Redemption (The Volkov Mafia Series Book 4)

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Redemption (The Volkov Mafia Series Book 4) Page 17

by Samantha Harrington

  “All I know is that for now, me and my brothers are going to run this business together. As for me and you, what do you want? I know what I want. I just want you.” I can’t make her want me. She has to decide for herself, and with everything she has been through, I wouldn’t blame her for needing time.

  “I want you, Alek, since the moment I first saw you,” she says in an ever so sweet voice. I pull her closer to me. Wrapping my hand behind her neck, I bring my mouth down to hers. At the first taste I’m hooked all over again. I trace my tongue over her closed seam, begging her to let me in. She needs to want this as much as I do. When she opens I feel my heart skip a beat. Our kiss is raw, passionate, and laid bare. It’s a kiss from the depths of despair, breathing new life into us both. I lay her down on the bed with a new sense of belonging. To her. Now I’m going to show her what she means to me. I may not be able to offer her the world right now, as things don’t always work out the way we plan them to.

  I slowly peel her clothes from her body, kissing my way over each bit of skin as it’s exposed to me. I have her body arching into my mouth. I push her harder. I bite down gently on her hip, then place soothing kisses on the sting. My finger traces around her clit, gentle circles at first, not wanting her to crest too quickly. I blow cool air onto her body and kiss her. Her reactions are driving me crazy. I want to be inside of her. Now though, I just want to worship her, to show her that she is mine. I push a finger inside, wanting her to feel the anticipation of the main course, even if it’s just a taste.

  “Kiss me, Alek” she begs.

  I know what she wants. I push away from her body, freeing her from my touch for a second, letting her body cool before I set her on fire again. I strip down quickly, watching as her eyes devour my body, looking at me hungrily. She opens her legs for me as I start to crawl up the bed towards my girl. I reach her face and bring myself nose to nose with her, gazing deeply into her stunning eyes. She keeps eye contact for a short time before turning her head and baring her neck to me. She struggles to look at my eyes; it’s not that she doesn’t want to, she doesn’t believe what she reads in them yet, that she is the only one I see. To me she is more beautiful than anyone else.

  I kiss her with everything I have, branding her to me. I want all of her, forever. I can see us in fifty years’ time arguing about who will have the TV remote.

  As my kiss lingers and claims her, I push slowly into her warm pussy. I feel it wrap around me tightly. This is what home is like.

  Her back arches off the bed and she throws her head back. I gently kiss down the column of her neck, not once changing my rhythm. I feel her climb, her body tense from the tips of her toes, travelling up her body. As she falls over the edge I feel my restraint slip and I cum, wanting to finish with her. I pull her into my arms and let sleep take me, wanting the horror of today to slip away for a few hours.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  The months that have passed since I first came to Damien’s have changed me for the better. I’m a different person, no longer ruled by my demons. Alek saved me by wanting me.

  Looking at him now, standing in front of me, the look in his eyes tell me that he loves me. Now I’m the one making the choice. I’m getting to choose the path I take in my own life. Circumstances may have lead me to Alekzander, but it’s me that’s demanding to stay.

  The aftermath of Jonny still haunts us all, but no one more so than Vlad. I feel guilty every time I look at him.

  I’m going to see him today. He wouldn’t stay here last night after the doctor left. He wanted to go home to his little girl, one I am yet to meet.

  Alek asked me to meet him in the garden when I woke. The little note he left on his pillow this morning made my heart melt.


  Meet me in the garden for breakfast. There is something I want to talk to you about.



  I’m up and ready quickly, wondering what it is he wants to talk about.

  Making my way downstairs, I rush through the kitchen, out of the bi-folding door, and down the path towards my favourite part of the garden – under my tree.

  I see him sat there. His dark jeans cling to his thick thighs. His white T is straining across his broad chest. I’m already wet just looking at him. This man is too good for me. I just hope he doesn’t realise it.

  “Did you sleep well?” he asks me. I can tell he is nervous by the tone of his voice.

  “After what you did to me last night, I sure as hell did. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.” My reply is light and witty.

  “Well, I said in my note that I wanted to talk to you about something. Do you want to move into Vlad’s place with me?” I’m stunned into silence, or could it be shock? He wants me to move in with him? Is it not too soon? I mean, we have known each other for months, but we’ve only been together a couple of weeks. What do you say to the man you love when he asks you that?

