Extreme - The Complete Series Box Set (A Single Dad Fake Boyfriend Romance)

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Extreme - The Complete Series Box Set (A Single Dad Fake Boyfriend Romance) Page 60

by Claire Adams

  Besides, we hadn't spent time together, the three of us, in a while.

  I was sitting at the kitchen table when the front door opened and Sam's voice sounded out.

  "Do I smell Ms. Phillips’ famous grilled cheese and tomato soup?" He walked into the kitchen and gave me a high-five before hugging my mother.

  "You do. I got the good stuff this time, too." My mother beamed, and I couldn't help but chuckle. She was so easy to please. It would seem Valentine was, too. The fact that the girl ate leftover meatloaf and chicken with us a few days back meant more than it should have. I'd never met anyone in my life that was like her. She had all the money in the world, yet you couldn't tell it by talking with her. She was like Sam.

  Good. Wholesome. Humble.

  "Oh, yeah?" Sam moved up to the stove to stand by my mother. "Cheddar or Muenster, hm? Man, I love that old processed stuff you used to use."

  "Sam Billmore, you cannot be serious." She laughed and turned to walk to the fridge. "Do you really prefer it?"

  "Yep, I love it. It's part of my childhood." He moved to sit across from me with a big smile on his face. "Guess what?"

  "What's up?" I lifted an eyebrow at him and tried to imagine why he was in such a good mood.

  "Val is going to set me up with Lucinda." He tapped the table and pressed his teeth into his bottom lip. "I've been on a high all day thinking about it."

  "Your dad is going to flip his shit, Sam." I rolled my eyes. He might like the pretty dark-skinned girl, but his dad was racist.

  "Why is Sam's dad going to be upset, and who is Lucinda? I like that name, by the way. It's sexy." My mom went back to the stove to work on dinner.

  I shook my head and laughed. "She's this beautiful black girl that Val is good friends with. Sam's dad doesn't believe in mixing races."

  "What? Why?" She turned around and gave us an incredulous look. "Your mother is Asian right, Sam?"

  "Yeah. I don't what his deal is." Sam let out a long sigh, and his smile faded.

  I felt like a dick for taking away the happiness he'd been sporting moments before. "Hey, if you like her, then do it. Your dad's going to be upset for a few minutes, and then he'll get over it. Right?"

  "I guess. I don't know." Sam got up and moved to the fridge. "You guys have anything to drink?"

  "There's soda in the pantry and ice in the freezer," my mom spoke with her back to us. "I think you have to follow your heart, Sam. Tate is going through something similar with Val's parents, but he's going to keep at it. They both are. Right, son?"

  "Right, Mom." I pulled out my phone and smiled as a text popped up from her. "It's not about race, but about us being poor and them having more money than God."

  "Money isn't everything." Sam dropped back down in his seat. "I'm going to take Lucinda on a date, and if things work out, then we'll see what happens. My dad's a good guy, just misguided for some reason. It's weird."

  "You never know what makes other people tick." I reached for his drink and took the first sip, which meant it was mine to keep. Sam and I had been friends forever, and if I knew one thing, it was that he would never drink after someone else. Never.


  "Are you not a little concerned about Val's parents being so influential?" Sam glanced over at me as we walked into the gym. "You know the business building is named after her dad, right? They only have two daughters to focus on. It's going to be a long life of having to deal with them if you fall in love with this girl."

  I chuckled and pointed to some open seats near Martin and Katelyn. "I don't really have a choice, Sam. If I fall in love with Val, then I fall in love. I'll deal with her parents just like everyone else deals with them. Nod and smile and try hard not to be around them too often."

  "Yeah, but the old man threatened you, Tate. It's not the same." He moved to sit on my left as my mother sat on my right.

  "No, it's not, but I'll set all that straight." I turned as Martin called out my name.

  "Tate. Where you been, man? We've been sucking like hell without you." He extended his hand and gave me a warm smile. Things had changed a lot in the last week – both for the better and the worse.

