Untangle My Heart (Tangled Hearts)

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Untangle My Heart (Tangled Hearts) Page 25

by Alexander, Maria K.

  Kate headed out of the room. “No, thanks. I could use the fresh air from the walk.”

  She felt Edward following her down the stairs and hoped he didn’t argue with her.

  He caught up to her and reached for her arm. “We’re not finished with our conversation, Kate.”

  “We are for now. It’ll have to wait until later.”

  After slipping on her coat she turned to face him, not knowing if she’d live to see him again. She wanted to throw her arms around him and tell him she loved him. She did neither.

  “I’ll see you later. Lock up before you leave, ’kay?” she said and with a quick turn, dashed out the door before doing something stupid, like telling him to call for help.

  Kate pulled up the collar of her coat and studied the street for signs of one of Sal’s thugs. She didn’t see anyone, but she knew that didn’t mean they weren’t out there.

  She straightened her spine and walked quickly down the street, her eyes and ears alert to any potential sudden movement. It was four blocks to the pizzeria. She would have taken up Edward’s offer for a ride but knew she couldn’t risk him being seen there, or worse, getting killed.

  No, she’d have to rescue Vicky and Lucas on her own. She couldn’t risk anyone else being threatened by that madman. With dread looming like a cloud over her, she took a deep breath and quickened her pace.


  Edward watched Kate hurry along the street and couldn’t help feeling that something was off. First, there was the brief glance she gave him before she left—her slight hesitation as though she debated telling him something. Then it passed and she was gone. While glancing out the front window, he saw her pause to study the street before heading in the direction of the pizzeria.

  He didn’t like the idea of her walking alone. Sure, she grew up in this neighborhood, but between the frigid weather and Sal, they’d agreed it wasn’t smart for her to be alone.

  The hell with what she’d said. He’d follow her, make sure she arrived in one piece. As he turned toward the door, something caught his eye on the coffee table. It was Lucas’s DS.

  Odd, she made a point of telling Lucas she’d bring it, but she’d forgotten—or had she? His bad feeling from only moments ago turned to panic at the thought that Kate hadn’t been speaking to Lucas.

  He pulled out his cell and pressed Lucas’s number. It went to voicemail. He did the same for Vicky and got the same result. No. Something was definitely not right.

  He scrolled through his contacts until he found Nick’s number.

  Luckily her brother answered. “Nick, it’s Edward. Have you spoken with Vicky recently?”

  “Not since earlier today. She should be arriving here at the restaurant soon, along with Kate and Lucas,” Nick said.

  “I think something’s wrong. I’m at your parents’ house and Kate got a call from Lucas. She said she’d bring him his DS and took off for the pizzeria. I offered to drive her, but—well you know how she is when she gets her mind set about something.”

  “Only too well. But I heard her tell Lucas this morning he couldn’t bring his DS to the restaurant. Did she take it with her before she took off?”

  Edward glanced at the DS lying on the table. “No.”

  “Fuck. You don’t think—”

  “Yes, I think it’s highly likely that Sal called and she’s going off to meet him or…”

  “Or worse, he has Vicky and Lucas and she’s going to do something stupid like try and rescue them,” Nick added.

  “Would she really be that stupid?” Edward asked, even though he already knew the answer to the question.

  “Just how well do you know my sister?”

  As well as he knew himself. “Right. How quickly can you get there?”

  “About ten minutes,” Nick said. “Stay at the house, Edward. I’ll call for back up. Don’t do—”

  Edward didn’t hear the rest of what Nick said because he’d disconnected and moved toward the door. Remembering how Kate studied the street, he locked the front door and headed out toward the back. He scanned the back alley and cut behind the houses toward where his car was parked.

  He pulled away, leaving his headlights off, and turned down the street away from the pizzeria. As he parked at the far end of the block, he noticed a small figure slip into the alley behind the building. Kate.

  He thought for only a few seconds, then put his phone on vibrate and headed behind the restaurant. The dark of the night helped cover his movements, and he studied the back alleyway. Movement caught his eye and he saw Kate crouched down next to the Dumpster. He didn’t know her plan, but there was no way she’d be able to go up against Sal—at least not alone.

