Wolf at the Wedding (The Lone Pine Lodge Book 2)

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Wolf at the Wedding (The Lone Pine Lodge Book 2) Page 5

by Haley Jacobs

  “Look!” Molly pointed excitedly at the owl. As they walked, the owl followed them, flitting from branch to branch. “It seems like he’s watching us.”

  “Ah yes,” said Gaston. “That is our protector.” He gave the owl a slight bow and a salute. The owl hooted in response.

  They came to a clearing at the top of a small hill. A bench stood at the hillock.

  “I was really hoping to see The Big Dipper,” said Molly. “I could see it from my backyard in Santa Fe when I was growing up. Of course, it’s a lot higher in the sky here in Alaska than it was back home, and right now the sun’s blocking it out.”

  “You can see it in the very early morning,” said Gaston. “Around 3:30 AM it will be visible. That is when I get to the kitchen to begin preparations for the day.”

  “I know all about that,” said Molly. “My dad was always at work at the café way before any of us were up.”

  Molly looked up into the clear, blue sky.

  “I’m not sure I could live without seeing The Big Dipper,” said Molly.

  Gaston laughed. “In December, the Great Bear is all that you can see even at noon.”

  “The Great Bear?” said Molly.

  “Americans call it ‘The Big Dipper,’” said Gaston. “Everywhere else, it is The Great Bear. There are some who think it has been called The Great Bear for as long as there have been people.”

  Gaston brought Molly in close and held her tightly. She could feel his warmth through her light jacket. She inhaled his spicy, musky smell. They held each other for a long time.

  “After what happened this afternoon,” said Molly. “I should be afraid of wolves attacking us. Somehow, I’m not.”

  “Nothing will happen to you,” Gaston laughed. “I assure you. The only wolf here is me.”

  “You aren’t going to get all Team Jacob on me, are you?”

  “That is only in Hollywood,” said Gaston. He kissed Molly gently.

  “Are you going to eat me all up?” said Molly.

  “Only if you beg me,” said Gaston.


  Gaston and Molly walked in comfortable silence to Gaston’s cabin, their fingers intertwined. Molly was trembling with anticipation, and she could feel a quivering in her chest as she breathed in. She knew, of course, what it was like to feel the warm, intimate touch of a man for the first time in a relationship. But somehow she knew that what was about to happen with Gaston would be different—something she had never experienced before.

  The cabin was behind the back entrance to the Redwood Grill’s kitchen, separated by a large plot of vegetables and herbs. Molly and Gaston strolled through rows of carrots, artichokes, and giant heads of cabbage and cauliflower. Gaston led Molly onto the porch, unlocked the door, and with a slight bow, invited her inside.

  The living room was decorated simply, and the evening Alaskan sun streamed through the front windows. The cabin was small and cozy. Gaston went to the windows and pulled the blackout curtains, creating the illusion of night. He struck a match and lit several candles around the room.

  “Sometimes I like to at least pretend it is nighttime,” said Gaston. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  “No,” said Molly. “It’s actually kind of a relief to see darkness for a change.”

  Gaston walked slowly over to Molly. She could see the liquid brown of his eyes in the flickering candlelight. Her heart was pounding. Gaston took her hands between his and kissed them gently. Molly could feel his hot breath on her fingers. She shuddered.

  “You are my mate,” said Gaston. “I need to mark you, but you must agree.”

  “Mark me?” asked Molly, breathlessly. “What does that mean?”

  “It means that you are mine forever,” said Gaston. “And that I am yours. It is not something I do lightly.”

  “Did you mark Larissa?”

  “No,” said Gaston. “I will mark only you. But you must be willing.”

  Molly freed her hands and wrapped her arms around Gaston’s neck. She could feel Gaston’s large, muscular hands on her waist, pulling her close. Molly sank her head onto Gaston’s shoulder, nuzzling into his neck and inhaling his spicy, musky scent.

  “I don’t know what all this means, Gaston,” said Molly. “But I do know that I want to be with you tonight, and I think I’m falling in love with you.”

