Tempting The Wild Wolf (Seneca Falls Shifters Book 1)

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Tempting The Wild Wolf (Seneca Falls Shifters Book 1) Page 7

by Rayna Tyler

  After taking a long sip, she glanced between Reese and me, then asked, “What was so important that you couldn’t let me sleep a little longer?”

  Reese tapped his fingertips together. “Someone broke into one of the cabins along the eastern perimeter last night.”

  “How bad?” Berkley pursed her lips, her grip on the cup tightening.

  “Some minor plumbing. Bryson chased them off before they could do any major damage,” Reese said.

  “We should hire more security,” she said.

  “That’s what we thought as well. I know someone from my old unit who does contract work and might be willing to help.”

  “Any clues yet as to who’s behind it?” Berkley took a sip from her cup, then released a low moan of appreciation. “Do you think it was some of the local teens?”

  “No. We’re sure it was planned. We found a wrench they’d left behind.”

  “Any likely suspects?” Berkley was well aware of my superior tracking abilities and glanced in my direction expecting an answer.

  “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I ran into the guys…” A rap on the door stopped me from telling my siblings about the run-in I’d had with Dale and his buddy the night before.

  “Come in.” Reese leaned forward in his chair, the old leather squeaking under his weight.

  Nina, the young woman Reese had hired to answer phones and perform administrative duties, stood in the doorway, nervously wringing her hands. She was a sweet kid, barely older than twenty. “I’m sorry to interrupt.” Her gaze went straight to Reese. “There is a Mr. Bishop here to see you. He doesn’t have an appointment but refuses to leave until he speaks to you.”

  Reese glanced at Berkley and me, silently asking our permission. After we both nodded, he spoke to Nina. “It’s fine. Show him in.”

  “Okay.” The tension in Nina’s shoulders disappeared with a sag. She nodded, then retreated from the room.

  “This ought to be interesting,” Reese said once Nina was out of sight.

  A couple of minutes later, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the hall, and Nina appeared in the doorway again. “In here.” She stepped aside, her shorter, more slender frame dwarfed by Desmond’s presence. The man was all business as he strolled into the office wearing a gray pin-striped suit complete with a burgundy silk tie.

  I knew that Reese and Berkley had dealt with Desmond on several occasions and seemed surprised to see the two men accompanying him. I, on the other hand, was ready to shed blood. I’d recognized their scents the night before when they’d stopped to hassle Mandy and me at the ice cream shop.

  They were the two wolves who’d damaged the cabin. If I’d been alone at the time, my wolf and I would have handled things a lot differently. My need to keep Mandy safe and off their radar was the only reason they were still walking. Though I still held out hope that I’d get my hands on Dale, the scumbag on the left, so I could hurt him slowly and painfully for ogling and threatening Mandy.

  Dale and his buddy froze a few feet into the room, shooting angry glares in my direction and letting me know they weren’t happy to see me either. Reese focused his piercing gaze on the two men before returning his attention to Desmond. No doubt he’d recognized their scents as well and was doing a good job concealing the fact.

  “I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me.” Desmond continued into the office and held out his hand.

  Their uninvited visitors were the enemy, and Reese didn’t bother to stand or return the gesture of greeting. It was a clear sign of disrespect, one that didn’t go unnoticed by Desmond. He lowered his hand to his side, his fake smile losing some of its luster.

  “Who are the goons?” Berkley directed the question at Desmond.

  “These are my associates. This is Dale.” He pointed to the male on the left, then to the other on the right. “And Carl.”

  “Whatever,” Berkley muttered, then snubbed them by rolling her eyes and continuing to sip her coffee.

  “What do you want, Bishop?” Reese got straight to the point.

  “The same thing I’ve always wanted: to make you a generous offer on the resort.” Desmond made himself comfortable in the chair opposite Reese’s desk. Carl and Dale positioned themselves behind him, their rigid stances meant as a show of force.

  “You could have called and saved yourself the trip.” Reese crossed his arms. “We’re still not interested.”

  “How do you know if you haven’t even heard what I’m willing to pay?”

