Rescue Me Please

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Rescue Me Please Page 25

by Nichole Matthews

  “I love Tillie. From the moment I saw you, deep inside my heart I knew that there was something special about you. Your daughter will be mine and neither you nor she will ever want for anything again. You will never have to face fear alone again. If life ever gets too much for you, I’ll be by your side.” He tapped his chest with his open palm. “I’ll be your strength.”

  “I’m afraid that I won’t be able to forget.” She had to force the words past the constriction in her throat. “That there will always be a shadow of fear lurking deep within.”

  “No one, and me most of all, expects you to just forget,” he countered incredulously. “I’m just asking you to let me help you heal. Let me love you, Persephone.” He swallowed. “Let me make the pain go away.” His voice broke his eyes awash with emotion.

  “I am not fit to be any man’s wife.” Her eyes filled, and she shook her head helplessly. She struggled to meet his eyes, but when she did, he was looking at her disbelievingly.

  “Well, I do not want a mistress.” His gaze landed on her, straight and level.

  Persephone’s heart slammed against her ribs. She hoped her mouth did not gape open at his words. She could barely see through the waterfall of tears that fell down her face.

  “Our lives are ours to orchestrate. To the ton Tillie will be mine and no one would dare to contradict my word.” His eyes grew hard and determined.

  “You will be ostracized.” She sounded skeptical.

  “I love you, Persephone.” He turned back around and pressed close to her, ducking his head to look into face. “I do not make promises lightly. I need to know what you see in my eyes.”

  Persephone studied him for a long time, the certainty stole her breath away, and her blood sang with the realization. “Love?”

  “Do you love me, Persephone?” His voice was low and shaking as he stared at her, his chest rose and fell. “Can you say the words, Persephone?” he asked softy. “Can you trust me enough to tell me you return my love?”

  She didn’t hesitate, but her legs were shaking. “Yes, I trust you.” Wetness spilled down her cheeks.

  His big hands cupped her face, catching her tears with his thumbs. “What did you expect me to do without you and Tillie?” He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against his chest holding her gaze with his. “Did you think I would just forget that we had ever met? Just go on with life as if our paths had never crossed.” His agitation was plain. “It is not right that you should treat me so shabbily.”

  “You will survive, just as we will,” she said, pulling out of his arms, stepping away from his touch. Leaving enough room so he couldn’t touch her, confuse her.

  “You’re wrong, Persephone.” He gave her a speaking look, swallowing thickly. She watched the Adam’s apple bob in his throat as he struggled to speak. “I am making you a solemn promise. If you run, I will run after you.”

  Swallowing hard, she stared directly into his glinting blue eyes, his determination evident. His strength of character sent a shiver over her skin. She bit her lip to stifle her cry of pain as she thought of a future without him.

  “I took you for a fighter,” he said in a low voice. “Are you not willing to fight for me? For us?” He lifted his head, his gaze roaming over her features, landing on her eyes still filled with sadness and drenched with tears. “We can stay at Rosebriar forever and never see those bastards again.”

  “You would do that for me?” She lowered herself to the chair in front of the fire, leaned her elbows on her knees, and pressed her fists into her eyes. Could she? Could she fight? Could she push back her awful experiences and learn to live happily again. She had made a good start at his house. She looked up.

  “Even still you doubt my word?”

  He made it sound so easy. So simple. She shot him a pleading look.

  “If you cannot tell me that you love me.” His gaze devoured her from the top of her head to the tips of her half-boots peeping out from beneath her skirt. “Then tell me that you do not.” He stood with his arms crossed over his chest and waited. The quickening crackle of the fire was loud in the silence accompanied by the regular tick of the mantle clock.

  “I’m afraid to hope.” She eyed him warily, but the ache in her chest eased just a bit. She still had a hard time believing that she had anything of value to offer Parker, she was too damaged. But if she knew anything at all, she knew one thing; he made her feel whole again.

  Parker knelt down in front of Persephone’s chair and squeezed her hand before he lifted it to his lips. A tremor shook her body and she sighed softly when he leaned forward, until they were separated by only a fraction of air and Persephone really looked. Gone was his usual neat appearance. Gone was his crisply tied cravat, his dust free jacket, and in its place was a look of apprehension mingled with desire.

  “Let us have a discussion.” His shrewd gaze took in the wildly beating pulse at the base of her throat one eyebrow lifted up. “I will hear your arguments against and you will hear mine for.”

  She stiffened, cold fear rising inside her, but she couldn’t ignore the quivers that appeared in her belly at the command of his voice. Why? Why him? And why did his masterful control not frighten her like the rest? She didn’t need to think about the answer. She knew immediately, because he had no desire to harm her physically. He wasn’t seeking pleasure from her pain. He didn’t need her compliance to feel secure in his manhood.

  Her heart softened and her anxiety slid away. So with an audible breath, she nodded her spine straightening before she replied, “Yes.” She couldn’t manage more than a whisper. “I do, but I’m afraid.” After a breath for courage, she looked up into his strong face and piercing blue eyes. Not full of judgment or distaste, but full of something stronger.

  He pulled her against him and pressed his mouth to hers.


