Alien Romance Box Set: Uoria Mates II Complete Series (Books 1 - 10): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance

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Alien Romance Box Set: Uoria Mates II Complete Series (Books 1 - 10): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance Page 78

by Ruth Anne Scott

  “That’s more than enough for Lord Vadam to dig deeper. It won’t take them that long to figure this out. It might be during the tournament, or it might be on the eve of the victor raising their hand. For now, we will get ready for the next phase.”

  We went outside in the backyard standing toe in tow and watching each other’s reaction to the moves that we were going to bring to bear. I felt his hand strike the side of my head. It made me a little dizzy and discombobulated. I felt like my entire body was sinking ever deeper into the murky gaps of unconsciousness. I was able to shake my head before it happened, but that was the kind of moves that I was looking for. He went through it in slow motion and I was able to pick up subtle nuances that I could use in the field of battle.

  “I’m offering you a gift, Shana. These moves have been passed down from generation to generation. This is what is called Garrock. Fortunately, this type of fighting has no uniform style. Everybody puts their own spin on it, so whatever you do that is different from everybody else is going to be your best shot to win this hands down. With the final six comes a possibility that one of us will be knocked out of the competition. After this round, there will be only three. The final three will be going to the unknown factor and those two that come out on the other end will be going to the final competition of the Quest for Vanguard. It is possible, but very unlikely that you and I will be the only one left standing. I don’t believe that has ever happened before.”

  He came at me quickly and I moved to avoid him, but got this swift kick in my stomach. It lifted me right off my feet and I landed on the ground with my body doubled over.” You need to be ready for just about anything, Shana.

  “No…fucking…kidding.” I did not mean to swear, but it was necessary when I was feeling a pain that I’d never felt before in my life. It was like somebody had pressed their fists into my stomach with such force and determination that it was hard to resist. I did strengthen my abdominal region and that flexing alone had probably saved me from internal injuries.

  He reached out his hand and that was the last thing he should’ve done. I grabbed it and I turned him in such a way that I was able to lift him off the ground and flip him, until he was lying on his back with my foot into the crook of his arm and his shoulder. I could’ve easily dislocated it. I went through that move with him several times and he was quite interested to see just how easy it was.

  We stood once again toe to toe and this time I brought my boxing skills into the ring. I moved and parried, but found once again that he was unpredictable. His leg struck out and took out my left knee. I was now hobbling around like an old man chasing around nurses in uniform. They would squeal in a teasing fashion, but they knew that he was no threat.

  I jumped up into the air and put my ankles around his neck, before pulling down and throwing him off balance and once again back onto his back. I’d learned that watching wrestling. It was not an easy move to perform, but done right, it could seriously hamper your competitors chance to regroup.

  “That was quite something, Shana. You’re going to have to go through that with me over and over again, until I master it or at least have a way to counteract it.” We went through one move after another. I brought to the table not only my boxing expertise, but also a couple forms of martial arts. The one that was quite the rage was Karate. I’d also taken a kickboxing class that made my legs almost feel like they were made of iron.

  I used my agility to crack him upside the head underneath his ear. I wasn’t wearing any shoes and this was the way that I was going to go into battle.

  It was several hours before we finally concluded this little training session. I knew that I was gonna have to make my presence known to Lord Vadam. After all, I was the only one left standing after both Gemini and Landon fell during the mission. “Braden, I really don’t think that I have much time. I see that look in your eye and I know that you’ve been itching to get into my pants from the moment that I came back from the mission. I can give you 20 minutes.” I barely had the words out of my mouth, before he lifted me easily into the air, making me wrap my legs around his waist, before being carried into the house. I saw something a little unusual and there was a young man in the window. I think it was Nicholas, but I couldn’t be sure from this vantage point. If it was him, it would certainly explain his need for voyeurism.

  Chapter three

  He was taking his time kissing me and moving towards the stairs. He stopped and pushed me up against the wall. My legs stretched over to the railing and I was able to press my toes against it to keep my balance in the air with him against me. I saw that same face in the window. It was dirty and looked like the person had not bathed in days. I thought that it might be Nicholas trying to get a second preview of what sex with me was all about. It took me a moment to realize that it was him.

  The dust across the window was obscuring his features. I felt almost compelled to call to him and introduce Braden to what those in my world called a three some. I wasn’t sure how receptive he would be to bringing another man into the act of love.

  I nibbled on his ears and then whispered “Have you ever thought about another person joining us? Would you get a thrill out of seeing me with another man? Can you just see me kneeling on the ground and sucking both of your cocks at the same time? You would get, so fucking hard that you would want to fuck me from behind right here on the floor. You would become like a wild man. You would watch, as I sucked his cock, while you were banging me repeatedly and making me swallow his load.” I was just paving the way for something more intimate and interesting between us.

