The Gathering

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The Gathering Page 23

by S L Dearing

  "Those who chose to stay at St. Viviana's should arrive by tomorrow. If they don't, then I believe they may have been attacked. We'll know then for certain."

  Aaron Levine now stood up with an uncommonly serious look on his face.

  "I agree with Alia. The last thing we need now is a panic on our hands. We should call our villages and alert them of this army, but I think we should all stay here."

  Stephan's fury was again rising in his chest. He looked at Lantry who was staring back at him. There was no mistaking the fury in Sean's eyes. For what seemed an eternity, they stared at one another, neither looking away until Stephan felt a hand on his arm. He looked up at Justin's face, then over at Alia. She looked at Stephan, her eyes angry and tense. Larry Hearst stood up.

  "Well, then we're in agreement. We'll all stay here in the Fail for the duration of the Gathering. I think we should be careful about how we tell our people about St. Viviana's."

  Alia nodded.

  "Then let this meeting be adjourned. As soon as we hear from the remaining members of Salt Lake II, we'll alert you. Good afternoon everyone."

  All of the leaders nodded in agreement, rose from their seats and began to move outside, saying their good-byes. Stephan, still looking at Alia, shoved his chair back and stormed out of the room. Sean didn't take his eyes off him until he had left the building and then shrugged off Myron's grip and walked over to the window, his hands on his waist as he stared in the direction Stephan had gone. Justin Roberts watched this and then quietly stood up and walked over to Alia. She turned to look at him.

  "My apologies, Alia. I'm afraid that Brother Stephan has been under tremendous strain as of late and perhaps he needs a rest."

  Alia could see the embarrassment in Justin's eyes. She sighed.

  "Your apology is much appreciated, Justin."

  Justin sheepishly nodded his head. He nodded to Beverly, Elena, Larry, Grant, Aaron and even Myron, then turned to leave. The room cleared quickly, leaving the friends standing in silence. Sean continued to stare out the window. Alia got up and walked over to a hutch against the wall. She opened it and pulled out a decanter filled with whiskey, along with eight glasses. She turned and walked silently back to the table, opened the stopper and began to pour.

  "Anyone else?"

  "Yes, please, Darlin', I was feeling a bit parched."

  Beverly was already reaching for a glass when Grant smiled and handed one to her. Elena was again holding Larry's hand.

  "Can you believe that asshole? Accusing you of any kind of…I just don't get it."

  Elena smiled.

  "You should not worry so much, Larry. It means nothing. He needs someone to blame so he blames what he does not understand."

  She reached over and took a glass and handed him the liquor.

  "Here, you drink this, it will calm you."

  Everyone nodded as Sean remained at the window and Myron looked over at Alia.

  "C'mon, Myron. Have a drink. Sean?"

  The anger on his face remained unflinching. Alia sighed.


  He turned and looked at her and then resigned himself to the impotence he felt at not being able to defend his or Alia's honor. He walked slowly over to the table. Alia handed him a glass and smiled.

  "Let it go. He's not worth it."

  Sean looked at Alia, scowled and crossed his arms.

  "He accused me of raping you. He accused Elena of helping me by drugging you. He's a crazy fuck and he needs to get his ass beaten."

  The rest of the men nodded, but took their glasses and remained silent as Alia quickly drank down the whiskey in her glass.

  "As much as I would love to see that, it's not going to happen. At least not now, we have more important things to worry about other than the ravings of a loon, ok?"

  Sean took the glass, swallowed and then poured another.

  "You still should have let me kick his ass."

  The other men smiled and looked away as Alia sighed and shook her head. Beverly moved forward and placed her glass beside the decanter.

  "If you don't mind, Dear."

  Alia started to pour as she looked at Sean, who threw back the second shot. She wished that Stephan Merganser's accusation had been true. She wished that she and Sean were lovers. She would have gladly taken the blame. She looked back at Beverly's glass and then refilled her own. She handed the glass to Beverly.