  "Sorry, man. There was some work shit I had to deal with. Coach kick me off the team yet?" I smirked.

  "Not even close. Just come grovel at his feet and I'm sure everything will be okay."

  "Grovel? No." I touched the back of my mother's shoulder, but kept my attention on Martin. "Hey, man. This is my mother Sarah and my best friend Sam."

  They gave their introductions, but I couldn't help but turn my attention to the floor as they started calling out names for the UMN women's basketball team. Val was the last out, and was the captain of the team, which was something I hadn’t known.

  She looked damn good in her tight shirt and basketball shorts. She was far more feminine than the other girls on the team, but I'd make sure to tell her that later when I had her pressed beneath me.

  "Hey, Tate." Katelyn smiled at me from beside Martin. "Have you met Amy and Lucinda?"

  "Briefly, I think." I extended my hand and shook their hands before introducing Sam and my mom to Val's friends. Sam grunted beside me, and I turned to watch him smile like a tomcat.

  "What're you doing? You're supposed to play it cool. Jeez. Have I taught you nothing about women?" I laughed and popped him in the chest before turning back toward the court.

  Valentine was amazing, and I found myself cheering for her and being shocked by her skill multiple times during the hour and a half game. Her shots were perfect, her dribbling off the chain, and her moves were hot.

  "That's it, Val. Get it, girl. Lay it up. Show them what you're make of." A tall blond guy a few rows in front of me hadn't stopped yelling for her the whole time we were there. To say it was getting on my nerves was an understatement. I couldn't help but wonder who the hell he was. Was the guy trying to hit on Val?

  "Martin..." I leaned over and tapped his shoulder. "That guy looks familiar. Is he on the team with us?"

  "No. He's quarterback here, man. He's a senior. Kade Jones." He moved back away from me as my stomach tightened.

  Kade Jones. Who hadn't heard of him? He was headed to the NFL, and from what I could tell, he was interested in my girl.

  I forced myself to focus on the game, trying like hell not to let his cheering and encouragements bother me, but they were too intimate. He knew her. I wanted to know how.

  The game ended with Val sinking a damn-near impossible three-pointer and the crowd going wild, myself included. I was so proud of her. She had no idea how fucking talented she was. Her business degree could come later. She needed to do something with her skills on the court while she was young enough to do something about it.

  "Wow. She was incredible." My mother glanced over at me as her eyes widened. "My heart is racing in my chest."

  "Mine, too." Sam stood up and turned toward Martin and the girls. "You guys going out or what?"

  "Not sure, but you can come with us if you want." Lucinda moved around Martin and Katelyn to get closer to us.

  "I'll be back." I squeezed through the crowd and stepped down on the floor of the court as my eyes met Val's.

  She was covered in a light sheen of sweat, and wisps of hair had pulled from her ponytail and were stuck to her neck. She looked like heaven, and I wanted to touch every part of her, to worship her until she got it in her head that she was every bit the woman I wanted, even if I acted like a wayward teenage boy most days.

  Kade made it to her before I did, and she turned her attention to him. I was a little surprised to see him wrap her in a hug and pick her up off her feet. He spun her around before letting her go and touching the side of her face like I did.

  Anger burned through me, and I moved up to stand beside him.

  Val turned her attention to me with nothing but innocence on her pretty face. "We did it! Did you like it?"

  "I loved it." I reached for her and pulled her in for a quick kiss. "Who's your friend here?"

  "Oh. Kade, this is my boyfriend, Tate. Tate, Kade Jones." She moved back, and I turned and gave the guy an unspoken, “back the fuck up” look.

  "Nice to meet you, man." I shook his hand firmly.

  "You, as well." He gave me a curt nod and released my hand, turning back to Val. "Great job. I'm crazy impressed. See you tomorrow."

  "Okay. Thanks for coming tonight. It means a lot to me." She reached out and touched his arm before turning back to me. "Wow. That was a rush. Just knowing that you were in the stands made me want to play that much harder."

