The Gathering

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The Gathering Page 12

by S L Dearing

  “You ok?”

  Realizing she had been caught staring, she smiled and nodded, but then she realized this was the right time to ask him about Sara.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  Sam looked at her and noticed her tone as being one that might lead to something of importance, so he stopped eating and nodded his head, as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.


  Coeli bit her bottom lip and Sam felt his skin tingle.

  “Are you sure you wouldn't rather be here with Sara right now? I mean it's ok, if you do; after all, she's really beautiful…”

  Sam took a deep breath and scooted his chair in closer to the table, setting his éclair down on a napkin and licking the excess chocolate off his thumb as he reached for Coeli’s empty hand. As his fingers closed around her hand, she began to shake ever so slightly and the pounding of her heart became increasingly louder. She laid down her pastry on another napkin, wiping away the excess chocolate and looked at Sam, who was gently smiling at her and lightly moving his fingertips over the palm of her hand, which made her dizzy.

  “I’m gonna be honest, ok?”

  Coeli nodded and braced herself for the worst.

  “For the last year or two, all I ever thought about was Sara. The thought of her got me through the worst of days. I haven’t dated any other girls, because I thought she was the one. I'm pretty sure my mom thinks I’m gay."

  Coeli started to smile.

  "I had it all figured out. Tonight I would finally tell Sara how I felt, but then today something happened before we left Pasadena and I didn't think of Sara, I thought of you. I mean, I was thinking of all the people that I loved, and I thought of you. Then when we got here and I was talking to Sara, but I just wanted to know about you.”

  Sam stopped and looked into Coeli’s eyes, which were wide and round. He felt her tremble under his touch.

  “I think it was you all along, but I must have thought you were too young or something lame like that. Anyway, I get here today and you're not a little girl anymore, you're a woman."

  "A woman?"

  Sam smiled and nodded his head.


  Coeli felt her heart beating hard and fast.

  "I guess I was just waiting for you to be old enough," he said.

  Tears filled Coeli’s eyes as she sat staring at their hands. She raised her head and looked into his blue eyes. He furrowed his brow.

  "I know, this all sounds stupid, but it's true, Shay."

  Coeli nodded and then shook her head.

  "I believe you. I’m just happy that it's me you want. I mean, well, you know…"

  Sam held up his hand and she stopped.

  "You got it right. It's you that I want."

  She then smiled brightly and stood up, pulling Sam with her. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Her hair fell against his face and he could smell the jasmine on her skin. He buried his face against her and breathed deeply, growing heady from the scent. He put his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him.

  Coeli’s heart was trying to explode out of her chest as she hoped to stay in this moment forever. She felt Sam pull his head back and she looked into his eyes. He slowly traced the outline of her lips and her cheek with his thumb and stared into her dark eyes.

  "So does this mean you might want me, too?"

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Oh, yes.”

  Sam smiled and gently pressed his lips to hers, soft and gentle. Every cell in her body felt like they were bubbles popping all at once. It was as if the world had slipped away and they were completely alone.

  They heard someone singing in the distance and as they held one another, they danced.


  As the clocks in Lia Fail began to strike midnight, Alia realized that she was having fun. She looked around the table at her dearest friends and felt at peace.

  Vivian Shorely came bursting through the doors of Donagan's, looking around frantically. Alia saw her and laughed quietly to herself. She lifted her arm.

  "Over here, Vivian."

  "Why’d you have to do that?"

  Alia hushed Sean, who should have been drunk, but only showed signs of fatigue.

  Vivian rushed over. Breathless, she gathered herself.

  "Oh, Your Highness. We’ve won the first round! The Fail took first in the cake competition."

  Sean slammed his stein down and jumped up on a table, raising his arms.

  "Everyone, Chancellor Shorely has just informed us of the results of the cake competition. Lia Fail has won first place with…"

  Cheers erupted as he squatted down and leaned into Vivian.

  "Who got second and third?"

  Vivian folded her arms and sighed.

  "The Crystals came in second and Bethel Israel came in third."

  "All right!" boomed Aaron Levine.

  Sean stood back up.

  "Ok, Crystal’s number 2 and Israel number 3. Let's give the Chancellor a round of applause for her hard work."

  The pub erupted in cheers for Vivian, who tried to look offended, but really was enjoying it all.

  Sean jumped off the table and walked over to Vivian and Alia. Alia took her hand.

  "Congratulations, Vivian. I knew you could do it!"

  Sean then smacked her rear end and winked at her. She sharply inhaled and her face looked more pinched than usual.

  "Good job, Viv!"

  He then looked into his cup, realized he was empty and wandered off to get more to drink.

  Alia was biting her bottom lip to keep from laughing, so when Vivian turned back around, Alia just tilted her head and looked at her.

  Vivian then straightened out her suit and folded her hands in front of her.

  "I just wanted you to know, Your Highness."

  "I’m glad you came to tell us, Vivian. It's a wonderful start. I know you’ll continue to do well."

  Vivian smoothed her short black hair back, smiled softly and turned towards the door.