  “The resort is not for sale for any amount of money,” Reese countered.

  “You’re even more stubborn than your grandfather, and look what that got him.” His face was masked in calm, but there was a hint of frustration in his voice. “The place is falling apart. Wouldn’t you rather spend your money on something more profitable?”

  “What we do with our money is none of your concern.” Reese tapped the edge of his desk. “And in case I didn’t make myself clear the first time, we’re not interested in selling.”

  “But since you’re here…” I braced my hands on the cabinet. “Mind telling us what your guys were doing breaking into one of our cabins last night?”

  Desmond slowly curled one side of his lips into a sneer. “Surely you aren’t insinuating that I would do anything unlawful to gain ownership of the resort?”

  “I don’t need to insinuate. You might want to hire better help the next time you send your boys to damage our property. They’re sloppy and left their scent all over the place.” As I’d hoped, my comment hit a nerve. Desmond’s flinch, along with the tic in the muscle of his jaw, was more noticeable.

  “Your brother’s got you back on your leash again, I see,” Dale smarted off, too stupid to realize this was the wrong place to provoke me. “Where’s that pretty little girlfriend of yours?”

  Yep, too stupid. I released a low, feral growl and cracked my knuckles. The hurting was going to start sooner rather than later.

  Dale and Carl lacked their boss’s self-control. They snarled, baring fangs and extending their claws.

  Desmond kept his attention focused on me and held up his hand, a warning to his underlings. “Rein it in. This is a friendly meeting. We didn’t come here looking for trouble.” He waited for the men to calm down and take a step back. “I’m sure you’re mistaken. If they were involved in your mishap, and I’m not saying they were…good luck proving it.”

  The man was all kinds of smarmy and gave shifters a bad name. My wolf was in total agreement with gutting the bastard before he had a chance to leave the room. Mental images of the best places my animal considered hiding a corpse flipped through my mind. Of course, I’d never take a life without provocation, but I couldn’t help appreciating my wolf’s simplistic way of wanting to deal with things.

  Desmond pushed out of his chair, casting one last glance at the three of us. “You really should consider taking my offer. This place is old, and there’s no telling what kind of accidents might happen.”

  The man had a pair of brass ones to toss that kind of threat at us in our own home. Before I could voice my opinion, Reese got to his feet and pointed toward the door. “I’m sure you can find your way out.”

  Desmond reached inside his jacket and retrieved a business card. He placed it on the desk, tapping it with his finger. “We’ll be talking again soon.” He inclined his head toward Carl and Dale, then left the room with them trailing behind him.

  I pushed away from the cabinet, intent on following them.

  “Nick, where are you going?” Reese stepped in front of me and blocked my path to the doorway.

  I didn’t miss the concern lining my brother’s face and knew he was wondering if I was going to lose it. “Stop worrying. My wolf’s under control. I just want to make sure our unwanted guests don’t have any problem leaving the property.”

  Chapter Nine


  Two days had passed since my semi-date with Nick at the ice cream shop. And just like
the day before, I’d set my alarm to buzz an hour sooner than normal with the intention of arriving at the resort early. I told myself the reason I’d spent the extra time fixing my hair and laboring over my decision to find the perfect shirt had nothing to do with the possibility of seeing Nick.

  There was no reason I couldn’t look nice to do my job, was there?

  After my initial disappointment of finding his truck missing from his driveway, I drove to the next cabin scheduled for repairs. Except for exchanging the vanity in Nick’s bathroom—the new one to replace the cracked one I’d ordered—I’d finished all the work required in his home the day before.

  This cabin was going to be a lot easier since some of the metal piping had already been replaced with PVC. After hopping out of the vehicle, I grabbed my toolbox and headed inside to the bathroom, where I settled in and got to work. Two hours and a few scrapes later, I was almost finished. I laid my wrench on top of the counter next to the sink and grabbed a clean rag from my stash. I wiped the grime from my hands, then took a step back to admire my handiwork. Once I turned on the water and made sure there were no leaks, I could start in the kitchen.