  “Shana, you do paint a vivid picture. I don’t think that I would have any problem with you getting in on with another man. I don’t know why, but I feel that sharing you is the right thing to do. It seems almost greedy of me to keep you to myself. I want them to feel what I feel, so that they can bring that back to their significant other.” This was the opening that I was waiting for. I kicked my legs off of the railing, landing and turning. I was going back down the stairs towards the door. I put my finger up to quiet Braden from asking questions and then I opened the door quickly and reached out and grabbed this person by the hair.

  “Hey…let go of me.” I dragged Nicholas in and he wasn’t wearing his customary red armor. He was wearing this black shirt and what looked like a leather vest. He looked like a reject from a country western video. “I’m sorry; I was just a little curious and thought that I might be able to get a couple of more pointers.” I grabbed his ear and pulled him into the house by his lobe.

  I got behind him and began to take off his vest, reaching around and undoing the buttons on his shirt, until they were both discarded on the floor. “I don’t know what the hell is going on here, but Nicholas is the last person that I want to see naked. We’re almost like brothers and he even lived with my family for a time after his was decimated by a fire.” This was even more incentive to get them both naked. It felt naughty to put them in a position where they were going to have to see each other in a different light.

  “I agree with Braden. This isn’t going to…stop that…oh yeah.” I had his cock trapped within my hand. I had slipped into his pants and grabbed onto that piece of wanting flesh to see what I was working with. It was remarkable. If I had to guess, I would say that he was almost a duplicate of Braden. Their cocks were, so similar with that same thickness that it seemed almost a shame to let him leave here without at least showing him what a blow job felt like.

  “If we’re going to do this, then we should have some ground rules. The one main one for me is that this stays a secret between the three of us. It can not go beyond these doors or these walls. The other one is that you don’t even think about asking us to do something with each other. I’ve heard you talking in your sleep and let’s just say that some of the things I heard you say were disturbing.” I opened up Nicholas’s pants and I found his cock ready and raring to go. The mushroom head was already a discolored pink color. I motioned
with my hand for Braden to come closer.

  At first, he was hesitant, but then I turned and gave him that steely gaze. It told him that I was serious. This time, he followed with his two legs moving, but I could tell that he wasn’t very happy with any of this. He could barely look at Nicholas’s cock, but there were times that I saw him spying a glance, just for curiosity sake.

  “Braden, I don’t know where you found this one, but I hope that you never let her go. If you do, I’ll be right there to pick up the pieces of her broken heart. Trust me, I will be praying for the both of you to break up.” His words were rushed and it was like he was playing off of his adrenaline running through his veins. “I saw the two of you out there hunting the Offus. What she did with her mouth was something that I would’ve thought that we would have figured out for ourselves. I guess everybody can use new techniques to bring into the bedroom.” I was now on my knees, his cock now bobbing up and down in front of me. Had I been into hypnosis, I probably would’ve been able to I feel myself drifting into that unconscious state.

  I was staring at the way the head was moving up and down and then I almost jumped back in surprise to see that clear liquid appearing at the top. It was obvious that he was quite excited by just the little bit that he had been able to see from outside the window. Now that he was a part of this, I could see that he was really ready to bring his A game.

  “That this is not my idea of fun, Nicholas. I’ve never had any desire to see you naked and I certainly never thought that I would want to see you with Shana. You’re right and she does tend to think outside of Markham. There really is not that many times that she doesn’t surprise me with one thing or another.” I turned and I saw that Braden had taken the initiative. He had taken out his own cock. It was right there and I grabbed the both of them and brought them together to move the heads of each of their cocks up and down. Just seeing this made me crazy with desire. I moved forward to lick both of their heads at the same time. That medley of moans was exactly what I was looking for.

  Had they had any reservations before, it was all, but washed away with my tongue now leading them into sinful exploration. “I can’t believe that you wouldn’t be doing this all the time, Braden. I know that if somebody had introduced me to this type of sex, I don’t know if I would’ve been able to let them leave in the morning.” I smiled up at Nicholas, before opening my mouth and fluttering my tongue, before enveloping his knob and letting it move across my tongue.

  I did not deepthroat him at that time, because I wanted to leave a little of the mystery alive. I pulled him free with gobs of my spit now clinging to his shaft. I easily turned to Braden and I think that he was bracing himself for what I was going to do to him. I could see his face and the way that he was determined not to fall to pieces. I knew that he was fighting a losing battle, but he was going to have to find out the hard way.

  “Shana is a woman of considerable differences from any other woman that you know, Nicholas.” I was glad that he didn’t feel it necessary to reveal my secret. He could’ve easily thought that it would’ve been good for everybody to let him in on the fact that I wasn’t from around here. I think he was worried that if he did that Nicholas would feel himself compelled to inform Lord Vadam of this latest turn of events. “She’s the kind of girl that wakes you up in a different way. You’re probably right and I should have chained her to a wall or trapped her in some kind of cage. Giving her freedom has only made things worse.” He really should keep his mouth shut and it was time that I give them something else to think about.

