The Love Resort

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The Love Resort Page 28

by Faith Bleasdale

  ‘You people would say she’s lost the plot, but it’s serious, some sort of breakdown,’ said Mary.

  ‘You’re kidding?’

  ‘No, I’ve seen it before. I was a nurse once. You must get her a doctor.’

  ‘I’ll call one now.’

  ‘So, we can guess that she knows where they are, but she’s not in her right mind, which means that they could be in danger.’ David clenched his fists.

  ‘It’ll be all right,’ Lily tried to reassure him.

  ‘She’s an idiot. OK, so she’s ill, but ill people do stupid things. What if she has done something to them, my brother, my little brother?’ David’s fear was justified, Ed thought. Anne-Marie was mad—that much he knew—and she could have done anything. If they had little time, then she was going to be no help.

  ‘Look, the doctor’s on her way. She might be able to help.’

  ‘Anne-Marie needs sectioning.’

  ‘Oh God, if she’s...’ There was no bright side.

  ‘Exactly, Harriet, exactly.’

  Hazel Cottingham was an American doctor who worked on the island. She was retained as the doctor for the resort, looking after both staff and guests, and she came immediately when called.

  ‘We need to keep this quiet for now,’ Lily explained, leading her to the bedroom where Anne-Marie had been taken. Ed sat by her side, looking worried, and, despite herself, Lily felt a stab of jealousy.

  ‘Right, now you say she’s been acting strange.’

  ‘She doesn’t remember who I am—or anyone else, it would seem.’

  ‘Can you leave us for a moment?’ Hazel asked. They nodded and left.

  ‘Anne-Marie, do you know who I am?’

  ‘Haven’t the foggiest. Nice blouse, though. I do like pink.’

  ‘Thank you. You are at home.’

  ‘Oh, I know that.’

  ‘You do? Good. Now the man who just left is your husband.’

  ‘I don’t think so.’

  ‘You don’t?’

  ‘No, I don’t have a husband. I’m far too young. You see, my first book’s just been published and it was a huge success. I know that I don’t look like your traditional romance writer, with my big glasses and my tracksuit and, well, my complexion is a bit off and I don’t know how to wear make-up, but I love romance and I love writing about it.’

  ‘Anne-Marie? When did your first book get published?’

  ‘Oh, last month.’

  ‘What year is it?’

  ‘You don’t know what year it is? Why, it’s nineteen eighty-five. I don’t know about the whole eighties thing because I think I feel more comfortable the way I am. And I don’t have a husband; I don’t even have a boyfriend. I dated a piano tuner once, which is so funny because I don’t even have a piano.’


  ‘What’s the verdict?’ Ed asked as Hazel appeared. She looked around the room. ‘It’s OK; you can talk in front of them.’

  ‘Well, I’ve given her a sedative but she needs round-the-clock care. I can arrange for psychiatric nurses. I’ll get one here tonight. There is every possibility she will snap out of it on her own, but I am also going to send a psychiatrist to see her tomorrow.’

  ‘Maybe electric shock treatment?’ David suggested.

  ‘We don’t do that any more.’ Hazel shot David a withering look. ‘Ed, she doesn’t think she’s married; she doesn’t know who you are. She thinks it’s nineteen eighty-five, when her first book came out.’

  ‘Why would she think that?’

  ‘In my experience, breakdowns are caused by a build-up of trauma. It might have been triggered by one event, or just the culmination. I think she’s chosen a time when she was happy.’

  ‘Before me,’ Ed said sadly.

  ‘Before the resort,’ Lily added.

  ‘Before the creation of Anne-Marie Langdale,’ he finished.


  Our Policy

  As well as everything we promise you on your holiday with us, it’s our policy that you will be with like-minded people. As this is an exclusive resort we can promise you that there will be a certain standard of guest staying here. Here we take away the worry of mixing with people you’d rather not mix with.

  It’s our policy that guests are all considerate to each other, respecting each other’s privacy and peace. However, we know that you will make life-long friends at The Love Resort, and we are delighted to be able to make such friendships happen.

