Rescue Me Please

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Rescue Me Please Page 19

by Nichole Matthews

Things had been different then. Innocent and wide open, free and beautiful. She wanted to feel that way again. Somewhere along the journey she lost a part of her or rather it had been forcefully taken from her and she wanted it back. No, she needed it back.

  It seemed as if only yesterday she was just a girl. Now she was a fallen woman. She was a mother. She was nothing. But with Parker she felt whole again, but wasn’t it too late? Too dangerous? After all, you can’t turn back the clock. She couldn’t pretend that none of it had occurred. She was no longer innocent, far from it.

  She felt that everybody was watching and waiting for her to fall. She knew her uncle was waiting for her to make a mistake. Just one misstep was all it would take. She was barely two steps ahead. Had she not fallen asleep in Parker’s field she would be locked up in the cell of a room once again. Her tricks known. How would she have escaped now? Would he have even taken a chance?

  She should really explain. She should straighten her shoulders and just tell him. He deserved to know who she truly was. The ugly truth. How can it be worse than not knowing? There was so much she didn’t know about him, but she needed to trust him. Needed to believe that there was good still left in the world.

  By now she should be used to it being just her and Tillie. She should be grateful for what she had, not wishing for more. She should be grateful, but she wanted more. She deserved more. She would always long for more.

  Living alone she would think of him. She would never forget. She would remember his laugh and the spark in his eyes. The hunger when he looked at her.

  The only way she was going to truly be free would be by confronting her demons face to face. A heavy weight settled in her stomach at the thought.

  But did she have a choice?

  In truth, she did not.

  If she stayed she would have to reveal the truth. In so many ways, it was everything that she wanted to do. Wipe the slate clean. Start from scratch. Forget the past.

  She had to go away.

  Persephone turned at the faint scratching sound, she watched as Lucy puttered around humming a lively tune as she went about her business, then she brought her the borrowed cotton night rail, which only succeeded in reminding her that she had nothing.

  Persephone went through the motions. She changed. She washed her face and hands. She cleaned her teeth. She brushed out her hair and sat quietly, staring idly at her reflection in the mirror while Lucy plaited the deep red strands into a thick braid that fell down past the middle of her back. Tying the braided hair with a borrowed ribbon and then climbed into the high bed. She leaned up on her elbows and stared across the room. Expensively furnished, elegantly appointed, feminine comfort that mocked her.

  Nothing was hers.

  If she left, she would be leaving in stolen clothes, stolen shoes, and with stolen food.

  She flopped back against the bed, an extra pillow clutched in her arms. She pressed her face into its softness to muffle her frustrated cries.

  She wasn’t a coward, was she?

  She was a survivor, wasn’t she?

  Was she willing to risk it all? If he found her she would have less than nothing. She would more than likely be dead. What would happen to Tillie?

  What did she have to lose?



  She just lay for a time, unable to get her thoughts to gather quickly enough to make a decision. She pushed herself up a little and flung the pillow, wet from her tears, across the room and watched as the knick knacks on the dresser rattled against one another, wobbling, but not falling over.

  Anticipation stole her breath. I cannot deny this any longer. It must be done. I refuse to deny myself this pleasure.

  She swung her feet over the edge of the bed and stood on the plush rug that protected her feet from the cold floor, but still shivered. She wiggled her toes in the delicious plushness, squared her shoulders, reached for the blue silk wrapper that lay over the foot of the bed and belted it tightly around her waist.


  Parker had already begun to undress, standing only in his shirt and trousers. He leaned against the doorframe leading to the balcony off his bedroom. Hardly more than a perch with a stone rail, but it was perfect for clearing his head. He knew she was as attracted to him as he was to her. He had felt it in her kiss. He could see it in her eyes. It hung in the air between them whenever they were in sight distance from the other. No touch required and he hardened like a rock.

  When he heard a faint knock at his door, he sighed. Damn that interfering chit. Piper never could leave well enough alone. He took one more long draw and blew out a frustrated stream of smoke before dropping his cheroot to the ground with a curse and crushing it under his boot heel.

