The Gathering

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The Gathering Page 9

by S L Dearing

  “I don't know. I just really like him.”

  Sara moved her hand down Coeli’s arm and took her hand. Coeli looked at her sister, her face starting to soften.

  “Who?” Sara asked.


  Sara’s shoulders relaxed and she squeezed her sister’s hand.

  “Oh Honey, all you had to do was tell me. I’ll leave Sam Hearst alone. You’re my sister. No boy will ever be worth my sisters. Besides, I’m not sure he likes me like that.”

  Coeli felt a tear run down her cheek, which she quickly wiped away, as Sara pulled her sister into a hug.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t think he likes me either.”

  Sara pulled back and looked at Coeli.

  “I wouldn't be so sure. All the way to the stage he was asking about you."

  Coeli felt her breathing grow short.


  Sara looked over at Kaley, who was watching with interest. Sara mouthed, "it's ok" and turned back to Coeli.

  "He asked about you, if you were seeing anyone, that kind of stuff. And for future reference, try talking to me, Shay. I love you.”

  “I love you too. I'm sorry.”

  The sisters embraced and pulled apart to see their siblings watching them. Kaley looked at both of them.

  “Are you two done? Can we play now?”

  "I haven't practiced yet," cried Brandon.

  “Yeah, I have things to do,” piped up Brian.

  The other children turned and looked at him.

  “I do.”

  Coeli picked up her fiddle and Sara and Brandon picked up their flutes. Alisha was sitting at the piano. The older twins were each playing percussion, the bodhran and bass drum. Kaley picked up her guitar, Rebecca sat down with her hammered dulcimer and Brian sat with his uillean pipes. James Tippen took his position and the children began to tune up. After a moment, James raised his baton and the music erupted in the air and everyone turned as if drawn to the platform. Many started dancing in the back as Lisa and Amanda began to step dance to the reel their siblings were playing.

  Sam stood silently watching Coeli.

  “Well, was it a wonderful as you thought?”

  Sam turned and looked at his friend.



  “I didn't tell you, but when that thing hit us this morning, I didn't think about Sara, I thought about Coeli. Now when I look at her, I get those same feelings I used to get when I looked at Sara. I don't get it. I thought Sara was the one. Now… nothing.”

  “Well, maybe it’s been Coeli this whole time, but you weren't really ready. Maybe you thought she was too young, I don't know, and you just transferred all your feelings to Sara until Coeli was older and you were ready.”

  “That’s deep.”

  Scott grinned.

  “So you’re not interested in Sara anymore?” Scott asked.


  “Do you mind if I, you know?”

  “You’re interested in Sara?”


  “How long?”

  “A while.”

  Sam turned to look at him and frowned.

  “You never told me ‘cause of all my obsessing? Just ‘cause I liked her?”


  "I'm an asshole."

  "No you're not."

  “Yeah, I am. If you can't tell me that you're into some girl just cause I like her…I'm an asshole."

  "Fine, you're an asshole."


  “You're welcome. Can we move on now? You go after Coeli and I'll go after Sara.”

  "But what if I don't know what I'm feeling?"

  "Maybe you’re gay."

  Sam smiled and Scott shook his head and put out his hand, they shook hands and stood there watching the stage until Sam was grabbed by his mother and forced to dance with her. Coeli looked over and saw him dancing. She couldn’t help but smile, slightly guilty at her behavior, until she looked over again and saw that he was looking at her and smiling, blushing. She then felt her face get hot and let her music take over.

  Sara saw her Squad and began to feel very alone. She continued to play, uncomfortable with the way they were all staring at her; they didn't know her, not one of them. They thought she was pretty. They liked her looks, but not one of them knew her. Then she looked over at Scott Forrester and saw that he was looking at her too, but the way he did made her knees weak. No boy had ever made her feel like that. She lowered her flute for only a moment and felt a smile start to emerge. He saw her smile at him and he moved closer to the stage. The Gathering had begun and magic was everywhere, more so than anyone would know.


  Alia walked out of the castle main door with Vivian Shorely and her best friend, Janeen York. Janeen stood at around five feet tall and had shoulder length black hair. Her dark skin was the color of a strong latte, which offset her almond eyes. Her mother was a Chinese immigrant who had married a Navy man.

  Janeen had traveled the world before moving to the San Fernando Valley when she was ten years old. Lucky for Alia, she moved in down the street. Through thick and thin, the two were always together, even now in this New World.

  Janeen was in charge of the daily operations of the Fail and had spent all day working with Duncan Worley and his staff, as well as organizing camp locations and booth areas, etc., but now it was time to unwind.

  Vivian was telling Alia how she had organized all of the baked goods for the contests, that the first rounds of the competitions were being held that night and the following day and that Gordon Hutton’s staff had scheduled the meals and pastries for the next ten days. This all flew off her tongue with lightning speed.


  The chancellor stopped talking and looked at Alia.

  “Enough work for the time being. Let’s go have some fun. What do you say?”

  “Really,” Janeen added.

