Beginning of the Inevitable (Feral Steel MC Series Book 1)

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Beginning of the Inevitable (Feral Steel MC Series Book 1) Page 17

by Vera Quinn

  “I bring it to a vote and I say yes. No drugs.” Hacksaw speaks up. Every one vote yes.

  “Vote carries. When we set up new bylaws, I want it added.” I hit the gavel on the table. “Any other business?” No one says anything. “Tito make that trip and then get that information. Oz can help you. Next meeting, we talk about it and vote on the prospects. We are adjourned. Hopefully over the next few weeks we will have some well deserved peace and quiet. Let’s get a beer and give Slick a send off.” I can tell my brothers are ready for some down time.

  Chapter 31


  I have had six weeks of heavenly, restful sleep each night. Kylar has been beside me in bed and we get up with Killian off and on during the night. We are doing it together just like any other husband and wife. It seems like our lives have been on a rollercoaster ever since we have met. This slower pace is a welcome change.

  Kylar and Kat laid Stone to rest. Kat hasn’t forgiven Kylar but they are working on it and Kylar is working on forgiving himself. He’s a determined man to make Feral Steel MC one of the strongest clubs in Oklahoma. Him and his brothers are writing new by-laws. They are doing everything the legal way. Not to say they won’t step outside the law to protect their own but there will be no more drugs and they will try the legal way first.

  I have heard Kat talking to Bourbon on the phone. Always in hushed tones but the lines of communication have opened back up. They deserve some good in their lives and maybe they can find that together one day. Kat is staying with us while she works through some issues in her life. She says it is easier being close to Kellan and Killian.

  My dad and brother went home the night after everything went down. I miss them but they are only a few hours away. The BlackPath MC is growing. Em and Maizy are both pregnant and I will soon be a sister again and an aunt.

  Micah and Maddie, my two sisters, are both back home with their aunt Deb in northeast Texas working on their horse ranch. Micah is still being stubborn about not calling Mason. Speaking of, he is back with the Rebellions 4 Blood MC, and he likes being the man in charge. They are outlaw and I fear will remain that way. I don’t think Micah could ever live the outlaw life but only time will tell if her and Mason ever even speak again.

  Maddie still has not told Dra that she is pregnant. I won’t interfere but I hope Maddie does the right thing. Whatever that might be. Dra is in Colorado with his brother Krill. Krill is the President of the Troubled Fathoms MC and Dra is his VP. It would be hard for Maddie and Dra to co-parent with her in Texas and him in Colorado but not impossible. That is their story to know and tell.

  Two of my best friends are staying here in Oklahoma with us. Fe has already moved here and Hanna is in the process now of moving her stuff here. They want to be closer to me and my family. Fe and Hanna are going to be roommates now that Kylar and our small family have moved into our larger house. I think Bowie may have something to do with Hanna’s sudden interest in moving. I know the girl loves me but I have seen them with their heads together here lately.

  Today we are having a cookout at the clubhouse celebrating the Feral Steel voting on buying the drag strip and gym. I’m bringing my Trans Am out of retirement for first race day. It’ll be a good six months to a year before we have all the insurance, license and permits we need but that gives me time to be ready. The Feral Steel found out that Brogan’s gym was a training facility for some amateur MMA fighters. They also put on some spectator fights. Bowie and Crockett are thinking they may be interested in doing some fighting.

  Life is good. I just hope it is not too good to be true. I make my way to the clubhouse with the backseat of our SUV filled with boxes of prepared food. Hanna and Fe are already at the clubhouse with the boys. They brought them earlier while I finished with the baked beans. I take the first box around the side of the clubhouse where everything is set up. I see Creole and Slick are manning the grill. Today is also Gertie and Slicks big send off for their trip. I will miss Gertie. She has been a big help to me getting settled into my role as head ol’ lady around here. When I set the box down, Kylar sees me and comes over to help me. I see Kane standing behind him. I don’t know much about Kane. He’s so quiet. He’s only been around a couple of times in the last two weeks and he never says much but he always seems to be watching. It makes me a little uneasy. “You have more?” Kylar kisses me on the cheek.

  “There’s a couple more in the back of the SUV.” Kylar looks around and sees Rix talking to Cricket.

  “Prospects get the boxes out of the back of my woman’s SUV.” Both prospects go in that direction. I see Hacksaw and Kane still approaching us. Fe and Hanna come up with the boys. Kellan jumps in his dad’s arms and Kylar catches like always. I take Killian and kiss my sweet boys head. As Kane and Hacksaw come closer I hear Kane say to Hacksaw.

  “I have known about Devil for a while. But seeing him with his family I like a punch to the gut. I want that. Someone who will love me.” I smile at Kane. I haven’t spoken to him before but now I can’t help myself.

  “Kane, you are part of our family now. You will always have someone to love you now.” I try to let Kane know he has a place with us.

  “Thank you, Callie. That means a lot to me. I didn’t know how you would feel about having me around. I know Devil said I was welcome but I wasn’t sure if you were ok with it.” Kane is hesitant when he talks to me.

