The Gathering

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The Gathering Page 26

by S L Dearing

  Alisha stopped and crossed her arms.

  "What exactly does that have to do with my dilemma?"

  Vance rolled his eyes.

  "Because you're upset that Kaley is going to St. Paul's. You need to understand that this is her life. She loves Ian and he loves her. You know, like you and me. She's making a sacrifice to be with the man she loves. Just like my mother left everyone and everything she loved to be with the man who loved her, Kaley is doing the same thing, only she's not gonna be disinherited by doing so. Get it?"

  Alisha looked at the ground and nodded.


  Vance put out his hand and Alisha took it.

  "So your mom never spoke to her father again?"

  Vance smiled.

  "Of course she did. The old man was a softy and she was daddy's little girl. He came around and dad and he became really great buddies. From what I remember, he was a great guy. My mom just likes to be dramatic."

  Alisha smiled and they walked on through the village.


  After speaking to the Merganser boys and filling Sean and Myron in on the new information, Alia had taken the children out to meet Ferage and his family. While they had been in the clearing, Sean and Myron had taken Rona and Darla into custody.

  The jail was near the soldier's barracks in the central area of the village. It had four cells with traditional metal bars, making it reminiscent of old west jails. Rona stared out the window of her cell, looking at the sky. Darla frowned as she sat on the bench in her cell with her hands under her thighs.

  Rona turned away from the window and looked at Darla.

  "What's the matter, D? Losing faith in your old pal?"

  "I’m not going down with you, Rona. I won't!"

  Rona leaned against the wall with her arms folded in front of her.

  "You’re an accomplice, Stupid! You are in it up to your fat little neck."

  Darla turned to Rona.

  "What are you talking about? I did one glamour. I didn't attack anyone. You did that. And I'm not fat!!"

  Rona smiled and then mockingly put her hands on either side of her face.

  "What? I never did that… you did that, Darla. You don't remember, huh? Well, I guess it'll be your word against mine."

  Darla shook her head and wrapped her hand around her thumb, wringing it faster and faster. Rona just smiled.

  "If you still want out of here, then just keep your mouth shut."

  "How are you gonna get out of here? There are soldiers everywhere, steel bars…everyone knows we're here."

  Rona smiled and walked towards Darla's cell.

  "I've called his messengers. When they arrive, I'll send word that we've been found out. He'll send Tommy and then we’re out of here. Besides, we have to get that bitch out to San Bernie before the full moon."

  Darla was about to ask another question when they heard the door open and footsteps coming. Rona pointed at Darla.

  "Think before you speak, D."

  Darla just looked at Rona as the door to the cell room opened. Myron Chambers walked through the door and stood before them, followed by a guard with two trays of food. The guard slid one tray into Rona's cell and the other into Darla's cell, then turned and left. Myron watched both of them and he could feel his old police skills rise to the surface. He hadn't been in an interrogating room in some time, but he felt that Darla was at her breaking point. He just continued to stare at her.

  She moved forward and took her tray and began to eat, feeling Myron's gaze on her, but she also felt Rona's eyes, like little knives being plunged into her back. She wanted to tell Myron what happened, but she heard that voice in her head. She knew they wouldn't believe her. Rona was right; it was her word against Rona's. She continued to eat in silence.

  Myron felt the tide change. He sighed and looked at Rona, who was now smiling. That in turn, caused Myron to smile.

  "I wouldn't get too happy, if I was you, Rona. From what I know, I bet we get an execution."

  She turned at him with a smile.

  "We don't have executions, Cop."

  "No, we haven't had an execution. They're on the books, you know, it's just that no one has ever committed a crime that warranted it before. Lucky you, you're the first."

  Rona's smile turned to a frown as Myron walked over and out the door. As he closed the door, Rona threw her tray at him.

  “Condescending, son of a bitch! You’re why everyone hated LAPD!”

  She looked over at Darla.

  "I see we thought better about telling the truth. Good move."

  Darla looked down at her food and quietly began to cry.


  Sam and Coeli walked silently through the streets of the village. Sam could feel that something was weighing heavily on her. He looked around and guided them towards the southern rampart. Coeli looked up.

  "Where are we going?"

  Sam pointed to the top of the wall.

  "There…I want to look out over the valley."

  They climbed the stone steps to the top of the wall and walked along the path until Sam stopped and leaned against the barrier. He sighed and looked at her.

  She was smiling as she stared down at the forest. Sam looked over in the same direction and saw Schepta staring at them.

  "Is that what I think it is?"

  "Yeah…her name is Schepta."

  Sam scowled and looked at Coeli.

  "Why didn't you tell me?"

  Coeli looked down at her fingers and shrugged.

  "My mom said we couldn't say anything to anyone. The ghost guy that you were talking about earlier…the one from your dreams… he wants to kill Schepta and her family. I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't."

  She looked up at Sam, who was still frowning, and felt herself well up.