  "I will do my best, Your Highness."

  With that, Vivian walked away briskly, nodding to all around her as they applauded until she left.

  Sean returned with several full steins.

  "Why do you have to do that to her?"

  Sean looked at Alia. He shrugged.

  "It's just the nature of our relationship, that's all. She irritates me, I irritate her…"

  Alia smiled and shook her head.

  "Uh, huh…then what's the nature of our relationship, Sean?"

  Everyone at the table suddenly stopped talking and looked at Sean, obviously waiting for an answer. Alia turned her head to look at them.

  "Did I miss something?"

  "Nope," responded Larry.

  "Nothing," from Grant Turner.

  Janeen shrugged and took a drink, then looked at Ellen and Lorraine, who also shrugged.

  Alia turned back to Sean, who was looking at the clock on the wall.

  "Well?" she asked.

  "You don't irritate me."

  "Well, that's good."

  "I wanna dance with you."

  "That's it?”

  Sean nodded and smiled while he held out his hand. Alia smiled and shook her head. She took his hand and they walked out to the crowd. A slow song began to play and Sean looked into Alia's eyes, still smiling and pulled her to him. They fell into a rhythm and slowly her cheek was next to his and he had pulled their hands to his chest.

  Ian and Kaley were dancing, when Kaley noticed that her mother was now dancing with Sean and she watched and smiled.

  Sean could feel Alia's fingertips against the hairs on his neck and he fought every urge he had to sweep her into his arms and tell her the nature of their relationship, but now wasn't the time. His hand moved to the small curve in her back and pressed slightly so she would follow his moves. He could smell the perfume of her hair mixed with the sweat of the night and he allowed himself to bury his face against her neck.

  She felt the stubb
le on his face against her neck and she quivered. She fought against telling him how she felt.

  They continued to dance as all their friends waited for them to finally realize the desire they both felt for one another.


  Chris and Tanner Stark watched with interest as Ian danced with their sister. David Levine walked over with Corey Hearst.

  "Where you two been?" asked Chris.

  Corey rolled his eyes as David laughed.

  "Apparently Brittany Roberts has taken quite a shine to Corey here."

  "Shut up."

  Tanner slapped him on the shoulder.

  "Well done!"

  "It's not funny."

  "She's pretty," Chris said.

  "Yeah, but I’m not interested and she's really coming on strong."

  David nodded and shrugged.

  "Are you interested in anybody?"

  Corey shrugged and looked over that group of the younger girls watching the four of them. Tanner looked over as well.

  "Not my sister, I hope."

  Corey shook his head.

  David was smiling, looked over and then stopped abruptly and looked at Corey Hearst.

  "My sister?!"

  Corey looked around, trying to avoid having to answer.

  "Are you kidding me? My dad would flip if she married an atheist."

  Corey Hearst turned around.

  "Married? I'm seventeen. I just wanna dance with her and see if she likes me."

  They stood there kind of awkwardly for a moment, when Corey turned back around.

  "Besides, if I did marry her, I could always convert. My dad's the atheist, not me."

  The twins grinned and looked at David. He looked at them with indignation.

  "What? Did it ever occur to you two geniuses that maybe I like your sister?"

  The twins looked at each and grinned then looked at David and shrugged their shoulders.


  Chris started to laugh and moved off towards the girls. He walked over and bowed, to which all the girls but Rebecca giggled, she merely rolled her eyes as he asked Hannah Turner to dance. In shock, she managed to nod yes and take his hand. As he led her to the dance floor, she turned around and mouthed, "Oh My God!" to her friends, but in her mind she was thanking God for her dad. They had spent an hour before dinner dancing.

  Tanner in turn walked up and asked Chelsea Hearst to dance. She nodded and took his hand.

  Corey, now concerned, watched as Tanner took his sister to the dance floor, his mouth slightly open. Tanner nodded at Corey and then at the girls remaining.

  Corey took a deep breath and then a step forward but stopped suddenly. His stomach was in knots. He looked over to where the girls were standing, seeing Rachel Levine and Rebecca Stark waiting anxiously for someone to ask them to dance.

  David slapped Corey on the shoulder, nodded and stepped forward with Corey following on his heels. Corey felt the knot in his stomach grow. He wanted to throw up. What if she laughed at him? He was totally unaware that David Levine felt the same way as he approached Rebecca.

  The girls looked up and Rachel looked at the dance floor. Corey stopped for a moment. She didn't want to dance with him. He knew it. He could feel it. David turned around and shrugged as Corey had stopped. Corey felt himself move forward.

  David walked up to the girls. Rachel turned to look at him, raised her eyebrows and then turned away. David put his hand out to Rebecca.

  "Beck, you wanna dance?"

  Rebecca smiled and nodded.


  They walked off as Corey walked up to Rachel. Her arms were folded in front of her. Corey started to talk by raising his hand when Rachel spun around and put her hands on her hips.

  "Did my brother ask you to do this?"


  "David put you up to this, didn't he?"