  "You know, Darlin, I don't think that President Merganser is quite himself. Those accusations were not his."

  Sean looked at Bev.

  "How can you say that, Bev? He's been obsessed with Alia for years. He spewed that filth right in front of you."

  "Oh, yes, I did hear him say it, but I believe that a little bird has been putting those thoughts in his head. A little bird with a penchant for magic. A little bird that knows about President Merganser's affection for our Alia. I can't be sure, so any identification may have to wait, but I have a good idea who it is."

  Alia moved forward.

  "Who, Bev?"

  "Later, Alia, I'll tell you later. We've set a few things in motion, but I want to be certain before I run off at the mouth."

  Elena smiled and took Beverly's free hand.

  "Miss Beverly is right. We shall know for certain very soon."

  Alia sighed and nodded. She watched the amber liquid in her glass move in an orbit around the bottom. Then she lifted it to her lips. Sean stared at her and sighed as she downed her drink again.

  Finally, Aaron put his glass down and poured another shot.

  "Well, maybe it wasn't his idea, but Merganser is certainly in a state. I bet he doesn’t know whether to scratch his watch or wind his ass. I'm surprised he didn't piss himself when Sean charged at him. Good thing Myron here was able to grab him."

  They all looked at Aaron and started to laugh, as Myron slapped Aaron on the shoulder and threw back his shot, breathing heavily as he set his glass down. Sean looked back at Alia who was going for another drink. He walked over and before she could put it to her lips, he took it and drank it. She watched him and tried to pour another, but Sean put his hand over her glass and gently pressed the decanter back down and corked it.

  "We still have work to do. You can get drunk later if you want…on me."

  Alia nodded and rubbed her forehead. She was so tired. The Gathering was supposed to be a time to relax, her time to unwind from six months of stress and now there was more stress than ever. Grant Turner stepped forward and gently took her arm.

  "We have to get back to work, Al."

  She looked at him and smiled. They all started to walk out of the hall to the communications room. Grant started grinning to himself. Larry looked at him.


  Grant shook his head.

  "I was just thinking about Merganser. What a knob! I thought his head was gonna explode when Alia told him point blank that she was never going to marry him. It was great!"

  Alia smiled and Sean looked at her and then looked straight ahead smiling.

  "Yeah, that was good."

  The three presidents walked ahead of the Queen of Lia Fail and her Captain, knowing exactly what Sean Lantry meant.


  The Stark children sat around the kitchen table. They didn't speak and they barely looked at one another. Amanda put her sandwich in her mouth and looked around, but feeling the heaviness of the room opted not to speak either.

  Alia walked into the room and was taken aback as she felt the silence. She looked over at Gloria, who shrugged and continued to watch the food on the stove. Alia walked over to the children and sat down next to Rebecca, who looked up at her with wide, red eyes.

  "What's going on, Guys?"

  The children all looked at one another, except Amanda, who also shrugged and took another bite of her sandwich. Alisha crossed her arms and leaned back.

  "It's about St. Viviana's. Is it true?"

  Alia looked at Alisha, touched the top of Rebecca's head and gently caressed her
cheek, then she nodded.

  "Yes, it's true."

  Kaley and Sara covered their mouths and began to quietly cry, as the other girls followed suit, except for Alisha. She furrowed her brow and nodded. Rebecca wrapped her arms around her mother.

  "Why, Mommy? Why?"

  Alia shook her head, fighting back her own tears.

  "I don't know, Baby, but we're going to find out."

  Suddenly Rebecca pulled back and looked at her mother with giant, terrified eyes.

  "It can't happen here, can it, Mommy? Can it?"

  The other children looked at Alia. She sighed and looked at Amanda, Lisa and Brandon, who just looked at their older siblings and finished their food.

  "Are you three done?"

  They nodded and Alia smiled.

  "Ok, then, why don't you go upstairs?"

  Amanda slid off her seat and took Lisa's hand. They moved out of the room, followed by Brandon.