  “I’m not sure. What does Vlad think of this?” I answer his question with a question of my own. I know they say follow your heart, but there isn’t just us to consider, there is Vlad and Daria as well.

  “Vlad is going to need all the support he can get over the coming months. Life has just dealt him a shit blow and we as his friends are going to have to be the ones to get him through it. Would you want to deal with something like that on your own?” His words bring me to a stop. How in the hell did I not even see it from that point? All I thought is that he wouldn’t want us in his home being all lovey-dovey.

  “Can we go and see him, Alek? I need to see how he is, then I will give you my answer. Is that ok?”

  “Let’s go. I will be happier once you see that you’re mine and you aren’t leaving me.”

  We walk back to the main house hand in hand. He grabs his car keys as we walk through the hallway, then we head straight out of the front door to go and see Vlad.

  The drive is quicker than normal. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m anxious to see him, to see how he is really feeling. Alek parks the car and walks around to my side. Opening the door for me, he offers me his hand whilst I get out of the car.

  Alek lets us into the house. The smell of whiskey hits you straight away. It’s still early. I hope he hasn’t done anything stupid. Walking into the living room I see a woman picking up bottles and beer cans that are littered around the floor. I don’t see the little one anywhere. Thank god for small mercies. I need to help get this place cleaned up before she wakes. I make my way over to the woman.

  “Hiya, I’m Emma.”

  “I’m Miss Jayne, Daria’s nanny, if you will.” Her voice is warm. I like her.

  “We need to get this place tidy before Daria gets up,” I say to Miss Jayne.

  “Yes, she can’t see this mess. I arrived early after I got a text late last night begging me to come over and take Daria.”

  My heart stops at her words. He must be destroyed if he wanted someone to come and take his little angel.

  “Where is he?” I ask. Not sure I really want to know.

  “He is passed out on his floor.”

  I turn and walk away, heading up the stairs to go and find him.

  I pass the little girly room knowing it’s not that one. I open another door and see the bathroom. I come to a stop at the last door and slowly push it open. The sight that greets me is one of pure torture. On the floor lies my best friend, naked, in a pool of his own vomit. If he was in his right mind, I’m sure this is one sight he would have never wanted anyone to see, especially me, but I’m not leaving him like this. He needs his family to get him through this. I don’t want to shout for Alek and risk waking Daria, so I pull out my phone and send him a quick text.

  Within minutes I here footsteps coming up the stairs. The door opens and Alek walks in. He shakes his head and looks up to me, trying to gauge my reaction.

  “We need to get him cleaned up and in bed, Alek. I can’t move him on my own,” I say to him in a hushed tone.r />
  “Go put the shower on, babe. We will get him sorted.”

  I move from Vlad’s side, walk into his bathroom, and turn the shower on.

  He didn’t even wake up properly while we got him cleaned up and dressed in boxers and a t-shirt. He is now laying in his bed, peacefully sleeping. I look over to Alek. I could hardly contain my tears whilst we were getting Vlad sorted.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Alek, so my answer is yes. I will move in. I can’t leave him to fall apart on his own. He needs us both.” Alek gives me a small smile.

  “I’m so happy you’re going to be in my bed every night,” he says, a little happier now that what I said has sunk in.

  Back downstairs, we are all in the kitchen having tea and coffee when a little girl comes in rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She is simply stunning.

  “Uncle Alek,” she coos, and runs up to him. He scoops her off the floor and proceeds to give her a bear hug. I smile, the first genuine smile in what feels like weeks.

  “Morning, sunshine,” he replies. “I want you to meet someone very important to me and your daddy. This is Emma, Daria. You won’t meet a nicer or kinder person. Guess what? She will be able to do your ballet buns.”

  I watch as her head turns to me and her eyes light up with that little tidbit.

  “Hello,” she whispers. “Can you really do ballet buns?”

  My smile must be infectious as everyone in the room is smiling now. Such a far cry from yesterday.

  I nod my head at her and, if it’s at all possible, her grin gets bigger. She jumps down from Alek’s arms and runs over to me.

  “Will you be able to teach me how? My daddy told me that my mummy had to go to heaven now, so I will have no mummy coming back to help me learn.”

  I try so hard to hold it together, but I can’t. I pick her up and sit her on my knee. She wraps her arms around my neck and I bury my head in hers. I whisper into her ear, “I will teach you everything a mummy would teach you, sunshine.” Tears are flowing now but her grip on me doesn’t lessen. We just sit at the table hugging, like I have known her all of her little life.

