Extreme - The Complete Series Box Set (A Single Dad Fake Boyfriend Romance)

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Extreme - The Complete Series Box Set (A Single Dad Fake Boyfriend Romance) Page 40

by Claire Adams

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  My phone buzzed beside my ear, pulling me from the best night of sleep I'd had in months. I jerked up and grabbed it, checking the time on the alarm and jumping up.

  "Shit! I'm going to be late." I rushed through the apartment, gathering my clothes and trying to get dressed while forcing panic back down my chest. "Easton? You here?"

  Nothing. Where could he be? Asleep on the couch?

  I finished getting my dress on, but couldn't get it zipped without some serious acrobatics. I walked into the over-sized master bathroom and turned, leaving my back to the mirror as I contorted in an effort to get the dress zipped.

  "Where are you?" I finished up and jogged through the living room into the kitchen. "Easton?"

  The note by the stove caught my attention, and I read it quickly, realizing that he was either too sweet to wake me up or didn't want to see me that early in the morning. Casey would force me to see the positive in everyone, so I did.

  He'd left a plate of food for me in the microwave, but undoubtedly forgot that I didn't have a car with me. It was still at Jaspers. I grabbed the key that hung by the refrigerator and walked out with my heels dangling from my fingers, hoping like hell that the key would lock the front door. It did, much to my relief.

  I made my way down the elevator, my fingers tapping frantically on the wall behind me. The door opened, and a nice-looking bellman nodded.

  "Morning, Miss."

  "Good morning. Is there any way that someone can call a cab for me? I think Easton forgot that we left my car at the restaurant last night." I ran my fingers through my hair, realizing how incredibly slutty I must look.

  The guy's eyes held no condemnation or question as he smiled at me. "We have several drivers for our guests. I'll have Frank take you back to the restaurant or anywhere else you want to go."

  "Thank you so much. It's Jaspers." I moved to the lobby and sat down, tugging my heels on before standing up on wobbly legs. The night of making love with Easton not only left my body humming for more of him but left the stark reminder that he was a big guy.

  "Right this way." The bellman held the door open for me as I jogged through it.

  "I can't thank you enough." I gave him a tight smile, still waiting to see the judgment in someone's face.

  "No problem at all. Mr. Parks is a good man. We'd do anything to help him or his friends out." He waved at me, and I returned the gesture before getting into the back of the car.

  "We going to Jaspers this morning, ma'am?" The driver turned and caught my attention.

  "Yes. Thank you." I sat back as he pulled the car out into the street. I put my phone to my ear and called Casey, wanting to know what time she would be back into town.

  "Hey. Where are you? I just got back to the dorm, and you're gone. I was hoping like hell that your date with Mr. Big Stuff went well and you were wrapped up with him somewhere." She snorted.

  "Yeah, well I was at his place, but now I'm trying to get back to Jaspers to get my car. I'm going to be late to my first class, and you know the prof is a total ass." I let out a sound of frustration. Why everything good had to always be accompanied with the bad was beyond my ability to think through.

  "What can I do to help? Want me to meet you in Langington Hall with jeans and a t-shirt? I decided to come up there for classes since I'm back already."

  "That would be incredible. And bring panties, a bra, and my tennis shoes."

  "Right. I'm not even going there. I'll just bring the full outfit." She chuckled.

  "Why are you home already?"

  "Long story. We can have coffee after class at that little corner store bakery you like. They still have that bacon grilled cheese right?"

  "Yeah. I'll see you at Langington around ten-forty. Don't be late. Class starts at eleven."

  "Okay, but I want the full details on last night. Every single minute. Play by play. Not a–”

  "Alright. I get it. I'll tell you all about it, even the part where I woke up to a damn note instead of the hot guy." I dropped the call before she started a fresh wave of questioning. I wasn't sure what to think about the note. I knew that Easton had to make a flight to L.A., and there was a strong possibility that he had woken me up to say goodbye, and I had simply forgotten. There had been countless times that I'd done that to my mom in high school and Case in college.

