by John Carter
Cameron's painting of Jack Parsons, “Dark Angel.”
Cameron, mid-1940s.
Parsons and Cameron on the town.
Renate Druks in Kenneth Anger's Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome, filmed in 1954.
Parsons sits candlelit in the probable presence of Cameron.
Parsons’ magickal black box discovered after his explosive demise.
Pasadena police officer with luggage probably meant for Parsons’ and Cameron's impending Mexico trip at the house where Ruth Parsons committed suicide.
Pasadena criminologist Don Hardly inspects chemicals stored near the fatal site.
Officer Ernie Hovard at the scene of the explosion.
Appendix A Primary Bibliography
Anonymous. “Birth of JATO” (photo caption) in Popular Science. New York: Popular Science, July 1946. Pg. 74.
Anonymous. “The Daniel Guggenheim Graduate School of Aeronautics of the California Institute of Technology—A History of the First Ten Years” in Bulletin of the California Institute of Technology, Vol. 49, No. 2. May 1940. Pg. 17–19, 30.
Anonymous. “L.A.'s Lust Cult” in People Today. August 13, 1952. Pg. 60–61.
Anonymous. “Seeking Power” in Popular Mechanics. Popular Mechanics, August 1940. Pg. 210–213, 118A–119A.
Boucher, Anthony (as H.H. Holmes). Rocket to the Morgue. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pierce, 1942.
Crowley, Aleister. Moonchild. York Beach: Samuel Weiser, 1970. (Orig. 1929.) p. 107–110.
— Magick In Theory and Practice. New York: Dover Publications, 1976 (Orig. 1929).
— Magick: Book 4, Parts I & IV (Mary Desti and Leila Waddell, co-authors; Hymenaeus Beta, ed.). York Beach: Samuel Weiser, 1998.
— Magick Without Tears (Israel Regardie, ed.). Las Vegas: Falcon Press, 1989.
— The Law is for All (Louis Willkinson & Hymenaeus Beta, ed.) Scottsdale: New Falcon, 1996.
— Liber Al vel Legis: The Book of the Law. York Beach: Samuel Weiser, 1976. (Orig. 1938.)
— 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings (Israel Regardie, ed.). York Beach: Samuel Weiser, 1973.
— The Book of Lies. York Beach: Samuel Weiser, 1980. (Orig. 1913.)
— Confessions: An Autohagiography (John Symonds and Kenneth Grant, eds.). New York: Arkana, 1989. (Orig. 1969.)
— The Magical Record of the Beast 666 (John Symonds and Kenneth Grant, eds.). London: Duckworth, 1972.
— “The Vision and the Voice with Commentary and Other Papers,” in The Equinox vol. IV, number 2. York Beach: Samuel Weiser, 1998.
Haley, Andrew. Rocketry and Space Exploration. Princeton: Van Nostrand, 1958.
Malina, Frank J. “Memoir on the GALCIT Rocket Research Project, 1936–38.” June 6, 1967.
— “The Rocket Pioneers: Memoirs of the Infant Days of Rocketry at Caltech” in Engineering and Science No. 31. February 1968.
— “Memoir: The U.S. Army Air Corps Jet Propulsion Research Project, Galcit Project No. 1, 1939–46.” October 10, 1969.
— “America's First Long Range Missile and Space Exploration Program: The ORDCIT Project at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1943–1946.”: September 23, 1971.
Martin, Robert E. “New Experiments with Rockets” in Popular Science. New York: Popular Science, September 1940. Pg. 108–110.
Parsons, John. Analysis by a Master of the Temple. Undated reprint, publisher unknown.
— The Book of AntiChrist. Edmonton: Isis Research, 1980.
— The Book of B.A.B.A.L.O.N. (Soror Chandria, ed.). Berkeley: Ordo Templi Orientis, 1982. (Also in Starfire #3. London: Starfire, 1990.)
