The Gathering

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The Gathering Page 36

by S L Dearing

  Elian looked up at him.

  "Yeah, we know…"

  "No, Sara's in my head… she knows I've been hurt."

  Elian tied up the bandage and let Scott breathe. Scott smiled and nodded.

  "Thanks, El… again."

  "You're welcome. You can hear Sara in your head?"

  "Yeah, it happened that night that thing was in my head. I just knew what she was thinking and feeling. It was weird, but it felt right, like it was the way it should be, ya know?"

  Elian smiled.

  "No, but I'm sure I will one day."

  "Sorry, Elian…"

  "Oh no, don't be. I realized I never really knew Sara, not like you know her. I just thought I loved her because of her beauty, but I never really knew who she was."

  Ian smiled.

  "You're right, El, you will someday… someday soon I would guess."

  They rode on into the west. Elian smiled, but deep in his heart he prayed that Albie was safe. Then he thought of his mother. He continued to pray for Albie's safety.


  Blaylock's party rode their horses through the gate of the Black Castle. Albie and the girls stared in shock at the decaying carcass of Monsignor Klaus and then at the immensity of the abode before them.

  Coeli stared in horror at the monstrous castle before her. It looked like a terrible stronghold from one her childhood fairy tales, but now it was looming above her. She allowed her gaze to climb to the tallest ramparts and then she saw them, the falcons. Hundreds of them flew above the great fortress, screeching and soaring. She felt her hair stand on end and her blood grow cold.

  She had become so distracted that she hadn't noticed that they had stopped until the Hordesman grabbed her off the horse. Blaylock looked over as her feet hit the earth.

  "Hey, Brainiac!! You hurt her, you deal with him, got it?"

  The soldier nodded and held Coeli more loosely. She looked back at Chelsea and Hannah. They were standing not far from her. Albie jumped down from his horse and looked sheepishly over his shoulder at the girls. It was then Coeli realized he wasn't tied up.


  He turned and looked at her with big eyes.

  "You helped them? How could you?"

  She stared at him with anger and disbelief.

  "Albion!! Albie!!!"

  Coeli and the others turned to see a beautiful woman come from the main entrance of the castle. She ran to Albie and grabbed him. She stroked his face and held him to her. She was stunning and Coeli recognized her deep blue eyes.

  "Mrs. Merganser?"

  Anne turned around and saw Coeli and smiled as she stroked Albie's hair.

  "My son. My son."


  "It's me, Darling, it's me."

  Albie threw his arms around her and held tightly. Hannah and Chelsea walked forward and stood next to Coeli. Chelsea leaned in.

  "What the hell is going on?"

  Coeli shrugged as the main door opened again. They turned and looked as the Shape moved towards them. All three girls instinctively took a step backward and stared.

  They huddled together as he moved his hand through the air, holding it just before their faces. Then he smiled and pointed at Hannah and Chelsea.

  "These two young ladies… take them to my chamber and wait there with them until I arrive."

  Two Hordesmen grabbed the girls and dragged them away. They tried to hold on to each other, but Blaylock had ahold of Coeli and pulled her back. She was crying as she watched her friends being pulled into the black walls. Then she felt a cold finger on her face. She pulled back, but Blaylock held her in place.

  "Don’t worry, Princess, they’ll be unharmed… well, relatively unharmed."

  "You won't get away with this."

  They all began to laugh.

  "Well, of course I will. Thomas, have one of your men put her in a cell… gently… we don’t want to make her mommy mad… yet."

  Blaylock motioned for a soldier to take her. He dragged Coeli into the walls as well, as she struggled against him.

  The Shape looked back around and smiled. Rona knelt before him and he offered her his hand. She kissed it and held it to her cheek. Anne watched through narrowed eyes. Blaylock folded his arms in front of him and looked at the ground. The Shape touched Rona’s head and gently stroked her hair.

  "Rona, Child… welcome home."

  "Thank you, Master."

  He turned to Blaylock.