  Gaston pressed his lips to Molly’s. They were soft, and she yielded to his tongue. Gaston pulled himself closer and Molly could feel the heat of his erection against her core. As the kiss became more passionate, more heated, Molly ground against Gaston’s core. He moaned a deep rumble.

  Molly pushed slightly away from Gaston, running her hands on his chest. Her hands trembled as she unbuttoned the top button of his shirt. Gaston began breathing more heavily as she moved to the next and the next. After the last button, Molly ran her hands across his rippled abs, up through the soft thicket of hair on his chest, and over his muscular shoulders. The shirt dropped to the floor.

  Gaston reached up, and finding the zipper of Molly’s dress, pulled it with an excruciating slowness down to her waist. Molly could feel the cool air on her back as the dress released. She put her arms down as Gaston tugged it down her body. Molly slipped off her shoes. She unfastened Gaston’s belt and unbuttoned his pants. She pulled his zipper down, and hooking her fingers around the waistband of his boxers, pulled them all down to the floor.

  Gaston stood there, naked in the candlelight. Molly gasped at how magnificent he looked. He was chiseled, with sharply defined muscles. His powerful legs stood like tree trunks. Molly quickly shimmied out of her bra and panties. They stood naked together, taking in the sight of each other.

  “You are more beautiful than I could ever have imagined,” said Gaston, running his fingers deliciously through her hair. Molly grasped his firm buttocks and pulled Gaston closer to her. Their skin contacted from feet to lips. She moaned softly.

  “It is time,” said Gaston, picking up a candle. He grasped her hand and led her into the bedroom. Gaston set the candle down, pulled back the covers, and with a single movement picked Molly up and laid her down onto the bed.

  Gaston hovered over Molly, and she closed her eyes as she arched her back as he cupped her right breast. She ran her hand down his strong back.

  Gaston traced down her belly with his tongue, moving lower. She knew where he was going, and her heart raced even faster.

  Molly grabbed handfuls of sheets as her back arched. Gaston moved with aching slowness. Molly tried to hold back, but with Gaston, she knew it was impossible. She cried out in ecstasy.

  Molly could barely breathe as Gaston brought himself up to her, holding her tightly.

  “My love,” said Gaston. “Before we go further, I must know that you are mine.”

  Molly’s head spun. The idea of pledging herself forever to a man she hardly knew was beyond frightening. Even in the short time she and Gaston had been together, deep down, she somehow knew he was the one.

  “Gaston, I don’t know how and I don’t know why, but I love you. With all my heart, I love you,” said Molly. “Mark me.”

  Gaston opened his nightstand drawer and pulled out a condom. He tore open the package, and Molly’ breath caught as she watched him rolled it down his long length.

  He pulled her close, and kissed her deeply. Molly could feel herself surrendering to Gaston. She parted her legs as Gaston knelt between them. Gaston slowly pushed into her as she felt herself stretching, filling up with him.

  “Yes…” she sighed.

  When Gaston was completely inside her, he stopped for a long moment, and kissed her.

  “I love you, Molly,” said Gaston.

  “I love you, Gaston,” said Molly.

  Molly could feel electricity radiating from her core, and spreading throughout her body. Beads of sweat formed between their bodies as Molly began to feel herself coming apart. Her first wave of pleasure hit.

  “Gaston! Oh my God, Gaston!” she cried as another wave crashed over

  Molly felt the next wave crest, much more powerful than before. As she peaked, she felt Gaston’s wolf fangs bite deeply into her shoulder. The brief pain was replaced by an intense, delicious burning that sent her soaring. Gaston latched onto her and held on with his teeth.

  As Molly cried out, she felt a change happen within her, something very ancient and deep. Gaston’s breathing became more and more intense. Suddenly, Molly bit into Gaston’s shoulder. His teeth released her as he cried out. She hung on to him with her own newly found fangs as Gaston’s body shuddered. He cried out Molly’s name. Gaston relaxed, still breathing hard. Molly released Gaston’s shoulder.

  Molly and Gaston lay there for a long time, stunned and holding each other.

  “What…happened…?” said Molly.

  “I marked you,” said Gaston. “But somehow…you marked me as well. That was not supposed to happen. You are perhaps also a werewolf?”

  “That I doubt,” said Molly, laughing. “But…we marked each other?”