— Freedom Is A Two-Edged Sword, and Other Essays (Marjorie Cameron Parsons Kimmel & Hymenaeus Beta, eds.). New York: Ordo Templi Orientis, 1989.
— Songs for the Witch Woman. Edmonton: Sothis/ISIS Research, 1982.
Rogers, Alva. “Darkhouse” in Lighthouse No. 5. February 1962.
Rostoker, Adam. “Whence Came the Stranger” in Rapid Eye #3. London: Rapid Eye.
Various. Sandborn's Fire Insurance Atlas for the city of Pasadena, CA. Vol. 1, pg. 211. Published 1910.
Williamson, Jack. Darker Than You Think. New York: Berkeley Books, 1969. (Orig. 1940.)
— Wonder's Child: My Life in Science Fiction. New York: Bluejay Books, 1985. Pg. 127–128.
Appendix B Secondary Bibliography
Anonymous. L. Ron Hubbard: A Profile. Los Angeles: CSI, 1995. Pg. 102–108.
Anonymous. Revelation: Its Grand Climax At Hand! Brooklyn: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, 1988. Pg. 105–107.
Colquhoun, Ithell. Sword of Wisdom: MacGregor Mathers and the Golden Dawn. London: Neville Spearman, 1975.
Daraul, Arkon. Witches and Sorcerers. New York: Citadel Press, 1962.
Dee, John. The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee (James Orchard Halliwell, ed.). New York: Johnson Reprint Company, 1968. (Orig. 1842.)
Dunne, J.W. An Experiment with Time. London: Faber and Faber Limited, 1927.
Frazer, Sir James George. The Golden Bough (Abridged Edition). New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1922. Pg. 156–158.
Freedland, Nat. The Occult Explosion. New York: Berkeley, 1972. Pg. 144–146.
Gorn, Michael H. The Universal Man: Theodore von Kármán's Life in Aeronautics. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992. Pg. 73–92.
Greenfield, T. Allen. “The Rocket Scientist and the Guru: Stargate 1946.” (Unpublished.)
— The Story of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light. Stockholm: Looking Glass Press, 1997.
Hyatt, Christopher S. & DuQuette, Lon Milo. Enochian Sex Magick: The Enochian World of Aleister Crowley. Scottsdale: New Falcon, 1991.
Hymenaeus Beta, ed. The Equinox, vol. III, no. 10. York Beach: Samuel Weiser, 1990. (Orig. 1986.)
— “Cameron Dies” in The Magical Link, Spring-Summer 1995.
James, Geoffrey. The Enochian Magick of Dr. John Dee. St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1994 (Orig. 1984). Pg. xiii–xxvii.
Koppes, Clayton R. JPL and the American Space Program: A History of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982. Pg. 3–17.
Laycock, Donald C. The Complete Enochian Dictionary. York Beach: Samuel Weiser, 1994 (Orig. 1978).
Long, Frank Belknap. Howard Phillips Lovecraft: Dreamer on the Night-Side. Sauk City, WI: Arkham House, 1975. Pg. 190–191.
Marshack, Alexander. The World in Space. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1958. Pg. 140–142.
Martello, Leo L. Weird Ways of Witchcraft. New York: HC Publishers, 1969. Pg. 169–173, 191–200.
Mathers, S.L. MacGregor, trans. The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. New York: Dover, 1975. (Orig. 1900.)
— The Book of the Goetia, or The Lesser Key of Solomon the King. Mokelumne Hill: Health Research, 1976. (Orig. 1903.)
Melton, J. Gordon. The Encyclopedia of American Religions. Wilmington: McGrath Publishing Co., 1978. Pg. 256–259.
— & Moore, Robert L. The Cult Experience: Responding to the New Religious Pluralism. New York: Pilgrim Press, 1982. Pg. 132.
Moore, Patrick. The Guinness Book of Astronomy Facts & Feats. Pg. 47.
Pike, Albert. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Washington: The Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degree, 1960 (orig. 1871). Pg. 291.