  “Piper…” he growled. Surprise flittered across his face when he flung open the door to look down not into Piper’s smug face, but into Persephone’s flushed face. “Persephone?”

  “I-I-I’m sorry,” she backed up. She swallowed and rubbed her damp hands on her wrapper. “I didn’t realize you were expecting a visit from your sister.” She was surprised to hear that her voice sounded a little breathy. She glanced back into the hall as if someone were going to grab her from behind. She forced a deep breath, deep into her lungs. The breath did nothing to relieve her nerves. So she was forced to do it again.

  “I’m not.” His jaw tightened and his hands clenched and unclenched at his sides, but he took a step back to allow her to enter. He didn’t want her to be caught outside his room in the middle of the night, especially with his nosy sister still under this roof. “Is anything the matter?” He reached for her hand and the warmth of his fingers wrapped around her wrist sending a wave of heat that pooled in the center of her body leaving an aching need. “Has something happened to Tillie?” His voice was hoarse with worry.

  Persephone shook her head, halting just inside the door her eyes flitting back and forth at the deeply masculine room and her mouth went dry as she glimpsed the enormous bed that stood against one wall. She decided she wouldn’t risk never getting to feel his arms around her again. One last time. Her heart hammered like she had been running for miles, not just walking a few feet down the darkened hall. She drank in the sight of him. He was so beautiful, so big and strong.

  Parker gave her a level look, waiting for her to speak and caught the tinge of uncertainty that sparked in her eyes, then quickly disappeared. He reluctantly released her wrist, missing the feel of her soft skin under his rough palm and stepped back.

  “This was a mistake,” she said faintly wetting her suddenly dry lips with the tip of her tongue. “I should return to my room.” The trembling inside her stomach worked outward until her legs nearly gave out. Oh, dear. What must he think of her?

  The delightful scattering of freckles across her nose and the tiny pink tongue that nervously flicked out to lick her rosy lips distracted him. He had never experienced such intense arousal before. Such an insistent, aching need to be around anyone. Around her and only her. To ease her spirit. To soothe her nerves. To alleviate her fears. To see her eyes go soft with arousal as he knew they would. He longed to hear the hitch in her breath when he touched her intimately. He burned to feel the silk of her skin beneath the callused tips of his fingers. He nearly groaned aloud as his thoughts wandered and his cock tightened, pressing insistently against the fall of his trousers.

  The all-consuming, searing look Parker was giving her, unsettled her. She watched as his blue eyes grew dark, following the path of her tongue as it left a wet trail across her lips.

  “Don’t go,” Parker said, breaking into her ruminations. He didn’t want to sound desperate, but he was. He wanted her with every fiber of his being and he was unwilling to watch her walk away. He stepped closer.

  She swallowed, her hand fluttered up to her chest, gripping the lapels of her blue silk wrapper and pulling them together with her trembling fingers. A wave of anticipation crashed through over her body and she shuddered. There was no turning back now.

  “Stay.” Parker wanted to reach out and touch her, to stroke his hand over her bare skin, or slide his fingers into her thick red hair, but he restrained himself. He wanted the decision to remain hers alone. His lips curved into a faint smile, nearly sighing aloud when she closed the space between them and slipped her arms around his narrow waist.

  His sides felt like steel bands and his heart beat fast against her cheek. She buried her face in his linen covered muscles and inhaled his scent greedily. She would remember it always and each time she smelled—tobacco, brandy, and musk, she would be reminded of him and this night. Of the comforting feel of his arms wrapped tightly around her trembling body.

  “Why did you come to my room, Persephone?” Parker rasped, his heart pounding beneath his linen shirt even though he wanted her here. Savoring the way she unconsciously curled against his chest.

  She could feel the rich baritone rumbling against her ear in opposition of his heartbeat and new that he was struggling. Fighting battles of his own.

  He would hold her as long as it took to draw the words from her. His hands rubbed gentle circles on her back over and over, higher and higher until his strong hand gripped the vulnerable curve of her neck.

