually came close enough, he wrapped his arms around her waist. He buried his head into the nape of her neck. Hot breath rushed over her and her knees shook. He continued holding on to her waist to prevent her from falling to the ground. His hands ran over her arms, and behind her she could feel his manhood pressing against her, hard and ardent.

  She turned around to look into his eyes. They shone in the sunlight. She wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him closer to her, closing her eyes as their lips met in another sweet kiss.

  Their tongues danced together as the heat rose within them. When Sarah opened her eyes again, she was surprised that her body was not on fire. Her hands fell to his chest, running through the thick bed of hair that covered his manly torso. Staring in amazement, she drank him in, this epitome of masculinity.

  Then she looked into his eyes and saw that he had the same look. He gazed at her, eyes lingering over her body, a deep, passionate hunger lurking within them. His hands came around her waist, holding her hips tightly. His beard scratched against her as he buried himself in her neck, then kissed all the way down, cupping her breasts in his hands.

  Sarah allowed the sensations to rush over her. It felt as though she was under water. Never had she known that this would be possible, that all these feelings existed. For the first time it felt as though she was truly alive. Her heart raced. Her skin tingled. Her hands trembled with excitement as she caressed Drew's tough skin.

  His hands searched every part of her body and came to rest in between her legs. He parted her legs and slipped his fingers inside her. His fingers began to move in and out of her. She shivered all over as she let out a loud moan. Her body moved to the rhythm of his fingers as every thrust sent her over the edge.

  Her hands fell down the sides of his body. Sarah’s hands searched frantically for his arousal. She gasped at how huge he was when she eventually held him in her hands. Veins rippled down his hot flesh. He murmured with contentment as she curled her fingers around him and began to stoke him, slowly at first, but increasing the pace as she grew more confident.

  He held her tightly, her soft curves melting perfectly into his rough, Highlander body. The sun shone down upon them, as though blessed by the gods, and they sank into the floor together.

  A wide smile appeared on Sarah's face as she felt Drew's body tense with every movement of her hand. Then she clamped her eyes shut as his hands explored her body and her most intimate area. The forest was like a shade, covering their deeds and shielding them away from the world.

  “Oh Drew,” Sarah whispered, barely able to form any coherent words as the pleasure and arousal swam through her body. “I've never knew I could feel this way. This is all so strange to me, I feel like my body is on fire and I am drowning at the same time”

  “Ye are the sweetest thing I've ever known. Now keep quiet and let me show ye thigs ye never knew,” Drew moaned in his rough brogue into her ear. The rumbling sound of his voice in her ear only made Sarah even weaker at the knees, and she clung onto him for safety.

  While their hands worked under the surface, they kissed passionately and lovingly. Occasionally Drew would tilt his head down and take her breasts in his mouth. Sarah leaned her head back, her long hair fell over her shoulder as she offered herself to him. In turn, she too kissed Drew all over, enjoying the taste of his manly skin, tracing the scars over his body.

  “Where did you get all these?” she asked.

  “The Highlands are a rough, wild place,” he replied.

  He was a rough, wild man, and Sarah found herself unable to resist him. A loud moan burst out of her mouth as his fingers reached the deepest sweet spot inside of her, creating magic in her soul. Her body convulsed, and if she had not had Drew to offer support she would have fallen into the water, sinking to the bottom, for she was quite sure that she did not have any more strength left within her.

  Sarah's mind was hazy, intoxicated by all the sensations swimming inside her. It was as though lightning had struck her, and all she could do was give herself over to the pleasure. It was like a wave carrying her to paradise, and for a brief moment she wondered if she even deserved this happiness.

  Drew's rough kisses found her mouth again, suffocating the moans that escaped her lips. A bright flame rose within her as he continued to curl his finger back and forth, beckoning whatever was inside her to emerge into the warm light of day. Sarah's skin flushed pink and with every moment that passed she became even more breathless, and when the moment of pure bliss came she curled up and jerked wildly.

  Overhead, birds scattered at the sound of her ecstatic cries, and with a heaving chest she fell into Drew's arms.

  “Dae ye feel good, lass?”

  “Oh Drew, I feel wonderful,” she said, kissing him softly. Then she screamed with surprise, for Drew hoisted her up in his arms and carried her out of the river. Looking down, she saw water trickle off the end of his long, thick manhood and her eyes widened at the sight of it. A deep hunger stirred within her.

  Limping with his wounded leg, Drew carried her over to the soft grass and laid her down. He rolled over her and enveloped her in his arms. Her wet hair splayed over the ground as he touched her skin. They smelled of summer and freshness, and Sarah wrapped her arms around Drew tightly, vowing to herself that she would never let him go.

  Their tongues danced once again. Drew opened her legs. His hand reached down to caress her breast, his long fingers encapsulating her entirely, the hard nipple poking out between his fingers. Their bodies entwined to such an extent that Sarah wasn't sure where she ended and Drew began.

  Then he shifted position, grunted, and her eyes shot wide as her maiden body was taken by a Highlander. Her nails dug into Drew's back as she braced herself for the feeling of him inside her, so big, so manly, and for a moment Sarah wasn't sure that she would be able to take it.

  Drew's quavering breath rippled across her neck, drawing her in to the pleasurable paradise again. His hands were all over her, and at one point it felt as though she was being touched by a hundred angels. Her head twisted this way and that, eyes occasionally opening to see Drew's face contorted with sweet anguish. The sun blazed above him, golden and delightful.

  The pleasure made Sarah delirious.

  Drew's body came over her, dominating her, his muscles tensing as he thrust powerfully. Sarah was so small compared to him, her body cast in his shadow, but by giving herself to him she felt alive and happy for the first time in her entire life.

  Moaning his name, she whispered into his ear, and as he made love to her, he too whispered her name. Hearing it laced with so much passion and intense desire made Sarah felt like a queen, and a wide smile broadened over her face as she let the pleasure wash over her again.

  Drew pinned her to the ground, his strong arms making sure she knew her place. It was as though she was caged by flesh, and there was nowhere else she'd rather be. The ground trembled because of the force of his thrusts, and Sarah felt the tension rise within them both. Drew was getting harder and faster. His hips thrust powerfully. His hands tightened around her, not willing to let her go.

  Sarah gasped
. Drew moaned. His hand found her thigh and lifted her leg up, getting even deeper. Sarah's mouth hung open. Sweat dripped from Drew's temples and felt like it sizzled on Sarah's aching skin. Everything was on fire. Everything was filled with desire and she knew that something glorious was about to happen.

  She moved her hand up Drew's back, through his hair, and pulled his head down so that their foreheads were touching. Their mouths were so close that each rushing, gasping breath became one, and their hearts beat to the same rhythm. Then Drew bellowed loudly, a warrior's cry, and Sarah felt him release inside her. Their bodies convulsed wildly as the orgasmic sensations took hold, seizing her in a tremendously hot and heavy explosion that rendered her mute and incoherent.

  Drew pulled himself away and rolled onto his back. Sarah followed his momentum, draping her arm over his heaving chest. Their bodies glistened with sweat under the sun, and they lay in the afterglow of passion, drained and delirious, but entirely satisfied.


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