Impaling my Heart: Vlads story (Annalese and the Immortals Book 2)

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Impaling my Heart: Vlads story (Annalese and the Immortals Book 2) Page 6

by Annie Buff

  Lachlan embraced her. "Lass, I take it ye are happy with it. T said that you told him he needed to start new. I'd say we did good, yes?"

  "Yes Lachlan very good. It's perfect. Vlad this had to have cost a fortune. You really shouldn't have gone this crazy, but I love it."

  He just nodded. "Twas my pleasure love. Oh and my dear, I have billions, do not fear. You could never break the bank. If you want something, we will make sure you have it."

  She wandered to the fireplace. "Is this where it opens?"

  "Ah yes.” Vlad explained, “Same idea as the nursery, but one twist here. There is a door just on the inside. It leads to a tunnel that goes directly to Nico. He and I thought just in case’ if you feel threatened and need to leave the castle you'd have a safe passageway. Again I do not expect trouble, but when we mate you will be the Queen. That in itself warrants this."

  She nodded. "Lach could we talk for just a minute... outside?"

  "Aye of course." He led her out of the room and out to her spot in the garden. Vlad had given her an odd look but made no effort to stop her. "OK Angel, what didna you want T to hear. Tell me."

  She just smiled at him. "I have a favor to ask of you. We are close to dawn and today is Vlad's birthday. Can you get Marcus to make something special or should we take him out?"

  Crinkling his forehead, Lachlan thought a moment. "Aye I canna believe I forgot. I say we take him to Augustino’s. I'll get Nico and Mehmet to join us. Six hundred and fifty-seven years – damn he's an old fucker!"

  Annalese laughed. "Yes, I will tease him about robbing the cradle with me, but I have one more favor.

  He gave her the nod. "No need to ask me love. Take him to his old chambers. Be alone. I'd expect nothing else if it t’was me birthday. Oh and yer belly is moving. Can I feel her?"

  "Oh Lach, don’t ask, just do it. Like you keep telling Vlad, we are a family. I heard he slipped and spoke her name. I called him an asshole." as she laughed.

  Lachlan smiled as Lyla rolled and kicked. "I canna wait to do this again with ye. Being pregnant looks so good on ye."

  Lese shook her head. "Oh no. Not for a while. I think it's time to buy condoms by the truckload. I'd love more, but not for a while. With both of you, Michael, and now Lyla. Nope, I need a break."

  "Aye, go get T. I'll handle the rest."

  She left the garden to search for Vlad. She found him in the library sitting with a scotch bottle in his hand. He sat in his favorite chair facing the fireplace with his hair flowing around his face. He looked a bit angry. She could see it in his eyes.

  "Hi baby, that look isn't because of me is it?"

  He set the bottle down and held out his arms. "No my love. Never you. I was just going over the day's events in my head. I suppose I am a bit more pissed than I wanted you to know about. I may as well tell you. I told Sophia in no uncertain terms if she comes near this house or anyone who resides here that I will end her. Those are the words I used. She thinks you stole me. I really thought this was only about Lyla, but after seeing her today I think it is much, much more. Can you please not leave our home without a security detail or Lachlan or myself? It would make me feel better."

  Lese nuzzled his neck, kissed his cheek. "Do you really think she would hurt me Vlad? We were friends.”

  "Yes love, I know. However, you did not see her today. She spat your name. I think she is unpredictable. So please, Annalese, for me."

  She nuzzled closer. "Yes baby, for you I will do anything. Oh I almost forgot why I was looking for you."

  He gave her the famous Vlad eyebrow. "What did you need, my love? I assume it's something if you are not with Lachlan in your suite."

  Lese leaned over and took Vlad's lips with her own. He felt her tongue and gladly opened for her. Lese could feel him harden under her. When she pulled away, she kept her hand on his face. "You are so beautiful Vlad. What I wanted was to tell you Happy Birthday."

  Vlad pulled her in as close as he could without hurting her or his daughter. "I cannot believe you remembered. It's been years since I've heard those words. Thank you Annalese. Thank you."

  The devilish grin she had told him there was more. "You my beautiful vampire get me all to yourself for the next 12 hours. I thought we might go to your old chambers and tie you to the bed and let me have my way with you. What do you think about that?"