  Her breath quickened. Even though she expected questions, her insides still knotted. When she didn’t answer, Parker pulled away so that he could see her face, his head cocked to one side.

  She looked up at him and somehow managed to say, “Make love to me, Parker.” She held her breath as she waited for him to decide.

  He stared at her, his nostrils flaring. Did she know what those words did to him? With gentle fingers, he pulled the ribbon from the end of her braid and thrust his hands in her hair, watching as the red strands spread in thick curls to below her waist in a curtain of glorious silk.

  She sighed as he ran his fingers through her hair, letting it cascade over her shoulders and back. Her blood thrummed through her veins as he bent down to nuzzle her neck, teeth closing gently on her skin. He gave her goose flesh as he nipped at her throat sending sharp spikes of pleasure to her center. The evening’s growth of stubble darkening his cheeks and chin abraded her tender skin and sent additional shivers down her spine to settle between her legs.

  He raked his fingertips over her scalp, massaging her head with a firm, gentle touch. She slumped against his body for support as he began finger-combing her curls, from her scalp to the ends of her tresses and she could feel the tension melting from her body with each stroke.

  She looked up, her cheeks flushed with heat, her emerald eyes capturing his, enticing him with the trust he saw reflected in their depths. She reached a hand up to his mouth and let her thumb and fingertips graze his full, masculine lips. “Parker.” She stroked his chin, his stubble deliciously rough.

  He was silent for a long moment, his eyes searching hers. His eyes were dark and impassioned. His chest constricted just looking at her. He was helpless against her soft plea, against the warmth of her touch. He growled and pulled her close. His teeth flashed in a most satisfying grin. He sucked her index finger in between his lips and she closed her eyes and relaxed into his strong, muscular arms, drunk from his tongue on her body.

  Persephone’s eyes widened as he closed the space between them cupping her cheek with his left hand, wrapping her hair around his right fist and tugging her head back as he guided her mouth to his.

  He kissed her.

  Kissed her hard, stealing the breath from her lungs. His tongue glided with silky ease over the contours of her lips, lingering. He didn’t stop, but tangled his other hand in her hair and tilted her head back even further. His tongue sweeping across hers, she branded him with her sweet taste, her soft, moist lips, and her heat.

  Persephone’s hand curled helplessly around Parker’s nape, winding in the textured silk of his hair. She tugged at the soft strands sending sharp shooting sparks of pleasure to his already throbbing cock.

  Her moans rose as from the depths of her throat, her lips parted begging for more as heat exploded between them. She sought more, pressed more firmly against him as the pressure building became almost unbearable.

  He pulled his lips from hers. His voice was warm and tender; his callused palms cupping her face. “Are you certain?” A hungry flame lighting his already inflamed gaze.

  She nodded.

  His hand cupped her jaw to raise her face to his, forcing her eyes to meet his. “I need to hear you say the words, Persephone.” His voice ragged, his eyes burning with hunger now. “There can be no doubt in your mind or mine.” His desire began to make his voice huskier, raspier. “Say it,” he whispered.

  Desperation was strong in his voice, the intensity of his desire taking her breath away. She wanted to discover everything about him, just as he was discovering her. Uncover his deepest, darkest secrets and reveal her innermost demons. Her heavy heart was beginning to lighten. She wanted this to be real. His hands were gentle as they cupped her jaw and she instinctively tilted her face up. She could feel his lips hovering a few inches above her lips. His breath a heated elixir flowing over her skin. Her limbs felt heavy, drugged with the desire flowing through her. Her eyes fluttered shut. Could she say it? Could she give in to the strong emotions that were threatening to overtake her?

  “Please say it.” Parker’s voice throbbed with demand.

  Persephone forced her eyes open and stared up at him, her blood pumping violently, seeing the dark flush along his taut cheekbones, the glitter of lust in his midnight blue eyes, and the need in his expression. He needed her, needed her touch and her love just as much as she needed his.

  “Quite certain,” she answered back, despite the flutters in her stomach.