  Thinking about water made me thirsty. I realized I’d left the cooler in the front of my truck and decided now was a good time to go get it. After stopping in the kitchen to wash my hands, I pushed open the squeaky screen and paused. Nick, dressed in a snug-fitting black T-shirt and worn jeans, was sitting on the porch, his legs hanging over the edge. He was amazingly handsome, and I reacted accordingly with a racing heart and a slow simmering heat that scorched every part of my body.

  I’d learned from Berkley that Nick had been spending most of his time doing errands for Reese. Other than a few waves from a distance, I hadn’t spoken to him since he’d delivered me to the front porch of my father’s house two nights ago.

  My lips still warmed at the memory of the gentle kiss he’d placed on them before leaving. It had left me aching with need and wanting more. Too bad my father had been home; otherwise, I’d have been tempted to break my rule about sleeping with a guy before really getting to know him and dragged Nick inside and upstairs to my bedroom.

  Nick being here didn’t necessarily mean anything. Since I worked for him and his family, he was probably stopping by to check on my progress. Though if that was the case, wouldn’t he have come inside?

  Before I could continue arguing with myself, Nick glanced over his shoulder, his smile growing brighter. “Hey, there.”

  One look from those silvery-gray eyes had me melting. “Hey back.” I realized I was gawking and still had my hand pressed against the doorframe. “What are you doing here?” I returned his smile, then curiously stepped onto the porch.

  “I thought I’d surprise you.” He patted the spot next to him. “You’re due for a break, right?”

  “Yeah, I suppose so.” I squatted down next to him and swung my legs over the edge.

  “Good, because I brought you something.” He reached to his right where he’d hidden a square, white plastic container sealed with a lid. Grinning like a kid with a Christmas gift, he handed it to me.

  “Thanks.” It was small and fit perfectly on my lap. “What is it?” I stared at the opaque finish, hoping to get a glimpse inside.

  “Guess you’ll have to open it and see.”

  I inhaled his musky scent, a mixture of sandalwood and the forest after a rain shower. Having him this close made it hard for me to breathe, let alone maintain a clear thought, and I fumbled with the lid. Nick scooting closer, his thigh pressed against mine, wasn’t helping my concentration issue. After an embarrassing amount of struggling, I finally got one corner undone.

  “Need some help?”

  Yes. “No, I’ve got it.” I removed the rest of the lid without dumping the whole thing on the ground. Inside was a blueberry Danish, huge in comparison to anything I’d ever purchased from a store. A thick layer of white icing was spread across the top and dripped down the sides. The smell was overpoweringly delicious and made my mouth water. I was surprised he’d remembered my sweet tooth and gone out of his way to bring me something special. “This looks awesome.” I gazed at him curiously. “And homemade. Did you make it?”

  “Nah, my talents lie elsewhere.” Nick wiggled his brows. “Berkley was baking, and I stole it when she wasn’t looking.” He appeared pleased with his admission about his thieving abilities.

  “She does love to cook and bake.” I’d learned about my friend’s passion years ago after Berkley coerced me into tasting anything she’d created in the kitchen.

  “And she’s really good at it, but don’t tell her I told you.” Nick grinned. “I’ll never hear the end of it.”

  I giggled and glanced at my treat. “No fork?”

  “Sorry, fingers only. I was in fear for my life, so I had to perform a snatch-and-escape operation.”

  “Who am I to deny a man who is willing to risk death to bring me such a magnificent morsel?” I picked up one end of the Danish, my thumb and forefinger squishing into the thick icing. After taking a bite, I briefly closed my eyes and enjoyed how the sweet mixture of soft bread and blueberries melted on my tongue. I moaned softly, then glanced at Nick, ready to thank him, and stopped when I noticed the hungry way he was staring at my mouth. “What?” I swallowed hard and nervously licked my lips.

  “You missed some.” He slid his thumb along my lower lip, coming away with a dab of icing, which he slowly sucked into his mouth. A mouth I couldn’t stop staring at. My nipples hardened, and warmth pooled between my legs. I wished he was giving parts of my body the same attention he was giving his thumb.