  He crept up behind her and clamped a hand over her mouth. Then, he doubled over when something struck his stomach, and he found himself flipped onto his back.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Kate watched the back of the pizzeria door, knowing there wasn’t much time before she needed to make a decision. If she didn’t go in soon, she didn’t know what Sal would do.

  Just as she prepared to sneak in the back, a hand clasped over her mouth. Her stomach leapt into her heart and she acted reflexively, jabbing her elbow into her assailant’s abdomen and flipping him.

  She leaned over the unmoving form, which looked vaguely familiar to her despite the bulky coat, and a bad feeling settled in her stomach. She turned the body so she could see the face in the alley light.

  The person moaned and started to move. “What in the bloody hell was that about, luv? I’m on your side.”

  Oh, shit. Edward.

  “That’s what happens when you sneak up on someone in an alleyway. Didn’t they teach you anything in those fancy London prep schools?”

  She helped him sit and lean against the Dumpster.

  “We learned the civilized way of defending ourselves—with swords.”

  “You fenced?”

  “A little.” He rubbed at the back of his head.

  “Are you all right?” She felt the back of his head, wanting to make sure there was no bump, or worse, blood. Thankfully, she didn’t feel any injury and breathed a sigh of relief.

  “I’ll survive. That was some move.”

  “Just one of the little skills I learned in self-defense class. It was more difficult because I was crouched down and we’re both wearing coats.”

  “Christ, you mean it could have been worse?”

  “Oh yeah, much worse. You’ll have to ask Nick sometime. He’s been on the unfortunate end my better flips. I told you I can take care of myself.”

  “So it seems, but sometimes it doesn’t hurt to ask for help.”

  He was right and she knew it.

  “Did you even think to call the cops after you got the call from Sal?”

  She stiffened. “How did you know Sal called me?”

  “You’re not that good an actress. Besides, you didn’t take Lucas’s DS. It was sitting on the coffee table.”

  Damn. She’d completely forgotten the ploy of the DS, only thinking about how to leave without Edward following her.

  “I didn’t consider calling the cops, only getting here. Sal had someone watching the house because he knew I was with you and we were in the bedroom.”

  “What did he say on the phone?”

  “That he had Lucas and Vicky. I think he may have hurt her because he alluded to her fighting back and having messed up her face.”

  “If Vicky’s anything like her sister, she gave Sal a hell of a fight. So what’s your plan, Sherlock?”

  She looked over at the pizzeria. “Um, I sort of hadn’t thought of one yet.”

  He yanked on a curl. “Guess it’s a good thing I was in the neighborhood, then.”

  Cocky bastard. She released a tense laugh because his arrogance was one of things she loved about him.

  “What brilliant plan do you have, Mr. Bond?”

  “I called Nick and he’s on his way with back-up. We could remain here until he arrives.�

  “Fuck that.”

  “That’s what I thought you’d say. So plan B is for you to go through the front and confront him. I’ll go in through the back and hope he’s alone so I can knock him out.”

  She looked at his coat. “Do you have any swords in there?”

  “Cute. Do you have any better suggestions?”

  Unfortunately, his plan made sense and time was wasting away.

  “No. Let’s do it.” She reached into her pocket and handed him her pepper spray. “You may need this. Be grateful I didn’t pull it on you.”

  “I am,” he said. “But first…” He yanked her toward him and planted a firm kiss on her mouth.

  “We’re not finished with our earlier discussion, understand?”

  She nodded.

  He slipped something in her hand. She looked down at his car keys and gave him a questioning look.

  “If there’s an opportunity for you to make a run for it with Lucas and Vicky, do it. Don’t wait for me.


  He put a finger over her lips. “I’m parked on the north side of the street. No arguments.”

  She thought about doing just that but stopped. He was right. Getting Lucas and Vicky to safety was their priority.

  “Be careful, luv.”

  “You, too.”

  She stepped from his embrace and into the darkness of the alley.