  The look in his eyes told her what she wanted to know. "Ah love, never have I been tied to anything. No one would have dared. But you, I would let you stake me if that's what you desired. So, tie me to the bed, chain me to the dungeon wall. I will do anything you ask tonight.”

  Annalese stood; taking Vlad's hand and led him up the stairs to the room he once called his. She blindfolded him with a red satin sash and slowly stripped him of clothing. Lese stepped back to admire just how perfect he was. Not an ounce of fat anywhere. Each muscle perfectly sculpted. Each inch a piece of art, from his feet to the obsidian hair.

  Vlad stood, letting her touch him, admire him. He knew she was staring and he loved it. She told him he was beautiful. He'd never felt that way until her. Never cared, but now he wanted to be. She had touched his heart in places no one had ever been; and all simply by being who she was. He had been falling in love with her from the moment she entered his home. He was just too blind to see. Now she was right in front of him and he wanted her. Fiercely, passionately.

  She led him to the bed; put both arms above his head. "These stay here baby. Don't move – just feel."

  And that's what he did as her fingers traced every muscle, every inch of him. Her lips found his neck and she kissed a trail from one side to the other. She bit and nipped as she moved down. He was fighting not to grab her by the hair and haul her up to his mouth. She traced his dragons with her tongue as Vlad made little noises of approval. Her lips found his enormous erection and took him in her mouth letting her tongue trace the underside of the swollen tip. Vlad whimpered as she licked him from sac to tip. Annalese took as much of him as she could using her hand to stroke where her lips couldn't reach. Vlad was using all his mental strength to not fist her hair and push her down further. Vlad needed to tell her to stop, to pull her off and take her. But at that moment, as she suckled him and squeezed his sac, he couldn't form coherent thought. He had started cursing the gods in Romanian. His body felt like a volcano on the verge of eruption. He had to see, off came the blindfold.

  "Love" he gasped. "You need to" as he was struggling to find breath, "stop. I am too close." He could barely spit out the words. Her eyes met his and he knew. His hands were in her hair, not pushing, just holding. His hips had started to thrust, gently but enough. She kept doing exactly as she had been. Taking him as deep as she could. Vlad was starting to tremble, he got harder, thicker. He had his hands on the sheets, claws out and was shredding them.

  "Oh holy mother of earth! You are really trying to kill me. Oh fuck, Annalese, I can't." And he spilled shouting prayers and her name to the heavens. She accepted everything he had to give. After a few minutes Vlad could breathe again and found his voice.

  "Dear gods woman that was the most amazing thing. I have never let myself go like that." She lay in his arms just bathing in the love they shared.

  "Happy Birthday baby. You look pretty damn good for being so old" as she giggled, he flipped her on her back. "I am not old, seasoned is a much nicer term. And I can still make you come like no other." His evil grin was showing.

  She grinned back at him. "Yes I'd say you can. And I love every second of it. Baby you need to feed. It's been days. Before you say anything, I'm good, definitely strong enough. And I can feel a very big part of you standing at attention. You, my beautiful vampire are insatiable. So do you want more or do you need a rest… at your age and all."

  His hand was parting her thighs. "Do I feel like I need a rest?" His lips crushing hers. Vlad's thumb found her clit and his fingers her core. He slid in 2 and worked them in and out while his thumb circled her nub.

  She was moaning his name.
"So you like this love, the way I touch you." She tried to speak but nothing came out. "Love, you are beautiful. Gods I love how you respond to me." His lips found her nipple. He latched on and suckled. She had her hands in his long black tresses. He removed his fingers and rubbed her cream on her breast to he could lick it off. He was at her entrance, pushing ever so lightly, and then he entered her in one thrust. She gasped with pleasure as he began to pump in and out of her. Lips leaving nipple to lick off what he'd spread on. His pace grew faster and deeper than he'd ever done before. Both struggling to draw air. Her body was tight, his was trembling; both were so close to the edge.