  He watched her soft, kissable mouth speak the words he needed to hear and something deeper flared to life in his gaze. Possessiveness, satisfaction, and much more.

  He stepped back, reaching down and lifted his shirt over his head tossing it to the floor.

  Persephone sighed in pleasures. Heat flowed over her body as her eyes roamed over his broad shoulders and his chest a solid wall of deliciously sculpted muscles that she longed to touch. Skin to skin. And with that desire, she was unable to control her actions. She placed her palms upon his chest running her hands over his body. She marveled at the sleek muscles that lay just beneath his fevered skin burning her fingertips. Her palms tickled with the pelt of dark fur that tapered to a thin line disappearing into the waistband of his trousers. Her heart pounded, but from excitement, not nerves. She leaned in and rubbed her cheek against the springy hair on his chest, understanding the emotions she had glimpsed in his eyes. Desire. Her chest clenched with them, her womb flexed, and a sense of belonging swept over her with power. It lit fires inside her that hadn’t been there before. Her body felt hot and needy. “I need to feel you all the way to my soul, Parker.”

  “You are so beautiful,” Parker said in a husky whisper. His hands lowered to the knot on her wrapper, then he slipped them under the loosened lapels and pushed it from her shoulders watching as it pooled in a silken puddle at her feet leaving only her thin cotton night rail to shield her nakedness. Desire flared in his eyes at the sight of her hardened nipples, straining against the soft, clingy material and he hadn’t even touched them.

  She sighed audibly in pleasure when he took one of her hands and slowly lifted it to his mouth. Turning it over, he placed a hot, wet kiss to her palm.

  She was nervous, yet the look in his eyes so focused, quelled some of her fears. Once the gown was removed he would see her disfigurement. She would no longer be able to hide the dozens of faded scars that covered most of her legs and back. A few that marred her breasts and arms. She feared the disgust that was sure to follow his discovery.

  She froze, holding her breath as his fingers loosened the ribbon drawstring at the top of her night rail, releasing her final piece of armor. She stiffened even more as the material gaped at her neck and with one flick of his finger, the soft cotton slid down her already sensitized flesh,
catching on one distended nipple, before sliding down her body to join her wrapper at her feet.

  Persephone moved to shield her body from his gaze, holding her breath. She looked at him unable to speak. Afraid of what she might see reflected. Thankful that the light was already dimmed in his room, but by the angry flare in his eyes and white lines that briefly surrounded his mouth she knew he saw everything.

  Hauling in a breath, he took in the sight of her creamy white skin flushed a delicate pink. The way her red hair spilled over her arms in a vibrant covering. He stepped close and wrapped his arms around her, his eyes softening. She watched as the most beautiful smile spread over his face. “You are allowed to breathe, Persephone.” Parker’s chuckle was deep and masculine.

  Persephone stood with her arms at her sides for a long moment before she lifted them and squeezed his waist and released the breath she wasn’t aware she held.

  His mouth claimed hers, stealing her breath. He kissed her with a quiet desperation, burying his hands in her hair he pulled her head back so that she had no choice but to look into his eyes. “You are not these scars.” He traced one of the white lines that ran over her midriff. “You are a wonderful mother.” He trailed his finger down her arm until he gripped her hand. “Did you not put your life in danger to protect your daughter?”

  Tears filled Persephone’s eyes as she glanced down and saw their entwined hands and watched as the tip of his index finger traced one of the white lines visible on the back of her hand. This one left when she had dared to protect herself.

  “Your beauty is evident in everything you do.” Parker’s smoldering blue eyes stared intently.

  She shook her head. Her heart was racing, she wanted to believe him.

  He looked into her eyes and smiled. “Yes.” He gave her a soft kiss on her forehead before he moved away from her. She swallowed hard, shivering at the loss of his body heat, shame warred with her desire when he left her standing in the middle of the room alone and naked.

  His eyes never left her face, the glint making her stomach twist, and every cell in her body jumped to life. He sat down on the edge of the bed, his muscles stretching and bunching when he tugged off his boots letting them fall with a loud thump to the floor.


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