Regardie, Israel. What You Should Know About the Golden Dawn. Phoenix: Falcon Press, 1983. (Orig. 1936.)
Robertson, Sandy. The Aleister Crowley Scrapbook. York Beach: Samuel Weiser, 1988. Pg. 113.
Scholem, Gershom. The Messianic Idea in Judaism. New York: Schocken Books, 1971. Pg. 335–336.
Schueler, Gerald J. Enochian Magic: A Practical Manual. St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1986.
— & Schueler, Betty. The Enochian Workbook. St. Paul: Llewellyn, 1995.
Sears, William R. “Von Kármán: Fluid Dynamics and other things” in Physics Today vol. 30 no. 1. New York: Physics Today, January 1986. Pg. 34–39.
Short, Nicholas M. Planetary Geology. 1975
Spangenburg, Ray & Moser, Diane. Space Exploration: Space People A–Z. Pg. 52.
Staley, Michael. “Sorcerer of Apocalypse: An Introduction to John Whiteside Parsons,” in Apocalypse Culture, Expanded and Revised Edition (edited by Adam Parfrey). Los Angeles: Feral House, 1990. Pg. 172–189.
Symonds, John. The Great Beast: The Life and Magick of Aleister Crowley. Frogmore: Mayflower Books, 1978. (Orig. 1971.) Pg. 339–340, 445–449.
Thayer, Joseph Henry. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, undated. (Orig. 1885.) Pg. 92.
Vallee, Jacques. Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults. New York: Bantam Books, 1980. (Orig. 1979.) Pg. 12, 204, 210.
— Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact. New York: Ballantine Books, 1988. Pg. 225.
The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Pg. 235.
Wilson, Robert Anton. Cosmic Trigger: The Final Secret of the Illuminati. New York: Pocket Books, 1978. (Orig. 1977.) Pg. 140–142, 172.
— “A Sword is Drawn,” in Magical Blend #27 (Michael Peter Langevin & Jerry Snider, eds.). San Francisco: Magical Blend, 1990. Pg. 43–45.
Appendix C Additional References
1. JPL oral histories
Charles E. Bartley, 10/3/94
Dorothy Lewis, 6/15/72
Frank J. Malina, 10/29/68 and 6/8/73
William H. Pickering, 1972
Walter B. Powell, 5/3/74
Robert B. Rypinski, 2/11/69
Apollo M.O. Smith, 9/23/86
Homer Joe Stewart, 1972
Fritz Zwicky, 5/17/71 and 4/27/72
2. Items from the JPL history files
GALCIT Project No. 1 Organizational Chart, 7/1/41
GALCIT Project No. 1 Organizational Chart, 5/24/42
Handwritten letter from Parsons to Malina, 5/5/42 (2 pages)
Parsons’ handwritten “Description of Tests,” November 1936 and January 1937 (5 pages)
“Proposal for a Jet Propulsion Experimental Station at the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology,” 4/18/39 (probably Malina)
von Kármán & Malina, “Beginnings of Astronautics,” 1960 (lecture notes, 12 pages)
Letter from von Kármán to Malina, 1/13/58 (1 page)
Interview transcript w/von Kármán, 1/13/58 (3 pages)
Letter from Malina to John Reese, 4/10/59 (4 pages)
B. Huber, “Guggenheim: Extent of Early Participation” (6 pages)
Malina, “Memoir on the GALCIT Rocket Research Project, 1936–38” (21 pages)
“Life at Aerojet-General University,” Chandler C. Ross, 1993
Memo from Parsons to T.E. Beehan, 8/14/44 (2 pages, unsigned)
Ditto, 8/15/44 (3 pages, signed)
Ditto, 8/17/44 (2 pages, signed)
Arroyo Test Drawing, Malina & Parsons, 8/28/36