  "Well, done, Thomas… seeing as how you behaved so… well… I'm inclined to give you access to any of the young women here, all but our new three young ladies of course."

  "Of course…"

  "Patience, Thomas, patience. But in the meantime, I'm sure you can find at least one that would be a suitable conquest."

  Blaylock looked at the dark faceless being before him and smiled then glanced at Anne. The Shape didn't flinch, as Blaylock knew she was off limits, so he shrugged.

  "I'll go with what I know."

  The Shape laughed and watched as Blaylock grabbed Rona and slung her over his shoulder. She shrugged and smiled.

  "I can walk, Tommy."

  "For now…"

  She giggled as they entered the castle. The Shape turned.


  Blaylock turned around.

  "She'll be here in a few hours… make sure you don't lose track of time."

  "Yeah, sure."

  Blaylock smiled and entered the castle. Brollen watched and then frowned as he handed the Shape the bag.

  "Oh, Gary. What is this?"

  "It's what Tommy told me to get. I found one and used it to lure a bigger one out. I did that one."

  Brollen reached into the bag and pulled out the head of Ferage. The Shape burst into maniacal laughter and grabbed the head. He held it aloft and then threw it into the air, but it didn't fall, it hung there. Then the Shape moved his hands and the unicorn's head floated along an invisible line and rested on the archway, above the decomposing body of Monsignor Klaus.

  "Excellent job, Gary. The leader, well done!"

  Gary started to smile.

  "I filled every jar and capped it tight like you showed me."

  The Shape again reached into the bag and pulled out a glass jar. The silvery liquid was moving with the strands of blue and red. A glint came from the black void that should have been a face.

  "Every jar?"

  "Every jar."

  Anne let go of Albie, but held his hand as she moved towards the Shape.

  "Oh, Master, you'll have everything you'll need."

  The Shape put the jar back in the bag and turned to Brollen.

  "Any one of the concubines you want, Gary."

  Gary suddenly looked like a child on Christmas Day, ready to open a present.

  "Whichever one I want?"

  The Shape nodded as Anne turned away and looked at her son. She forced a smile.

  "Can I… can I…?"


  "Can I hit her?"

  The Shape smiled and nodded.

  "Of course, but try not to beat her too badly. They take so long to heal."

  Gary nodded.

  "Then I choose… the little blond with the butterfly on her neck."

  The Shape clapped his hands together and several beautiful women appeared and stood silently. As Brollen approached they became visibly afraid, until he put his hand on the petite blond with waist length hair.

  She let her eyes roll back and she softly cried as he dragged her back into the castle. The Shape dismissed the other women and picked up the bag.

  "My Lord?"

  He stopped and turned to Anne.

  "Yes, My Dear?"

  "My Lord, this is my son, Albie."

  Albie stuck out his hand and the Shape looked at it and sighed.

  "I suppose this is your home now, Mr. Merganser. Your mother will show you to your room and tomorrow I'm sure she will explain protocol here… won't you, My Dear?"

  Anne nodded nervo
usly as she gently forced Albie's hand down.

  "And Anne?"

  "Yes, My Lord?"

  "Once you have shown Albion his quarters, come to my room. I must speak with you on urgent business."

  Anne nodded and kneeled, pulling Albie with her. The Shape carried the large bag close to his body as he re-entered the castle.

  Anne Merganser smiled and took Albie's hand.

  "You must be tired, Darling. Come on, I'll show you your room."

  They entered the castle door, which closed slowly behind them.


  "He said he's fine, but I can feel it, Sean. He's not fine at all."

  Sean stood in front of the Fail gates with his arms folded in front of him and several of his soldiers behind him.

  "I'm sorry, Sara, the answer is still no. You're not going out there."

  "Then you go out there… please, Sean."

  Sean looked at her, those soft blue eyes imploring him to go for her. He took a deep breath and lifted his arms.

  "Ok, I'll go. Leforge, go get my horse. So, where are they coming from?"