  Guest Handbook


  Thea couldn’t believe it. So they’d been kidnapped, they’d all been rowing, it had been a nightmare, but was that really such a huge price to pay for what was happening? She and Todd were in the kitchen, clearing away the food and talking about acting. She was really having a discussion with the great Todd Cortes! She had to pinch herself before she was convinced it was for real.

  ‘I suppose I haven’t really thought about exactly what I want to do. I know I hate working as an extra but I need the money.’

  ‘It’s a hard life, and you’re right, what your passion is, be it stage, or TV or film, has to take a back seat to earning a living. But once you do find success, that will come back to you again.’

  ‘Does it? Or does it become about what pays the most?’

  ‘For some people, I’m sure it does. Thea, we get paid obscene amounts in Hollywood, but really, I only do films I believe in.’

  ‘That sounds so corny.’

  ‘I know, but it’s true. Why do you think I married Katie?’

  ‘I’m not sure. Why did you?’

  Thea hoisted herself up on the kitchen counter and listened to Todd telling her all about the film he was set to direct. He was so passionate about it that she couldn’t help believing him when he said he did only what he believed in. He believed in this enough to get married for it.

  ‘It’s funny that we’re in the twenty-first century, and most people consider themselves open-minded, yet you have to lie about your sexuality.’

  ‘Because I’m sold as a heart-throb. If I was openly gay, they would never give me a straight role again in my life.’

  ‘Would that bother you?’

  ‘It would annoy me having to play the gay part all the time. I’m an actor and I want to act, not play myself all the time. Although maybe I should get used to the idea that I’m going to have to give up being an actor.’

  ‘Understood. But what now?’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Todd, Katie caught you with another man. Even if you persuade her to keep her mouth shut about that, you’ve been kidnapped and there might be police looking for us. This story, the one you’re hiding behind, is trying to tell you something, don’t you think?’

  ‘That it’s time to come clean?’

  ‘Yup. Set Katie free and yourself. There’s always ways of doing it that will make you look OK.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Oh hell, I’m no spin doctor, but you know, you love Katie but you’ve been battling with your sexuality for a while, the love you have for her is more sisterly than anything. You are ashamed that you have hurt her and you hate yourself for it, but Katie is the true innocent. You know the kind of thing.’

  ‘Thea, I think you might be a genius.’ She glowed with pride. Her idol was calling her a genius. ‘But what about the film?’

  ‘You mean if, despite sounding so nice, they won’t let you direct?’

  ‘They probably won’t.’

  ‘I guess. But there must be a way.’

  ‘I’ll have to beg the Studio to give me a chance.’

  ‘Of course, that’s it. You give up the lead. You just direct. You keep Katie in the female lead and get her an actor to work with. Shit, maybe she can marry him next.’

  Todd smiled, then leant over and kissed Thea on the forehead. ‘You know when I said you were a genius? Well, I didn’t give you enough praise.’


  ‘I just thought I’d tell you that I think you’ve all b
ehaved badly,’ Katie started.

  ‘We know that,’ Tim said defiantly.

  ‘And if you hadn’t done, then maybe we wouldn’t be here,’ Katie continued.

  Carla looked at her. She wasn’t nearly as glamorous as she was on screen, but she was indisputably beautiful. It was weird enough, having two such famous people there in such a bizarre situation, without one of them telling everyone off. Carla couldn’t help but find it amusing, although she accepted that that might be due to hysteria.

  ‘How can you blame us? Your husband is gay. Anne-Marie doesn’t let gay people in the resort,’ Tim argued.

  ‘How do you know?’

  ‘I read the brochure. It’s against the rules to have same-sex couples here.’

  ‘Surely that’s discrimination?’ Jimmy pointed out.

  ‘I don’t think Anne-Marie cares about things like that,’ Tim finished.

  ‘You two are quiet,’ Katie sneered, as she rounded on Lee and Emily.

  ‘We’re just trying to get through this,’ Lee mumbled.

  ‘What about Jimmy and Carla? Having to watch you pawing each other?’

  ‘But we’re not!’ Emily objected.

  ‘Oh, really? Well, you should show some respect. How can you live with yourselves?’

  ‘We are sorry, we didn’t mean it, but no one will believe us,’ Lee tried to explain.