  He'd get the benefit of the doubt for now. Innocent until proven guilty.

  "Here you are. Have a great day, Miss." The driver pulled me from my thoughts.

  "Thank you." I pulled a twenty from my wallet and tried to tip the guy, but he wouldn't take it. I thanked him again and got out of the car, jogging toward mine and praying that traffic would be light. I had twenty minutes to make a twenty-five minute drive free of traffic. My professor for my senior literature class loved to crucify students for being tardy more than anything else. The thought of having to face her made my stomach ache.

  "Yeah right. Your luck stinks on the good days. This should be fun."


  I made it to Langington with two minutes to spare. I'd never dressed so fast in my whole life. Casey stood outside the stall, barking at me to hurry until I wanted to punch her in the mouth.

  "Done." I moved out and smiled. "Wait. What day is it?"

  "Monday, silly." She opened the empty bag she'd brought my clothes in. "Put your stuff in here."

  "Monday? Crap. I must have been out of it this morning. My first class was at nine. Tomorrow it's at eleven." I pressed my back to the stall and let out an exasperated sigh. "Fuck my life."

  "Not happening. So...when is your next class?" She smiled and moved toward the mirror, leaning over the sink and checking her teeth.

  "I only have one class on Monday. Tomorrow is my long day."

  "Cool. I didn't want to go today, anyway. Let's go grab some food and gossip. You owe me a juicy porn story, and I owe you the same-old-shit story." She shrugged and turned to face me.

  "Oh no. Your folks were on your case again about school?" I took the bag from her and walked out into the mid-morning sunlight as my stomach grumbled.

  "Aren't they always?" She pointed across the street. "Hey, they opened that new sandwich shop. Can we go there instead? I've been waiting for it to open."

  "I know you have, and yeah. That's fine." I slung my bag over my shoulder as momentary gratefulness washed over me. My parents had a lot of issues, and them getting a divorce was going to be painful, but neither of them ever once tried to shit on my dreams.

  "So, how was the night with Easton? I assume you spent the night with him."

  I chuckled. "Yes, and it was amazing. He's an incredible guy, but him leaving me a note this morning is a stark reminder that his career comes first."

  "He couldn't help that he had to go out of town though." She gave me a cocky smirk. "You're being ridiculous if you're upset over that."

  "No. I get it, but he could have woken me up. I felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, walking from his complex with my heels in my hand, no car, and my hair a fucking mess." I growled, not realizing how pissy I was over the situation until I started sharing it with Case. "It just irks me. I'll get over it."

  "Did you guys talk about a relationship at all, or was it just pure carnality, rip your clothes off type stuff?" She opened the door to the sandwich shop and moved back, letting me go in first. A few guys from the football team waved at us, and I returned the gesture before grabbing a menu and getting in line.

  "He wants to date exclusively, or he thinks he does. Most of what was said was uttered in the middle of us making love, so who knows how much of it is legit."

  "I would assume all of it, but then again, I'm an optimist and you–”

  "Aren't. I know." I scanned the sandwiches and pointed to three that looked good. "I'm getting all of these. Share them with me so I don't look like a fatty?"

  "Yeah, whatever. I just want to get two bags of chips. That okay?"

. My treat." I pulled out my wallet and stepped up to the counter, ordering for us and moving back as Casey grabbed the soda cup from in front of me.

  "What do you want?" She glanced over her shoulder as she moved away.

  "I don't care, just nothing diet."

  After paying, I found her sitting at a booth in the middle of the football boys and joined her, not really interested in fighting over where we were sitting. She loved their attention, and I knew most of them from playing every sport available to me in intramural.

  "So are you going to date him exclusively?" She asked me as she slid the drink to my side of the table.

  I took a quick sip and shrugged. "I'm not interested in dating anyone else, and I'm pretty into him. He's everything I want in a guy and then some."

  "I think he's a safe bet, but make sure you figure out if his career really would come before you. That doesn't sound like the kind of guy you want to invest your future in."