  Vivian ever so slightly relaxed her shoulders and nodded her head. She then cocked her head to one side.

  "One more thing, Your Highness. Elena Petrulengo would like an audience tomorrow at your earliest convenience."

  Alia thought for a moment.

  "Larry Hearst's mother-in-law?"

  "Yes, Ma'am."

  Alia nodded.

  “First thing in the morning then. C'mon, we have to start the evening festivities and then we can relax.”

  The three women walked quickly to the main stage area and Alia stopped briefly to see her children playing on the stage. She glanced to her right and gave Janeen a sly look and bounced her head in the direction of the stage.

  Janeen shook her head.

  “No, no, I know that look and no.”

  “You know you want to. C’mon, for me?”

  “I’m old, Al. You think you’re twenty, you go.”


  “Yes, yes I am. This is nothing new.”

  Vivian looked at the women with complete mystery.

  “Your Highness, I’m afraid I have to go and…get something to eat. I will leave you to the…”

  “Ok, thank you, Vivian.”

  Alia turned back around and skipped towards the stage. She moved quickly up the steps and stood with her two youngest daughters, who smiled to see their mother join them.

  Alia was wearing a blue gauze outfit with a small fitted top that had long sleeves and a bare midriff. Her skirt moved and twirled to just mid calf. The boots she wore were black and she and the girls took a moment and stood perfectly still with their arms at their side.

  Coeli turned and saw her mother as Alisha got up from the piano. Coeli loved to step with her mother. Alisha took the fiddle and continued the reel, as Alia looked over at her sixteen-year-old.

  With absolute precision the four Starks began to step. The tapping of their shoes and the speed of their movements drew an even larger crowd. Before they knew it several other musicians had stepped in to take instruments from Sara and Alisha, who also now
joined in the step.

  Sean, the Turners and the Levines arrived. Sean leaned in and gave Janeen a nudge hello.

  She turned and smiled, giving him and their friends hugs. In turn, Janeen’s wife, Connie, appeared with a cart of ale.

  “Did I count right?”

  “How many did you get?” asked Aaron.

  “Umm, thirty I think.”

  Janeen nodded and leaned in to kiss her partner, while the others laughed.

  “Yeah, Sweetie, I think that’s enough.”

  Sean took the cart from Connie, reached in, grabbed the steins and passed out the ale, first to the ladies and then the men. The music stopped with the last stomp and the crowd erupted in applause. Alia walked forward to one of the microphones, lifted her arms and turned to the children and the other musicians and bade them bow. She then turned back to the crowd and spoke.

  “Good Evening. To all of our guests, welcome to our home. For the next ten days, it will also be your home. The rules of the Gathering are now in place, please abide by them. Now, as the sun has set, it is my duty as ruler of the host village to officially start the Gathering.”

  An eruption of applause, hollers and whistles came from the village. Amongst the crowd were patrons of the village with carts like Connie’s and they were handing out steins of ale and wine and juices. Several were handed out on stage and one was given to Alia. She looked around and after several minutes, when she saw that no one else needed a beverage, she raised her cup, followed by all in the village like a great wave.

  “To those who are no longer among us, we remember.”

  The crowd whispered, “Remember.”

  “Why we are here today, we remember.”

  The crowd responded again.

  “Let us be tolerant and patient. Let us refrain from anger. Let us live in peace. To the ills of the past and how they came to be, we remember.”

  “That is why we Gather,” came from the crowd.

  “So we toast one another, our past and our future. Welcome to the Gathering! Let the festivities begin!”

  A great swell of energy came from all over the village as everyone cheered and drank as fireworks exploded overhead. Alia downed her stein and gave the cup back to the porter. She turned to her youngest children when the show had ended.

  “Alright, rules.”

  Amanda raised her hand.

  “Yes, Little Miss?”

  “I’m not to go off by myself and I am to be in bed no later than ten pm.”

  “Very good. Lisa and Brandon?”

  “We are to stay near you or the ladies and we are to be in bed no later then eleven pm,” said Lisa.

  Brandon was fooling around with his flute.


  He looked up with a vacant look on his face.

  “I’m staying here. I’m going to play.”

  James patted him on the back as he continued to conduct the musicians now playing.

  “Ok, but when it’s time to go to bed, you will go. Understand?”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “Alright, kisses, please.”

  They all embraced and laughed. Alia stood up and motioned to the nannies. They walked over and she spoke to them briefly and they all nodded. She then looked for Sean and the others. Finding them, she jumped off the stage and came through the crowd.

  Janeen reached into the cart and grabbed a cup.

  “You looking for this?”

  Alia took the cup and kissed Connie hello.

  “Yes, I am.”

  She raised her cup.

  “To friends.”

  “To friends!”

  They all drank and began to chat. Grant Turner grabbed Alia’s hand.

  “How about a dance, Old Girl?”

  “You got it, Good Looking.”

  Sean, taking the cue reached for Lorraine, and subsequently Janeen grabbed Connie and Aaron looked at Ellen.