  The rest of the week is spent getting what little things I have together and moving them across to Vlad’s house. He has been very distant with Daria, with everyone really, but me and Miss Jayne try our best not to let her feel it. She is such an amazing child and is truly a credit to him. He is in a dark place at the moment and won’t see anything until he wants to.

  Alek has been doing great with Damien and Malc. They have some amazing ideas for the future; Alek wants to open a rehab centre that will focus on gambling, to have a dedicated team giving people the treatment they need without fear of judgement.

  I have spoken to my mother and father and we are going to try to work on our relationship. I’m glad that they want to try. They still don’t like Alek and are not keen on me living with him, but I’m a grown arse woman and can do whatever I choose to do. If they truly love me then they have to love everything about me, and that includes the past and the present and the flaws that make me who I am now, not who I was before. I see light at the end of the tunnel. It’s going to be a long road to get the future we want. None of us are willing to give up though, that much is clear. We are both stubborn and determined. Once we commit, then nothing will hold us back.



  One year later

  The day has finally come. It has been a long, hard slog to get here, but I think it will be worth all of the blood, sweat and tears that went into the planning of this.

  The Irina Rehabilitation Centre’s grand opening is today. We have had people booked in for months to commence the six-month long program. We change everything from diet, exercise, counselling and support, even after you leave the centre, and provide a better education on the risks that come with addiction.

  This has been a labour of love for me. I have not gambled for over a year, and every day the temptation to becomes less. But I have something in my life that I know I will never risk losing ever again.

  Emma has been by my side since all of this happened. She has been strong, caring, and understanding. What more can a man ask for? It’s not all been plain sailing; Damien, Malc and myself have come to blows a couple of times on the way forward with our business plans for the future, but everything seems to be on the right track now. The business is split three ways between all of us.

  The launch is a success. I watch with pride as the first people to receive our help make their way to registration.

  Me, Emma, Daria, Damien, Faith, Anya, Malc, Cami, Charlie, Lilly and Anton are all here. We have our photograph taken so that we can look back and remember this day for the rest of our lives.

  Vlad isn’t here. He managed to stay around for a couple of months after Anna died, but his struggle became too much. He sat Daria down and told her he was going away for a little while, that he needed to get himself better, and he would be back as soon as he is able. He told her he loved her with all of his heart and she is the only reason that he is doing this.

  He asked us if we would watch over her and give her everything she needs because she was comfortable with us. He didn’t want to bring his mother over from Russia as Daria doesn’t remember her. Of course we said yes. He needs to do whatever it takes to get himself right. I have a feeling he is on a mission to make sure things like this don’t happen again. You can’t rush the process of grief. Some people go through all stages quickly, but for others it can take years. He needs us, and we will always be here for him and Daria.

  We all go back to the house to celebrate what we have achieved over the past year. The party is in full swing and everyone is having a good time. The wine is flowing freely and the food has gone down a treat. The kids look ready for bed, so I walk to Daria, scoop her up, and throw her over my shoulder.

  “Put me down, Uncle Alek,” she squeals. I don’t though. I continue up the stairs, taking her to the little room she has here when we stay over.

  “Come on, sunshine, time for bed,” I say to her as I plop her down onto the oversized bed.

  She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me on the cheek. “Goodnight, Uncle Alek. I love you.”

  “Love you too, sunshine.” I close the door softly and make my way downstairs.

  It is a great feeling knowing that right now the people in this house are all happy, no drama or people hunting us. Emma is laughing with the girls when I step back into the room. I look at her from the doorway. She is a vision in the sapphire dress she is wearing. The change in her during this past year has been truly amazing. To think back on that night, she came to Damien all battered and bruised and emotionally distant, then to watch her bloom into who she has become has been one hell of a journey. One I would live a hundred times over if I still get Emma. They say when you find the one you’re supposed to spend the rest of your life with, you will move heaven and earth; if they don’t have to feel pain, then they won’t. If they don’t have to suffer, then they won’t. You are to love them freely and without reserve, and that is how much I love her.

  One day I’m going to marry her and start our own family, because without her I wouldn’t have had the strength to fight for life, to carry on living. She saved me. That’s how we found our redemption in each other.

  The End

  Will Vlad find his Salvation

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