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Page 10

by Lexi Buchanan

  “What’s wrong,” Mara asks as I feel her hand on my thigh waking my shaft up.

  “I hate sitting beside you and not being able to touch you. You’re mine Mara. I hate not being up front with everyone,” I whisper under my breath.

  “I hate that too.” Her hand creeps further north and now rests inches from where I ache for her touch.

  “Keep going,” I hiss.

  It’s killing me not pressing up into her hand, but right now I’m thanking my lucky stars that the tablecloth is long and pools in my lap.

  Her hand lands on my balls as she presses down, she moves along my growing length…then fuck…she has my zipper down and is reaching in for my erection. This is so not a good idea. I try to move out of her grasp, but she holds tight and finally frees me.

  I gulp and my legs quiver with her finger rubbing against the slit on the tip of me. The more she caresses me, the harder I’m getting, which is a shocker as I already thought I was hard as fuck.

  “I want to taste you,” she breathes into my neck.

  My dick surges in her hand. I’m going to be so fuckin’ lucky if I don’t come with her hand on me beneath the table.

  “Oops. I dropped my knife,” Mara says before ducking under the tablecloth.

  Then for mere seconds I feel her mouth sucking on the head of my cock before she’s sitting back in her seat again with a devilish grin on her face. Turning to me, she licks her lips and shoves me back into my trousers and fastens them. I suppose I should be glad she didn’t get me with the zipper.

  Closing my eyes, I try to catch my breath and when I open them I see Sarah across the table glaring at us. I grin and then proceed to take notice of my surroundings to try and get the lust for the girl beside me out of my body.

  Okay Donovan, concentrate on the room.

  The room that used to give me the creeps about twenty years ago when I’d sneak in to get out of the way of the adults. I think it had more to do with the darkness of the room because back then it was dark and gloomy and had the look of Frankenstein’s house. I always blamed Reece for that as it was him who’d snuck the movie out of the house so we all could watch it on the VCR his dad had set up for us in part of the double garage. I don’t think I slept for a month after that.

  Well at least the décor has been modernized, in fact it doesn’t look that bad now from what I can see with the dimmed lighting. The room isn’t large, but elegant and they seem to have a thing about chandeliers.

  “Prawns,” the server asks, jerking my attention to him. Before I can answer a fancy glass is placed in front of me with the horrid stuff inside. I hate prawns.

  Mara chuckles beside me, and pushes her glass slightly away from her place setting.

  “Eat up,” she says, knowing good and well that I hate the suckers.

  “Why don’t you eat up?” I grin, knowing good and well that she hates them too.

  She pulls a face. “No chance.”

  I push mine away because there is no way I can be polite and eat them. I can stomach some things that I’m not all that keen on, but prawns aren’t one of them.

  Leaning close to Mara’s ear, I whisper, “You could suck the sauce off like you used to do as a kid.”

  She turns to face me, and whispers back, “I’d rather be sucking on something else.” Her breath caresses my lips in the process.

  And that’s all it takes to get my blood rushing straight to my groin. As I lengthen in anticipation of having her mouth on me again for longer than a few seconds, my eyes narrow.

  She has the upper hand right now, but remembering the slit in her skirt she isn’t going to have it for much longer.

  Slipping my hand under the cloth, I place my palm on her thigh and smile when I hear the breath catch in her throat in a kind of gurgling, choking noise.

  “Are you alright, Mara?” Matt asks.

  “Yes. Fine. Just a bit warm.”

  Taking a handful of her dress, I tune out her conversation with him and sigh when my hand finally comes into contact with flesh. I slowly move my hand closer and closer to the heat I know will be waiting for me and when I finally make contact she hisses through her teeth as I pause.

  She isn’t wearing any fuckin’ panties. Fuck me! As I slide my finger down between her nether lips, she opens her legs for me and I feel how wet she is, nearly coming on the spot. Coating my fingers in her essence, I dip inside her and feel the walls of her sex quivering around my fingers as I add another one.