  “You need to get Kylar to tell you about our beginning. I trust Kylar with my life and the life of our sons. If he accepts you, then so do I. You are family and we always have room for more family by blood or love.” Kane has a slow smile take over his face.

  “I have been meaning to bring something up to you Kane. I thought maybe you might want to prospect for Feral Steel. I would sponsor for you. You’d have to start from the bottom and do all the shit jobs for a year or so but I would bring it for a vote, if you want to. Think about it and let me know. It’s a brotherhood man, and you said you missed the army. No pressure. Just let me know.” Kylar wants this. I can tell by the way he says it. He wants to build a stronger relationship with Kane. He wants to share the Feral Steel MC with him. Yes. Life is good again…


  Ten years later…


  I have been away from home for two weeks. The Feral Steel MC was called out to help the BlackPath MC. Tazer was having problems with some gangs down in Texas and we rolled out to help. Since Tazer took over for Chief last year they have been having transition problems. Nothing like the Feral Steel had when I became President but still, there were things that they needed backup on.

  I go straight home and there has never been a sweeter sight. Kellan is out front working on his dirt bike. Killian is right there with him helping him. They are two of the closest brothers I have ever seen. They will be fighting amongst themselves but no one picks on one or the other. If you fight one, then you have your hands full with both. They always have each other’s backs.

  “You boys need a hand?” They both look at me.

  “We have it, dad.” Kellan says.

  “Yeah. We have it, dad.” Killian backs his brother up. I shake my head at them.

  “Your mom in the house?” I ask them.

  “Yes, she’s making–” Kellan starts.

  “Cookies for Kaitlyn’s class tomorrow.” Killian finishes. Those two are too much.

  “Be sure to clean up your mess so mom won’t have to get you out here later, and clean up for dinner soon.” I tell them both. They answer at the same time.

  “Yes, sir.” I have good boys. I walk up the steps and into the house. Callie is going to tell me to take my boots off but I never do. I walk into the kitchen and Kaitlyn and Callie are mixing things in a bowl. Kaitlyn looks just like her mom. Kimber, our other daughter, is sitting in a chair watching. She is the female version of her two older brothers. I look at the playpen over by the backdoor and Kason is not there.

  “How are my girls today?” I sneak up on Kimber and pick her up.
She is a daddy’s girl and she throws her arms around me and hugs me tight.

  “I missed you, daddy.” At five -years old, Kimber is our little tomboy. I’m surprised she is not with her brothers.

  “I missed you too, Angel. I missed you all.” I set Kimber down and walk over to Kaitlyn. I bend down and she kisses my cheek. “I missed you, Katy Bug.” Kaitlyn says she hates my nickname for her but she smiles. I move on over to Callie. My beautiful Callie. She has given me the family I wanted so bad. “How are you today, woman? Looks like you have your hands full. I love you.”

  “Love you, too. Fe is bringing pizza for dinner. Kaitlyn needs three dozen cookies for tomorrow so we have been busy after homework.” Callie never stops, she just keeps going. She keeps our family going when I can’t be here.

  “Kason napping? It’s kind of late, isn’t it? That boy is never going to sleep tonight.” Kason is two and he never sits still. He started his terrible twos as soon as he could run. It seems like he never walked. He went from crawling to running and hasn’t stopped.

  “He got his two-year vaccinations today and they seem to zap his energy right out of him. He ran a little fever but I have been checking him and he is just sleeping. Fever gone. I’ll wake him when Fe gets here.” I head up the stairs and into Kason’s room. He’s lying there as still as can be but a big smile goes across his face when he sees me. He gets off his bed and runs straight to my arms. I hug him close. Damn, I hate being away from this big bunch. I carry Kason back downstairs with me. Killian and Kellan are there and so is Felix. With the pizza. Kaitlyn is getting plates down and Callie is getting drinks. Everyone’s plates are fixed and Felix hands me a box of pizza. I have no idea why. There’s other boxes open. I hand Kason to Felix to put in his highchair. I take it and sit at the table. I start to set it down but Kellan stops me.

  “That one is especially for you.” Kellan says. I open it and there is a picture. I have seen enough of them to know this is a sonogram picture. I look at Callie and she shakes her head yes with a smile on her face. I start to get up but Killian is beside me. I look at him.

  “Look at it close, Dad.” I take a better look at the sonogram and what I see shocks me.

  “Did you see it, dad? I can’t but momma says it’s two.” Kimber says.

  “Twins?” I ask Callie with a questioning look on my face.

  “You said you wanted a baseball team. We will almost be there.” I get up and make my way over to my wife. I kiss Callie breathless. I am one lucky bastard.

  “Let her breathe Devil, you’ve already knocked her up.” Felix says laughing.

  “Daddy, what is knocked up?” Kimber asks. Callie, Felix and I all three laugh.

  “It means our family is getting larger. I think I need to add onto the house.” That got Kimber and Kaitlyn’s attention. They both want their own rooms. I add. “For the two new babies.”