  “I do not know how it happened, but yes,” said Gaston. “We marked each other.”

  “So that means I am yours?” said Molly.

  “And I am yours,” said Gaston. “Be with me, Molly. Now and forever.”

  Molly smiled. “I guess this means I’m moving to Alaska.”


  Molly awoke to the sound of the shower running. There was a warm, empty spot on the bed next to her. She couldn’t help but smile, thinking of Gaston’s warm body. She turned to look at the clock on Gaston’s nightstand. It was 3:30 in the morning. Of course—he was a chef and needed to begin preparations for breakfast service at the Redwood Grill. Did this man ever sleep?

  Molly got out of bed, stretched and caught sight of herself in the mirror over Gaston’s dresser. Ugh! After-sex bedhead. It was then that she noticed the red puncture mark on her left shoulder. It was still tender to the touch, but radiated a kind of magic that she didn’t completely understand.

  “Oh! I’m sorry, my love,” said Gaston. “I did not mean to wake you.”

  “That’s okay,” said Molly, gazing at his magnificent body. “I was just enjoying the view.”

  Molly pulled aside the shower curtain and stepped into the warm water. She stood behind Gaston, put soap on her hands and lathered his chest. Gaston gave a deep, appreciative rumble. Molly lowered her hands.

  “Molly,” said Gaston. “I love you, but we really don’t have time.”

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No…” said Gaston. Before she knew what was happening, Gaston spun around, and grabbed her hips. They made love with a heated passion.

  “My God, I love you, Molly,” said Gaston.

  “I love you, too!” said Molly.

  Molly and Gaston were drying off in the bathroom. Molly touched the red mark on his left shoulder. It was the same mark as she had.

  “Did I do that?” asked Molly.

  “You did,” said Gaston. “Those who are not shifters are not supposed to be able to do that. It means you are a shifter.”

  “That’s impossible! I would know if I was a shifter,” said Molly. “Wouldn’t I? I mean, I’m not even sure what a shifter is, really.”

  “Shifters have been around for millions of years,” said Gaston. “Just like humans. We keep the balance between humanity and nature. Sometimes, people do not understand. They fear us. They hate us. That is why we stay secret.”

  “So what you’re saying is that my family has some skeletons in the closet,” said Molly. “That…we’re actually shifters?”

  “Precisely,” said Gaston.

  “So what kind of shifter am I? Am I a wolf, too?”

  Gaston looked at the red mark on his shoulder in the mirror. “It is too small to be a wolf, but the mark is of the canine family.”

  “German shepherd? Mastiff?” said Molly. She hesitated. “Pomeranian?”

  “No, no,” Gaston laughed. “But it would help to know your family background.”

  “Dad’s family is from Mexico,” said Molly. “Mom’s is German and Navajo…”

  “Navajo? Perhaps you are a coyote?” said Gaston. “Yes, the bite mark would be about right for a coyote.”

  “The Trickster?” said Molly. “My Grandma was always telling me stories about Coyote the Trickster when I was a kid. Do you really think I’m a coyote?”

  “It may be,” said Gaston.

  Molly kissed Gaston. “And just how do I go about shifting, Mr. Big Bad Wolf?”

  Gaston looked serious. “Please Molly, do not try. It is a skill for you to learn that I can teach you. But it must be controlled. Promise me you will not shift. The balance between animal and human is very difficult. I do not want to lose you.”

  Molly shuddered. “I promise.”

  Gaston led Molly back to bed. “You must get some sleep before the wedding. It is a very big day. And promise me one more thing.”

  “What’s that?” said Molly.

  “Stay inside until I return,” said Gaston. “I will be back at 6:00.”

  “Why do I need to stay inside?” asked Molly.

  “There are dangers,” said Gaston, stroking Molly’s hair. “Now that you have been marked…”

  “That we have marked each other…” said Molly.

  Gaston smiled. “That we have marked each other, yes, the magic between us is strong and may attract what is unwelcome.”

  Molly wasn’t sure what Gaston meant. But she had seen enough weirdness in the past few days to last a lifetime. She trusted Gaston.

  “I’ll stay inside,” said Molly. Gaston leaned down to kiss her. His lips were warm and soft.