  My dick is trying to punch through my slacks and as I glance down to Mara’s breasts her nipples are rock hard buds against the silk material of her dress. I need to taste her. I need to be on my knees between her legs with my mouth buried in her pussy.

  Suddenly pushing my hand away, she gets to her feet, and whispers, “Follow me. NOW.”

  My brows nearly reach my hairline. How the fuck does she expect me to walk? But the promise of her naked flesh makes me think to hell with this so as soon as the lights dip again, I quickly make my way towards the restrooms.

  Chapter Seventeen


  The restrooms here are more like hotel suites and are laid out individually, which is so to my advantage right now. My only excuse for my behavior is Donovan. He’s awakened something inside me…not something, I know exactly what it is…he’s awakened my sexual appetite. I’m an eighteen-year-old virgin and can’t keep my hands off my boyfriend. I love teasing him and watching him react to my closeness or even just my smile directed at him.

  When I chose the dress I’m wearing tonight, I’d chosen it with him in mind. At the time I had no plans to seduce him though—those plans just appeared in my head the minute I’d seen the lust clear on his face. My dress doesn’t allow for underwear so that had been an added bonus.

  Hearing footsteps outside, I crack the door open slightly and see Donovan appear in my line of sight. As he gets closer, I reach out and pull him into the room. He slams the door shut and shoves the lock into place. We’re alone.

  I move to rest against the vanity, facing him. My eyes travel back and forth over him, but keep getting pulled back to his hips where there is an impressive bulge behind his zipper.

  “You are driving me insane,” he growls, cupping his length through the material of his slacks.

  I gulp watching him touch himself. The throb between my legs is growing to unbearable proportions.

  Without moving my eyes from his, I reach under my arm for the zipper to my dress and slowly pull it down, catching the material as it moves away from my breasts. When the zipper stops, I lift the material from around my neck and then let the dress pool at my feet before bending down to pick it up to lay it over the chair. After all, I’ll have to put it back on afterwards.

  Donovan is speechless in front of me as he takes in my nakedness with fuck-me shoes still on my feet. I’m not oblivious to his reaction and feel a desperation to have his twitching dick in my hands. I didn’t think he could get any bigger but he lengthens and widens before my eyes. It’s a wonder his zipper hasn’t burst.

  Taking two steps forward, I drop to my knees and make quick work of opening his slacks only to hear him hiss between his teeth as I circle his girth with one hand and reach to massage his sack with the other. His slacks drop around his ankles while he tosses his jacket, tie and shirt onto the chair with my dress.

  His hands massage my shoulders as he goes tense when I lick him from root to the leaking head of his dick—more pre-cum leaking out the more I lick him.

  While I’m pleasuring him, I’m aching badly for him to touch me, which he can’t do if I’m on my knees at his feet. I let him fall from my mouth after one powerful suck, and hold my hand out for him to help me up, which he does.

  Standing close to him, I massage him down to his balls before pushing him between my legs. He’s so long that I can feel him rubbing against my backside as well.

  He drops his forehead against mine and grips my hips in a tight hold as his breathing accelerates.

>   “I need to be inside you.”

  “I need you inside me.”

  “I can’t…you’re first time isn’t going to be in the restroom of the country club. It’s going to be in a bed with candles lit around the room and soft music in the background.”

  He’s killing me.

  “Please do something. I need relief that only you can give me. You need it as well.”

  As though a switch has been turned, he lifts me, struggles to the vanity with his slacks around his ankles and turns me around. He places both my hands on the vanity in front of me and spreads my legs, pulling my hips out toward him.

  Quickly kicking off his shoes and getting himself free of his shorts and slacks, his hands are back on me.

  “You’ve had me hard as fuck all evening,” he says slowly caressing from my shoulder down past my bottom before he strokes between my folds and groans. “So wet.” He then caresses back up to my neck.