  "We aren't babies you know," he said.

  "I know, Sweetie."

  The three youngest children left and Alia stood up and looked at her remaining eight.

  "I'm not going to lie to you. It looks as though St. Viviana's let them in and then the…'soldiers' attacked…"


  Chris looked at his mother.

  "Black Horde."

  Alia looked back at him.


  "Dreams. I've seen them in my dreams."

  Coeli looked over and nodded.

  "Me too."

  Alisha, Tanner and Sara also nodded their heads. Alia sighed and looked at Kaley.

  "What about you, Babe? You having dreams too?"

  Kaley smiled slightly and nodded.

  "Yeah, but not about that Horde and what they did. I've been having dreams about a man without a face and a man with eyes the color of blue ice. They're evil."

  Rebecca looked at her mother.

  "I've been having dreams about falcons and ravens. They're always fighting. I want the ravens to win, but sometimes they don't."

  Alia nodded. Brian looked at them.

  "Me too…ravens and falcons. The army too. I can't always get back to sleep."

  Alia stroked the top of Brian's head and he hugged her. She rocked him slightly and looked at the others.

  "Well, it seems that we’re all having some pretty serious nightmares, huh?"

  Coeli wiped the tears from her face.

  "I've had dreams about other things too."

  "Like what, Baby?"

  "I think they're unicorns and I think they're in the forest."

  Alia smiled and tilted her head as she looked at Sara, who also smiled. Sara looked at Coeli.

  "Yeah, they're unicorns and they're in the forest."

  Sara told them what had happened earlier that morning. Alisha looked at her mother, obviously upset.

  "When were you going to tell us?"

  "I didn't have any definitive plans, Lish. I've been a little busy. Unicorns, dreams, a killer army, your wedding, Kaley's wedding… I’ve been busy."

  The other kids looked over at Kaley. Chris and Tanner smiled.

  "Congrats, Sis! He finally did it, huh?"

  Alisha frowned and looked at Kaley, who deflated and then looked at Alia.


  Alisha threw up her arms.

  "Yeah, thanks!"

  She ran out of the kitchen. Kaley stood up and tried to grab her, but Alisha shook her off and ran up the stairs. Kaley looked at her mother, but before she could say anything, Alia held up her hand.

  "Don't even think about it! I told you to talk to your sister. I suggest you do that now."

  Kaley sighed and ran up the stairs. Alia looked around at the other kids, who were wide-eyed.

  "Anyone else getting married?"

  Rebecca held up her hand and Alia raised her eyebrow.

  "Just kidding, I have a date though."

  Alia smiled and grabbed Rebecca as they laughed. Sara stood up and kissed her mother's cheek.

  "Speaking of dates, I have one too. I'll see you all later."

  Coeli, Brian, Tanner and Chris all looked at each other and then Alia. Tanner shrugged.

  "Ok, Mom, spill it."

  "Spill what?"

  "When do we get to meet the unicorns?"

  Alia smiled again.

  "Later, today, if you want, but…you aren't to go spreading this around. That army…that guy without the face…I think they want to hurt the unicorns, so let's keep it quiet, huh?"

  The kids all nodded and Brian walked over to Alia.

  "It'll be ok, Mom. I know it."

  Alia touched his face and then kissed his cheek.

  "Thanks, Kid. Go on, go find your friends."

  "Ok, but I want to see the unicorns, too, ok?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  The rest of the children left and Alia sat quietly in the chair until Gloria walked over and laid a cigarette in front of her.

  "You're a goddess, Gloria."

  "Don’t I know it?"

  They laughed as Alia stood and walked to the kitchen door, lit the cigarette and inhaled deeply. She missed smoking.


  Alisha sat quietly on her bed, the tears falling slowly down her cheeks. She wiped them away angrily as she looked out her balcony.

  Kaley knocked on the door.

  "Alisha, let me in."

  "Go away!"

  "C'mon, Lish. Let me in. Talk to me."

  Alisha jumped off the bed and threw the door open."