  “How about it? Care to trip the Jew fantastic?”

  Ellen laughed and pulled Aaron out to the dance area.

  Off to the left of the stage, a wooden deck rose about four feet off the ground and had a railing along the edge that led to the stone wall. Slowly the young men fascinated with the younger Stark women made their way to the wall.

  Sam had taken his ale over to the deck to watch Coeli, followed closely by Scott. They sat, hanging over the railing watching the stage.

  Vance walked up behind them and took a seat to Sam’s right. Sam glanced over at him and put out his hand in greeting, as did Scott.

  Ian also wandered over to the deck and leaned against it on the other side of Vance. They too shook hands.

  Vance looked at them.

  “Ok, which ones? Not mine I hope.”

  Sam rubbed his bottom lip with this thumb.


  Scott was still staring at the stage.


  Ian looked at the oldest Stark girl and sighed.


  Vance looked over at Ian.

  “Yeah, that one I knew.”

  Ian smiled and Vance laughed and then looked at Sam.

  “I thought you liked Sara?”

  Sam turned and looked Vance.

  “I thought I did, too.”


  Sam raised an eyebrow.

  “That's Scott's theory. How’d you know?”

  “I thought I loved Kaley for two years. Followed her around like a puppy.”

  “I remember that,” Ian said, folding his arms in front of him.

  Vance smiled and slapped him on the back, making him smile, too.

  “I was pathetic until Alisha turned seventeen. Then I realized. It wasn’t Kaley... it was Alisha. I looked back and realized that I only followed Kale when Alisha was with her, but I had this thing that she was too young or something like that. Weird feeling, huh?”

  Sam looked back at the stage.

  “Yeah, but I think I’m getting my head around it.”

  Sam could feel his heart beat at the thought of touching Coeli’s hand or kissing her, but how could he be sure? Just yesterday he had the same thoughts about her sister. He rested his chin on his hands, which were now on the bottom railing, and watched her play.

  Sean had been watching the young men with interest, and now the Hearsts and Forresters had joined the party. Sean stood off to the side, but was soon joined by Larry.


  Startled, Sean turned and smiled, shaking Larry’s hand and hugging his old friend.

  “What are you doing over here?”

  “Watching your kid and some other boys who are obviously lovelorn over the Stark women.”

  “Well,” Larry leaned in and whispered, “looks like you have something in common with them.”

  Sean smiled slightly and turned his head to look at Larry.

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Not to most, but I’ve known you for twelve years, Sean. In all that time, the only one you look at twice is her.”

  “Yeah, well, you can’t control who you love.”

  “Don’t I know it… maybe you should go and commiserate with them.”

  Sean turned away from the boys and grabbed Larry around the neck, which caused a wrestling match to ensue.

  The women stopped what they were doing and looked over. Alia watched for a minute and then shook her head and turned back around, and the other women followed suit, except for Connie, who joined the men, laughing and cheering them on.

  All across the village, people were enjoying themselves. Yet unbeknownst to them all, from the trees outside the village, those gold and blue eyes glittered in the night. They watched until a falcon flew overhead and then they disappeared with a flash.

  The falcon watched as well.


  Stephan Merganser sat in a lounge chair by the window, reading his bible and looking for answers. He knew that he and Alia Stark were destined to be together, but that captain of hers, Se
an Lantry, must be a servant of Satan. His constant temptation to sin was more than her frail constitution could withstand. He would have to save her from herself and he had seen in a dream brought by God’s very own angels that they were to be one. He could not understand why she fought it so?

  Paul Stark had failed to bring her back to the flock of Christ, but Stephan would not be deterred. He had been watching things all day. He read slowly through the Corinthians, looking for the answer as he prayed for guidance, as well as a way to remove Lantry from the picture.

  A knock on the door startled him.


  The door opened and in walked Elian. Stephan smiled as his son walked towards him.

  "Why are you here? You missed the opening ceremonies."

  Stephan held the bible and took off his reading glasses.

  "The Lord has sent me to save the soul of Alia Stark, Son. Her heathen ways are an abomination and God has sent his righteous angels to bestow on me the trial of saving her."

  Elian looked at his father.

  "Father, if you pursue this endeavor, they will have you leave. Justin and Tawny need you here with them to represent Crystal Shade."

  Stephan smiled and put his arm around his son's shoulders.

  "The ways of the Lord are mysterious indeed, but we must follow Christ's teachings and they say that idolatry is an insult to God. She must be saved. They all must."

  Elian moved away from his father and crossed his arms in front of him.

  "I agree, Father, but I believe God wants you to put the flock before the sheep. For instance, if the shepherd leaves to gather one sheep and the flock is left unattended, then he may lose all but that one sheep."

  Stephan nodded and smiled at his son.

  "You are indeed wise, Elian. I will do as you request and forego my mission…for the time being."

  Elian smiled at his father. Stephan walked slowly around the room, unaware that his youngest, Albion, had entered. He stood off in a corner where his father and brother couldn’t see him and watched.


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