Salvation (Angels Halo MC Next Gen Book 1)

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Salvation (Angels Halo MC Next Gen Book 1) Page 14

by Terri Anne Browning

  Laying him down on the floor away from Campbell, I felt for a pulse, making sure he was okay. Vaguely, I remembered overhearing he had a heart condition. When I didn’t feel a pulse, I cursed and started doing CPR.

  “Need a hand?”

  I looked up, surprised anyone was left in the house, especially him. Theo crouched down beside me, nodding to the deputy I was trying to save.

  “What are you still doing here?” I demanded.

  “You’re my ride. I rode here with you, and since there was no room for me in the other vehicles, figured I needed to leave the way I came.” Shrugging, he didn’t seem all that concerned for the dying man beneath my hands. “Want me to call an ambulance, or take over compressions while you do it?”

  Gritting my teeth, I let him take over while I called for an ambulance.


  I didn’t get to the clubhouse until over an hour later. Between having to deal with Murphy, who’d died on scene at his house, and the coroner, I was fed up with everything by the time I walked in with Theo at my side.

  If I weren’t so damn jealous of the asshole wanting Lexa, I might have actually liked him. He’d kept his cool during the whole situation with my now-dead deputy and tried his hardest to keep him alive until the paramedics showed up to take over. But whatever heart condition Murphy had, the stress of the evening had finished him, and not even defibrillating him repeatedly could restart his heart.

  As we walked inside, Bash called down from the second floor, waving me up to what must have been his office. I hesitated, looking around for Lexa, needing to see her if only for just a second before this night got any crazier. But she wasn’t anywhere in sight, and I knew I didn’t have time to go looking for her.

  Theo was already halfway up the stairs before I even moved in that direction. Popping my neck to ease some of the tension building in my muscles, I took the stairs two at a time and walked into the office. Over a dozen MC brothers were already there, and Bash motioned for me to shut the door before speaking.

  “We all know Sheriff Davis,” he introduced. “And Adrian Volkov’s son, Theo, will also be sitting in on this.”

  Theo got nods, while I got a few glares. It didn’t bother me any. I wasn’t there to be their friend. I was there to do whatever the fuck I could to help keep Lexa safe.

  “Santino will be hitting my house at two,” Bash told them. “From what Raven got out of Murphy, that’s basically all we know.”

  “What’s your plan?” Jet was the one to ask.

  “The women stay here. I’ve already called Matt to make sure Rory and Chance come here so they aren’t in the line of fire…” He gave us the rundown of the plan, and I was quick to agree with it.

  “We need to move now if we want to be in place in time,” Hawk told him. “Otherwise, they might change their plans.”

  “Agreed,” Bash said. “I only want enough men who will fit in my SUV. We’ll pull into the garage so no one can see who does or doesn’t get out, because I know those fuckers are watching the house.”

  “I’m going,” I volunteered.

  “You sure about that?” he asked with lifted brows. “You’re stirring up a lot of attention tonight, Sheriff. People are going to talk tomorrow about how you’re helping us out.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what people say.”

  “Yeah, but maybe we do,” Jet said, giving me a strange look. “This attention could be bad for you when it comes to the election, and maybe—just maybe—we like having you as the sheriff around here.”

  “Two weeks ago, my being the sheriff was keeping me from Lexa. What changed?” I demanded. I would give up my position in a heartbeat if that was what it took to be with her. Now they wanted me to stay sheriff?

  Bash shrugged his wide shoulders. “Maybe we trust you…just a little bit.” He rolled his eyes. “Don’t let that go to your head, though.”

  A smirk teased at my lips. “Wouldn’t think of it.”

  “And maybe Bash here was thinking you would be his son-in-law eventually,” Jet jeered. “And he figures having the sheriff in the family would make life a little easier around here for us.”

  “Yeah, maybe,” Bash said with another shrug.

  “Are you telling me I can’t go, then?” I asked.

  “Let’s just say it’s better for everyone involved if the law didn’t see us cleaning up the mess we’re about to make.”