  “We have plenty of time to talk about that. Everyone eat.” That’s exactly what we do. I wink at Callie. She knows later tonight when the kids are asleep we will be celebrating right.

  Epilogue two…


  Felix decided to give Kylar and I the night to ourselves. With five children and the Feral Steel MC for Kylar to run, this is a rare occurrence. Not that I would trade a minute of it. I made sure Kason was feeling better before they left and Kaitlyn and I finished her cookies up. Kylar went upstairs to take a quick shower and I helped get the children into Fe’s SUV. I locked up the house and I am setting the alarm when I feel strong arms around me. I find myself taken off my feet and Kylar has me in his arms and we are going up the stairs before I know it. “You’re going to hurt your back, old man. I’m not as small I used to be.” I am laughing so hard I can barely get it out. Kylar is so strong he has no problem getting us up the stairs and before I know it my back is hitting our mattress. Kylar comes down on top of me. Holding his weight off me with his elbows.

  “Woman, you are perfect. After all these years, I still can’t get enough of you. I have missed you so fucking much.” I laugh at him.

  “I need a shower.” He smells my hair. “Did you just smell me?” Kylar laughs.

  “Hell yes, I did. You smell like sugar cookies.” He moves his mouth to my neck and he is kissing down the side of my neck and behind my ear and back. I hear myself moan. He kisses slowly from my neck. He lifts my shirt over my head and throws it on the floor. He leans back and I sit up further so he can unhook my bra and he takes it off and throws it too. He starts by slowly running his tongue down my throat and then nips my pulse point softly and then licks it better. He lies me down completely on my back. He kisses slowly to one nipple and takes it in his mouth. He plays with the other one rolling it between his finger and thumb. He scraped his teeth over my harden nipple and then sucks just the tip in his mouth. He takes turns between the two. Giving attention with his mouth and his fingers. I feel my panties getting wet from the attention he lavishing on me. Taking his time. He starts to move down my stomach with his soft kisses. The scruff from him not shaving tickles my skin. His fingers giving my nipples the attention they crave. He moves his hands to unbuttons my jean shorts. When he starts to pull them down, I wiggle my hips to help him. He takes my shorts and panties in one final pull and throws them with my other clothes. He stands and pulls his sweats down and he is commando and his cock is hard and ready for action. He crawls back between my legs and kisses up my thigh and moves over to my clit. He blows on it and flattens his tongue out on it and presses hard as he licks up and down. I hear a moan escape me but he moves to my other thigh and kisses up that thigh. I want his tongue back on my clit. It feels like it has been forever.

  “Please, Kylar.” I can barely hear myself. Then his tongue is back on my clit. He is sucking one second and then licking up and down the next. He is driving me insane with the way he is teasing me. Two can play this game. I know exactly what drives Kylar crazy. I put my three fingers in my mouth and get them slick and I move my hand to my clit and move Kylar out of my way and start playing with my clit. Kylar growls. When I rub up his tongue is there to lubricate. I bring my other hand up and pinch my nipple. Kylar sticks two fingers inside me and I feel myself tighten around his fingers.

  “Damn babe, I wanted to taste you and play for a little while but I’ll be damn if I don’t want inside your pussy now.” Kylar moves my hand and places his mouth over my hard bud and sucks and then his mouth is gone. “Hands and knees babe. I put your hand to good use.” I get up on my hands and knees. Kylar gets behind me and he lines his cock up and with one plunge he is inside me. “Fuck, you feel good.” He grabs a hand full of my hair. Kylar pulls me back to him with a firm grip. It’s not hurting the twinge of pain feels damn good. Kylar is plunging in and then pulls almost all the way out. Just leaving the head in and then back in. He’s pulling me back to him and I am pushing my ass back into him.

  “I need more. Please Kylar, more.” Kylar is pounding into me.

  “Play with your clit babe.” I put my hand between my legs and press down on my hard bundle of nerves. I feel Kylar’s hand come down on my ass cheek and then he rubs it. I feel my muscles tightening and the twinges of my orgasm starting. Kylar lets go of my hair and he reaches around and pinches my nipple between his fingers and I can’t hold back anymore.

  “Kylar, I’m coming!” I rub my clit until my orgasm starts to fading. Then I feel Kylar’s cock pulse inside of me.

  “Fuck, Callie.” I keep going until we have both ridden our orgasms out. We both fall to the bed and we roll to one side. “Woman, you are going to kill me.” Kylar kisses me long and slow. “Don’t ever leave me woman. You are my world.”

  “Right back at you. I love our lives.” I do too. It may not be the life I thought I would have but it is the life I love. I have grown so much with Kylar beside me. “You know you met a young woman who said never ever would I fall in love again. Never forever was my moto in those early years but you made sure I was catching forever with you. I’m not holding o
ut for forever anymore but instead I am making forever with you and our big brood of children. I am the luckiest woman in the world.” Kylar hugs me tight.

  “We’re both damn lucky and I am never letting you go.” That is fine to me.

  The end for now…

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