  "Feed Annalese, take from me my love." His claw extended, cutting his flesh and her lips locked on to his neck. At the same time Vlad's fangs pierced Lese's breast. Each taking the life force of the other. Vlad knew he'd found Nirvana in Annalese's arms. He knew he'd be damned in the next life, but nothing but her mattered. He was on the verge of spilling again when she tightened around him. That was all he needed, both exploded, clutching the other. Vlad held her as tight as he could and not hurt her. They lay as one for a long time before he withdrew from her, still holding her in his arms. His eyes closed and he started to pray. To thank whoever was listening for the incredible gift he held in his arms. Annalese was snuggled up to him already sleeping. Vlad's hand drifted to her belly. "I love you baby girl. I will protect you with my life." As he drifted off to sleep his smile never faded.


  "How could this have happened?" Sophia was livid. She'd been gone less than a year and somehow Vlad had gotten Annalese pregnant. It wasn't fair. She already had Michael. She should be happy. Why did she need another? And how could Lachlan allow her in Vlad's bed.

  Something was definitely going on. She felt it deep in the pit of her soul. “The council knew.” were the words bouncing around in her head. Sophia had to get a hold of those transcripts. Whatever transpired was in there. Cyrus had them. She knew he was the keeper. He had everything. And she needed it.

  Now how to get it. Once she figured that out, she would work on everything else. Like how to get a hold of that baby. Vlad said a daughter. The sex was no matter, but now she would work on a nursery. She didn't think he would actually go through with his threats. He couldn't. They'd spent too many years together for him to be able to hurt her. At least that was what she was hoping for. Sophia knew just how ruthless he was, at least in the beginning. The years had settled him and for her sake she'd better be extra careful. Vlad could be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

  Sophia thought maybe she could get some information out of Marcus or even Lachlan. She'd try Marcus first. They had been close, maybe close enough for him to spill the beans. If not, she would try Lachlan.

  One way or the other, she would find out what she wanted to know and figure out a way to get Vlad's daughter.


  Time was flying by. September was upon them, the trees had begun to change, leaves turning beautiful shades of reds, oranges and yellows. Days were growing shorter and just a slight chill was in the evening air.

  The closer they got to October, the more nervous Vlad was getting. The day's events hadn't helped either. Marcus had come to him saying he'd had a call from Sophia. He had declined to answer. He had no intentions of speaking with her. She was pushing boundaries.

  "Hey T." Lachlan had strolled into the library. "I think we are gonna have a big problem."

  Fucking wonderful, Vlad thought. "OK can it get any worse than Sophia calling Marcus?"

  The nod told him it could. "Well Lach, spit it out."

  "T she called me too, asking how I could allow ye and me angel and so forth. I expressly told her, my loyalties are here with ye and she needed to stop, disappear and start over. Guess it didna do any good."

  Vlad sighed deeply. "So why do you think that Lach. Did she say something I need to be concerned about?"

  It took Lachlan a minute to decide exactly how to answer his sire. "Nay, not in words. But not long after I hung up, Cyrus called. She's on his arse too about getting those transcripts. T, this is nay gonna end well is it? She's gonna keep at it oontil she hurts Annalese or gets to yer daughter. I canna allow her to keep this up. I know ye promised Annalese, but fuck. I canna handle it, I'll take the fallout. So ye don't break yer promise."

  Vlad shook his head. He couldn't believe she was still pursuing this. "No Lach. We will handle this. You, Nico, Mehmet and myself. I'll talk to Annalese. I gave Sophia her warning. This must end. The one thing we must not do is leave Annalese alone. I have a bad feeling all this is to get us out of the house. Leave her unprotected. And that will not happen. One of us stays with her at all times. I do not trust Sophia. And I will not take any chances for the safety of Annalese or my daughter.”

  Lach nodded and poured his scotch. Filled the highball to the top. "I'll make the calls, go talk to Lese. Then we all can handle our business."

  Vlad went in search of his love. He found her in the garden on "their" bench. She gave him a smile to die for, but he had a feeling it was temporary. This talk would be less than pleasant. When she started speaking Vlad almost fell off the bench. "It's Sophia isn't it? I can see it on your face baby. You've got the Impaler look. What happened?"

  So he proceeded to tell her the events of the last few days. And his feelings on all of it. "I cannot risk you my love. How angry are you with me? Trust me, I do not want this, but I will not chance anything happening to you. Annalese, I could not continue in this world without you. I know I've said it before, but you are my entire reason for existing. Without you, I would ask Mehmet to take my head."