  I leaned back as my phone buzzed. "Maybe not, but again, there aren't many prospects on the horizon, nor would I pay attention to them if there were."

  The text from Easton was simple and sweet.

  Easton: Have a good day, baby. I'm thinking about you.

  Me: You too. Thanks for the ride this morning.

  Easton: Oh fuck. I'm sorry. You figured it out, I guess?

  Me: Yeah. I'm resourceful like that. Have a safe trip.

  Easton: I will. I'll call on Friday when I get back in.

  "Why not sooner?" I pressed the off button and dropped the phone back into my pocket as Brett, a handsome linebacker from our football team, winked at me.

  "Why not sooner what, pretty girl?" He turned his attention on us, as did several of his friends.

  "My new boyfriend is on a business trip, and isn't going to call until he gets back. I was just wondering why he'd want to wait all week." I shrugged, not thinking much of it.

  "Because you'd interrupt his time with the other women in his life. Duh." Brett pushed at my shoulder playfully. "Naw, I'm just kidding. I'm sure he's the one guy in the universe who doesn't cheat. Right?"

  I nodded as my stomach turned. There was no way I was going to start judging Easton based on what some dumbass meathead thought, but that didn't mean Brett's words didn't bury themselves deep inside of me and fester.

  "He wouldn't do that, right?" I glanced across the table at Casey.

  "Hell no." She looked over at Brett. "Shut up, dude. Not all men are pigs."

  "Right. Only the breathing ones." He laughed and turned back to his friends, leaving me to stew in the possibility of Easton not wanting to talk simply because it would get in the way of him seducing some other woman.

  I really didn't know him that well at all in all actuality.

  It had only been a week.

  "I can't do this," I mumbled and glanced up at Casey.

  "Awww fuck. Not this again."

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Two Days Later


  "Not much longer." I walked around the hotel, trying to talk myself out of faking a cold and leaving early. Something about being away from Vivian for the last few days after not kissing her goodbye, but simply leaving her sleeping, left me raw, unnerved.

  I picked up my phone, trying to think through what I would say if I called her. I mentioned too many times in Florida that I was interested in being with her only to have her turn me down. Calling her throughout the week would leave me looking weak and needy, which I was trying like hell not to be. My mother and father had convinced me to take things a little slower after I explained the situation between me and Vivian to them, but I hated the idea of moving slowly.

  "It wasn't but a week ago that you weren't going to move at all." I turned and walked to the kitchen to grab my phone as it rang.

  Unknown number.

  "This is Easton Parks."

  "East. It's Kev. Hey buddy, I just wanted you to hear it from me that I got let go by Jon this morning. Some bullshit about the La Mage people filling a suit against us over something they alleged that I did or didn't do. Such bullshit." He'd been drinking from what I could tell.

  "Well, maybe this is one of those moments in life where you go to bed one man and wake up another." I pressed my hand to my face and hoped that we'd be off the phone quickly. The guy deserved every bit of shit that landed at his feet, but it didn't mean that I wanted to be in the center of it.

  "Whatever that means. Did you know about this?" His tone turned from friendly to accusatory.

  My phone beeped, and I pulled it from my face to see that Jon was calling. "Let me call you right back, Kev. Jon's on the other line and I'm out of town, trying to wrap up a situation we've been dealing with."

  "Yeah, whatever. Fuck all you guys."

  "Alright. Good talking to you too, buddy." I pressed the button to switch the call to Jon. "Boss? How's it going?"

  "Great. The baby was delivered a couple of days ago, and I'm just getting into L.A. right now. Let's meet up for dinner and talk. I have a few résumés for food critics that have come in. Some of them don't look half bad." He cleared his throat. "Zuppa at seven good with you? The one on Rodeo."

  "Yeah, that sounds great. I'll be there." I pursed my lips, trying to make a decision where Viv was concerned, though I knew that I should call her and just talk it through. Did she want the opportunity to work for my company, or would that be another layer for her to have to discard if things didn't solidify between us?