  Hush, little baby, don’t say a word.

  Papa’s gonna buy you a mockingbird

  And if that mockingbird won’t sing,

  Papa’s gonna buy you a diamond ring

  Parker scooped her up as if she weighed next to nothing, shifting her in his arms then pulled her against his chest. He swiveled and sat down. His arms tightened, keeping her in place as he cradled her on his lap. She stiffened at first, then he felt her relax against his body. He tucked her head under his chin and slowly stroked her hair with a gentle touch.

  His scent surrounded her, sandalwood and Parker helping her remain calm.

  He shifted her so he could see her face better. He loved the feel of her in his arms and how she snuggled against his chest, trusting. Her gentle curves had increased over the time that she had been with them at Rosebriar and they fit perfectly with the hard planes of his body. Her big green eyes that held a pleading look, one that pulled at his heart. But if they were going to move forward, she had to be honest with him. She needed to share her experiences with her uncle no matter how horrible they were, and no matter how much he would like to forget they had even occurred. Everyone had dark secrets, but he wanted them to start with a clean slate, so he supposed he would need to be the one who shared his hidden past first.

  He kissed the top of her head. “You are not the first that Granville has harmed with his cruel nature,” he said softly, startling her enough that she jumped and her hand stopped caressing his chest and balled into a tiny fist. She tried to sit up, and he held her against him.

  “What did he do to you?” He felt the question more than heard as her words vibrated against his chest.

  “It all happened about six months before my father died.” His voice firm as if he had already dealt with his ghosts. “It almost destroyed him. I’ve wondered for years if it is what provoked his death.”

  “No,” she cried out at the sadness in his tone, pulling back slightly to look directly in his eyes. “You cannot believe that.” She grabbed Parker’s arm and squeezed, reassuring him.

  “I know differently now.” He tightened his grip, tucking he
r head into the hollow of his shoulder. Feeling her warmth and empathy, she gave him comfort without even realizing the full extent of her power. “I was betrothed almost since birth to a girl who was killed. Her parents accused me as her murderer.”

  “And your father believed them?” The question came out a little hesitant. A little nervous.

  He nodded. “Her father was a very powerful man.”

  She glanced up and could see the faint lines of strain that surrounded his eyes and mouth at the memory. “Your father was as well.” She heaved a breath.

  “If you understood the reputation I had worked hard to cultivate since my youth, you would understand why he had his doubts.” She watched his face. “I was spoiled. Was given every comfort, every luxury, every leeway, and all my father’s love. And I took it all for granted.”

  “I cannot believe that.” She laid her hand against his chest.

  He covered her hand with his own. “You see me only as the man I am today,” his eyes crinkled at the corners. “It took my father’s death for this man to emerge from the rubble of the mess I had created.”

  “What happened to your betrothed,” she questioned.

  “Please forgive me for the details, but I want to be honest with you.” He caressed her cheek. “She was found beaten almost unrecognizable.” He shook his head slightly even though she couldn’t see from where she lay against his chest, she could feel him move. “She told her parents that she was going to a ball to see me, but instead she was secretly meeting St. Claire.” He stopped when she stiffened, sucking in a breath. “Persephone?” He cocked his head.

  “I know Lord St. Claire.” Her lips felt numb, but her voice didn’t waver.

  He pushed her from his chest so that he could look into her eyes. “What do you mean know St. Claire?” His jaw clenched. He ran his hand down her arm, and she settled back against his chest.

  She pulled in another shaky breath. “He likes knives,” she said hoarsely. She felt vulnerable. Exposed. She wanted to cry. She wanted to hide.

  “Fuck.” He remembered the cuts on her hip bone just above her mound, SC, almost like a brand. “I’m so sorry, love.” He felt tears prick the backs of his eyes and his breath caught in his throat. He wanted to roar. He wanted blood. He wanted peace. There was such a riotous assortment of emotions running through him.

  She hauled in another long breath. The feel of the knife’s blade slicing into her skin still fresh, dizziness surged through her. She knew she would have staggered had she not been sitting in Parker’s lap wrapped in his arms. “He does it so that he can remember.” Persephone’s eyes burned with tears, and she blinked furiously.

  “Remember?” he asked almost absently, his eyes looking tortured.

  “He said that he had lost count.” She shivered, her chest ached and she didn’t want to talk about this anymore.

  Parker’s arms tightened around her body when he felt her tremble. “I will make him remember,” he growled. “I will make sure he always remembers the pain he meted out to others.” He crushed her to him. “It makes me sick.”

  She saw slight worry lines next to his blue eyes. “Parker,” she said softly tracing the deep grooves on his forehead.

  “I want to help you forget,” he said hoarsely.

  “You already have. You already do.” She lifted her head. “I don’t want to run any longer.” She lay limp against his chest, listening to his slow heartbeat as he stroked her hair. “I love you, Parker,” she said in a very serious voice. It seemed as if the words suddenly fell from her tongue so easily. Relief washed over her and she let herself relax into his arms. She sighed when his hands became more than just comfort. They stroked down her back, trailing fingers down her spine until they gripped her hips. She pulled back, seeing the faint smile on his face and the obvious intent glittering in his midnight blue eyes. His hand moved to her breast, and she stiffened. “We are not alone,” she admonished with a smile, masked by a scowl.