  Sara smiled as Kaley came up behind her.

  "I think they're close to the old zoo."

  "What's going on?"

  Sean pointed to two of his soldiers and motioned for them to also get their horses. They ran off as he turned back around.

  "Well, your sister informs me that Mr. Forrester and several others are on their way back due to injuries and need our help. She wanted to go, but she's not allowed, so I'm going."

  Jeb and Henry Forrester also walked up with their horses.

  "We're coming, too."

  Sean smiled and nodded.

  "Glad to have you."

  "You aren't leaving without me, are you, Gentlemen?"

  Beverly rode up to the group on horseback, the staff by her side.

  "Well, if they’re injured like Sara thinks, then they’ll need attention, so no, we are not leaving without you."

  Sara's smile faded as she walked over to Beverly. Beverly looked down at her and Sara saw the woman she had known for most of her life; that loving, good-natured soul she had always trusted. She laid her hand on Beverly's leg.

  "Fix him up good, Bev."

  "Will do, Sweetie… I'll fix up both of 'em."

  Kaley stepped forward.

  "Who else is hurt, Bev?"

  Beverly looked over at Kaley as the two soldiers came towards the gate, leading Sean's horse. Sean nodded and the gate began to open. He mounted his horse and they filed out of the village.

  Kaley ran forward and yelled.

  "Who else, Bev?"

  Beverly stopped her horse and turned.

  "He'll be fine, Sugar. I'll make sure of it."

  Kaley looked after them and turned around. Sara was standing in front of her.

  "They'll be ok, Kaley… "

  Kaley bit the inside of her lip as she fought back the initial tears of worry and then grabbed Sara's hand.

  The soldiers ushered them back into the village and the gate closed as the party left to search for Scott and Ian.


  Rona sat quietly at the end of the bed with a sheet wrapped around her. She smiled as she watched Blaylock. He was staring at the ceiling, his arm behind his head. He had a small smile on his face.

  "Thinking about what you'd like to do to Coeli Stark?"

  Blaylock grinned and looked down at Rona.

  "You know me too well, Ro."

  "It's not hard to figure you out, Tommy. Umm, can I ask you something else?"

  He raised his eyebrows.

  "You can ask me whatever you want."

  "What it is with you and Gary?"

  Blaylock sat up and shook his head.

  "Not sure what you mean."

  Rona shrugged and played with her fingernails.

  "I don't get it. It's not like you need him. He just follows you around like a puppy, waiting for orders. Waiting for your scraps."

  Blaylock smiled and cocked his head. Rona felt cold for moment as his icy eyes stared through her.

  "Exactly. He does whatever I tell him. If I told him to suck my cock, I'm sure he would. That's what subordinates do…"

  Blaylock dropped his legs over the edge of the bed. Rona watched in awe as he stood up and stretched; every muscle in his body rippling and bulging. Then he walked past her. She looked down and then felt his hands around her throat, squeezing.

  The air she drew in was thin and she remained perfectly still. Blaylock's hands increased the pressure and then relaxed and moved down her chest under the sheet. Rona drew sharp breaths as he squeezed her breast hard. She felt her skin tingle under his touch. She felt his breath against her ear.

  "The real reason it's me and Gary… it's more fun to share it all with someone else… someone who gets it. Like you, Baby… you get it."

  Rona nodded. She remembered the day they had come across Paul, Frank and Colleen. She had held down Colleen as Blaylock and Brollen and their men took turns. She had also ended Frank Stark's life after torturing him. She had loved it, every second.

  Suddenly, Blaylock removed his hands and walked to the window. She looked over, disappointed that he hadn’t continued.

  "What was that thing with Lantry back at the Fail?" she asked.

  Blaylock stopped smiling and glared at her.

  "What thing?"

  "You were scared… maybe only for a second, but there was something about him that scared you… what?"

  Blaylock looked back out the window and ran his hand over the top of his head, pushing back the black mane of hair from his face.