  She was breathtaking, and though I wanted to drag her to me and kiss her a hundred times to ensure that she was in fact mine, and only mine, I forced myself to stay put.

  "You were amazing. What's up for the rest of the night? You got time for me?" I reached out and took her hand.


  "Good. Let's go out to the old YMCA near the edge of town. I used to swim there all the time as a kid. There's a great indoor swimming pool where we can have some fun." I licked at my lips and took her in as she panted, trying to catch her breath.

  "It'll be closed this time of night, right?" I half expected her to have her attention all over the place with the number of people moving around us, most of them calling out to her, but she didn't. Her eyes were locked on mine. I'd never felt more loved, more cared for, more important. Not ever.

  "I have keys." I wagged my eyebrows. "Private swim lesson from the best guy on the team?"

  "Hell, yes. Sounds like my kind of night." She moved in and kissed me once more before turning to the crowd of her friends that had rushed in all around us.

  The team lifted her up on their shoulders and pranced her around the gym as MVP. I moved back to stand next to my mother and Sam, who was busy laughing with Lucinda.

  I couldn't help but notice that Kade hadn't left, but was standing by the door with his focus on one thing.


  Chapter Twenty-Six


  The afternoon with Kade had been fun, but a little unnerving. While I felt like he was hoping for something to start between us, I couldn't help but think that I was overreacting. I didn't feel anything but a great friendship starting between us – or so I told myself. Our lives were too much alike not to take notice, but most friends had something in common.

  After the basketball win, I was on a high like no other. We'd lost to our opposing team a few weeks before, and I wasn't willing to take another beating by them. I'd pulled out everything I had to give and encouraged my team to do the same. Somehow it had worked, and we were victorious. Everyone was in the stands.

  Everyone but my parents.

  It was probably for the better. I didn't need to look up and see their disdain over my choice to play college ball though they'd tried to forbid it.

  "What are you thinking about?" Tate reached over and took my hand as we drove away from Sam's house. Seeing that my car was shot and it was too cold for his bike, we'd dropped his mother off and then Sam back at his house. My friends were all headed to a party later that night, and Lucinda was picking Sam up. Some part of me felt like we should have joined them, but time alone with Tate sounded much more appealing.

  "Nothing. Everything." I moved closer to him as the snow hit the windshield harder and harder.

  He wrapped his arm around me when I got close enough and pulled me in tightly against his side. "You reliving that win? It was pretty fucking incredible."

  I laughed. "No. I love playing, though. I wish my future included something to do with it, but it's just not in the cards."

  "Why not?" He snuck a quick kiss against the side of my neck as we pulled to a stop sign.

  "I don't know. I guess because there is no money in it?" I turned my attention to focus on him and let my eyes move along the tats at the base of his throat. "When did you get all these tats?"

  "Over the years, but you're changing the subject." He smirked, and my stomach contracted. I'd never been with a man before that had such power over my hormones. It was thrilling and bit nerve-wreaking all at the same time.

  "Maybe I am, but there's no reason to dwell on it. I'm getting my business degree and probably going to work for my father's company. My sister Allison seems to be doing well with all of it." I ran my hands through my hair and moved away from him as we took the final turn toward the YMCA.

  "Is she? Have you asked her point blank if she likes it?" He parked the truck and glanced over at me. "And just so you know...there's lots of money in sports, playing, competing, and coaching."

  "No, I haven't asked her." I got out of the truck and moved to the front to wrap myself around him as we moved to the front door. "You sure we're okay going in here?"

  "Nope, but that's yet to stop be before. Why? You scared?" He looked down at me and laughed. The sound of it filled me with warmth.

  "Scared of what? You? Never." I moved into the building as the smell of sweat and chlorine filled my senses. "I've never been to one of these gyms."

  "It's the poor folks’ gym, baby. I've gotta teach you a thing or two." He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the pool area. "We don't have suits, so it's looking like this first lesson is going to have to be in the buck."