  He searched her eyes for a long moment before he closed his, leaning in until his forehead rested against hers. “I need to kiss you.” His voice was raw with desire, with emotions he’d never known before.

  Her head tilted up as his low voice fluttered across her face, and his smile increased revealing his dimple. She held up her finger. “One kiss.” Her heart galloped in her chest. His arms tightened around her at her consent.

  He saw a flash of fire in the dark depths of her eyes and his eyes filled with heat. “Then I better make this the most amazing kiss you have ever had.” He set his hand against her face.

  She closed her eyes and let the warmth from his touch seep into her, through her as he drew her into a hard, fierce kiss. His fingers wrapped around her neck and spiked up into her hair, tangling with the strands.

  She heard the quick, harsh sound of Parker sucking in a deep, desperate breath and she capitulated. She opened her mouth beneath his and responded just as fiercely leaving her dizzy with desire. Her blood began to slow in her veins and she melted into his arms, giving herself fully to his embrace. A low moan rose from her throat as his hands roamed over her back in soothing circles. She slid her hands from his shoulders, then down his chest, leaning into him. His erection swelled against the side of her hip and his passionate reaction emboldened her further, she shifted, she sighed, trembling, her lips parted. His tongue probed deeper, running along the edge of her teeth, the roof of her mouth, and then stroked the surface of her tongue.

  He felt, rather than saw the smile that lifted her lips.

  “I said one,” she whispered breathlessly against his mouth, pressing her lips to his to stifle her giggle.

  He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners in the manner in which she loved and his dimple prominent on his right cheek. He leaned in. “And I say one will never be enough,” he whispered into her ear, sending tingles down her spine. He brushed his hand over her cheek and smoothed away the hair he had loosened. He nuzzled her neck, and additional delightful little shivers danced down her spine.

  Someone cleared their throat from the direction of the doorway.

  She jerked her head up at the sound to see Peyton. She froze, a deep, red flush suffused her face and she tried to pull out of Parker’s embrace and move from his lap.

  Parker leaned back in the chair but didn’t relinquish his hold of Persephone. To her surprise, he smiled, and white teeth flashed. He was pleased with how she stared up at him, face flushed, eyes glassy.

  Peyton’s eyebrows rose as he studied them for a moment. “I don’t know about the two of you, but I am more than ready to leave this godforsaken place.”

  Parker touched Persephone’s hand where it rested against his chest, pressing it firmly against his rapidly beating heart. He knew that this house held pleasant memories from her childhood as well as the horrendous reminders of her captivity and torture. He glanced into her eyes assuring himself and seeking proof that she was ready to leave behind both.

  A finger under her chin raised her face. His eyes were full of understanding, compassion, and love. She felt cherished and taken care of. She knew that he would never make decisions that would be harmful to her or Tillie. She knew that she would always be safe wherever he was and that is where she wanted to be. Her lips curved into a faint smile.

  “Yes, I believe we are ready to return home.”

  “I’m staying behind until the authorities arrive to take Granville into custody.” Peyton cupped the back of his neck and twisted his head from side to side. Fatigue finally setting in as his adrenaline rush came to a dead halt. “Then I’ll be right behind you.”

  “I don’t like the idea of leaving you alone. Just chain him in the dungeon,” Parker countered. He stared at his brother a moment. “It’s far better than he deserves.”

  Peyton raised his brow. “No.” He stared at his brother. “I will see this through to the end.”

  Parker didn’t like the look in his brother’s eyes, but he nodded, acknowledging Peyton’s decision. He stood wit
h Persephone still in his arms, then he lowered her until her feet touched the floor. As soon as she gained her bearings, he reached for her hand and led her towards the door. He stopped next to his brother and squeezed his right shoulder. “Thank you.”

  Peyton’s gut tightened at his brother’s words. “You’re welcome.” He knew he owed Parker a full explanation, but not today. “Hawksley has Granville’s carriage readied to carry you both home.”

  Peyton stiffened in surprise when Persephone wrapped her arms around his waist and hugging him tightly for a brief moment. Looking up she whispered where only he could hear, “I will never forget what you did for me.”

  He gave her a sad smile, swallowing hard at her words. “I only wish I could have done more.” His voice thick with emotion he would rather not name.

  Peyton knew he would never be able to rid his mind of the horrifying scenes he had witnessed. The thought sickened him even as it took root in his mind. He watched as they left the room, then filled a glass to the brim of some of Granville’s finest brandy and swallowed half in one gulp to still his shaking.

  He was done.

  His senses shattered.

  He practically fell into the deep leather chair by the fire, propped his booted feet upon the low footstool and scrubbed at the wetness on his face with the back of his hand surprised and annoyed by the scalding tears that trailed down his cheeks. If it was anyone else he would say they were weak, but he could still hear their screams and the pain etched on their faces would be imprinted in his memory for the rest of his life.

  Fuck he was tired.


  Horsey, horsey don’t you stop

  Just let your feet go clippety clop,


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