Parsons, “A Consideration of the Practicality of Various Substances as Fuels for Jet Propulsion,” 6/10/37 (13 pages)
3. Newspaper and magazine articles
Associated Press transmission, April 1938
Pasadena [unknown] (morning edition of Star-News, w/photos), 7/15/38
Los Angeles Examiner, 7/15/38 (w/photo)
New York Times, 1/26/38
Houston Chronicle, 1/26/38
“Exploring Our Universe” column in unknown magazine, possibly Astronautics (undated, w/photo)
Los Angeles Evening Herald & News, 5/6/38, 5/10/38 (photo)
Pasadena Star-News, 6/18/52, 6/19/52, (w/obituary), 6/20/52 (mother's obituary), 6/21/52 (w/obituary)
Pasadena Independent, 6/18/52, 6/19/52, 6/20/52 (w/obituary), 6/22/52
Los Angeles Times, 6/17/52, 6/19/52, 6/21/52, 6/24/90
Saturday Evening Post, 3/15/45
Astronautics, 6-38 (cover only)
— “Experiments with Powder Motors for Rocket Propulsion by Successive Impulses” by Parsons and Forman, no date (8 pages)
Malina, “The Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Its Origins and First Decade of Work” in Spaceflight Volume VI, No. 5 & 6 (12 pages, photos)
London Sunday Times, 1969
4. Miscellaneous
John Bluth, “Notes on Jack Parsons,” August 1997, 3 pages
Michael D. Schlei, “An Investigation into the Death of Jack Parsons,” 4/27/95 (29 pages)
U.S. Patents No. 2,573,471; 2,693,077 (3 pages) & 2,774, 214 (3 pages)
Pages from Sandborn's Fire Insurance Atlas showing 1003–1071 S. Orange Grove
“Aerojet—50 Years of History” (from web page)
The Lockheed Star, 11/8/68 (3 pages by Forman)
Malina's “Excerpts from Letters Home”
City directories (Pasadena, Los Angeles, Boston—ca. 1900 to 1952)
“Shadow of the Wing” and untitled files associated with it
John Parsons’ FBI file
Cameron interview
“Is Smith A God?” (excerpt)
5. Correspondence
Crowley to Parsons, 6/2/45, 3/27/46, 5/19/46
Parsons to Crowley, 1/21/46, 2/2/46, 2/22/46, 3/6/46, 7/5/46, undated (1947?)
Crowley to Germer, undated (1946?)
Parsons to Germer, 6/1/49, 6/11/49, 6/19/49, 9/5/49, 3/31 (1950?), 4/29/52 (sic), 10/3/52 (sic), 11/2/52 (sic)
Parsons to Cameron, 10/5/49, 1/15 to 16 (1950?), 1/25/50, 1/27 (1950?), 2/1/50, 2/6/50, 2/8/50, 2/9/50
Jane Wolfe, magical record, December 1940
Wolfe to Crowley, March 1942
Crowley to Max Schneider, July 1943
Crowley to Wolfe, December, 1943
Parsons to McMurtry, December 8, 1943
Parsons to McMurtry, undated (ca. 1944)
Crowley to the Burlingames, February 1944
Parsons to McMurtry, December 14, 1944
Parsons to McMurtry, March 11, 1945
Wolfe to Germer, late 1945
Parsons to Crowley, early 1946
Parsons to Crowley, March 6, 1946
Parsons to Crowley, March 15, 1946
Parsons to all Agape Lodge members, March 16, 1946
Culling to Germer, May 12, 1946
Crowley to Germer, May 22, 1946
Crowley to Germer, May 31, 1946
Parsons to Crowley, July 5, 1946
Smith to Crowley, mid 1946
Parsons to Crowley, August 20, 1946
Parsons to Germer, early 1952
Crowley to Culling, October 1946
Cameron to Wolfe, December 15, 1952
Cameron to Wolfe, January 22, 1953
Cameron to Wolfe, March 17, 1953
210 56, 57, 156, 162, 174
A Consideration of the Practicality of Various Substances as Fuels for Jet Propulsion 18
Adastra Research 101
Aerojet Corp.