  "The first woman I ever killed was this lawyer bitch. I don't know why I picked her. She was older than I like ‘em… twenty-five maybe, anyway, I followed her. I studied her and one day when she was leaving work, I took her. Made her drive out to a secluded area."

  Blaylock got up and walked over to his Sporran and found several frayed blond hairs tied to the very edge of the ring.

  "I did her over and over. She was a fighter and taking her life was everything I thought it would be."

  Rona shrugged.

  "Ok, great, but what does that have to do with Lantry?"

  Obviously irritated, Blaylock smiled through gritted teeth.

  "I'm getting to that, Precious, so could you shut the fuck up? Thanks. So before they find her body, the family is all over the TV. Her name was Grace… Grace Lantry, my first."

  Rona's eyes grew wide.

  "You did Sean Lantry's sister? That's awesome! But why were you afraid? He didn't know it was you."

  "I went to the funeral. Saw them all sitting there, boo hooing and all that… anyway, there was this minute where he looked up and turned around. He stared right at me, like he knew it was me, but he eventually turned back around and that was that. It was like reliving that moment when he came charging at me. First thing I thought about was, 'Oh, Christ! The cops'll be here any minute’, then of course I remembered… oh, by the way, thanks for saving my ass out there."

  Rona shrugged.


  "Hey, Ro?"


  "Can you still walk?"

  She smiled and nodded.

  "Well, let's see if we can't fix that in the thirty minutes I've got left."

  He grabbed her arm and wrenched it towards him and spun her around. She smiled as she felt every inch of him in her and around her. He wasn't hard to figure out, not hard to figure out at all.


  "What do you want with us?"

  The Shape moved silently between the two girls. They were each strapped securely in a chair and they each had a needle and tubing siphoning their blood.

  "Well, I thought that was obvious, My Dear… I need your blood."

  Chelsea shook her head.


  The Shape folded his arms in front of him and stared down at her. Her heart began to beat wildly, but she stared back at him.

  "A virgin's blood is ve
ry powerful. I need it."

  Hannah and Chelsea looked at each other.

  "How did you know…?"

  A grin came from under the hood. Hannah felt herself shrink back into her chair. The Shape moved forward and began to remove the needle from Chelsea's arm.

  "It doesn't matter. I'll be taking your blood whenever I need it, Ladies. So, please make sure to drink all of your juice and eat those oranges."

  He finished removing the needle from Hannah and two Horde guards entered the room. He waved his hand and they moved forward and untied the girls, then escorted them out of the room.

  The Shape took the blood over to the altar and set it down next to the jars of Ferage's blood. Then he reached into a cupboard and brought out a small wooden box and lightly ran his fingers over the lid.

  "You tried to hide it from me, but I found it. You weren't as clever as you thought, Beloved."

  The Shape placed the box on the table and opened the lid. A bright golden light came from within. He took the girls’ blood and dropped some in the box while chanting in an ancient language. Then he took the unicorn blood and dropped that into the box. As it fell in the box, black smoke ascended from the container. Then he took several herbs and dropped those in the box, as well. Finally, he picked up a vial of oil which he poured in and then lifted his hands. The black smoke turned red and was sucked back into the box. The Shape lowered his hands and smiled, that dark faceless smile, as he gazed into the box.

  "Everything you wanted to deny me… everything I deserve, it will be mine."

  The Shape laughed and closed the lid of the box as he carefully tucked it away on a shelf. Then he turned, walked to the door of his altar room and opened it. Anne was waiting for him in his bedroom. She lifted her head and smiled. He closed the door behind him and as he walked towards her, his lust rising.

  "Perfect timing, My Dear."

  He watched her as she slowly slid her dress from her shoulders and it dropped to the floor. He closed the door.

  The young guard outside the Master's room shifted and stretched out his pants. He had another two hours on his shift and the sight of Anne Merganser's naked body made him feel it. He sighed as he heard them and laid his head back against the wall.


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