  “I felt this fire inside her that wasn’t there with any other girl that I’ve been with. Even my girlfriend had a hard time accepting that I have this mutation.” I did notice that Nicholas wasn’t breathing funny. He was breathing normally, but his words were gruff. It would be interesting to see how he was between my legs. If he could truly do this without losing his breath, then I was in for a ride that most women wouldn’t be able to have in their lifetime. “I was just as stunned as everybody else, when she stood in front of Lord Vadam and all those that were looking on, She put him in his place by using the only thing that really mattered to him…the rule book.”

  Even though his stamina was off the charts, I did notice that his orgasm was now simmering and boiling to the point where he was going to have to explode. I did manage to take their pants down to their ankles. Their shirts were on the floor and I think that both of them were now appraising the situation. I only had to briefly glance up into their eyes to see that they were trying to measure up to each other. There was no need to and both of their bodies were different, but not in a bad way.

  “Wait until she…no, I’m not going to tell you. It’s better that you experience it for yourself, Nicholas.” This was my cue. I took Nicholas’s cock by the base, looked at it in the eye and I think it became a little bit afraid of what I was going to do next. It was crying profusely with droplets of his seed now being massaged into his skin with my own fingers. “Let’s just say that something like that has to be felt to understand exactly what it is. There’s no way that I could even describe to you what it’s like. If I tried, it would pale in comparison to the actual reality.” He was really talking me up and I was going to have to do something to show him that Braden’s words were not just for show.

  I opened my mouth over his length, letting the cock head touch the back of my mouth. I concentrated on just the head, exciting it beyond words. I could feel that he was close and it wasn’t going to take all that much more to get him to expel what was in his balls. I felt sure that this next moment would make him open his eyes and wonder where the hell I had been all of his life.

  “Go ahead, do it, Shana, I want to see his face and the way that he reacts to what you’re going to do next.” I had my mouth full to say much of anything, but what my mouth couldn’t say, my tongue was certainly saying for me. I pulled him back to where he was in the hot confines of my mouth. I was wrapped around him, until finally I opened up my throat and showed him what deepthroating was all about. His eyes were wide at seeing his cock magically disappear with only his balls left to hang there.

  “I thought that what I saw in the woods wasn’t true. I see now that it was truer than I could even begin to contemplate. You really do like to do this. It shows in your enthusiasm and the way that your eyes light up at the prospect of me blowing off in your mouth.” While I was giving him lip service, I was also using my hands to keep Braden excited and not thinking about the fact that I was essentially cheating on him with another man. Had I been with Nicholas alone and he had come in to catch us in the act, I think that the scenario would have gone a whole lot different.

  “Fuck…fuck…fuck.” Apparently that word was universal in any world. I don’t know how we had so many things alike and so many things not alike.

  I let him stay in my throat, feeling the tightness and the way that I was squeezing him in a different way than my mouth could ever do. I finally had to pull away, or I was going to ruin the moment by doing something that was distasteful. As it was, I was able to barely get myself back together again. I continued to deepthroat him over and over again, but each time was only for few seconds apiece. He was rapidly closing in on the best part of sex, as far as I was concerned. His knob had swelled in my mouth and I had taken on a couple of more inches that wasn’t there before. I pulled back just in the nick of time. I worked him with my hand, seeing his balls now showing their pleasure by letting me have it with both barrels.

  Those shots were tremendously wild with one hitting the top of my mouth and bouncing back down onto the palate of my tongue. That flavor was delicious and I could tell by the jerking motions of Braden that he was getting off on this, almost as much as I was.

  I swallowed that load, letting the intoxicating moment stretch just a little bit longer. I turned to Braden and I barely had my mouth open, before he started to fire off with my hand jacking him hard and fast to the finish line. Most of it went into my mouth, but
some splattered against my cheek and dribbled down, until it was moving in a trail down my neck. They were both out of it and I had never seen two men in my life that enjoyed a blow job, as much as they did.

  “Damn… I only came here to watch and maybe talk to you about what it was that I had seen in the woods.” I didn’t have to tell him anything and I’d just given him a blow by blow tutorial of what exactly I did to Braden. I’d used him as an example of what to do and how to do it right. “I’m definitely going to have to show my girlfriend how to do that. I don’t know how she’s going to react, but I think that she’ll enjoy having the power for a change.” He did get the basic idea behind what giving oral sex was all about. It was about watching for that reaction and feeding off of that and waiting for the inevitable to happen.

  I stood there and I watched the both of them and apparently their competitive nature had decided to come and say hello. They were both staring at each other and their cocks were slowly moving. There’s nothing better than rivalry. I think they were trying to gauge who was going to get hard enough to fuck me. After giving Nicholas and Braden some necessary release, I felt it was their obligation to at least try and do the same thing for me. I doubt that Nicholas was really in any shape to think of much of anything. His main concern was beating Braden.


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