(AKA Aerojet General and GenCorp Aerojet) 72–76, 79, 93, 96, 98–101, 150, 163, 180, 182, 188, 195, 196, 213
Agape Lodge xv, 33, 34, 41, 42, 55, 56, 71, 84, 85, 88, 93, 99, 129, 131, 132, 150
Agape Lodge No. 2 34, 88
Armiluss 161, 162
Al Dajjal 161, 162
Aldrich, Meeka 99, 182
Allen, Lieutenant Roy 26
Allied Enterprises 155, 157
American Rocket Society 28, 30
Anger, Kenneth 185, 190, 222
Antichrist ix, xix, xx, xxv, 2, 4, 15, 161–4, 166–8, 184, 188, 194, 197
Aquino, Michael 37
Arnold, General H.H.
(AKA Hap Arnold) 32, 66, 76, 181, 193, 195
Arnold, Weld 17, 65
Arnold, Kenneth 188
Arroyo Seco 11, 12, 15, 17, 18, 28, 32, 75, 76, 79, 96, 97, 207-9
Astronautics 20, 28, 30, 47, 72
Babalon xxi, xxii, xxv, 58, 112, 114–7, 119, 124, 126, 128, 130–42, 144–50, 152, 153, 155, 161, 164–6, 168, 169, 172, 173, 177, 178, 187–90, 194, 215
Babalon Working xxi, 58, 119, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 135, 150,
152, 153, 155, 164–6, 169, 188, 190
Babylon 2, 112, 115–7, 140, 188, 190
ballistite 11
Bartley, Charles 98, 100, 177, 185
Beehan, T. Edward 213
Belarion Armiluss Al Dajjal AntiChrist 161, 162
Belarion xxix, 163, 167, 168
Belvedere, Theophile 22, 23
Beta, Hymenaeus 41
Black Pilgrimage 133, 166
Bollay, William 8, 9
Book of AntiChrist, The 4, 163, 164, 166, 167, 194
Book of Babalon 132, 134, 172, 194
Boushey, Jr., Captain. Homer A. 65, 66, 69, 72, 211
Bradbury, Ray 60
Browne, Lieutenant Fred 26
Burlingame 95
Busch, Lilly Anheuser and Adolphus 84
Caltech (AKA Cal Tech) 8–10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 22, 24, 26, 28, 31, 32, 48, 71, 73, 75, 76, 83, 101, 195
Cameron, Marjorie Elizabeth
(AKA Candida, Candy and Cameroun) xxii, 60, 65, 85, 124, 126, 130–2, 135, 137, 139, 142, 145, 147, 149, 151–3, 158, 161, 166, 169–71, 173, 177–82, 184, 185, 188 189, 190, 191, 193–5, 197, 219-21
Carrington, Lenora 188
Cefalu 55, 56, 89, 129
Chantrelle, Hugo 80, 216
Church of the Little Flowers 7
Church of Thelema 34, 90, 186
Coleman, Theodore C. 213
Communist Party/communism 96, 160, 161, 172, 192, 193, 195
Confessions 124, 143, 166
Corporal 97
Count Cagliostro 167
Crowley, Aleister
(AKA The Beast, The Great Beast, Frater 666, To Mega Therion, Master Therion and Therion) 9, 33, 34, 37–45, 55–58, 71, 84, 86–90, 92–94, 97, 99, 102–7, 109, 115–17, 119–21, 123, 124, 126–30, 132–34, 136–43, 147–53, 155–58, 161–66, 168, 169, 173, 174, 186–92, 194, 196, 218
Culling, Louis T. 155, 156, 158, 187
Dane, Major Paul H. 74
Dark Angel 219
Darker Than You Think 57–59, 102, 136, 183, 215
De Arte Magica 40, 151
Dean, John M. and Dorothy 84
Dee, John xiv, 37, 109, 113, 117, 119, 139, 167
de Retz, Gilles (AKA de Raiz and de Rais AKA Bluebeard) 167