  He arches into me and shoves his balls between my legs with his dick between the crease of my bottom. Just that bit of friction has my inner walls clenching, trying to get him inside me. Pressing his front against my back, he whispers in to my ear, “You’re going to come on my balls and fingers. I’m going to come all over you—we’re getting dirty babe.” His hands reach around to the front of me as he starts to pinch my nipples.

  Pleasure shoots from them straight to my throbbing center as I grind back against him wanting more—so much more.

  “Donovan. Please.”

  One hand strokes my pussy as he inserts two fingers inside me. I clench around them and feel heat spread throughout my body. He’s surrounding me and it feels like he’s touching me everywhere at once…on my breasts, in my sex, rubbing against my bottom. It’s too much. The coil inside me twists to a hard knot and then with a quick thrust of his fingers, it starts to unwind so quickly I can’t keep up with it. My breath sticks in my throat. Then I see stars. My pussy ripples with the tremors of my climax as I clamp my teeth together to stop from alerting everyone to the fact that I’m having an orgasm.

  Donovan isn’t letting up. I pull his hand away from me, unable to take anymore.

  “Fuck,” Donovan cusses pulling slightly away from me.

  Still bent over the vanity, I turn my head and watch him take his dick into his hand and pumping his shaft once, twice, he comes all over my bottom. Massaging it into me with the tip of his cock.

  He finally meets my eyes and I see a blush start to coat his cheekbones.

  “Are you alright?”

  I nod.

  He grabs some napkins and after running them underneath the faucet, wipes me clean—not just my back but between my legs before patting me dry.

  “Let’s get dressed.” He passes me my dress.

  Not looking at me—ignoring me—he dresses so I follow suit wondering what the hell has just happened.

  Once my dress is on and fastened back up, I quickly sort my hair out and reapply some lipstick before taking a deep breath to face Donovan and whatever is going on in his head.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Fighting back tears, I ask, “Sorry for what? I need it explained to me so there isn’t any misunderstanding.”

  He runs his hands through his hair. “I’m sorry for the kinky, dirty sex or whichever way you want to look at it.”

  Now I’m confused.

  “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about. I loved every minute of being in here with you.”

  “Coming on you. Marking you. It isn’t right.” He blushes again.

  It’s kind of sweet and I sag in relief that’s he’s embarrassed about covering me with his cum rather than getting naked with me.

  “I’m yours Donovan whether you like it or not. Coming on and marking me with your scent is fuckin’ hot, and if you apologize for ever doing that I’m going to hurt you—badly. Do I make my self clear?”

  He grins. “Yes ma’am.”


  “And one more thing—don’t ever call me ma’am. I know you’re a southern boy, but I’m eighteen not seventy.”

  He cups my face in his hands. “I know exactly how old you are.” He kisses me. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He kisses me again. “Please try to keep your hands to yourself for the rest of the evening.”

  “I will,” I cheekily reply while smacking him on the butt.

  He growls.

  “How are we going to explain our disappearance?”

  That is something I never gave thought to.

  “I ate a prawn and got sick.” I shrug. “You know how much I hate prawns, well so do my family so it’s realistic.”

  “If you hate them why would you try and eat one?”

  “Okay then. How about I couldn’t see what I was eating and as soon as it was in my mouth I wanted to hurl and came running to the restrooms and you followed to make sure I was alright.”

  He shakes his head. “You realize how stupid that sounds, right?”

  “Yeah, but if we both say the same thing and mean it then I don’t see the problem.”

  I smile. “C’mon.”

  Donovan groans as I open the door. I know my excuse is lame, but as I left the private room first it makes sense that I could have been sick and Donovan was worried about me. If I had to guess though I’d say no matter what I just told him, he still feels embarrassed at coming all over my bottom. I didn’t lie when I told him it was hot. I love the fact that I make him lose it like that. I’ve read books with dirtier things in them than what we’ve just done; I find that hot.