  "The buck?" I laughed and followed him in. My eyes moved along the top of the room in search for cameras, but I found none. "I'm not getting naked in this public pool. Firstly, that's just gross, and secondly, someone could come in."

  He kicked off his boots, pulled off his shirt and turned to look at me. "Fine. Just sit there and watch me swim, then."

  I let out a frustrated sigh and moved to the closest bench before dropping down. I was ballsy, but not that much. The sight of his naked ass caused my heart to flutter and my pulse to quicken.

  He glanced over his shoulder. "You sure? I'd love to feel your body against mine in the water."

  "Then let's take a bath back at your house." I smirked. "You've been trying to get me in that bathroom with you, anyways."

  "Tease." He dove in, barely making a splash.

  I leaned back and watched him with unabashed interest as he cut through the water. His body was beautiful, a long line of lean muscle that I wanted to get my hands on. It didn't take more than a few minutes of watching him before I was cursing myself as I pulled at my clothes.

  He resurfaced about the time I walked toward the edge of the pool, completely nude.

  "Change your mind?" He moved back and reached for me as I carefully got down into the pool

  "Nope. This is an illusion. I'm still sitting on that bench over there." I wagged my eyebrows as he pulled me against him and slid his hands down my back to cup my rear.

  "Damn good illusion." He leaned in and kissed the side of my neck before growling softly. "I don't want to ask, but I gotta know..."

  "Know what?" I encircled his neck with my arms and pressed my breasts to his chest.

  "Who was the guy today?" He flinched, and concern pumped through me.

  "What guy?" I moved my legs up and encircled his waist before pulling him closer.

  "The blond." He moved us back to where he could stand and gripped my ass before pushing himself into me a little. "I don't have a condom, so go easy on me."

  "What blond?" I pressed down on him and closed my eyes as pleasure rippled from the center of my stomach. I groaned and he caught me in a long, hot kiss. His fingers entangled into my hair, and I didn't care about a blond or anything else but him and me.

  "Hold your nose." He nipped at my lips and took us fully under the water.

  I opened my eyes to see him watching me. A smile lifted his lips and I laughed, sending bubbles to the surface. He was all I wanted, all I needed to find the warmth that life offered so many others around me, but seemed to avoid me at all costs.

  We popped back up to the surface as he pressed me to the wall and forced his way deep inside my body. He grunted, and I groaned in tandem.

  "The football guy. Mr. Big Shit." He licked from the side of my throat and worked
me until my body was lose and lubricated.

  "Kade. He's just a friend." I dug my nails into this back as my breasts bobbed between us. He reached up and palmed them as his eyes closed, and his breathing got off kilter.

  "Whoa. Hold up. Shit." He opened his eyes, and I could see the need in them. He was worried about me having feelings for Kade.

  "No one matters but you, Tate. You don't need to worry. I'm not that kind of girl. At all." I ran my fingers along the sides of his head, dragging my nails back and forth as he pressed his lips to the top of my chest and started to fuck me again.

  "Alright. I'm just waiting for the other shoe to fall." He laughed, but the sound fell flat.

  "It's not going to." I lifted myself off of him and swam toward the middle of the pool. "Come give me a lesson and we can finish what you've started in a hot shower later. This place has showers, right?"

  "Yes, you little tart. We do wash up when we're done working out." He shook his head.

  "Oh, I know. You clean up well, greaser." I laughed and let out a yelp as he headed after me. I'd never swam so fast in my whole life, and yet it didn't matter. He was too quick for me. Then again, I was pretty sure I wanted to be caught.


  "It's this way, baby." Tate opened the door to the locker room and touched my back. We'd finally found two towels near the front desk.

  "You know they're going to be able to tell that someone was here tonight." I gave him a knowing look.

  "No, they aren't. We'll clean up before we go, okay." He laughed, and I loved the way his expressions were relaxed. Whether he was turned on or happy, or even upset, he had a calm about him that I wanted to tap into. It was a lot like the calm that sat on Sam.


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