  The wind picked up, but Kate didn’t notice. She increased her pace, pausing on the main street to catch her breath. She straightened and knocked on the pizzeria door, which was locked.

  Someone peeked through the slats on the blinds before the door was jerked open and she was yanked inside.

  “It’s about time, Kate, my dear,” Sal said. “What took you so long?”

  “Kate!” Lucas cried.

  She glanced into the main room to see Lucas and Vicky tied to individual chairs positioned back to back.

  “Lucas, Vicky,” Kate called, running over to them. “Are you all right?” she asked Lucas, scanning his face and body for any signs of abuse.

  “I’m scared. These men are mean,” Lucas said.

  “These men are assholes,” Vicky added.

  Kate moved around to look at her sister and forced herself not to gasp. Vicky’s left cheek had a gash across it and her right eye was swollen shut. Apparently Sal wasn’t kidding when he said she put up a fight. She’d expect nothing less from her sister.

  Kate tilted Vicky’s head back and looked into her good eye. “Are you okay?”

  “Just seriously pissed,” Vicky replied.

  Kate could see the fire in Vicky’s eyes and knew despite her physical injuries, there was still plenty of fight left in her sister.

  Hands clamped like a vice around Kate’s arms and pulled her away.

  “This little family reunion is touching, but I’ve had enough.” Sal nodded to his henchman, who dragged Kate across the room to where Sal sat at one of the tables.

  The man pushed Kate into a chair and stood guard next to her. Kate fought the urge to rub the spot where he’d grabbed her. She’d have a nice pair of bruises tomorrow.

  “I’m here, Sal. You can let Lucas and my sister free.”

  “I don’t think so, baby.”

  “What do you want?” Kate demanded.

  “I’d like my brother alive. Is that something you can arrange?” Sal sneered. He leaned forward in his chair. “Oh, that’s right. You can’t, seeing as you’re the one who killed him.”

  Kate gritted her teeth. The man was sick. Watching him reminded her of Mario the day of the car accident. She had to keep this asshole talking, try to buy time in hope that Edward would cause a diversion, or Nick would arrive with reinforcements.

  “I wish Mario were alive, too,” she lied. She forced sorrow into her voice and tears to well in her eyes. “Contrary to what you believe, I never wanted him to die.”

  This part was true. Kate had wanted Mario to suffer a taste of the pain and humiliation he’d caused her, but she never wished him dead. No, death was too easy an escape for him.

  “You’re a lying bitch,” Sal yelled and reached over to slap her face.

  Expecting a move like that, Kate flung out her hand and deflected his wrist before he touched her.

  “Don’t ever put your hands on me, you bastard. I was too weak to fight off Mario, but I’m stronger now. You won’t be able to push me around as easily as he did.”

  Sal burst out in a loud, boisterous laugh. “Oh, that’s perfect, baby. My brother liked his women passive so he could dominate them, but I prefer mine feisty and passionate, just like you.”

  He nodded to his goon, and Kate was suddenly jerked out of the chair by the hair. She shrieked, the pain almost unbearable. Sal stood and rounded the table to her. She was helpless, her arms pinned behind her back from the thug, Vito, if she recalled correctly.

  Sal yanked open her coat, causing the buttons to fly across the room. With his fingers, he traced along her throat and then her breasts. Kate closed her eyes, repulsed by his touch, and fought back the urge to pull away. Clearly, he wanted a fight, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. At least not yet.

  “You’re looking pretty fine. My brother didn’t appreciate you nearly enough. I won’t make the same mistake.”

  As he got closer, she could smell the whiskey on his breath. It reminded her of the times Mario used to get drunk before smacking her around and then expected sex. She didn’t want to risk what would happen if she fought Sal, but she also refused to be a victim again. She’d worked too hard to get beyond that and was afraid what kind of mental anguish this would cause poor Lucas.

  “What is it you want from me, Sal? I can’t bring Mario back.”

  “You’re right. Mario’s death is water under the bridge. But I’m here. In the flesh.” He traced his tongue along her neck and Kate felt his arousal against her leg.