  “But Volkov is going?” I found myself growling, not liking one damn bit that they were taking the other guy.

  “Theo is just as good a shot as our sniper. Fuck yeah, he’s going.” Jet smacked Theo on the back. “Plus, Vitucci would throw a fit if we take out some of Santino’s men and his nephew wasn’t there to share in the fun.”

  “Yeah, yeah, just don’t let my mom find out about this,” Theo grumbled. “I don’t need that kind of drama right now, man.”

  I popped my neck again. I wanted to go, but I understood their reasons for wanting me to stay as far away from what was about to happen as possible. I needed to be able to cover for them if something happened and everything went south. And if I were caught in the middle of that shit, I wouldn’t have the credibility to keep them out of trouble.

  “Keep your phone close,” Bash told me in a low voice as the others started filing out of the office. “Stay on standby in case we need backup after all.”

  Jaw clenched, I nodded.

  “She’s in her room. Third door on the left once you go through the main room downstairs. Whatever is going on between you two, sort it out and fast. I don’t like seeing my baby girl like this.” He slapped me on the shoulder as he followed his men, and I watched them go until they were out the front door before going in search of my woman.

  Chapter 21


  My room at the clubhouse compound was one I’d used off and on during my childhood. After getting the scar, those times had been few and far between, but this was bringing back all kinds of upsetting memories.

  No one had to stress how bad Santino being interested in me was. It was his man who’d given me the consolation prize I saw every time I looked in the mirror after all. A man like that had to work for someone who was ten times as bad.

  But I wasn’t going to run and hide like the scared little girl they’d made me. I had a life to live, and a mom who needed me here with her—no matter how many times she begged me to go to one of the safe houses. Or better yet, go to New York and hide behind Ciro Donati and Cristiano Vitucci.

  Yeah, that wasn’t going to happen.

  Scared I might be, but a coward I was not.

  A tap on the door had me blinking into the darkened room. There were no windows, and the door was the only point of entry, so no one could sneak up on me. I’d locked it because I wanted to be left alone, but any one of the MC brothers could easily pick the lock if they had to.

  “No, I’m not hungry,” I called out, figuring it was one of the sheep come to baby me. “Or thirsty. Yes. I have plenty of pillows, clean sheets, and a fresh comforter. Go away.”

  The knock came again, and I groaned as I climbed out of bed and stomped across the room to jerk the door open.

  My eyes barely had time to adjust to the light from the hall before Ben was cupping the back of my head with one hand, wrapping his other arm around me to anchor me against his hard body. His mouth crashed down on mine in a kiss that stole my breath.

  Walking me backward without breaking the kiss or putting so much as an inch between our bodies, he closed the door and flipped the lock before picking me up and carrying me the rest of the way to the bed.

  I didn’t have time to think, and even if I did, I probably wouldn’t have. All I wanted was to feel. His hands, his lips, his body pressing me into the mattress. I could barely breathe from how hard he was kissing me, like he would die if he stopped even for a second, but I loved it.

  My shirt and bra disappeared before I even realized he was pulling them off me. When I felt his fingers working on
the snap and zipper of my jeans, I arched my hips up enough for him to push them and my panties down my legs. Cool air hit my drenched sex, and I gasped into his mouth, goose bumps popping up along my entire body.

  “I need light,” he muttered, pulling back and trying to see through the dark. “I want to look at you.”

  “No,” I whined, pulling his head back down for another kiss. “It will take too long. I need you now.”

  Tugging his work shirt out of his pants, I tore at the buttons, wanting to feel the skin underneath. His body was hot to the touch and rock hard. I stroked my fingertips up and down his abs, delighting in the defined edges of his six-pack before attacking his belt buckle.

  When my hand dipped into his pants and boxers, wrapping around his girth, we both groaned. The tip was already sticky with proof of how much he wanted me, and I massaged it into his flesh, using it to lube his shaft as I stroked him from tip to base and back again.