  ‘Oh yeah, your libido got the better of you. Of course no one will believe you,’ Katie spat.

  ‘Why are you doing this to us? Why are you picking on us?’ Emily burst into her customary tears.

  ‘Because you hurt people and I’ve been hurt and I know how much it sucks.’ Katie burst into tears as well.

  Jimmy looked at his shoes.

  Carla kept very quiet. The scene was unbelievable. Lee, the object of her obsession for the past three years; Emily, her love rival, who had won; Jimmy, dejected; Katie also feeling rejected; and finally Tim, who was looking horrified. All feelings of amusement deserted her. She was tired, she was scared, and she was unsure why she was there. She burst into tears.

  ‘Holy shit, three crying girls. What have we done to deserve this?’ Tim asked, looking unsettled.

  Jimmy hugged Carla, Lee hugged Emily and Katie sobbed on her own.

  In the kitchen Todd asked Thea, ‘Can you hear them?’

  ‘We’d better go back. You have to make it up to Katie.’

  ‘I know.’

  ‘Not only because it’s the right thing to do but because you need her.’

  ‘I know. And you know what? Despite her front, I do like her; I thought I was beginning to understand her before I fucked it all up.’

  ‘Good.’ Thea smiled.

  ‘Katie, honey, it will be all right.’ Todd came through, sat down and took her in his arms. And she let him.

  Thea looked around. She went to sit by Tim; again, wondering what they were all doing there. It was like a bad joke.

  ‘Thea,’ Tim said calmly.


  ‘Is there anything to drink?’ His voice was quiet, almost a whisper.

  ‘Water, although Katie seems to be drinking so much of that we might run out.’ She felt her panic growing, and she told herself to keep calm. She couldn’t look at him. If she looked at him, then she’d lose it.

  ‘You know I didn’t mean water.’

  ‘Tim, there’s nothing else.’ She saw the desperation in his eyes and felt frightened all over again.

  ‘That just can’t be true,’ he announced, and dramatically stood up. The others stared after him as he left and went to the kitchen.

  ‘What’s with him?’ Todd asked, but Thea, in the grip of fear, merely shrugged and followed him.

  She watched Tim open every cupboard. When he found nothing, he slammed the doors with all his strength. He ransacked the entire kitchen, hopelessly. He swore, loudly, then again and again before returning to the other room and banging on the front door.

  ‘Let me out of here,’ he shouted. ‘Let me the fuck out.’ He pounded with his fists.

  ‘Oh shit,’ Thea said.

  ‘What’s wrong with him?’

  ‘He was looking for something to drink. He didn’t find anything.’

  ‘There’s water...’ Katie started then stopped. ‘You didn’t mean that.’

  ‘I’d better stop him.’ Thea took a deep breath, walked up to Tim and tried to grab him. He turned round, but broke free of her grip.

  ‘Tim, Tim, honey, we’ll be gone soon, and then it’ll be all right.’ Her voice was soft but the crazed look in his eyes told her that she’d said the wrong thing.

  ‘This is your fault. You made me come here and now look what’s happened. You’re supposed to be my friend but you don’t care about me. You just want to hurt me.’ Tim was advancing on Thea, prodding her in the chest. She had never seen him this angry before; certainly not with her.

  ‘Tim, don’t,’ she begged. He was scaring her; she didn’t recognise him. Tears welled up in her eyes.

  ‘You fucking selfish bitch. All you think about is yourself, never about me. I didn’t want to come here, I don’t even like the sun, and now I’m locked up and I might die and it’ll all be your fault.’ She had never seen him look so manic. He pulled his hand back and she really thought he was going to hit her. Tears sprung out.

  ‘No, Tim, don’t,’ she shouted, as Jimmy ran up to them. He stood between Tim and Thea, looking at each in turn.

  ‘What am I doing?’ Tim asked. He put his head in his hands.

  ‘It’s all right,’ Thea said.

  ‘Thea, it’s not all right, he was going to hit you,’ Jimmy pointed out. He folded his arms.