  I grabbed my jacket and walked out of the hotel, taking my valet ticket to the front of my rental car and chewing on my lip as I worked through the possible outcomes of pushing my weight around with Jon. He was almost like a second father to me, though he wasn't any more than twenty years older than me.

  After getting in the Lexus, I plugged in my phone and called the only person besides Vivian who could help me think through what to do.

  "Hi, baby. Are you still in L.A.?" My mom's voice was joyful and filled with warmth.

  I sighed and stopped at the red light just beside the hotel. "I am, but I needed to think something through with you."

  "You want me to put you on speaker? Your dad's right here too."

  "Yeah. That's fine." I turned on the heater, though it wasn't too terribly cold. I must have been coming down with something, because I couldn't seem to get warm in California. Maybe it was the wind blowing continuously.

  "Hey, buddy. Talk to us. What's up?" My dad's voice came on the line, filling the car.

  "You guys know what happened with Vivian and her ex. I told you on Monday over breakfast that he cheated on her multiple times after they were together for ten years. She's going to have hang-ups over me traveling all the time, unless I can get her to travel with me after she graduates school." I hit the gas and checked my mirrors as my mom spoke.

  "Right, which is a great idea, but you can't expect a young woman that just finished paying for a four-year degree to leave her career behind to follow you around."

  "Your mother's right, Easton. Women nowadays aren't like that." He yelped. "Ouch! Stop pinching me, Mary."

  "Okay, guys." I shook my head. "I have a possible opportunity to get her into my company. She wants to be a food critic, and it's a hard gig to find an opening for. I'm having dinner with Jon now."

  "So what's the question? Get her the job. That gives her income, speaks to her dreams, and lets her be beside you all the time. It's a no-brainer." My dad was forever the simpleton.

  "But if she's already got commitment issues," my mother started, "then you helping her get her first job might push her away. I mean, if things don't work out for you guys, then what? She loses her job and her boyfriend?"

  "Exactly!" I smiled, knowing my mom would get it. "So what do I do? I can't not try and help her with the job."

  "Have you talked to her about it?" My mom asked.

  "No. I wouldn't want her to know that I tried to get her the job. I need to think through all of this. I mean, how else would she get
the job if I didn't get it for her?" I groaned. "Why does all of this have to be so damn complicated?"

  "It doesn't. Get her the job, and tell her she's welcome." My dad huffed. "Women. Such a pain in the ass at times. Ouch!"

  "Ma. Stop pinching him. Seriously." I pulled up to a long line of cars waiting to get on the freeway and turned the heater down. "I should just call and see what she wants me to do, but I don't want to look needy."

  "You're over-thinking this a lot." My mom complained at me. "If my boyfriend didn't call me all week long, I would think he was with another woman. Plain and simple."

  "That's ridiculous, Mary. Easton is busy, and he's right. Calling a girl all the damn time makes you look silly and immature. Just stick to your guns, son."

  "Alright, you guys have been no help at all, but I love you all the same. I'll call later. Stop beating each other up." I laughed as they gave their closing comments.

  Calling Vivian was something I wanted to do, but I couldn't shake the fact that it wasn't something she would appreciate. I would ask Jon his opinion and see what he thought about all of it. He used to be a regular ladies man, though how I had no idea. The guy worked more than I did.

  "So the baby is good, and Bethany is too?" I asked as I pulled my napkin into my lap and reached for the breadbasket.

  "Yeah, they’re both great. The little girl is Starla Magnis. We couldn't agree, so we both got to choose a name. Beth still isn't talking to me over the middle name, but it’s fun." He shrugged and picked up his wine, drinking half the glass in two gulps. "Check out these résumés. One of them is green behind the ears, but the woman submitted an article. And honestly, I'm thinking of visiting the location just based on her write-up. It's sexy, fresh, insightful. I like her already, and I think that if someone like yourself would be willing to split your time between resorts and fine dining for a while, we could make it work."

  "Alright, but I want to talk to you about the girl I met. She's incredible, Jon. Both from a critique perspective and just as a person." I took a bite of my roll, chewing it slowly before taking the applications and setting them down.


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