  “You’re killing me,” he whispered beside my ear just before his teeth sank into the tender skin of my neck. “Are you ready for me, beautiful?”

  “Yes,” I moaned. “Please, Ben.”

  Kicking his pants and boxer briefs the rest of the way off, he used his knees to part my thighs and sank into me. We both held our breath as he pushed past the proof of my virginity, and then he was all the way inside me.

  I felt stretched to capacity, tender, and ultrasensitive to every breath he took while he gave my body a moment to adjust to his delicious invasion.

  “You okay?” he asked. “Want me to stop?”

  “At this point, I think stopping would kill us both,” I murmured, shifting my hips to test how sore I was. When all I felt was a slight burn that quickly turned into pleasure, I relaxed, and he was able to go a little deeper than he already was.

  “Fuck, you feel good,” he growled, his hands gripping my ass hard. “I don’t ever want to move from this spot for the rest of my life.”

  Sweat was already coating both our bodies. I scratched my nails down his back, making him shudder in pleasure, his cock jerking inside my tightness. “Wish I could let you, but I’m about to lose my mind if you don’t make me come, Ben.”

  He pulled out, just a little, and slammed back in. Stars flashed before my eyes, and I clenched them shut as I lifted my hips to meet his next thrust. His cock hit something deep inside that had a little mewling sound leaving my throat. I kissed his chest, the only part of him my lips could reach right then. He tasted like sweat and something tangier.

  I was already right on the edge, and his slow, steady pace was only making me hungrier. “Harder,” I begged shamelessly. “Please, harder.”

  His fingers flexed on my ass, and he ground down into me. I whimpered in pleasure, my nails breaking through the skin on his upper back and slicing as I tried to hold on to the moment. I wanted to come, yet it felt so good, I wanted it to last too. But then he pulled almost completely out and slammed back in, thrusting so hard the bed frame knocked against the wall. My sex clamped down around him so firmly, he started cursing.

  Seconds later, I was crying his name just as he shouted mine…

  An indeterminate amount of time later, the sweat had cooled on our bodies, but we were still connected in the most intimate of ways. I could feel how hard he still was and couldn’t help wondering if he was always like that, or if he was debating going for round two. I wasn’t opposed to another orgasm, but I was exhausted and sleep was already making my lashes feel like they had ten-pound weights tied to them.

  The same thing happened the night before when he snuck in to my bedroom at home. No sooner had he gotten me off than I passed out. I just didn’t know if I liked that he could so easily knock me out. An orgasm or two and then I was a puddle of goo for him to do with whatever he wanted.

  Turning us on our sides, he pillowed my head on one arm and used the other to hold me against his body. His fingers stroking little circles on my hip did nothing to help me fight the urge to fall asleep in his arms.

  “Hey.” His voice was soft, imploring as he lifted my chin and made me look at him. Not that I could make out more than the shape of his face with the lights off, but I could picture the intense expression on it. “There’s something important I need to tell you.”

  Every muscle in my body tensed, and the sleepiness completely evaporated as I prepared for him to tell me this really was all a game and now that he’d gotten off, he wanted to be with Paige after all.

  “I love you,” he murmured, his lips brushing over mine so softly, tears stung my eyes.

  “Wait, what?” I whispered, not sure I’d heard him correctly. Maybe I was already asleep, and this was just a dream.

  “I love you, beautiful.” Another brush to my lips as he thrust into me and held himself deep.

  Swallowing the knot of emotion trying to choke me, I sucked in a deep breath, savoring this moment. “Ben—”

  “Shh,” he commanded, suddenly sitting up in bed.

  “Why?” I looked around, straining my ears to listen for whatever he’d just heard that had him on alert.

  “I heard gunfire.” Jumping up, he was already reaching for his pants, not even bothering with his boxers. Pulling on his shirt, he left it unbuttoned and grabbed his gun.

  Nervously, I watched him walk to the door and crack it open enough to look out. Light streamed in and amplified the sounds outside. A scream filled the air, and I was on my feet, pulling on my shirt and panties. I struggled to get into my jeans, since they were half inside out.