  ‘No he wasn’t.’ Thea moved between Jimmy and Tim. She wouldn’t let Jimmy think badly of him; she had to protect him. That was her role, and she would never stop doing it. Tears cascaded down her cheeks as she mulled it all over. It was her fault; she had brought him on this stupid holiday because he’d been spending all his time in their flat, not writing and drinking his dole money. She was at the end of her tether: tired beyond belief, miserable in her job, and constantly worrying about Tim. She needed to sort her life out but she didn’t have any time left to think about herself. It was all threatening to come crashing down.

  ‘He was,’ Jimmy argued, but backed away.

  ‘Thea, what am I doing?’ Tim asked. As he sank to the floor and she sat down to comfort him.


  ‘We have nothing to sleep on,’ Lee observed.

  It was late, although it felt later to most of them. By now they had all accepted that they had been kidnapped. No one had any idea what to do about it.

  ‘Well, we’ll have to lie on the floor,’ Thea replied.

  ‘No blankets, no cushions—we’ll never sleep,’ Carla said. ‘I’m not sure we would anyway, not tonight.’

  ‘Oh hell, this is just madness. Can’t we try to escape again?’ Lee insisted.

  ‘It’s hopeless, we tried. Sorry, but there’s nothing we can do.’

  They all looked and felt despondent as the night closed in and they were still unsure exactly why they were there or for how long.


  Ed’s living room resembled a dormitory by the time they’d finished. There were five extra beds; Ed had to sleep there as well. The sofa and chairs had been pushed to one side, and the beds were all lined up in a row. Mary had already crawled into hers and seemed to be praying. Harriet and Lily were in the kitchen. David sat on the edge of his bed, dangling his legs over the edge and looking worried, and Ed was more confused and confounded than ever.

  He couldn’t help but feel responsible, although what he’d done exactly he was unsure of. Could Anne-Marie have found out about him and Lily? Was that what had tipped her over the edge? No, the Anne-Marie he knew would have been more upset about Abigail and André than him and Lily. He was pretty sure that it wasn’t that. It was the competition winners, Todd and Katie, and Abigail. Nothing to do with him. Although, now that his wife
was a gibbering wreck, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. How could he leave her now? That was the real problem; he couldn’t leave her when she was like this. Where did that leave him and Lily? None of it was funny.

  He should have seen it coming. Should have known that she wasn’t just being a drama queen. She was upset. Her resort, the dream of the resort, wasn’t right from the start. He remembered back to when she’d first suggested it.

  She told him that England was stifling her creativity. She couldn’t write any more because the weather was horrible and her environment wasn’t romantic. It wasn’t, he agreed. They lived in a large house in London, all decorated to her taste, and he hated it. She said that she needed to choose the decoration so her house would be condusive to her work. He should have realised that Anne-Marie had been sucked into her books and wanted—no, needed—to live that way.

  When she had the idea of moving to somewhere more beautiful, Ed envisaged a house on the beach, in the Caribbean, and thought that maybe, despite his wife’s constant criticism, her demands and her contempt of him, perhaps they could be happy there. He never thought about leaving her because he’d tied his life up with hers. He worked for her, he lived with her, and without her he had no idea who he was. He was unhappy but safe, and until he fell in love with Lily, that was enough. But then Anne-Marie showed him her plans. The Love Resort, her brainchild, her chance to live in her own idea of romance. At first he was horrified, but then when he looked into it he saw it from a business point of view. It was a new challenge for him, something that he could work on, and something he could make a success out of. It would take away his boredom.

  Finding an old resort that was in need of renovation was easy. Then drawing up plans, getting the work done, hiring staff, kept them both so busy that they didn’t have time to worry about the state of their marriage. He felt a sense of purpose and a sense of self. It was all about her, as it had always been, but Ed had more of a role to play, and he threw himself into it.

  When the work was finished and they opened with a blaze of publicity, he felt heady with success. The money rolled in and gave him a sense of achievement. It was only with the arrival of Lily that he realised there was more out there, and for him. Lily finally made him see how unhappy he really was, and how happy he could be. And now, as his wife lay upstairs with a nurse watching over her, and he had the missing guests to worry about, he was in danger of losing that happiness and he saw that he was to blame. If not for all of it, then definitely for some.


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