  Corey looked confused and turned to look at the dance floor, his long red hair hanging slightly in his face. The dancers were now looking at them, concerned. He shook his head and turned back to Rachel, her eyes blazing at the idea of being made the fool. Corey shrugged.

  "No, but I did tell him I wanted to dance with you."

  Rachel's face softened.

  "Then you weren't asking me because you felt sorry for me?"

  Corey once again looked confused and shook his head.



  Rachel bit her bottom lip and looked like she wanted to cry, now aware that she had just made a fool of herself.

  Corey, still confused, put his hand out and motioned with his other hand towards the dance floor.

  "Do you wanna dance? Or maybe get something to eat? I don't know."

  Rachel nodded and took his hand.

  "I'm sorry about that."

  Corey smiled and shrugged.


  Rachel smiled too and they walked onto the dance floor.

  Ian and Kaley had been watching and Kaley smiled, turning her head back to Ian, who was staring intently at Chris and Hannah. After a moment, she tapped him on the forehead.


  Ian stopped glaring and looked at Kaley.


  "He's a good kid."

  "He's not a kid anymore."

  "Oh, I see, so he must have some nefarious designs on your sister?"

  Ian danced, mouth agape, trying to explain what he meant. He tried to talk, but Kaley put her fingertips over his lips. The gesture made his heart leap.

  "I've already been crazy enough for both of us tonight, ok? Besides, he's one of your best friends, right?"

  Ian felt himself smile and he nodded.

  "Trust me, it'll be fine." Kaley said.

  He took Kaley's hand and kissed her palm before he placed her hand back on his chest. He pulled her face next to his and placed his cheek against hers.

  "I trust you," he whispered in her ear.

  She smiled at this and they continued to dance, until one by one all the others had left for the evening.

  They eventually stopped dancing, long after the music had stopped, and Ian took Kaley's hand.

  "I guess it's late," he said.

  "Yeah. Walk me back?"

  Ian nodded and smiled. They walked back to the castle in silence, holding hands. When they reached the main steps, Kaley began to walk up but felt the tug of Ian's hand as he remained at the bottom. She walked back down and stood on the first step, so she was nose to nose with him. He took her other hand and interlaced his fingers with hers.

  Kaley felt her face getting hot and was sure she was blushing. She looked at their hands, knowing that if she looked at him, she would stop breathing. Her heart beat wildly in her chest.

  She slowly turned and looked into his eyes. She could feel his breath against her lips. She closed her eyes and felt her body move forward as Ian put his arms around her waist.

  Then she felt the kiss. His lips were soft and firm. She could feel the openness of his mouth and light flicker of his tongue against her teeth. She felt him move back and the soft wetness pulled away.

  She opened her eyes and saw he had a slightly glazed-over look. She smiled and pulled her hands from his grasp and placed them around his neck pulling him in for more.

  He responded as she hoped. Their mouths devouring one other, as breath, mouth and tongue danced perfectly. Every part of her body was tingling now, responding to his touch and she let a tiny moan escape her lips.

  Ian pulled back, his breathing heavy. He pulled her arms down and took her hands. She noticed that his hair had fallen across his face, so she could just see his eyes through the long strands.

  "As much as I would love for this to go further, I don’t think here and now is the time or the place."

  Kaley looked around and suddenly realized they were still on her front steps. She smiled and laughed.


  Ian grinned and stepped up again, pushing his hair out of his face and kissing her one last time. She tried to grab him a
gain, but he stepped back.

  "Stop it."

  She was now grinning from ear to ear at the thought of making him excited. He took several steps back.

  "Breakfast?" he asked.

  She nodded.

  "About 8:00?"

  He nodded back.

  "Go to sleep," he said.

  She turned and walked up the stairs to the main door as he watched from the first step. She waved goodnight as she walked in to the castle and he thought to himself,

  "I wonder how cold the showers are tonight?"


  Scott and Sara had spent the majority of the evening talking and were now walking back towards the castle in the almost silence of the early morning. Sara had been having a wonderful time, but she now felt that familiar sensation of wanting to run away. She was falling for Scott. He really saw her. No pretense, no pretty girl, just plain Sara. Lost in her thoughts, she walked slightly faster then he did.

  Scott reached out and grabbed her hand. She stopped and looked at him as he pulled her towards him. She was startled as he wrapped his arm around her waist and put his hand behind her head. He looked into her blue eyes and put his forehead to hers. She was terrified. She didn't want to fall for him. He put his cheek to hers and whispered in her ear.

  “Stop thinking about that.”

  She gasped and felt herself yield to him. She closed her eyes and felt his mouth on hers. Her head was swimming and she felt her entire body fall against his. He was so strong and she felt so safe.

  Then in a flash she felt the pain in the back of her neck. She pulled away and grabbed the back of her head. Scott looked at her concerned, still holding her other hand. She looked at him.

  “Have you had this pain all day?” she asked.

  He nodded with a look of confusion, but remained silent.

  “I’m kind of psychic,” she said, "but I’ve never had anything like that happen.”

  He touched her face again and lifted her head.

  “I’m sorry, it’s my fault. Are you alright?”


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