  When I touched Ben’s back, he glanced down at me. “I have to check this out. Stay here—”

  “No way. I’m coming with you.”

  Gunshots sounded from what seemed like inside the clubhouse now, and I gulped. “My family is here. I’m not staying locked in this room when they need me.”

  His brown eyes darkened, but he nodded. “Stay behind me, and do as I say. No matter what.” I pressed my lips together, and he tapped me on the ass with his free hand. “No matter what, Lexa, or you stay here.”

  “Fine. I promise.” His brows lifted. “No matter what, I’ll stay behind you.” I gave in.

  “Come on, then,” he muttered unhappily.

  Another gunshot sounded just down the hall, and I heard a cry. Recognizing the voice as one of the sheep, I clutched at the back of Ben’s shirt to keep from running past him to get to her.

  “She’s not here,” India said. “Lexa is home.”

  “Don’t lie to me, bitch. I saw her come here hours ago, and she never left.” Ben got to the end of the hall and pressed his back to the wall, his gun aimed and at the ready while he held me back with his other hand. “Now tell me where she is, or I’m going to shoot you again.”

  “Sh-she and her mom left n-not twenty minutes ago,” India continued to lie. “Shh-she went home, I t-tell you.”

  The pop from the gun going off had me covering my mouth to drown out my scream, tears already running down my face. I loved India. She was so sweet and had always been kind to me. How many times had she babysat me and my brother over the years?

  Ben grasped my arm, giving it a squeeze in an attempt at comfort, but there was no time for that. Heavy footsteps were coming our way. But he still held on to my arm with his free hand as he lifted his gun higher and pointed it right at the man who came into view.

  “Stop right there,” Ben told him, his voice icy cold and deadly. He moved in front of me, blocking me completely with his large body before the man could see us.

  But I’d already caught sight of the guy, had committed his image to memory, and I knew I would know him anywhere. Blood and something else were splattered across his face and the stark-white dress shirt he was wearing. An assault rifle in his hands he already had aimed at Ben’s chest. His face was classically handsome even for a man of his age. But it was his eyes that had truly terrified me.

  They were cold. Dead.

  Just like Enzo Fontana’s had been.

  “Carlo Santino, I pres
ume,” Ben greeted, and I clutched at his shirt so tightly, my fingers started to go numb.

  “I’m here for the girl,” he replied. “I know she’s behind you. Just move out of the way, and I won’t kill you, copper. Stand in my way, and your beloved grandmother won’t recognize you when I’m done.”

  “Fuck off,” Ben snarled. “You’re not touching her.”

  “I don’t want to touch her, boy. She’s a present to my adopted son. Maybe little Lexa remembers his father—Enzo.”

  Oh God.

  I squeezed my eyes closed. Hearing that name out loud always did something to me. Flipped a switch and took me back to the day I’d nearly died. Ben must have sensed the change in me, because his arm came around, pressing me tighter to him, pulling me back from the memories of that sick sonofabitch beating me until I was unconscious.

  “I promised Gian I would gift him the child of the woman who killed his father for his twenty-first birthday. He probably would have taken any of the female children running around this godforsaken place. He’s particularly taken with the lovely little twins I’ve shown him surveillance of.”

  Oh God.

  No. Not Mila and Monroe. He couldn’t touch them. Not him, and especially not the monster I just knew Gian must be. If he was even half as evil as his father, he would take the greatest joy in hurting the girls and get off on their pain.

  “But I told him Lexa was the one he wanted. And you’re standing in my way.”

  I shifted, needing to know what was going on in front of me, and I peeked at Santino from around Ben’s arm. His hand on my back jerked me out of sight once again, but not before I’d seen the rifle pointed right at Ben’s chest.

  Tears burned my eyes. I couldn’t let Santino kill Ben. And I sure as hell couldn’t take the chance of him snatching the twins if he couldn’t get me.


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