  "Are you mad at me?"

  Sam turned and looked at her. He could see that she was about to cry. He took her hand and held the slender fingers to his mouth. They were cold as he kissed them.

  "No, I'm not mad. I just wish you could have told me."

  He let her fingers go and took off his jacket and put it around her. She fell into his chest and grabbed him around the waist.

  "I'm sorry."

  He smiled and held her.

  "I know, Shay, it's ok."

  She looked up at him.

  "I've been wanting to talk to you."

  Sam raised his eyebrows and nodded.

  "Something besides unicorns?"

  She smiled.

  "Yeah… about us."

  "You're not dumping me after four days are you?"

  She shook her head and laughed.



  She bit her bottom lip.

  "I want…I want you to spend the night with me."

  Sam looked at her dumbfounded.


  "I want us to move to that level. Spend the night with me."

  Sam chuckled to himself and held her close.

  "I think about that a lot, Shay, but this isn't something we have to rush into. I'm not going anywhere. I think we should wait."

  "I'm ready, Sam."

  "I'm sure you are, but this is a big deal, Shay…for both of us."

  "I know…but…"

  Sam held up his hand.

  "Let's drop it for now, ok? We have plenty of time."

  Coeli smiled and nodded, but she knew that they didn't have time. From her dreams, the ones she hadn't told anyone, she knew that for her, there wasn't time and she wanted to know what it was to make love. She wanted Sam to be that man and she wanted it to be on her terms.

  They stared off into the dusky sky and Coeli decided, for the moment, she could afford to wait.


  After finding out the truth behind Stephan's outburst, Alia and Bev had gone to Justin Roberts and then they confronted Stephan. Stephan broke down after hearing about Rona's glamour and her attempts to infect the village with the imps.

n sat in the chair in the main room of his quarters, his hands covering his face.

  "I'm so sorry, Alia. I thought the Lord wanted me to save you from this life of heathenism. I was so sure my dreams were from the Lord."

  Alia sat in front of Stephan and gently pulled his hands from his face. He turned from her and wouldn't look at her. Justin came around his friend and placed an arm around his shoulders.

  "You are forgiven, Brother."

  Stephan shook his head and stood up.

  "I shouldn't be! I was tempted and rather than rely on what I know to be true, I was persuaded to think the worst of good people. Captain Lantry has never harmed me. He was the first to volunteer when we radioed for help when Anne and the other women were taken. Mrs. Petrulengo has always been kind to us, to everyone in our village, despite the rumors of her gypsy magic. And you, Alia, I have… I am so sorry."

  Beverly stepped forward and spoke softly.

  "Yes, President Merganser, you have acted rashly towards many good people, Sir, but that does not mean that you are without redemption. You have apologized to Alia and so you will do with Sean and Elena. Nothing has been done that cannot be undone."

  Elian and Albion were watching quietly from the corner. Stephan looked up at them and they could see his shame. He held out his hands to them and Elian stepped forward. He took his father's hand and gripped it tightly and reassuringly, but Albion stood back.

  He was feeling that familiar twinge of exclusion. He looked at his feet and sighed. When he looked up, however, Stephan had risen from his chair and stepped up to his youngest son. He raised his hand and Albion cowered slightly until Stephan gently touched his son's face.

  Albion looked up at his father and let a single tear fall down his cheek. Stephan grabbed him in to an embrace and held him as he sobbed.

  Alia stood up and walked to the balcony, staring off towards the jail.

  "Rona and Darla are currently being held in our jail."

  Justin looked over at Alia.

  "What will you do with them…should they be found guilty?"

  Alia gave them a wry smile.

  "I don't think you really want to know, Gentlemen."

  Beverly stood up now as well.

  "They've confessed nothing, but we know that they were behind this. At least we've stopped them before it got too serious."

  Stephan continued to hold his sons and weep quietly. He turned his head to Justin.

  "I believe I should step down, Justin. I think it would be better for our people if you were the only president of Crystal Shade. I should be leading by example and my sins are many."

  Justin shook his head.

  "No, I think it would be foolish to step down. We are here to lead our people and teach them. This is about forgiveness, Stephan. If you step down, it will teach them nothing and then Rona and her sort win. Please, promise me you will not make any rash decisions?"

  Elian held onto both his father and brother.

  "Brother Justin is right, Father. Don't make any decisions right now. You're upset and not thinking straight."

  Albion looked up and smiled.

  "I agree…don't decide right now."

  Stephan looked down at his youngest son, smiled and nodded. Then he kissed the boy’s forehead and embraced him again.

  Alia looked at Justin.

  "I think I'll leave you to this. Beverly and I have a few more errands to run. Thank you, Justin."

  He smiled and nodded as Alia and Beverly turned to leave. As they walked out the door, Alia turned to watch the Mergansers. She smiled to herself and thought, "They might be ok after all."