  About to open the door into the private room, Donovan snakes his arm around my stomach.

  “You go in first. I’m going to get some fresh air outside. It might not look as bad if we go in separately.”

  “Okay,” I agree.

  He kisses me on the back of my neck; sending shivers down my spine and making my nipples harden for his attention. Before I can fully turn, he’s released me. I turn and watch him stride past the stairs and out of the main doors to the club.


  I freeze hearing my name on Sarah’s lips.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I’m coming unhinged. The idea of going back into that room and being unable to touch my girl is about to tear me in two. I love her, and that thought makes me want to hurl. I’ve never let anyone in to my heart before, but she’s been in it for a while now, and the more time I spend with her the harder it is to keep us a secret.

  She’s seven years younger than me, although to be more exact, she is a little over six years younger by about five months. But the thought of her age is giving me a headache. I’m not going to walk away from her though—I can’t. God, I wish I smoked right about now.

  After what we’ve just done in there I should be stress free, but no such luck.

  “So this is where you disappeared to,” Reece drawls coming to stand beside me.

  “Yeah. Aren’t you needed in there?” I point with my head in the direction we’ve both just come from.

  “I need some fresh air.” He rubs his finger between his neck and collar. “I don’t know why I have to wear this thing when the wedding isn’t until tomorrow.”

  I grin. “Callie really does have you in a noose.”

  “You have no idea. That girl has me wearing a hard-on for her 24/7. I’m surprised it’s not snapped in two by now.”

  I wince. “Did I really need to know that?”

  He laughs. “I guess not.”

  He eyes me from the corner of his eye and I know he’s appraising me. “I thought you disappeared off somewhere with Mara, but I guess I’m wrong. Am I wrong?”


  “Partly.” I hate this. “She suddenly disappeared from the room with her hand over her mouth so I followed to check on her. She was sick. Apparently she ate one of the prawns not realizing what they were because of the dimmed lighting.” I shrug my shoulders. “She seemed okay when she went back in to the room, but I n
eeded some fresh air.”

  I’m staring out toward the golf course and can feel his eyes on me, trying to gauge whether or not I’m telling him the truth. I can honestly say that until Mara, I haven’t lied to him. Not once. And now I feel like the biggest dick around.

  “You coming back inside?” he asks, obviously reading truth in my statement. I really feel sick.

  “Rehearsal starting yet?”

  “In thirty.”

  “I’ll be back in for that.”

  “Okay.” He walks back inside and leaves me with my screwed up thoughts again.

  Turning to gaze up at the stars, Dahlia bursts through the doors causing a ruckus followed closely by Ryder who looks pissed. I lean back against the porch railings and watch.

  “You are an insensitive jerk,” Dahlia shouts over her shoulder at him.

  His jaw hardens as he grabs her arm and turns her to look at him. “What the fuck Dahlia? They are your half sisters and you’re letting them walk all over you and treat you like shit. Don’t take your temper out on me.”

  “Not all of them are,” she whispers sounding upset and Ryder seems to deflate at her words.

  He takes her hand. “C’mon. I’m taking you home. I’m not letting you be subjected to them again tonight.”

  I watch as they disappear to Ryder’s truck.

  Ryder and Dahlia. Who knew they’d get together, and who’s against Dahlia? The top of my list for causing trouble would have to be Sarah. I can’t imagine Mara being in the middle of anything at least not where Dahlia is concerned considering she always goes out of her way to talk to her.

  “Hey,” Mara interrupts, slipping her hand into mine.

  Wrapping my fingers around hers, I bring her hand up to my lips for a quick kiss.

  “Hey, yourself. Won’t you be missed?”

  “Not yet. Reece asked me to come get you.”

  I frown at her words. “He did?”

  “Yeah. I’m not sure what he’s up to, but I’m not going to complain because I need to touch you.”


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