  "Why do you always steal my thunder, huh? Why?!"

  Kaley was taken aback and shook her head.

  "What are you talking about? I haven't made any plans. I just got engaged last night."

  Alisha threw her arms up in despair and fell back on the bed, sobbing. Kaley walked in and closed the door behind her. She walked over to Alisha and gently touched her shoulder.

  "What's going on?"

  Alisha sat up and took a handkerchief from her end table. She blew her nose.

  "I just wanted…I don't know…I sound like an ass when I say it."

  "Say what?"

  "I just wanted it to be about me."

  Kaley smiled and nodded.


  Alisha looked at her sister with bloodshot eyes and then looked down.

  "I just need for my wedding to be special."

  "Of course you do. Every girl needs that. I'm not having a hand-fasting, Alisha. When Ian and I get married, it'll be a Catholic ceremony and I don't want big, just family and a few friends. Ian and I haven't even talked about it. He just asked. I told mom and yeah, we want to do it before we leave, but…"

  Alisha gasped.

  "You're leaving?"

  Kaley nodded. Alisha started to cry again.

  "I'm a horrible sister."

  Kaley shook her head and took Alisha's face in her hands.

  "No, you're not. You're crazy, but you're not horrible."

  Kaley smiled at Alisha and Alisha laughed and nodded. Kaley reached out to Alisha and the sisters embraced.

  "Don't worry, Lish. That day will be all yours. We'll figure it out, ok?"

  Alisha nodded and then pulled away to blow her nose again. She looked at Kaley.

  "I love you, Kale."

  "I love you, too. Now stop crying and let's get out of here."

  Alisha nodded and wiped her face as the sisters walked out of the room. Below Alisha's balcony, Ferage was watching. He lowered his head and returned to the woods.


  Alia had walked down to the main gate and told Quinn to open it and let her out. He looked over at Todd, who shrugged, wide-eyed.


  He turned back to the queen.

  "Open the gate, now."

  Quinn nodded reluctantly and opened the gate just enough for Alia to slip through. Just before she was already through she turned.

  "Close the gate behind me and don't let anyone follow. Do I make myself clear?"

They nodded.

  "But Your Highness?"


  "Don't you think you should have a guard? And what if the captain asks?"

  "I don't need a guard, Todd, and if Captain Lantry asks after me, tell him you don't know where I am."


  Quinn had a pained look on his face as she slipped through the opening and they closed the heavy gate behind her. Todd looked at him.

  "You ok?"

  "Yeah…I just can't lie. I suck at it."

  "I know, me, too."

  "I guess we just avoid everyone then, huh?"

  "Yeah…I guess so."

  They moved back to their posts and waited.

  Alia moved quickly to the woods and stepped lightly through the trees. She had heard Ferage call to her.

  The cool autumn air was edging ever closer to winter. She felt the sting of the cold as a branch brushed across her face.

  She made her way to the clearing and moved to the center where she called out in her mind.

  "Ferage, Ferage…can you hear me?"

  Suddenly there came a rustling from her right. She turned to look and from the thicket came the mighty stallion. As he walked towards her, she could swear he was smiling.

  "Hello, Alia."

  Alia felt herself smile and she rushed to him, closed her eyes and buried her cold face in his soft warm fur. She didn't know why, but whenever she was around this beast, she felt like a child again. She was full of wonder and awe.


  She pulled herself back to reality and stepped back. He was looking at her.

  "Are you alright?"

  “No…did you know about St. Viviana’s?

  Ferage looked at the ground and nodded.

  "Why didn’t you tell us?"

  “By the time we had learned of the massacre, there was nothing you could've done…besides you had seen it in your dreams.”

  “My dreams? I don’t understand my dreams.”

  “Of course you do. I have never before met a witch who so deeply embraces the universe of magic and then so deftly denies her ties.”

  Alia smiled and shook her head.

  “Stop speaking in riddles…the war being fought in your home world…how did it affect you and your people?”


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