  As the door closed, a falcon flew through the village towards the jail.


  Rona was staring out the bars of the window again when she saw the falcon flying towards them. She laughed and jumped up and down, clapping her hands together.

  "See, Darla? They're coming! They're coming!! We'll be out of here before you know it."

  Darla sulked in her cell. The guilt of what they had done was now eating away at her. She lightly touched her lips and thought about the kiss she had shared with the Merganser boy. She smiled to herself until she remembered that she had not looked like herself, and then she frowned and felt the tears come.

  Rona heard her sigh and turned around. As she did, she rolled her eyes and shook her head.

  "You're pathetic, Darla."

  She walked towards the bars that separated their cells and grabbed them as she stared through the openings. She smiled.

  "One little kiss…that's all it took to give you a conscience? Imagine if you'd fucked the little thumper."

  She leaned her head back and laughed as Darla leered at her. Rona started to walk back to the window when she heard a horrible screech. Her face dropped as she ran to the window and pressed her face against the bars, trying to see what was outside.

  She only turned when the door to the cell room was unlatched. Through the door walked Sean and Myron, who were smiling at Rona.


  Sean raised his eyebrows and shrugged as he looked over at Myron. Myron began to laugh quietly. Sean looked back at Rona.

  "Why whatever do you mean?"

  Rona’s breathing was getting deeper and quicker, her eyes furious and blazing. Suddenly the door opened and a soldier walked in carrying the women's dinner. He again slid the trays under the cell doors and left the room while Sean and Myron both leaned back against the wall, smiling.

  Darla quietly picked up her tray and tentatively opened the lid to see what lay underneath. Her eyes were wide and cautious as she slowly lifted the metal dome. She let out a great sigh of relief to see mashed potatoes, chicken and a roll. She glanced at the men who were watching her smiling and then scowled in the direction of Rona who frowned and bent over and picked up her tray. She was still scowling at the men when she removed the food cover. She then looked down to see a dead falcon on her plate. She screamed and dropped the plate as Sean and Myron laughed.

  "You bastards! How could you do this?"

  Sean pushed himself off the wall and walked towards her cell, causing her to back away from the bars. He grabbed the bars and sneered at her.

  "That demon bird was coming here, wasn't it?"

  "It's a falcon… just a bird."

  Sean shook his head.

  "No, not just a bird, Ro. Nothing is as it appears with you. Just so you know, we see a falcon around here and we're killing it."

  "You're sick, Lantry!! First we're accused of letting those imp creatures in here, then seducing some Crystals and now we're in a Hitchcock movie. You're crazy!!"

  Sean smiled again and stepped away from the cell.

  "Actually, Rona, it was Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?”

  Sean moved towards the door as Myron laughed and walked towards him. When he had reached the door, Sean turned.

  "You're dead, Rona. I'll see you hang before the week is out."

  "Fuck you, Lantry! You haven't got the balls!"

  He stopped in the doorway.

  "You'd be surprised, Rona."

  Then he and Myron walked out of the room as Rona kicked the dead bird under the cell and stared at it.

  Darla finished her food and slid the tray quietly under the cell door, then turned to Rona.

  "So now what are you going to do? If you can't tell the birds what has happened, how will the Master know?"

  Rona snarled at Darla and turned around.

  "Fuck you too, D."

  Darla smiled as she sat back down. Little did she know that Rona had a back-up plan.


  Amanda Stark walked softly into the receiving lounge. Sean and her mother were speaking softly next to the fire of the early evening. Sean looked angry. Amanda held her stuffed rabbit close to her chest and moved forward.

  Sean turned and saw Amanda walking towards them and raised his eyebrows to Alia, who turned and sighed.

  "What are you doing, Little Miss?"

>   Amanda shrugged and frowned with big eyes.

  "C'mon, what's up?"

  Amanda shook her head as a large tear rolled down her cheek.

  "I don't wanna go to sleep, Mommy."

  Alia looked at Sean as she picked up her youngest child. Amanda sobbed into her mother's chest as Alia tried to calm her.

  "Amanda, Sweetheart? Tell mommy what's wrong. Did you have a bad dream?"

  Amanda clung to her mother.

  "Please…don't…leave…me…please, Mommy…"

  Alia looked at Sean and shook her head.

  "Why would I leave you, Amanda? Amanda!"

  She moved Amanda in front of her so she could look into her child's eyes. There it was. The fear she had seen in her other children's eyes after the War had begun.

  "It was just a dream, Baby. I'm not going anywhere."

  Amanda just cried and clung to her mother. Alia looked at Sean.

  "I'll be back in a minute."

  Sean nodded as Alia picked up Amanda and they walked to the stairs. Sara and Scott came in as Alia ascended and they walked over to Sean.

  "What happened to Amanda?"

  Sean shrugged.

  "Not sure. I think she had a bad dream. She kept telling your mom that she didn't want her to leave. I don't know."


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