  He released a low rumble, then leaned forward and brushed his mouth across mine, swiping my lip with his tongue. “Hmm. Very tasty.”

  I shuddered, wondering what it would be like to have him kiss me. Not a brush of his mouth over mine, but a full-blown, passionate kiss. Seconds later, I got my wish and nearly dropped the remainder of the Danish. Nick grasped me by the nape to anchor me in place and captured my mouth with his. What started out playful and teasing turned into a possessively dominating kiss with tongues entwined and both of us moaning.

  When he finally released me, there was mischief in his gaze, and he was panting as hard as I was. “There.” He smirked. “I think I got it all.” He ran his finger along my hand where it rested on the edge of the container and gripped the Danish. “You should have another bite.”

  I’d been so distracted by his kiss, I was surprised I’d been able to maintain my grasp. “Why do I get the feeling the only reason you brought me this Danish was so you could lick the icing off my lips?”

  Nick chuckled, holding up his hands in mock innocence. “I swear I didn’t have any ulterior motives at the time, but I won’t say I’m unhappy about the results.”

  “Really?” Unable to resist his challenging gaze and interested to see what he’d do next, I set the Danish aside and slowly raised the finger coated with icing to my lips. With lightning-quick speed, he snagged my hand and sucked the tip into his mouth. He twirled his tongue across my skin, the sensation so intimate, so heated, that I was certain I was going to melt.

  His pupils widened with desire as he gave my thumb the same amount of attention, slowly lapping the pad, then sucking it into his mouth. He reached for me again, this time pulling me across his lap. He caught my lower lip with his teeth and gently tugged, then swiped his tongue across my lower lip, plunging deeper and taking control.

  I gasped and slid my hands along his shoulders, entwining my fingers in the hair at his nape. I’d never had anyone turn a kiss into such an erotic event and didn’t want him to stop.


  Icing or not, Mandy tasted even better than I’d imagined, and I couldn’t get enough of her. It had been extremely hard for me to give her one chaste kiss two nights ago when I’d dropped her off at home. I’d spent the rest of the evening tossing and turning, dreaming about her, wanting and needing more.

  I’d planned to spend the foll
owing day doing repair work around my cabin so I could be near her, could spend time with her. Reese, of course, had other plans for me. As much as I wanted to argue with my brother, I couldn’t. I’d agreed to pull my weight when it came to the renovations and managing the resort. Coordinating supply deliveries and discussing the new candidates for security needed to be addressed immediately. Bishop and his determination to obtain the resort was a real threat, one we couldn’t afford to dismiss.

  My erection was straining against the inside of my pants, and if I had my way, I’d drag Mandy back to my cabin and spend the rest of the day exploring every inch of her beautiful body. Though I’d finally agreed with my wolf that she was our mate, I’d been battling the persistent animal for the past two days.

  My wolf was pushing me hard to claim her and didn’t understand what I was waiting for, why I was taking things slowly. Mandy was human, and I wasn’t sure if she understood what it meant to be a mate, to commit to one another permanently, to seal our bond forever. Couple that with my wild nature, the kind of life I’d lived—the complete opposite of hers—and things couldn’t get any more complicated.

  Having been alone for so long, I’d never allowed myself to get emotionally involved with anyone else. For the first time in my life, I was considering what it would be like to take a chance and let myself care about someone so deeply that it would hurt if I lost them. I was trying to reach the point where I wasn’t battling my own reservations about the whole lifetime thing and didn’t want to risk chasing Mandy off in the process.

  Berkley with her persistence and Reese with his unconditional acceptance of my wolf had gone a long way to changing my mind. In the short time I’d known Mandy, she’d broken through the barrier protecting my heart in a way I’d never thought possible.

  I stared at the woman whose ice-blue gaze shimmered with mischief. When she’d taunted me by trying to lick the icing from her finger, I hadn’t been able to stop myself from going after the sweet confection again. I’d wanted her closer, so rather than lean toward her again I’d tugged her onto my lap sideways and encircled her waist with my arms.


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