  Oh, God. Please don’t let him rape me. Not here, not anywhere, but especially not in front of Lucas.

  “My mother has been pining for a grandchild. Wouldn’t it be nice if I gave her one from the same bitch who sired her first one?”

  “You’re crazy, Sal,” Kate gasped and took a chance. “And besides, I’m already pregnant with the Brit’s baby.” She hated lying, especially if Edward was listening, but she needed to say something to derail Sal’s current train of thought.

  “I don’t believe you.” He squeezed her breast so hard she couldn’t help but flinch. “I guess I’ll have to take my chances then.”

  She turned when he tried to kiss her mouth and he caught her cheek instead.

  “That wasn’t nice, sweet thing. Now play nice for Sal.”

  Vito pulled her hair back and when she opened her mouth to protest, Sal clamped his mouth over hers. She squirmed and tried to pull out of his embrace, but he held her firmly by the waist, pressed into his disgusting erection.

  Kate did the only thing she could think of. She bit his tongue.

  He pulled away sharply. “You bitch. That hurt.” He slapped her.

  This time she had no choice but to take it. The taste of blood pooled in her mouth, which she recalled all too clearly from when Mario used to hit her. As she’d done back then, she fought off the dizziness and nausea that followed. Where the hell was Edward and what was he doing? And what about Nick and the cops? Shouldn’t they be here by now?

  Suddenly, there was a loud crash from the back. It sounded like an entire rack of dishes being broken.

  Sal swung his head in the direction of the kitchen at the same time Vito loosened his grip on Kate. Since it may be her only opportunity to escape, she took it.

  She stepped on Sal’s foot and rammed her knee into his groin, causing him to swear and double over on the floor in pain. She elbowed Vito and tried to flip him but he was too big. Instead, she settled on some well-placed kicks until finally, he was knocked out by a large metal tray held by Edward.

  She looked up, never as grateful to see someon
e in her life. “Took you long enough.”

  “It’s not that easy finding a diversion in the dark. Go untie Lucas and Vicky.” He thrust a knife in her hands.

  As she walked past Sal, he reached out and grabbed her leg, causing her to fall. She yelled and found herself being jerked to her feet, a gun held to her head.

  “Edward,” she gasped.

  He turned around from tying the goon up and stopped dead in his tracks. “Put the gun down, Sal. The police are on their way. There’s nowhere to escape.”

  “I’m the one with the gun, pretty boy, so I’m calling the shots. Keep your hands where I can see them,” Sal said, waving the gun at Edward.

  There was a crash as Vicky’s chair fell to the ground. Vicky, having managed to untie her hands, was quickly working to untie Lucas.

  Sal, distracted, lowered the gun. Kate knocked it out of his hand and it skidded across the floor. She kicked him in the stomach repeatedly, until he stopped moving.

  Edward pulled her away. “It’s all right, luv. It’s over.”

  Kate wiped the tears from her eyes and blood from her mouth.

  “Kate?” Lucas called from the floor.

  “His legs are probably stiff from sitting. He’s going to need help walking,” Vicky said.

  “Get Lucas and Vicky to the car and back to your parents’ house. I’ll wait for Nick and the police here,” Edward said to Kate.

  “No. I’m not leaving you alone,” Kate replied, pulling Lucas close to her.

  “Don’t argue. Just go.”

  Suddenly, Vicky yelled, “Gun!”

  Kate pulled Lucas toward the door just as a gun went off. Picking him up, she exited the pizzeria moments before a second bullet went off, this one shattering the glass in the front window.

  Without looking back, Kate raced to where Edward said the car was located. With trembling hands, she unlocked the door and pushed Lucas inside.

  “Buckle up, baby. This is going to be a rough ride.”

  Sheer determination enabled Kate to start the car and back it out of the parking spot. She was grateful Edward’s car was small, making it easy to maneuver into the street.

  A loud crash had Kate jerking her head to the passenger side to see Sal trying to open the door. Thankfully she’d had the sense to lock the doors otherwise he would have gotten in the car.


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