  Annalese moved to climb in Vlad's lap. She just held on for a number of minutes in silence.

  "I'm not angry baby. I overheard Lach today when he was on with Sophia. And I know I love you that much too. I'd have to go on without you, to tell our daughter what a great man her father was. And a world without you would be a horrible thing. I need you so much Vlad. So no, I could never be angry with you for protecting me and our home. I am a bit afraid though. She knows every inch of this house except for the new rooms. How am I going to stay safe with Michael here when she got in before?"

  He made his eyebrow rise. "Do you honestly think I have no plan my dear? You underestimate me. I have worked all that out already. Do not fear I will take care of everything. You, my love, have the best security anyone could ask for. Three very lethal vampires and one very pissed off Werewolf. Tonight we will prepare and at dawn we will travel to Turkey."

  She spoke no words, just cuddled closer. Vlad knew she was worried but he could and would protect her and the life of his unborn daughter.

  He pulled back just far enough to look into those emerald pools. "Gods Annalese, please believe me, I will never let anyone or anything harm you. You complete the world I live in. It can be such a harsh cruel world but with you I find balance, my inner strength and love exceed my comprehension. It amazes me every day how someone so pure and good could love me. Yet you do. And I thank all the gods for you."

  She leaned forward and kissed him. His lips so soft, his touch so passionate. He lit a fire deep inside her. The kiss broke too soon.

  "Baby, as much as I'd like to get crazy and naked with you right here in the garden, we need to pack some things. I need to get Michael's things together and my own."

  He kissed the tip of her nose. "I have already handled all of Michael's things. His nanny and he are collecting all the things he wants to take. And I will help you, so do not worry. I can hear your stomach growling. You must eat my dear. And my nose tells me Marcus has prepared a feast. Come."

  The rest of the evening was quiet except Michael running around singing about a vacation to Uncle Mehmet's house. Poor Mehmet, Lese thought. He had no idea what he was in for.

  True to his word, as Vlad always was, he had a plan. He let word slip that he and Lachlan had to make an emergency trip to Turkey to help Mehmet, basically leaving the castle unprotected. He phoned the boutique to have her sen
d a delivery of red satin nighties for Annalese, leading all to believe she was home alone.

  He loaded Annalese, Lachlan and Michael on his private jet heading to Mehmet's. He hated like hell to let her go but it was necessary. He could take no chances with any of his family, including Lachlan. They were as close as two men could be.

  Vlad sat in the library with his bottle and phone. Time to call Nico. He dialed and let it ring. It was picked up on the second chime.

  "Ah Vlad. What a fine night for a hunt. That is why you're calling isn't it?"

  Damn Nico and his abilities. "Yes, but you already know that. I need a favor. I am certain you owe me a few. I know you do not need the full moon to shift and I need your nose. I want you to do some recon. It's important."

  The other end was silent for a few seconds. "Did she threaten my girl? If you tell me she hurt Analese I will tear her throat out and eat her heart!" Nico was pissed.

  "No not exactly." So Vlad explained, Nico hissed like he was part vampire. Nico and Annalese had a very special relationship. He too would protect her with his life. But theirs was a friendship that surpassed all others. Nico loved Annalese but in a sister sort of way and Weres were fiercely protective of their own. And Nico considered Annalese a part of the pack. Gods help anyone if they actually hurt her. Between Vlad, Lachlan and Nico it would be a blood bath.

  "Listen Nico, I just need recon.” Vlad explained patiently, “Follow her, and see where she goes and who she talks to. If she gets close to the road leading here, I need to know. She will come, of that I have no doubt. I'd just like a heads up. She's after my daughter and my love will just be collateral damage. I cannot and will not allow that to happen. Once I have her secured, you are welcome to partake in the festivities. I know how much you care for Annalese and also how much you like cutting."

  "Yes I do love Annalese.” Nico fumed. “She's like my sister and she's pack. I will get a few of my higher ups to help. I've already been in contact with Zhor; he's the Alpha in Turkey. Mehmet's place has extra security now. I sent Annalese a text with Zhor's number. If they have any issues there, he will take care of it. And my old friend, you do know me well. The only thing I ask is for the heart, if I strike the killing blow. I will nap for a bit, but I'll put a few on your home out of sight; then tonight I shall hunt."


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