  “I love you, Gaston.”

  “I love you, Molly.”

  “Gaston…” she whispered to herself. Even the sound of his name sent shivers throughout her body. Molly couldn’t sleep. Too much had happened. Her life had been completely up-ended.

  When she arrived at the Lone Pine, she was a single restaurant manager from Phoenix, coming to be the Maid of Honor at her best friend’s wedding. In two short days, she had found the love of her life, was the mate of a French werewolf, would be moving to Alaska, and found out that she could possibly be a coyote. Damn.

  Molly got up and peeked out the window. It was dark outside. The precious few hours of night in Alaska in June wrapped the mountains in a weird deep purple blanket. She looked up and could see a few stars twinkling in the sky. Molly wondered if she could see the Big Dipper. Back in at her parent’s home in Santa Fe, it would be low on the Northern horizon. But here in Alaska it would be almost overhead. The Big Dipper—or The Great Bear, as Gaston called it—dominated the Alaskan night sky. It was even on the state flag.

  Molly thought for a moment. She had promised Gaston that she would stay inside, but she really wanted to see The Big Dipper. It reminded her of stargazing with her Dad in their backyard when she was little. With all that had happened, she needed a little touch of home right now.

  Molly remembered that Gaston’s brown terrycloth robe hung on the bathroom door. She touched it and felt its well-worn fabric. Burying her nose in it, she smelled Gaston’s spicy musk. She put on the robe, feeling protected by his scent, and moved to the front door. Molly put her hand on the doorknob and hesitated. She had promised Gaston she wouldn’t go outside. Maybe if she only stood on the porch, she would be okay. Molly unlocked the deadbolt, turned the knob, and pulled open the door. She stepped out onto the porch.

  The cold night air was bracing. A gentle breeze played with the robe, and she could feel it tickling her thighs. Molly breathed in deeply, filling her senses with the smell of pines and earth. She looked up from the porch, but could just see the tail of the Big Dipper.

  Looking up, Molly descended the steps to the grass below. The Big Dipper was almost directly overhead, dominating the night sky. She stared at it for a long time, enjoying the air and the feel of the cool grass on her bare feet.

  An owl fluttered down and rested on the top of Gas
ton’s cabin. It was hooting frantically, startling Molly.

  “Little girl…little girl…” said a menacing voice. Molly hadn’t noticed Larissa sitting on Gaston’s porch swing. Larissa’s green eyes glowed with an eerie light. Her white blonde hair caught the Alaskan twilight in a sickly purple. She stood up.

  Larissa was wearing a full-length trench coat. She strode toward Molly. Molly backed up in fear as Larissa approached.

  “Don’t be afraid, little girl,” purred Larissa. “Don’t be afraid…”

  Larissa undid the belt of her trench coat, and pulling the coat over her shoulders, dropped it to the ground. Larissa was naked underneath. Her body was slim and wiry. Her hair was ghostly white. Wide eyed, Molly took another step backward.

  “Don’t be afraid, little girl,” Larissa repeated. “Don’t be afraid…” Larissa’s voice began to distort, growing into a deep growl. Molly watched in horror as Larissa’s white blonde hair began to sprout all over her body. Larissa opened her mouth and smiled at Molly with elongated fangs. Dropping on all fours, Larissa transformed into the same white wolf that had threatened Molly the day before.

  “Larissa…?” said Molly.

  “Little girl…little girl…” Larissa’s voice growled as she sniffed the air. “You have taken what is mine, little girl. You have taken what is mine…” The wolf lunged at Molly. Molly dodged Larissa’s snapping jaws, but Larissa had taken hold of Gaston’s robe. She wrestled it off Molly’s body. Larissa shook the robe in her teeth with fury. It took Molly a few moments to realize she was naked.

  Larissa lunged again, knocking Molly down onto the soft grass. The huge wolf stood over Molly, pinning her down. She could feel Larissa’s hot breath hovering over the mark Gaston had made on her shoulder. Molly felt the wolf stiffen. Larissa threw back her head and let out a deafening howl.

  “Please…please…” pleaded Molly. The wolf turned her attention back to Molly.


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